Apple A2355 Manuel utilisateur

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Before using AppleWatch, review the AppleWatch
UserGuide at
You can also use AppleBooks to download the guide
(where available). Retain documentation for future reference.
Safety and Handling
See “Safety and handling” in the AppleWatch User Guide.
AppleWatch, its operating systems, and the health sensors
are not medical devices.
Exposure to Radio Frequency
For radio frequency exposure information for AppleWatch,
open the AppleWatch app on iPhone and tap MyWatch,
then go to General> About> Legal> RFExposure. Or go to
Battery and Charging
The lithium-ion battery in AppleWatch should be serviced or
recycled by Apple or an authorized service provider. You may
receive a replacement AppleWatch when ordering battery
service. Batteries must be recycled or disposed of separately
from household waste. For information about battery
service and recycling, go to
service-and-recycling. For information about charging,
see “Important safety information” in the AppleWatch
User Guide.
Medical Device Interference
Apple Watch, some of the bands, the AppleWatch
Magnetic Charging Cable, and the AppleWatch Magnetic
Charging Dock contain magnets that may interfere with
medical devices. See “Important safety information” in the
AppleWatch User Guide.
Avoiding Hearing Damage
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high
volume levels for long periods. More information about
sound and hearing is available online at
and in “Important safety information” in the AppleWatch
User Guide.
Apple One-Year Limited Warranty Summary
Apple warrants the included hardware product and
accessories against defects in materials and workmanship
for one year from the date of original retail purchase.
Apple does not warrant against normal wear and tear, nor
damage caused by accident or abuse. To obtain service,
call Apple or visit an Apple Store or an Apple Authorized
Service Provider—available service options are dependent
on the country in which service is requested and may be
restricted to the original country of sale. Call charges and
international shipping charges may apply, depending on the
location. Subject to the full terms and detailed information on
obtaining service available at
and, if you submit a valid claim
under this warranty, Apple will either repair, replace, or refund
your AppleWatch at its own discretion. Warranty benefits are
in addition to rights provided under local consumer laws. You
may be required to furnish proof of purchase details when
making a claim under this warranty.
For Australian Consumers: Our goods come with guarantees
that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.
You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure
and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable
loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods
repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable
quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Apple Pty Ltd, PO Box A2629, Sydney South, NSW 1235.
Tel: 133-622.
Regulatory certification information is available on-device.
Go to Settings > General > Regulatory. Additional regulatory
information is in “Safety and handling” in the AppleWatch
FCC and ISED Canada Compliance for AppleWatch
and AppleWatch Magnetic Charging Cable
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and ISED
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
EU Compliance
Apple Inc. hereby declares that this wireless device is in
compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
A copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available
at The CE marking on
AppleWatch is located in the band attachment slot. Apple’s
EU representative is Apple Distribution International Ltd.,
Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Cork, Ireland.
European Union—Disposal Information
The symbol above means that according to local laws and
regulations your product and/or its battery shall be disposed
of separately from household waste. When this product
reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated
by local authorities. The separate collection and recycling
of your product and/or its battery at the time of disposal will
help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled
in a manner that protects human health and the environment.
Avant d’utiliser l’AppleWatch, veuillez lire le Guide de
l’utilisateur de l’AppleWatch sur
guide/watch. Vous pouvez également utiliser AppleBooks
pour télécharger le guide (lorsque disponible). Conservez
cette documentation pour toute référence ultérieure.
Sécurité et manipulation
Reportez-vous à la section «Sécurité et manipulation» du
Guide de l’utilisateur de l’AppleWatch. LAppleWatch, ses
systèmes d’exploitation et les capteurs de santé ne sont pas
des appareils médicaux.
Exposition aux radiofréquences
Pour vous renseigner sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences
émises par l’AppleWatch, ouvrez l’app Watch sur l’iPhone et
touchez Mamontre, puis accédez à Général> Informations>
Mentions légales> Exposition aux RF. Vous pouvez aussi
vous rendre sur
Batterie et chargement
La maintenance ou le recyclage de la batterie lithium-ion de
l’AppleWatch doit être effectué par Apple ou un centre de
services agréé. Si vous faites appel à un service d’assistance
pour la batterie, il se peut que votre AppleWatch soit remplacée.
Les batteries doivent être recyclées ou mises au rebut
séparément des ordures ménagères. Pour plus d’informations
sur l’entretien et le recyclage des batteries, consultez la page Pour plus
d’informations sur le chargement, reportez-vous à la section
«Renseignements importants concernant la sécurité»
du Guide de l’utilisateur de l’AppleWatch.
Interférences avec les appareils médicaux
LAppleWatch, certains bracelets, le câble de recharge
magnétique de l’AppleWatch et le socle de chargement
magnétique pour AppleWatch contiennent des aimants
susceptibles d’interférer avec les appareils médicaux.
Reportez-vous à la section «Renseignements importants
concernant la sécurité» du Guide de l’utilisateur de
Prévention des pertes d’audition
Pour éviter les pertes d’audition, n’utilisez pas un volume
élevé pendant des périodes prolongées. Vous trouverez des
informations plus détaillées sur le son et l’audition sur la page et dans la section «Renseignements
importants concernant la sécurité» du Guide de l’utilisateur
de l’AppleWatch.
Résumé de la garantie limitée d’un an Apple
Apple garantit le présent produit matériel et ses accessoires
contre les défauts matériels et de main-d’œuvre pendant une
année à compter de la date d’achat initial. Apple ne garantit
pas ce produit contre l’usure normale, ni les dommages
causés accidentellement ou à la suite d’une mauvaise
utilisation. Pour faire réparer votre appareil, appelez Apple
ou rendez-vous dans un AppleStore ou dans un centre de
services agréé Apple (les options de réparation disponibles
peuvent varier en fonction des pays et la réparation peut se
limiter au pays d’achat de l’appareil). Des frais téléphoniques
et des frais de transport international peuvent s’appliquer
selon la région. Si vous soumettez une réclamation valide
dans le cadre de cette garantie, Apple s’engage à réparer,
à remplacer ou à rembourser votre AppleWatch à sa seule
discrétion, conformément aux modalités complètes et aux
conditions de réparation disponibles sur les sites suivants: et
Les termes de la garantie s’ajoutent aux droits des
consommateurs accordés par les lois locales. Il vous
sera peut-être demandé de présenter une preuve d’achat
au moment de soumettre une réclamation pendant la
période de validité de cette garantie.
Pour les clients australiens: Les garanties de nos produits
ne peuvent pas être exclues en vertu du droit de la
consommation australien. Vous êtes en droit de demander
le remplacement ou le remboursement de votre appareil en
cas de défaillance majeure ainsi qu’un dédommagement
pour toute perte ou dommage raisonnablement prévisible.
Vous êtes également en droit d’obtenir la réparation ou le
remplacement de vos appareils si la qualité de ceux-ci n’est
pas acceptable sans qu’ils aient fait l’objet d’une défaillance
majeure. Apple Pty Ltd, PO Box A2629, Sydney South,
NSW 1235. Tél.: 133-622.
Les informations de certificationglementaire sont disponibles
sur l’appareil. Accédez à Réglages> Général> Réglementation.
Pour en savoir plus sur la réglementation, consultez la section
«Sécurité et manipulation» du Guide de l’utilisateur de
Conformité à la FCC et à ISDE Canada pour l’AppleWatch
et le câble de recharge magnétique de l’AppleWatch
Cet appareil est conforme à la partie15 des règles de la FCC
et aux CNR d’ISDE Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux
conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer
d’interférences préjudiciables, et (2) il doit accepter toute
interférence reçue, y compris celles susceptibles d’entraîner
un fonctionnement non souhaité.
Déclaration de conformité pour l’UE
Apple Inc. déclare que l’appareil sans fil est conforme à la
directive 2014/53/EU.
Une copie de la Déclaration de conformité pour l’UE est
disponible à l’adresse Le
marquage CE de l’AppleWatch se trouve dans la fente de
fixation du bracelet. Le représentant d’Apple dans l’UE est
Apple Distribution International, Hollyhill Industrial Estate,
Cork, Irlande.
Union européenne: informations sur l’élimination
Le symbole ci-dessus signifie que, conformément aux lois et
aux réglementations locales, vous devez jeter votre produit
ou sa batterie séparément des ordures ménagères. Lorsque
ce produit arrive en fin de vie, apportez-le à un point de
collecte désigné par les autorités locales. La collecte séparée
et le recyclage de votre produit ou de sa batterie lors de sa
mise au rebut aident à préserver les ressources naturelles et
à s’assurer qu’il est recyclé de manière à protéger la santé
humaine et l’environnement.
© 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo,
AppleWatch, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries. AppleBooks is
a trademark of Apple Inc. Apple Store is a service mark of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Printed in XXXX. VC034-03899-A
Open your band box.
Follow the steps to
attach your band to
your Apple Watch.
Put on your Apple Watch.
Press and hold the side
button to turn it on.
Open the Apple Watch
app on your iPhone to
set up your device.
To charge, magnetically
attach the charger to
the back of the case.
*Requires an iPhone connection to cellular service or a Wi-Fi network with calling enabled. For support, visit © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in XXXX. 034-04201-A
Important safety information for Apple Watch
WARNING: Failure to follow these safety instructions could result in fire, electric
shock, injury, or damage to Apple Watch or other property. Read all the safety information
below before using Apple Watch.
Handling Handle Apple Watch with care. Apple Watch cases are made of various
materials that include the following:
Aluminum Apple Watch case—7000 series aluminum, Ion-X glass (strengthened
glass), composite back (plastic)
Stainless Steel Apple Watch case—Stainless steel, sapphire crystal, ceramic back
Titanium Apple Watch case—Titanium, sapphire crystal, ceramic back
Ceramic Apple Watch case—Ceramic, sapphire crystal, ceramic back
Apple Watch contains sensitive electronic components and can be damaged if dropped,
burned, punctured, or crushed. Apple Watch cases made of ceramic may chip or crack if
dropped or subjected to forceful impact. Don’t use a damaged Apple Watch, such as one
with a cracked screen or case, visible liquid intrusion, or a damaged band, as it may
cause injury. Avoid heavy exposure to dust or sand.
Repairing Don’t open Apple Watch and don’t attempt to repair Apple Watch yourself.
Disassembling Apple Watch may damage it, result in loss of water resistance, and may
cause injury to you. If Apple Watch is damaged or malfunctions, contact Apple or an
Apple Authorized Service Provider. You can find more information about getting service
at .
Battery Don’t attempt to replace the Apple Watch battery yourself—you may damage the
battery, which could cause overheating and injury. The lithium-ion battery in Apple Watch
should be serviced only by Apple or an authorized service provider. You may receive a
replacement Apple Watch (in place of your original device) when ordering battery
service. Batteries must be recycled or disposed of separately from household waste.
Don’t incinerate the battery. For information about battery service and recycling, see
Distraction Using Apple Watch in some circumstances can distract you and may cause a
dangerous situation (for example, avoid reading a text message while driving a car).
Observe rules that prohibit or restrict the use of mobile devices.
Safety and handling
Navigation Maps, directions, and location-based apps depend on data services. These
data services are subject to change and may not be available in all areas, resulting in
maps, directions, or location-based information that may be unavailable, inaccurate, or
incomplete. Some Maps features require Location Services. Compare the information
provided on Apple Watch to your surroundings and defer to posted signs to resolve any
discrepancies. Do not use these services while performing activities that require your full
attention. Always comply with posted signs and the laws and regulations in the areas
where you are using Apple Watch, and always use common sense.
Charging To charge Apple Watch, use the included Apple Watch Magnetic Charging
Cable or Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock (sold separately) and power adapter. You
may also use third-party 5W power adapters featuring an MFi logo. It’s important to keep
Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, the Apple Watch Magnetic
Charging Dock, and the power adapter in a well-ventilated area when charging. Using an
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable or Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock that’s
damaged, using a third-party charging solution that doesn’t feature an MFi logo, or
charging Apple Watch when moisture is present, can cause fire, electric shock, injury, or
damage to Apple Watch or other property.
Prolonged heat exposure Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, the
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock, and the power adapter comply with applicable
surface temperature standards and limits. However, even within these limits, sustained
contact with warm surfaces for long periods of time may cause discomfort or injury.
Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, the Apple Watch Magnetic
Charging Dock, and the power adapter will become warm when plugged in to a power
source. Use of cellular on Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular), Apple Watch Series 4
(GPS + Cellular), or Apple Watch Series 5 (GPS + Cellular) may make the device feel
warm. Use common sense to avoid situations where your skin is in contact with
Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, the Apple Watch Magnetic
Charging Dock, or the power adapter for long periods of time when they’re plugged in.
For example, while Apple Watch is charging or while the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging
Cable, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock, or the power adapter are plugged in to
a power source, don’t sleep on them or place them under a blanket, pillow, or your body.
Take special care if you have a physical condition that affects your ability to detect heat
against the body. Remove Apple Watch if it becomes uncomfortably warm.
Hearing loss Listening to sound at high volumes may damage your hearing. Background
noise, as well as continued exposure to high volume levels, can make sounds seem
quieter than they actually are. Turn on audio playback and check the volume before
inserting a Bluetooth connected headset in your ear. For more information about hearing
loss, go to the .
WARNING: To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for
long periods.
Sound and Hearing website
Radio frequency exposure Apple Watch uses radio signals to connect to wireless
networks. For information about radio frequency (RF) energy resulting from radio signals
and steps you can take to minimize exposure, open the Apple Watch app on iPhone, tap
My Watch, then tap General > About > Legal > RF Exposure or visit
Radio frequency interference Observe signs and notices that prohibit or restrict the use
of electronic devices. Although Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable,
and the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock are designed, tested, and manufactured to
comply with regulations governing radio frequency emissions, such emissions from
Apple Watch, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, and the Apple Watch Magnetic
Charging Dock can negatively affect the operation of other electronic equipment, causing
them to malfunction. Unplug the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable and the
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock, and turn off Apple Watch or use airplane mode
when use is prohibited, such as while traveling in aircraft, or when asked to do so by
Medical device interference Apple Watch contains components and radios that emit
electromagnetic fields. Apple Watch, some of the bands, the Apple Watch Magnetic
Charging Cable, and the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock contain magnets. These
electromagnetic fields and magnets may interfere with medical devices, such as
pacemakers and defibrillators. Consult your physician and medical device manufacturer
for information specific to your medical device and whether you need to maintain a safe
distance of separation between your medical device and Apple Watch, its bands, the
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, and the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock.
Stop using Apple Watch, its bands, the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, and the
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock if you suspect they are interfering with your
medical device.
Not a medical device Apple Watch is not a medical device and should not be used as a
substitute for professional medical judgment. It is not designed or intended for use in the
diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or
prevention of any condition or disease. Please consult your healthcare provider prior to
making any decisions related to your health.
Medical conditions Before starting or modifying any exercise program using
Apple Watch, consult your physician. Be careful and attentive while exercising. Stop
exercising immediately if you feel pain, or feel faint, dizzy, exhausted, or short of breath.
By exercising, you assume all associated inherent risks including any injury that may
result from such activity. If you have any medical condition that you believe could be
affected by Apple Watch (for example, seizures, blackouts, eyestrain, or headaches),
consult with your physician prior to using Apple Watch.
Explosive and other atmospheric conditions Charging or using Apple Watch in any
area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, such as areas where the air contains high
levels of flammable chemicals, vapors, or particles (such as grain, dust, or metal
powders), may be hazardous. Exposing Apple Watch to environments having high
concentrations of industrial chemicals, including near evaporating liquified gasses such
as helium, may damage or impair Apple Watch functionality. Obey all signs and
High-consequence activities Apple Watch is not intended for use where the failure of
the device could lead to death, personal injury, or severe environmental damage.
Choking hazard Some Apple Watch bands may present a choking hazard to small
children. Keep these bands away from small children.
Skin sensitivities Some people may experience reactions to certain materials used in
jewelry, watches, and other wearable items that are in prolonged contact with their skin.
This can be due to allergies, environmental factors, extended exposure to irritants like
soap, sweat, or other causes. You may be more likely to experience irritation from any
wearable device if you have allergies or other sensitivities. If you have known skin
sensitivities, please take special care when wearing Apple Watch. You may be more likely
to experience irritation from Apple Watch if you wear it too tightly. Remove Apple Watch
periodically to allow your skin to breathe. Keeping Apple Watch and the band clean and
dry will reduce the possibility of skin irritation. If you experience redness, swelling,
itchiness, or any other irritation or discomfort on your skin around, or beneath, your
Apple Watch, please remove Apple Watch and consult your physician before resuming
wear. Continued use, even after symptoms subside, may result in renewed or increased
Apple Watch models with a stainless steel or aluminum case, the stainless steel portions
of some Apple Watch bands, the metallic portions of Hermès bands, and the magnets in
the watch and bands contain some nickel. Nickel exposure from these materials is
unlikely, but customers with known nickel allergies should be attentive when wearing
them until they can determine they are not experiencing an allergic reaction.
The Apple Watch case and the Apple Watch bands contain trace amounts of acrylates
and methacrylates. Acrylates and methacrylates are found in many consumer products
that come in contact with the skin, such as adhesive bandages. Some people may be
sensitive to them, or may develop sensitivities over time. Apple Watch and its bands are
designed so that parts containing acrylates and methacrylates are not in direct contact
with your skin.
The materials used in Apple Watch and the Apple Watch bands meet the standards set
for jewelry by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, applicable European
regulations, and other international standards.
Important handling information for Apple Watch
Exposure to liquid Apple Watch is water resistant but not waterproof. You may, for
example, wear and use Apple Watch during exercise (exposure to sweat is OK), in the
rain, and while washing your hands. If water splashes onto the watch, wipe it off with a
nonabrasive, lint-free cloth. Try to minimize exposing Apple Watch to perfume, soap,
solvents, detergent, acids or acidic foods, soapy water, insect repellent, lotions,
sunscreen, oil, or hair dye. Follow the instructions below in the “Cleaning and care”
section if Apple Watch comes into contact with them.
Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch (1st generation) have a water resistance rating of
IPX7 under IEC standard 60529. Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch (1st generation)
are splash and water resistant, but submerging Apple Watch Series 1 and Apple Watch
(1st generation) is not recommended.
Apple Watch Series 2, Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, and Apple Watch
Series 5 have a water resistance rating of 50 meters under ISO standard 22810:2010.
This means that they may be used for shallow water activities like swimming in a pool or
ocean. However, Apple Watch Series 2, Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4, and
Apple Watch Series 5 should not be used for scuba diving, water skiing, or other
activities involving high velocity water or submersion below shallow depth.
Water resistance is not a permanent condition and may diminish over time. Apple Watch
cannot be rechecked or resealed for water resistance. The following may affect the water
resistance of Apple Watch in particular and should be avoided:
Dropping Apple Watch or subjecting it to other impacts.
Exposing Apple Watch to soap or soapy water, for example while showering or
Exposing Apple Watch to perfume, solvents, detergent, acids or acidic foods, insect
repellent, lotions, sunscreen, oil, or hair dye.
Exposing Apple Watch to high velocity water, for example while water skiing.
Wearing Apple Watch in the sauna or steam room.
Not all bands are appropriate for water use. For example, the stainless steel and leather
bands are not water resistant and should not be exposed to liquids.
Cleaning and care Keep Apple Watch clean and dry. Clean and dry Apple Watch, the
band, and your skin after workouts or heavy sweating. Dry Apple Watch and the band
thoroughly if they are exposed to fresh water. Clean Apple Watch if it comes in contact
with anything that may cause stains or other damage, such as dirt or sand, makeup, ink,
soap, detergent, acids or acidic foods, or comes in contact with liquids other than fresh
water, including those that may lead to skin irritation such as sweat, salt water, soapy
water, pool water, perfume, insect repellent, lotions, sunscreen, oil, adhesive remover,
hair dye, or solvents. The Apple Watch and band colors may vary or fade over time.
After swimming with Apple Watch Series 2, Apple Watch Series 3, Apple Watch Series 4,
or Apple Watch Series 5, gently rinse it with warm tap water.
How to clean Apple Watch:
Turn off Apple Watch. Press and hold the side button, then drag the Power Off slider
to the right.
Depress the band release buttons and remove the band. See
Wipe Apple Watch clean with a nonabrasive, lint-free cloth. If necessary, you can also
lightly dampen the cloth with fresh water.
Dry Apple Watch with a nonabrasive, lint-free cloth.
To help avoid damaging Apple Watch, observe the following:
Don’t clean Apple Watch while its charging.
Don’t dry Apple Watch or the bands using any external heat source (for example, a
hair dryer).
Don’t use cleaning products, ultrasonic cleaners, or compressed air when cleaning
your Apple Watch.
The front of Apple Watch is made of Ion-X glass (strengthened glass) or sapphire crystal,
each with a fingerprint-resistant oleophobic (oil repellent) coating. This coating wears
over time with normal usage. Cleaning products and abrasive materials will further
diminish the coating, and may scratch the glass or the sapphire crystal.
Using buttons, Digital Crown, connectors, and ports Never apply excessive pressure
to a button or the Digital Crown on Apple Watch, or force a charging connector into a
port, because this may cause damage that is not covered under the warranty. If the
connector and port don’t join with reasonable ease, they probably don’t match. Check for
obstructions and make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have
positioned the connector correctly in relation to the port.
Certain usage patterns can contribute to the fraying or breaking of cables. The cable
attached to a charging unit, like any other metal wire or cable, is subject to becoming
weak or brittle if repeatedly bent in the same spot. Aim for gentle curves instead of
angles in the cable. Regularly inspect the cable and connector for any kinks, breaks,
bends, or other damage. Should you find any such damage, discontinue use of the cable.
Remove, change, and
fasten Apple Watch bands
Magnetic Charging Cable and Magnetic Charging Dock Discoloration of the charging
surface of the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable and the Apple Watch Magnetic
Charging Dock may occur after regular use due to dirt and debris that come in contact
with the magnetic surface. This is normal. Cleaning the magnetic charging surface may
reduce, or prevent, such discoloration, and will help to prevent damage to your charger
and Apple Watch. To clean the charging surface, disconnect the charger from both
Apple Watch and the power adapter and wipe with a damp, nonabrasive cloth. Dry with a
nonabrasive, lint-free cloth before resuming charging. Do not use cleaning products
when cleaning the charging surface.
Operating temperature Apple Watch is designed to work best in ambient temperatures
between 32° and 95° F (0° and 35° C) and be stored in temperatures between -4° and
113° F (-20° and 45° C). Apple Watch can be damaged and battery life shortened if
stored or operated outside of these temperature ranges. Avoid exposing Apple Watch to
dramatic changes in temperature or humidity. If the interior temperature of Apple Watch
exceeds normal operating temperatures (for example, in a hot car or in direct sunlight for
extended periods of time), you may experience the following as it attempts to regulate its
Charging may slow or stop.
The display may dim.
A temperature warning screen may appear.
Some data transfer may be paused or delayed.
Some apps may close.
On Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular), Apple Watch Series 4 (GPS + Cellular), or
Apple Watch Series 5 (GPS + Cellular) you might not have a cellular connection or you
might not be able to make or receive calls. Normal cellular functionality resumes after
Apple Watch cools. However, you can still make emergency calls.
Important: You may not be able to use Apple Watch while the temperature warning
screen is displayed. If Apple Watch can’t regulate its internal temperature, it goes into
Power Reserve or a deep sleep mode until it cools. Move Apple Watch to a cooler location
out of direct sunlight and wait a few minutes before trying to use Apple Watch again. For
more information, see the Apple Support article
Magnets Keep key cards and credit cards away from Apple Watch, the bands, the
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, and the Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock.
Keep Apple Watch within acceptable
operating temperatures
Band care information for Apple Watch
Many third parties make accessory bands for Apple Watch. Such bands may not fit
properly; may interfere with the Apple Watch Wrist Detect feature; may interfere with
Compass on Apple Watch Series 5; may contain materials that cause skin sensitivities or
other health concerns; and may even damage Apple Watch. For best results, use only
Apple branded or Apple authorized bands.
How to clean Apple-branded bands Remove the band from Apple Watch before
cleaning. See .
Note: This cleaning information applies to Apple-branded bands only. For all other bands,
follow the care information provided with the band.
For the leather portions of the bands, wipe them clean with a nonabrasive, lint-free cloth,
lightly dampened with fresh water (if necessary). After cleaning, let the band air dry
thoroughly before re-attaching to Apple Watch. Don’t store leather bands in direct
sunlight, at high temperatures, or in high humidity. Don’t soak leather bands in water.
Leather bands are not water resistant.
For all other bands and clasps, wipe them clean with a nonabrasive, lint-free cloth, lightly
dampened with fresh water (if necessary). Dry the band thoroughly with a nonabrasive,
lint-free cloth before re-attaching to Apple Watch. Stainless steel bands are not water
FCC compliance statement
For Apple Watch, Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, and Apple Watch
Magnetic Charging Dock
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation.
Remove, change, and fasten Apple Watch bands
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Apple could void the
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and wireless compliance and negate your authority
to operate the product.
This product has demonstrated EMC compliance under conditions that included the use
of compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system components. It is
important that you use compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between system
components to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, televisions, and
other electronic devices.
For Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable and Apple Watch Magnetic Charging
The radiated output power of this device meets the limits of FCC/IC radio frequency
exposure limits. This device should be operated with a minimum separation distance of
20 cm (8 inches) between the equipment and a person’s body.
Responsible party (contact for FCC matters only):
Apple Inc.
One Apple Park Way, MS 911-AHW
Cupertino, CA 95014
ISED Canada compliance statement
For Apple Watch, Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable, and Apple Watch
Magnetic Charging Dock
This device complies with ISED Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR dISDE Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. Lexploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)
l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le
For Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable and Apple Watch Magnetic Charging
The radiated output power of this device meets the limits of FCC/IC radio frequency
exposure limits. This device should be operated with a minimum separation distance of
20 cm (8 inches) between the equipment and a person’s body.
La puissance de sortie rayonné de cet appareil est conforme aux limites de la FCC/IC
limites d'exposition aux fréquences radio. Cet appareil doit être utilisé avec une distance
minimale de séparation de 20 cm entre l’appareil et le corps d’une personne.
Disposal and recycling information for Apple Watch
Apple Watch disposal and recycling
Your Apple Watch and/or battery should not be disposed of with household waste.
Dispose of your Apple Watch and/or battery in accordance with local environmental laws
and guidelines. For information about the recycling program at Apple and recycling
collection points, visit . For information about restricted substances
and other environmental initiatives at Apple, visit .
European Union—Disposal Information
The symbol above means that according to local laws and regulations your product
and/or its battery shall be disposed of separately from household waste. When this
product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated by local authorities.
The separate collection and recycling of your product and/or its battery at the time of
disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner
that protects human health and the environment.
Brasil – Informações sobre descarte e reciclagem
O símbolo acima indica que este produto e/ou sua bateria não devem ser descartados no
lixo doméstico. Quando decidir descartar este produto e/ou sua bateria, faça-o de acordo
com as leis e diretrizes ambientais locais. Para informações sobre substâncias de uso
restrito, o programa de reciclagem da Apple, pontos de coleta e telefone de informações,
visite .
Información sobre eliminación de residuos y reciclaje
El símbolo de arriba indica que este producto y/o su batería no deben desecharse con
los residuos domésticos. Cuando quieras desechar este producto y/o su batería, hazlo
de conformidad con las leyes y directrices medioambientales locales. Para obtener más
información sobre el programa de reciclaje de Apple, los puntos de recolección para
reciclaje, las sustancias restringidas y otras iniciativas medioambientales, visita
o .
Battery service
The lithium-ion battery in Apple Watch should be serviced by Apple or an authorized
service provider. You may receive a replacement Apple Watch when ordering battery
service. Batteries must be recycled or disposed of separately from household waste. For
more information about battery service and recycling, go to
Australia Battery Disposal
For more information, visit .
Battery Charger System Efficiency
rkiye Cumhuriyeti:
AEEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur.
China Mainland Battery Statement
Taiwan Battery Statement
Apple and the environment
At Apple, we recognize our responsibility to minimize the environmental impacts of our
operations and products. For more information, go to .
Apple Inc.
© 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Apple, the Apple logo, AirPlay, AirPods, Animoji, Apple Music, Apple Pay, Apple TV, Apple Watch, CarPlay,
Digital Crown, FaceTime, Handoff, iMessage, iPad, iPhone, Mac, macOS, Memoji, OS X, Safari, Siri, and
watchOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Apple Books, Apple Watch Edition, Apple Watch Sport, HomeKit, HomePod, iPadOS, and Live Photos are
trademarks of Apple Inc.
App Store, iCloud, and iTunes Store are service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
One Apple Park Way
Cupertino, CA 95014-2084
IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of
such marks by Apple Inc. is under license.
Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible
for printing or clerical errors.
Some apps are not available in all areas. App availability is subject to change.
Apple Inc.
© 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
Apple, the Apple logo, AirPlay, AirPods, Animoji, Apple Music, Apple Pay, Apple TV, Apple Watch, CarPlay,
Digital Crown, FaceTime, Handoff, iMessage, iPad, iPhone, Mac, macOS, Memoji, OS X, Safari, Siri, and
watchOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Apple Books, Apple Watch Edition, Apple Watch Sport, HomeKit, HomePod, iPadOS, and Live Photos are
trademarks of Apple Inc.
App Store, iCloud, and iTunes Store are service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
One Apple Park Way
Cupertino, CA 95014-2084
IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of
such marks by Apple Inc. is under license.
Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible
for printing or clerical errors.
Some apps are not available in all areas. App availability is subject to change.
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