Qazqa Liv Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant. J'ai examiné le manuel d'utilisation de la lampe de plafond Liv CL Black LED 40 cm. Ce document fournit des informations sur l'installation, l'entretien, les spécifications techniques, et les caractéristiques principales telles que les modules LED, la température de couleur de 4000K et la nécessité d'une mise à la terre pour la protection de classe I. Je suis prêt à répondre à toutes vos questions concernant ce produit.
  • Quelle est la température de couleur de cette lampe ?
    La source lumineuse de cette lampe est-elle remplaçable ?
    Quelle est la puissance totale de cette lampe ?
Liv CL Black LED 40 cm
Overall Sizes:
Ceiling Lamp
incl.LED QL7001138
2x1600lm Module
2300lm Lamp
2x12.6W LED Module
28W Lamp
15000 ON/OFF
(DE) Dieses Produkt enthält eine Lichtquelle der Energieeffizienzklasse E
(EN) This product contains a light source of energy efficiency class E
(FR) Ce produit comprend une source de lumière de classe d’efficience énergétique E
(NL) Dit product bevat een lichtbron van energie-efficiëntieklasse E
(PL) Produkt ten zawiera źródło światła o klasie efektywności energetycznej E
(NO) Dette produktet inneholder en lyskilde i energieffektivitetsklasse E
(DK) Dette produkt indeholder en lyskilde af energieffektklasse E
(SE) Denna produkt innehåller en ljuskälla i energieffektivitetsklass E
(FI) Tämä tuote sisältää energiatehokkuusluokan E valonlähteen
(IT) Questo prodotto contiene una sorgente luminosa della classe di efficienza energetica E
(ES) Este producto contiene una fuente de luz de la clase de eficiencia energética E
(CZ) Tento výrobek obsahuje světelný zdroj třídy energetické účinnosti E
(PT) Este produto contém uma fonte de luz da classe de eficiência energética E
(GR) Αυτό το προϊόν περιέχει μια φωτεινή πηγή ενεργειακής απόδοσης κλάσης E
(SK) Tento výrobok obsahuje zdroj svetla triedy energetickej efektivity E
(DE) Durch einen Fachmann austauschbare Lichtquelle (nur LED)
(EN) Replaceable (LED only) light source by a professional.
(FR) Source de lumière remplaçable (LED uniquement) par un professionnel.
(NL) Lichtbron (alleen led) te vervangen door een professional.
(PL) Wymienne (tylko LED) źródło światła wykonane przez profesjonalistę.
(NO) Utskiftbar (kun LED) lyskilde av en profesjonell.
(DK) Udskiftelig lyskilde (kun LED), udskiftes af en elektriker.
(SE) Ljuskälla (endast LED) utbytbar genom fackman.
(FI) Ammattilainen voi vaihtaa vaihdettavan (vain LED) valonlähteen.
(IT) Sorgente luminosa (solo LED) sostituibile da un professionista.I
(ES) Fuente de luz (solo LED) sustituible por un profesional.
(CZ) Vyměnitelný (pouze LED) světelný zdroj odborníkem.
(PT) Luz LED (apenas LED) substituível por um profissional.
(GR) Η πηγή φωτός (μόνο LED) να αντικαθίσταται από επαγγελματία.
(SK) Zdroj svetla (iba LED) vymeniteľný prostredníctvom odborníka.
(DE) Durch einen Fachmann austauschbares Betriebsgerät.
(EN) Replaceable control gear by a professional.
(FR) Contrôleur remplaçable par un professionnel.
(NL) Voorschakelapparatuur te vervangen door een professional.
(PL) Wymienny układ sterujący przez profesjonalistę.
(NO) Utskiftbar kontrollutstyr av en profesjonell.
(DK) Udskiftelig igangsætter, udskiftes af en elektriker.
(SE) Styrdon utbytbart genom fackman.
(FI) Ammattilainen voi vaihtaa vaihdettavat ohjauslaitteet.
(IT) Dispositivo di controllo sostituibile da un professionista.
(ES) Dispositivo de control sustituible por un profesional.
(CZ) Vyměnitelný předřadník odborníkem.
(PT) Dispositivo de controlo substituível por um profissional.
(GR) Ο εξοπλισμός ελέγχου να αντικαθίσταται από επαγγελματία.
(SK) Predradník vymeniteľný prostredníctvom odborníka.
2x12.6W LED
incl.LED Board:QL7001138
FittinQ B.V.
Smaragdweg 52, 5527 LB Hapert, The Netherlands
Please study the instruction manual and below information carefully before installing or using this product.
Please keep this user manual for further reference
1. The luminaires may only be installed by authorized and qualified technicians according the valid
regulations for electrical installation.
2.Maintenance of the luminaires is limited to their surfaces. During maintenance no moisture can come
into contact with any areas of the terminal connections or voltage control par ts.
3.The electrical supply must be switched off at the outset, preferably by means of a switch in the distribution
box, before any installation, maintenance or repair work is undertaken.
4. Exterior lighting must not be installed during rain.
5. Take account of the minimal separation distance from other objects and the room required around the fitting.
6. If in any doubt, consult a professional, taking local installation requirements into account. Some countries
stipulate that lighting may be installed only by registered installers.
7. Clamping screws in electrical connections must be adequately tightened. This is particularly the case with 12V
low voltage conductors.
8. Clean with a clean, dry cloth or brush, use no solvents or abrasives. Avoid dampness on all electrical
9. Take account of all available technical information.
10.Meaning of symbols:
Light Angle
For indoor use only, where direct contact with water is impossible
Protection Class I: the fitting must be earthed
Protection Class II: the fitting is doubled insulated and does not require earthing
Protection Class III: the fitting is low voltage
Minimum distance from lighted objects (meters)
The type of lamp and maximum size and wattage indicated in each lighting unit must not
be exceed; different items require different kind of light sources with different bulb icons
The armature is designed to work only with the indicated voltage. Different items require
different working voltage.
The luminaire can be used in combination with a dimmer
The reference light angle and light space of the luminaire
This luminaire cannot be disposed together with normal domestic waste in standard rubbish
can, but you have to bring it to a staging area for electrical waste
This icon indicates the level of water-proof and dust-proof
11.Take note of the symbols when connecting wires: