Food$ orageSuggestions
To store unfrozen meats, fish and poultry:
o Always remove store wrappings.
o Rewrap in f0il, film or wax paper and refrigerate
To store cheese, wrap well with wax paper or
aluminum foil, or put in a plastic bag.
o Carefully wrap to expel air and help prevent moldo
° Store pie-packaged cheese in its own wrapping
ifyou wish.
To store vegetables, use the vegetable drawers--
they've been designed to preserve the natural moisture
and freshness of produce.
o Covering vegetables with a moist towel helps
maintain crispness.
° As a further aid to freshness, pre-packaged vegetables
can be stored in their odginaI wrapping.
Tips on Freezing Foods
o Freeze only top-quality foods. Freezing retains
quality and flavor; it cannot improve quality.
o Freeze fruits and vegetables quicldy after picldng.
The sooner you do, the better the frozen product will
be, with less culling and sorting to do.
o Use food wraps designed especially for freezing.
To store ice cream--Fine-quality ice cream, with high
cream content, will normally require slightly lower
temperatures than more "aii7" aheady-packaged brands
with low cream content.
o It will be necessary to experiment to determine the
freezer compartment location and temperature
control setting to keep your ice cream at the right
serving temperature.
° The rear of the freezer comparunent is slightly colder
than the front.
To freeze meat, fish and poultry, wrap well in
freezer-weight foil (or other' heavy-duty wrapping
material) forming it carefully to the shape of the
contents. This expels air. Fold and crimp ends of
the package to provide a good, lasting seal.
Don't refreeze meat that has completely thawed;
meat, whether raw or cooked, can be frozen
successfully only once.
Eating quality drops
after time shown
35 ° to 40°1=. 0°F.
(2° to 4°c.) (- 18°c.)
Fresh Meats
Roasts (Beef & Lamb) .................... 3
Roasts (Pork &Veal) ...........................3
Steaks (Beef) ...........................................3
Chops (Lamb) .......................................3
Chops (Pork) ...........................................3
Ground & Stew Heats .................;, I
Variety Meats ........................................l
Sausage (Pork) .............................................1
Processed Meats
Bacon ...................................................................
Frankfurters ..................................................
Ham (Whole) .............................................
Ham (Half).....................................................3
Ham (Slices) .................................................
Luncheon Heats .....................................3
Sausage (Smoked) ...............................
Sausage (Dry & Semi-Dry) .............14
Cooked Meats
Cooked Heats and
Heat Dishes ..............................................3
Gravy & Heat Broth ..............................1
to S 6 to 12
to 5 4 to 8
to 5 6 to 12
to S 6 to 9
to 5 3 to 4
to 2 3 to 4
to 2 3 to 4
to 2 I to 2
Fresh Poultry
Chicken &Turkey (Whole) ..........
Chicken (Pieces) .................................
Turkey (Pieces) .......................................
Duck & Goose (Whole) .................
Giblets ............................................................
7 f
7 1t2
7 I to2
to 5 I to 2
3 I to2
to 5 Freezing
7 not recom-
to 21 mended
to 4 2 to 3
to 2 2 to 3
m 2 f2
to 2 9
to 2 6
to 2 6
to 2 3
Cooked Poultry
Pieces (Covered with Broth) .......
Pieces (Not Covered) ........................3
Cooked Poultry Dishes .....................3
Fried Chicken ........................................3
to 2 6
to 4 I
to 4 4 to 6
to 4 4
(Other than for meats & poultry)
Most fruits and vegetables ...................................8-t 2 months
Lean fish ...............................................................................6-8 months
Fatty fish, roles and breads,
soups, stew, casseroles .........................................2-3 months
Cakes, pies, sandwiches,
leftovers (cooked),
ice cream (original carton) .................................I month max,
Meats, fish and pouhty purchased from the store vary
in quality and age; consequently, safe storage times in
your refrigeratm will vary. For meat arid poultry
information, call the U.S. Depto of Agricuhure at
New techniques are constantly being developed_
Consult the College or County Extension Service or
yore local Utility Company fo_ the latest information
on freezing and storing foods.