Korea Latin America Malaysia
Mexico Philippines Poland
Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia
Singapore Spain Taiwan
Thailand USA Venezuela
If you are unsure which kind of telephone system you have (serial or parallel), check with
your telephone company.
Choose the correct fax setup for your home or office
To fax successfully, you need to know what types of equipment and services (if any) share
the same phone line with the HP All-in-One. This is important because you might need
to connect some of your existing office equipment directly to the HP All-in-One, and you
might also need to change some fax settings before you can fax successfully.
To determine the best way to set up the HP All-in-One in your home or office, first read
through the questions in this section and record your answers. Next, refer to the table in
the following section and choose the recommended setup case based on your answers.
Make sure to read and answer the following questions in the order they are presented.
1. Do you have a digital subscriber line (DSL) service through your telephone company?
(DSL might be called ADSL in your country/region.)
Yes, I have DSL.
If you answered Yes, proceed directly to “
Case B: Set up the HP All-in-One with
DSL” on page 11. You do not need to continue answering questions.
If you answered No, please continue answering questions.
2. Do you have a private branch exchange (PBX) phone system or an integrated
services digital network (ISDN) system?
If you answered Yes, proceed directly to “
Case C: Set up the HP All-in-One with a
PBX phone system or an ISDN line” on page 12. You do not need to continue
answering questions.
If you answered No, please continue answering questions.
3. Do you subscribe to a distinctive ring service through your telephone company that
provides multiple phone numbers with different ring patterns?
Yes, I have distinctive ring.
If you answered Yes, proceed directly to “
Case D: Fax with a distinctive ring service
on the same line” on page 13. You do not need to continue answering questions.
If you answered No, please continue answering questions.
Are you unsure if you have distinctive ring? Many phone companies offer a distinctive
ring feature that allows you to have several phone numbers on one phone line.
When you subscribe to this service, each phone number will have a different ring
pattern. For example, you can have single, double, and triple rings for the different
numbers. You might assign one phone number with a single ring to your voice calls,
Countries/regions with a parallel-type phone system (continued)
Set up the HP All-in-One for faxing 7