Warnings and Precautions (Continued)
• TheATECTriMarkprocedureshouldbeperformedonlybyphysicianshavingadequatetrainingand
familiarity with this procedure. Consult medical literature relative to techniques, complications, and
hazards prior to performance of any minimally invasive procedure.
• Thisdeviceshouldbeusedonlybyphysicianstrainedinopenorpercutaneousbiopsyprocedures.
• Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
• TheATECTriMarkbiopsysitemarkershouldbedeployedintothecavitycreatedduringthebiopsy
procedure. Deployment into tissue outside of the biopsy cavity is not recommended.
• Ifthedeploymentdeviceisdifculttoinsertorremovefromthebiopsydevicedonotapplyexcessive
force. Excessive force may cause damage or breakage of the deployment device which may result in
a portion of the deployment device being left behind in the patient. If the deployment device cannot
be easily removed from the biopsy device, remove the deployment device and the biopsy device as
one unit.
• Markerpositionrelativetoestablishedlandmarksmaychangeundermammographyuponsubsequent
breast compressions.
• TheATECTriMarkbiopsysitemarkerisnotintendedtoberepositionedorrecapturedafter
• Excesshematomawithinthebiopsycavitycanleadtomarkeradhesiontothedeploymentdevice,
increasing the risk of marker drag out.
• Careshouldbetakentoavoiddamagingthecannula.Avoidoperatororinstrumentcontactwiththe
ATEC TriMark biopsy site marker or the distal end of the depployment device.
• TheimplantedATECTriMarkbiopsysitemarkerismagneticresonanceimaging(MRI)conditional.The
implanted ATEC TriMark biopsy site marker presents no additional risk to patient or operator from
magnetic forces, torque, heating, induced voltages, or movement, but it may affect MRI image
• Minimallyinvasiveinstrumentsandaccessoriesmanufacturedordistributedbycompaniesnot
authorized by Hologic, Inc., may not be compatible with the ATEC TriMark biopsy site marker system.
Use of such products may lead to unanticipated results and possible injury to the user or patient.
• Instrumentsordeviceswhichcomeintocontactwithbodilyuidsmayrequirespecialdisposal
handling to prevent biological contamination.
• Followingtheinsertionofthemarkerdeploymentdevice,theconsoleshouldNOTbeputintothe
“Biopsy” mode.
• Disposeofallopenedinstrumentswhetherusedorunused.
• Donotresterilizeand/orreusetheATECTriMarkbiopsysitemarkersystem.Resterilizationand/or
reuse may compromise the integrity of the instrument. This may lead to potential risks of failure of
the device to perform as intended, and/or cross-contamination associated with using inadequately
cleaned and sterilized devices.