
Lenovo 3Q7C6 Mode d'emploi

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant. J'ai lu l'avis réglementaire du Chromebook IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6. Ce document fournit des informations importantes concernant la conformité aux normes de sécurité de l'UE et du Royaume-Uni, ainsi qu'aux normes de la FCC pour les États-Unis et le Canada. Il aborde également les limites d'exposition aux champs électromagnétiques et la distance à respecter lors de l'utilisation de l'appareil. Je suis prêt à répondre à vos questions.
  • Ce Chromebook est-il conforme aux normes européennes ?
    Quelles sont les exigences en matière de distance entre le corps et les antennes ?
    Où puis-je trouver les valeurs de SAR pour ce Chromebook ?
Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook
Chapter 1. European Union (EU) / United Kingdom (UK)
UK declaration of conformity
Hereby, Lenovo declares that the wireless equipment listed in this document is in compliance with the UK
Radio Equipment Regulations SI 2017 No. 1206.
The full text of the system UK declaration of conformity is available at: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/
UK RF exposure information
This device meets the UK requirements and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines for general public’s exposure to electromagnetic fields. To limit RF exposure,
and comply with the RF exposure requirements, use this device under good radio signal conditions and keep
the antennas at a minimum separation distance of 20 cm from the user’s body.
For devices that have a SAR test value (as listed in “” on page ), where the location of the antennas is close to
the user’s body (< 20 cm), you can find the SAR values in the Setup Guide that came with your device.
EU declaration of conformity
Hereby, Lenovo declares that the wireless equipment listed in this document is in compliance with the EU
Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the system EU Declaration of Conformity is available at: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/
EU RF exposure information
This device meets the EU requirements and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines for general public’s exposure to electromagnetic fields. To limit RF exposure,
and comply with the RF exposure requirements, use this device under good radio signal conditions and keep
the antennas at a minimum separation distance of 20 cm from the user’s body.
For devices that have a SAR test value (as listed in “” on page ), where the location of the antennas is close to
the user’s body (< 20 cm), you can find the SAR values in the Setup Guide that came with your device.
С настоящото Lenovo Pte. Ltd. декларира, че безжичното оборудване, споменато в този раздел,
съответства на Директивата на ЕС за радиооборудване 2014/53/EС.
© Copyright Lenovo 2021 1
Пълният текст на декларацията за съответствие на ЕС относно системата е наличен на https://
Информация на ЕС за РЧ излагането
Това устройство отговаря на изискванията на ЕС и на указанията на Международната комисия за
защита срещу нейонизиращите лъчения (МКЗНЛ) относно излагането на населението на
електромагнитни полета.
За да се ограничи РЧ излагането и да се осигури съответствие с изискванията за РЧ излагане,
използвайте това устройство при добри условия на радиосигнала и дръжте антените на разстояние
най-малко 20 см от тялото на потребителя.
За устройства, за които е посочена стойност при измерване на SAR (както е вписано в “” on page ),
където разположението на антените е близо до тялото на потребителя (< 20 см), можете да откриете
стойностите на SAR в Ръководството за настройка, което се предоставя с устройството.
Tvrtka Lenovo ovime izjavljuje da je bežična oprema navedena u ovom dokumentu u sukladnosti s EU
Direktivom o radijskoj opremi 2014/53/EU.
Potpuni tekst EU izjave o sukladnosti sustava dostupan je na https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/compliance/eu-
EU informacije o izloženosti RF-u
Ovaj uređaj ispunjava zahtjeve EU-a i smjernice Međunarodne komisije za zaštitu od neionizirajućeg zračenja
(ICNIRP) vezano za izloženost stanovništva elektromagnetskim poljima.
Zbog ograničavanja izloženosti RF-u i udovoljavanja zahtjevima izloženosti RF-u upotrebljavajte ovaj uređaj u
uvjetima dobrog radiosignala te neka antene budu na minimalnoj udaljenosti od 20 cm od tijela korisnika.
Za uređaje koji imaju vrijednost ispitivanja SAR-a (kako je navedeno u “” on page ), gdje je lokacija antena
blizu tijela korisnika (< 20 cm), vrijednosti SAR-a možete pronaći u Vodiču za postavljanje koji ste dobili s
Společnost Lenovo tímto prohlašuje, že bezdrátová zařízení uvedená v tomto dokumentu splňují základní
i další relevantní požadavky směrnice EU o rádiových zařízeních 2014/53/EU.
Úplný text EU prohlášení o shodě systému je k dispozici na adrese https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/compliance/
Informace o expozici RF pro zákazníky z EU
Toto zařízení splňuje požadavky EU stanovené pro expozici veřejnosti elektromagnetickým polím
a související pokyny Mezinárodní komise pro ochranu před neionizačním zářením (ICNIRP).
V zájmu omezení expozice RF polím a dodržení požadavků na expozici RF polím toto zařízení používejte při
dobrém rádiovém signálu a udržujte antény vzdálené alespoň 20 cm od těla uživatele.
Pokud má zařízení stanovenou zkušební hodnotu SAR (jejich seznam je uveden v části “” on page ),
naleznete hodnoty SAR pro umístění antén do blízkosti těla uživatele (<20 cm) v Návodu k nastavení, který je
dodáván společně se zařízením.
2Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
Lenovo erklærer hermed, at det trådløse udstyr, der er angivet i dette dokument, overholder EU-direktivet om
radioudstyr 2014/53/EU.
Hele teksten til EU's overensstemmelseserklæring for systemet er tilgængelig https://www.lenovo.com/us/
EU-oplysninger om eksponering for radiofrekvensstråling
Denne enhed overholder EU-kravene og retningslinjerne fra ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection) for offentligt eksponering for elektromagnetiske stråler.
For at begrænse eksponeringen for radiofrekvensstråling skal denne enhed bruges under gode
radiosignalforhold, og antennerne skal holdes i en afstand på mindst 20 cm fra brugerens krop.
For enheder, der har en SAR-testværdi (som angivet i “” on page ), hvor placeringen af antennerne er tæt på
brugerens krop (< 20 cm), kan du finde SAR-værdierne i den Opsætningsvejledning, der fulgte med enheden.
Hierbij verklaart Lenovo dat de draadloze apparatuur die in dit document wordt vermeld, voldoet aan EU-
richtlijn 2014/53/EU inzake radioapparatuur.
De volledige tekst van de EU-conformiteitsverklaring voor het systeem is beschikbaar op https://
EU-informatie over RF-blootstelling
Dit apparaat voldoet aan de EU-vereisten en de richtlijnen van de ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection) voor blootstelling van het algemene publiek aan elektromagnetische velden.
Om RF-blootstelling te beperken en te voldoen aan de vereisten voor RF-blootstelling, dient u dit apparaat te
gebruiken in situaties met een goede signaalontvangst en de antenne op ten minste 20 cm van het lichaam
van de gebruiker te houden.
Voor apparaten met een SAR-testwaarde (zoals vermeld in “” on page ), waarbij de antenne zich dicht bij het
lichaam van de gebruiker (< 20 cm) bevindt, vindt u de SAR-waarden in de installatiegids die bij uw apparaat
werd geleverd.
Siinkohal kinnitab ettevõte Lenovo et käesolevas dokumendis kirjeldatud juhtmeta seadmed on kooskõlas
ELi raadioseadmete direktiiviga 2014/53/EL.
Süsteemi ELi vastavusdeklaratsiooni täielik tekst on saadaval siin: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/compliance/
ELi raadiosagedusega kokkupuudet käsitlev teave
See seade vastab EL nõuetele ja rahvusvahelise mitteioniseeriva kiirguse eest kaitsmise komisjoni (ICNIRP)
juhistele elanikkonna elektromagnetväljadega kokkupuute kohta.
Raadiosageduse kiirguse piiramiseks ja nõuete täitmiseks sellega kokkupuutel kasutage seda seadet
kohtades, kus on hea raadiosignaal ning hoidke antenne vähemalt 20 cm kasutaja kehast kaugemal.
Seadmetel, millel on SAR-testi väärtus sellest (loetletud “” on page ), kui antennid asuvad kasutaja keha
lähedal (<20 cm). SAR-i väärtused leiate seadmega kaasasolevast Seadistusjuhendist.
Chapter 1. European Union (EU) / United Kingdom (UK) Compliance 3
Lenovo ilmoittaa täten, että tässä asiakirjassa mainittu langaton laite on EU:n radiolaitedirektiivin 2014/53/EU
Järjestelmän EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutuksen koko teksti on saatavilla osoitteessa https://
Radiotaajuuksille altistumista koskevat tiedot (EU)
Tämä laite täyttää EU:n vaatimukset sekä kansainvälinen ionisoimattoman säteilyn toimikunnan (ICNIRP)
ohjeistukset koskien ihmisten altistumista sähkömagneettisille kentille.
Käytä tätä laitetta olosuhteissa, joissa on hyvä radiosignaali, ja pidä antennit vähintään 20 cm etäisyydellä
käyttäjän kehosta rajoittaaksesi radiotaajuuksille altistumista ja noudattaaksesi radiotaajuuksille altistumista
koskevia vaatimuksia.
Jos laitteella on SAR-testiarvo (katso luettelo kohdasta “” on page ) ja antennien sijainti on lähellä käyttäjän
kehoa (<20 cm), löydät SAR-arvot laitteesi mukana toimitetusta asennusoppaasta.
Par la présente, Lenovo déclare que les équipements sans fil listés dans ce document sont conformes à la
directive 2014/53/UE sur les équipements radio de l'UE.
Le texte complet de la déclaration européenne de conformité du système est disponible à l'adresse https://
Informations sur l'exposition aux radiofréquences au sein de l'UE
Ce périphérique répond aux exigences de l'Union européenne et aux directives de la Commission
internationale sur la protection anti-ionisation par rayonnement (ICNIRP) concernant l'exposition du public
aux champs électromagnétiques.
Pour limiter l'exposition aux radiofréquences et répondre aux exigences en matière d'exposition aux
radiofréquences, utilisez ce périphérique dans de bonnes conditions de signal radio et respectez une
distance minimale de 20 cm entre les antennes et le corps de l'utilisateur.
Les valeurs DAS (telles que répertoriées dans “” on page ) des périphériques dont les antennes sont proches
du corps de l'utilisateur (< 20 cm) sont répertoriées dans le guide de configuration fourni avec votre
Hiermit erklärt Lenovo dass das in diesem Dokument aufgelistete Funkgerät die EU-Funkanlagen-Richtlinie
2014/53/EU erfüllt.
Der vollständige Wortlaut der EU-Konformitätserklärung für das System ist unter https://www.lenovo.com/us/
en/compliance/eu-doc verfügbar.
EU-Informationen zur Belastung durch Funkwellen
Dieses Gerät erfüllt die EU-Anforderungen und die ICNIRP-Richtlinien (International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection) zur Belastung der Allgemeinheit durch elektromagnetische Felder.
Um die Belastung durch Funkwellen einzuschränken und die Anforderungen zur Belastung durch Funkwellen
zu erfüllen, verwenden Sie das Gerät unter guten Funksignalbedingungen und halten Sie die Antennen
mindestens 20 cm vom Körper des Benutzers fern.
4Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
Für Geräte mit einem SAR-Testwert (aufgelistet in “” on page ), bei denen die Position der Antennen nahe am
Körper des Benutzers (< 20 cm) liegt, finden Sie die SAR-Werte in der Einrichtungsanleitung Ihres Geräts.
Με το παρόν, η Lenovo δηλώνει ότι ο ασύρματος εξοπλισμός που αναγράφεται στο παρόν έγγραφο
συμμορφώνεται με την Οδηγία περί Ραδιοεξοπλισμού 2014/53/ΕΕ της ΕΕ.
Το πλήρες κείμενο της Δήλωσης Συμμόρφωσης ΕΕ για το σύστημα είναι διαθέσιμο στη διεύθυνση https://
Πληροφορίες περί Έκθεσης σε ραδιοσυχνότητες (RF) για την ΕΕ
Αυτή η συσκευή πληροί τις απαιτήσεις της ΕΕ και τις κατευθυντήριες γραμμές της Διεθvούς Επιτρoπής για
τηv πρoστασία από μη ιovτίζoυσες ακτιvoβoλίες (ICNIRP) για την έκθεση του κοινού σε ηλεκτρομαγνητικά
Για να περιορίσετε την έκθεση σε ραδιοσυχνότητες (RF) και να συμμορφώνεστε με τις απαιτήσεις για την
έκθεση σε ραδιοσυχνότητες, χρησιμοποιήστε αυτήν τη συσκευή σε συνθήκες καλού σήματος
ραδιοεπικοινωνίας και φροντίστε ώστε οι κεραίες να είναι σε ελάχιστη απόσταση 20 cm από το σώμα σας.
Για συσκευές που έχουν τιμή δοκιμής SAR (όπως αναγράφεται στη “” on page ), όπου η θέση των κεραιών
είναι κοντά στο σώμα του χρήστη (< 20 cm), μπορείτε να ανατρέξετε στις τιμές SAR στον Οδηγό χρήσης που
συνοδεύει τη συσκευή σας.
A Lenovo kijelenti, hogy a jelen dokumentumban említett vezeték nélküli készülék megfelel a 2014/53/EU
számú, EU Rádióberendezésekről szóló direktívában foglaltaknak.
A rendszer EU-s megfelelőségi nyilatkozatának teljes szövege a következő weboldalon olvasható: https://
EU rádiófrekvenciás kitettséggel kapcsolatos információk
Ez az eszköz megfelel az Európai Uniós követelményeknek, és a Nemzetközi Nem Ionizáló Sugárzás Elleni
Védelmi Bizottság lakosság elektromágneses mezőknek való kitettségére vonatkozó irányelveinek.
A rádiófrekvenciás kitettség korlátozásának, és a rádiófrekvenciának való kitettség követelményeinek való
megfelelés érdekében megfelelő erősségű rádiójelek mellett használja az eszközt, és az antennákat tartsa a
felhasználó testétől legalább 20 cm távolságra.
Azon fajlagos energiaelnyelési tesztértékkel rendelkező (a “” on page listában felsorolt) eszközök fajlagos
energiaelnyelési értékekeit, amelyeknél az antennák a felhasználó testéhez közel vannak (< 20 cm), az
eszközhöz kapott Felhasználói kézikönyvben találja.
Con la presente documentazione, Lenovo dichiara che l'apparecchiatura wireless indicata in questo
documento è conforme alla direttiva EU 2014/53/EU sulle apparecchiature radio.
Il testo integrale della dichiarazione di conformità dei sistemi dell'UE è disponibile all'indirizzo https://
Chapter 1. European Union (EU) / United Kingdom (UK) Compliance 5
Informazioni sull'esposizione alle frequenze radio per l'UE
Questo dispositivo soddisfa i requisiti dell'UE e le linee guida della Commissione internazionale sulla
protezione dalle radiazioni non ionizzanti (ICNIRP) per l'esposizione generale dei consumatori ai campi
Per limitare l'esposizione alle frequenze radio e soddisfare i requisiti di esposizione alle frequenze radio,
utilizzare questo dispositivo in buone condizioni di segnale radio e mantenere le antenne a una distanza
minima di 20 cm dal corpo dell'utente.
Per dispositivi che hanno un valore di test SAR (come elencato in “” on page ), in cui la posizione delle
antenne è vicina al corpo dell'utente (< 20 cm), è possibile trovare i valori SAR nella Guida all'installazione
fornita con il dispositivo.
Ar šo uzņēmums Lenovo paziņo, ka šajā dokumentā norādītais bezvadu aprīkojums atbilst ES
Direktīvai 2014/53/EK par radioiekārtām.
Pilns ES atbilstības deklarācijas teksts ir pieejams šajā interneta adresē: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/
ES informācija par pakļaušanu RF iedarbībai
Šī ierīce atbilst ES prasībām un Starptautiskās nejonizējošā starojuma aizsardzības komisijas (SNSAK)
vadlīnijām par vispārējo sabiedrības pakļaušanu elektromagnētisko lauku iedarbībai.
Lai ierobežotu pakļaušanu RF iedarbībai un ievērotu pakļaušanas RF iedarbībai prasībām, izmantojiet ierīci
laba radio signāla apstākļos un uzturiet antenas vismaz 20 cm atstatumā no lietotāja ķermeņa.
Ierīcēm, kurām ir SAR testa vērtība (kā norādīts šeit: “” on page ), kad antenu atrašanās vieta ir tuvu lietotāja
ķermenim (<20 cm), varat atrast SAR vērtības iestatīšanas rokasgrāmatā, kas piegādāta kopā ar ierīci.
Lenovo pareiškia, kad šiame dokumente nurodyta belaidė įranga atitinka ES radijo įrangos direktyvos 2014/
53/ES reikalavimus.
Visą sistemos ES atitikties deklaracijos tekstą galite rasti adresu https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/compliance/
Informacija apie ES reikalavimus dėl RD poveikio
Šis įrenginys atitinka ES reikalavimus ir Tarptautinės apsaugos nuo nejonizuojančiosios spinduliuotės
komisijos (toliau – TANSK) elektromagnetinių laukų poveikio plačiajai visuomenei gaires.
Kad būtų apribotas RD poveikis ir laikomasi reikalavimų dėl RD poveikio, šį įrenginį reikia naudoti esant
geroms radijo signalų sąlygoms, o tarp antenų ir naudotojo kūno turi būti ne mažesnis nei 20 cm atstumas.
Įrenginio, kuriam nustatyta SSS bandymo vertė (kaip nurodyta “” on page ) ir kurio antenos yra arti (<20 cm)
naudotojo kūno, SSS vertes rasite prie įrenginio pridedamame sąrankos vadove.
Lenovo erklærer herved at det trådløse utstyret som er oppført i dette kapittelet, er i samsvar med direktiv
2014/53/EU om radioutstyr.
6Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
Hele teksten til EUs samsvarserklæring finner du her https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/compliance/eu-doc.
EU RF-eksponeringsinformasjon
Denne enheten oppfyller EUs krav og ICNIRPs (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection) retningslinjer for allmennhetens eksponering for elektromagnetiske felt.
For å begrense RF-eksponering og oppfylle RF-eksponeringskravene, bør denne enheten brukes under gode
radiosignalforhold og antennene bør ha en minimumsavstand på 20 cm til brukerens kropp.
For enheter som har en SAR-testverdi (som oppført i “” on page ), der antennenes plassering er nær
brukerens kropp (<20 cm), kan du finne SAR-verdiene i Installasjonsveiledningen som fulgte med enheten.
Firma Lenovo niniejszym oświadcza, że urządzenia bezprzewodowe wymienione w tym dokumencie
spełniają wymagania dyrektywy UE w sprawie sprzętu radiowego 2014/53/EU.
Pełna treść deklaracji zgodności systemu z wymaganiami UE jest dostępna pod adresem https://
Informacje o narażeniu na działanie częstotliwości radiowych UE
Urządzenie to spełnia wymagania UE oraz wytyczne Międzynarodowej Komisji Ochrony przed
Promieniowaniem Niejonizującym (ICNIRP) dotyczące narażenia ogółu ludności na oddziaływanie pól
Aby ograniczyć narażenie na działanie częstotliwości radiowych i spełniać wymagania dotyczące narażenia
na działanie częstotliwości radiowych, należy używać tego urządzenia w warunkach dobrego sygnału
radiowego i umieścić anteny w odległości co najmniej 20 cm od ciała użytkownika.
W przypadku urządzeń, które mają wartość testu SAR (zgodnie z listą “” on page ), gdzie umiejscowienie
anten znajduje się blisko ciała użytkownika (mniej niż 20 cm), wartości SAR można znaleźć w Podręczniku
konfiguracji dołączonym do urządzenia.
A Lenovo declara por este meio que o equipamento sem fios listado neste documento está em
conformidade com a Diretiva de Equipamento de Rádio da UE 2014/53/UE.
O texto integral da Declaração de Conformidade do sistema para a UE está disponível em https://
Informação sobre exposição a RF para a UE
Este dispositivo cumpre os requisitos da UE e as diretrizes da Comissão Internacional de Proteção contra
Radiação Não Ionizante (ICNIRP) referentes à exposição do público em geral a campos eletromagnéticos.
Para limitar a exposição a RF e cumprir os requisitos de exposição a RF, utilize este dispositivo num
ambiente com boas condições de sinal de rádio e mantenha as antenas a 20 cm ou mais de distância em
relação ao seu corpo.
No caso dos dispositivos para os quais exista um valor de SAR obtido em testes (conforme indicado em “”
on page ) com as antenas próximas do corpo do utilizador (< 20 cm), os valores de SAR podem ser
encontrados no Guia de Configuração fornecido com o seu dispositivo.
Chapter 1. European Union (EU) / United Kingdom (UK) Compliance 7
Prin prezenta, Lenovo declară că echipamentul fără fir prezentat în acest document este în conformitate cu
Directiva UE privind echipamentele radio 2014/53/UE.
Textul complet al Declarației de conformitate UE pentru sistem este disponibil la https://www.lenovo.com/us/
Informații UE privind expunerea la RF
Acest dispozitiv îndeplinește cerințele UE și regulile Comisiei internaționale pentru protecția împotriva
radiațiilor neionizante (ICNIRP) pentru expunerea publicului larg la câmpuri electromagnetice.
Pentru a limita expunerea la RF și pentru a respecta cerințele de expunere la RF, utilizați acest dispozitiv în
condiții de semnal radio bun și păstrați antenele la o distanță minimă de 20 cm de corpul utilizatorului.
Pentru dispozitive cu o valoare de test SAR (după cum se listează în “” on page ), în situațiile în care antenele
sunt amplasate aproape de corpul utilizatorului (< 20 cm), puteți găsi valorile SAR în Ghidul de configurare
furnizat cu dispozitivul dvs.
Lenovo s tem izjavlja, da je brezžična oprema, navedena v tem dokumentu, skladna z direktivo EU o radijski
opremi 2014/53/EU.
Celotno besedilo izjave EU o skladnosti za sistem je na voljo na naslovu https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/
Informacije o izpostavljenosti radiofrekvenčnemu sevanju v EU
Ta naprava izpolnjuje zahteve EU in smernice Mednarodne komisije za zaščito pred neionizirajočim sevanjem
(ICNIRP) v zvezi z izpostavljenostjo splošne javnosti elektromagnetnim poljem.
Za omejitev izpostavljenosti radiofrekvenčnim valovom in zagotavljanje skladnosti z zahtevami glede
izpostavljenosti radiofrekvenčnim valovom to napravo uporabljajte pri dobrih pogojih radijskega signala in
antene hranite na razdalji najmanj 20 cm od uporabnikovega telesa.
Za naprave, ki imajo vrednost preizkusa SAR (kot je navedeno tukaj: “” on page ), kjer je lokacija anten blizu
uporabnikovega telesa (< 20 cm), so vrednosti SAR na voljo v dokumentu Navodila za nastavitev, ki je bil
priložen napravi.
Spoločnosť Lenovo týmto vyhlasuje, že bezdrôtové zariadenie uvedené v tomto dokumente je v súlade so
smernicou Európskej únie o rádiových zariadeniach 2014/53 EÚ.
Úplné znenie vyhlásenia EÚ o zhode pre systém je k dispozícii na adrese: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/
Informácie o vystavení vysokofrekvenčnému žiareniu v EÚ
Toto zariadenie vyhovuje požiadavkám EÚ a smerniciam Medzinárodnej komisie pre ochranu pred
neionizujúcim žiarením (ICNIRP), ktoré upravujú vystavenie širokej verejnosti elektromagnetickým poliam.
Ak chcete obmedziť vystavenie vysokofrekvenčnému žiareniu a dodržiavať požiadavky na vystavenie
vysokofrekvenčnému žiareniu, používajte toto zariadenie v dobrých podmienkach rádiového signálu
a udržiavajte antény vo vzdialenosti minimálne 20 cm od tela používateľa.
8Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
V prípade zariadení s testovacou hodnotou SAR (uvedená v časti “” on page ), pri ktorých je umiestnenie
antén v blízkosti tela používateľa (< 20 cm), nájdete hodnoty SAR v Príručke o nastavení dodanej so
Mediante el presente documento, Lenovo declara que el equipo inalámbrico indicado en este documento
cumple con la Directiva de Equipos de Radio 2014/53/UE de la UE.
El texto completo de la declaración de conformidad de la UE correspondiente al sistema está disponible en
Información de exposición a radiofrecuencia de la UE
Este dispositivo cumple los requisitos de la UE y con las directrices de la Comisión Internacional de
Protección contra la Radiación No Ionizante (ICNIRP) para exposición del público general a campos
Para limitar la exposición a radiofrecuencia y cumplir con los requisitos de exposición a radiofrecuencia,
utilice este dispositivo en buenas condiciones de señal de radio y mantenga las antenas a una distancia
mínima de separación de 20 cm del cuerpo del usuario.
Para dispositivos que tienen un valor de prueba de SAR (como se indica en “” on page ), donde la ubicación
de las antenas está cerca del cuerpo del usuario (< 20 cm), puede encontrar los valores de SAR en la Guía de
configuración que viene con su dispositivo.
Härmed intygar Lenovo att den trådlösa utrustning som beskrivs i detta dokument överensstämmer med EU:
s direktiv för radioutrustning 2014/53/EU.
Den fullständiga texten i EU:s deklaration om överensstämmelse finns tillgänglig https://www.lenovo.com/
EU:s information om exponering för radiovågor
Denna enhet uppfyller EU:s krav och ICNIRP:s (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection) riktlinjer gällande allmänhetens exponering för elektromagnetiska fält.
För att begränsa exponering för radiovågor och uppfylla kraven för exponering bör enheten användas i goda
radiosignalförhållanden och med minst 20 cm avstånd mellan antennerna och användarens kropp.
För enheter som har ett SAR-testvärde (enligt förteckningen i “” on page ), där antennerna är placerade nära
(<20 cm) användarens kropp, hittar du SAR-värdena i den Installationshandbok som medföljde enheten.
Lenovo bu belgede listelenen kablosuz cihazların AB Radyo Ekipmanları Yönetmeliği 2014/53/EU ile uyumlu
olduğunu beyan eder.
Sistemin AB Uyumluluk Bildirimi tam metni https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/compliance/eu-doc adresinde
AB radyo frekanslara maruz kalma bilgileri
Bu cihaz, kamunun elektromanyetik alanlara maruz kalmasına yönelik AB gerekliliklerini ve Uluslararası
İyonize Olmayan Radyasyondan Korunma Komisyonu (ICNIRP) yönergelerini karşılamaktadır.
Chapter 1. European Union (EU) / United Kingdom (UK) Compliance 9
Radyo frekansına maruz kalmayı sınırlandırmak ve radyo frekansına maruz kalma gerekliliklerine uymak için
bu cihazı güçlü radyo sinyali koşullarında kullanın ve antenleri kullanıcının vücudundan en az 20 cm uzaklıkta
SAR test değerine sahip cihazlar ( “” on page bölümünde listelenen cihazlar) için antenlerin konumu
kullanıcının vücuduna yakındır (20 cm'den az). SAR değerlerini cihazınızla birlikte gelen Kurulum Kılavuzu'nda
10 Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
Chapter 2. Notice for users in USA and Canada
Note: The statements below regarding FCC are only valid for products that are shipped to the United States.
Read this document before using your computer. This computer complies with the radio frequency and
safety standards of any country or region in which it has been approved for wireless use. Install and use your
computer according to the following instructions.
The latest Regulatory Notice manual is available on the Lenovo Web site. To download the manual, go to
http://www.lenovo.com/support and then follow the on-screen instructions.
Lisez ce document avant d'utiliser votre ordinateur. Cet ordinateur est conforme aux normes de fréquence
radioélectrique et de sécurité du pays ou de la région où son utilisation sans fil est autorisée. Installez et
utilisez votre ordinateur en vous conformant aux instructions ci-dessous.
La dernière version du manuel Regulatory Notice est disponible sur le site Web de Lenovo. Pour télécharger
le document, rendez-vous sur http://www.lenovo.com/support et suivez les instructions à l'écran.
Approved wireless devices
This system contains the following wireless devices and underwent the certification process of FCC CFR 47
Part 2 section 1093, Part 15 Subpart C and Subpart under each respective FCC ID below.
Preinstalled wireless LAN/wireless WAN modules with Bluetooth function
FCC ID: O57DUET5CB7C (Model: IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6)
The wireless LAN, the Bluetooth, and the WiGig features operate at different frequencies exclusively, and
transmit radio frequencies simultaneously.
Preinstalled wireless LAN module
The wireless LAN module in your computer is preinstalled by Lenovo®, and you are prohibited to replace
with other wireless adapter or remove it. If the device requires replacement due to some problem during
warranty, it must be serviced by a Lenovo authorized servicer.
1. FCC RF exposure compliance
The radiated output power of the wireless LAN module authorized to use for your computer is far below
the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, it shall be used in such a manner that the
potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized as follows:
The total radiated energy from the antennas connected to the installed wireless LAN module,
conforms to the FCC limit of the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) requirement, regarding 47 CFR
Part 2 section 1093, when the computer was tested in either conventional notebook or tablet
computer orientations.
The transmission antennas for the wireless LAN module are located in the LCD cover. See the User
Guide for the location of the antennas.
2. Radio Frequency interference requirements
© Copyright Lenovo 2021 11
Each device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to
FCC Part 15 Subpart B. Refer to “Electronic emission notices” on page 14.
When you use a wireless LAN module in the 802.11 a/n transmission mode, note that high power radars
are allocated as primary users of the 5250 to 5350 MHz and 5650 to 5850 MHz bands. These radar
stations can cause interference with and/or damage this device.
Simultaneous use of RF transmitters
Your computer is approved for simultaneous use of one of the approved wireless LAN modules, the
approved wireless WAN module, and the approved NFC module.
Make sure of the following conditions when you use any other external RF option device:
When you use any other RF option device, you are requested to confirm that the device conforms to the
RF Safety requirement and is approved to use for your computer.
You must follow the RF Safety instructions of the RF option device that are included in the user manual of
the RF option device.
If the RF option device is prohibited to use in conjunction with another transmitters, you must turn off all
other wireless features in your computer.
Canada Industry Canada (IC)
Approved wireless devices
This system contains the following wireless devices and the IC certification number is as below. The IC
certification number is indicated on the bottom cover of your system.
Preinstalled wireless LAN/wireless WAN modules with Bluetooth function
IC: 10407A-DUET5CB7C (Model: IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6)
The wireless LAN, the Bluetooth, and the WiGig features operate at different frequencies exclusively, and
transmit radio frequencies simultaneously.
Preinstalled wireless LAN module
The IC Certification number for the wireless LAN module is shown on the enclosure of your computer. For the
location of the IC Certification number, see the User Guide .
Attention: The wireless LAN module in your computer is preinstalled by Lenovo, and you are prohibited to
replace with other wireless adapter nor remove it. If the device requires replacement due to some problem
during warranty, it must be serviced by a Lenovo authorized servicer.
Low power license-exempt radiocommunication devices (RSS-210, RSS-
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference.
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of
the device.
When you use a wireless LAN module in the 802.11 a/n transmission mode, note the following:
12 Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
The devices for the band 5150–5350 MHz are only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful
interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems
The devices for the band 5150–5350 MHz are only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful
interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems
High power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) of 5250–5350 MHz and
5650–5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN (Licence-Exempt
Local Area Network) devices.
The maximum antenna gain permitted for devices in the 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz, and 5725-5825
MHz bands complies with the e.i.r.p. limit.
Exposure of humans to RF fields (RSS-102)
The computers employ low gain integral antennas that do not emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits
for the general population; consult Safety Code 6, obtainable from Health Canada's Web site at http://
The radiated energy from the antennas connected to the wireless modules conforms to the Canada Portable
RF exposure limit regarding IC RSS-102, Issue 5, Section 4, set forth for an uncontrolled environment, and
are safe for intended operation in the conventional setting. The further RF exposure reduction can be
achieved if the product can be kept as far as possible from the user body or set the device to lower output
power if such function is available.
Canada Industrie Canada (IC)
Périphériques sans fil homologués
Ce système contient les périphériques sans fil suivants et le numéro d'homologation IC indiqué ci-dessous.
Modules de réseau local sans fil avec fonction Bluetooth préinstallés
IC: 10407A-DUET5CB7C(modèle: IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6)
Les fonctions de réseau local sans fil, Bluetooth et WiGig sont opérationnelles à des fréquences
différentes exclusivement et émettent des fréquences radio simultanément.
Module réseau local sans fil préinstallé
Le numéro de certification IC correspondant au module de réseau local sans fil figure sur le boîtier de votre
ordinateur. Pour connaître l'emplacement du numéro de certification IC, reportez-vous à le guide d'utilisation
Attention: Le module réseau local sans fil est préinstallé sur votre ordinateur par Lenovo et il est interdit au
client de le remplacer par un autre adaptateur sans fil ou de le supprimer. Si le périphérique doit être
remplacé à cause d'un problème survenu pendant la période de garantie, l'opération doit être effectuée par
un technicien agréé Lenovo.
Appareils de radio-communication basse tension sans licence
d'utilisation (CNR-210, CNR-247)
Le fonctionnement de ce type d'appareil est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes:
1. Cet appareil ne peut pas causer de perturbations électromagnétiques.
Chapter 2. Notice for users in USA and Canada 13
2. Cet appareil doit accepter toutes les perturbations reçues, y compris celles susceptibles d'occasionner
un fonctionnement indésirable.
Lorsque vous utilisez un module de réseau local sans fil dans le mode de transmission 802.11 a/n, tenez
compte des remarques suivantes:
Les appareils destinés à la bande 5150–5350 MHz devront être exclusivement utilisés en intérieur afin de
réduire les risques de perturbations électromagnétiques gênantes sur les systèmes de satellite mobile
dans un même canal. otential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite systems
Les radars à forte puissance sont désignés comme les utilisateurs principaux (c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont
prioritaires) des bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz. Ils peuvent provoquer des perturbations
électromagnétiques sur les appareils de type LE-LAN (réseau de communication local sans licence) ou les
Le gain d'antenne maximal autorisé pour les appareils dans les bandes de fréquence 5250-5350 MHz,
5470-5725 MHz et 5725-5825 MHz est conforme à la limite p.i.r.e (puissance isotrope rayonnée
Conformité des appareils de radiocommunication aux limites
d'exposition humaine aux radiofréquences (CNR-102)
supérieur aux normes imposées par Santé Canada pour la population. Consultez le Code de sécurité 6 sur le
site Web de Santé Canada à l'adresse http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/.
L'énergie émise par les antennes reliées aux modules sans fil respecte la limite d'exposition aux
radiofréquences émises par les appareils portables au Canada telle que définie par Industrie Canada dans la
section 4 du document CNR-102, version 5 pour un environnement non contrôlé et permet d'affecter sans
danger le produit à l'usage auquel il est destiné. La réduction de l'exposition aux radiofréquences est
possible si le produit peut être conservé aussi loin que possible du corps de l'utilisateur ou en définissant
une puissance de sortie plus faible si une telle fonction est disponible.
Location of the FCC ID and IC ID
If you purchased your computer in the United States or Canada, and the computer includes factory-
preinstalled wireless modules, a piece of text containing identification strings for these modules (FCC ID and
IC ID) is visible on the computer’s bottom cover. The text may either be laser etched on the bottom cover or
on a physical label affixed to it. To obtain the FCC ID or IC ID for the factory-preinstalled wireless module,
check the bottom cover for strings directly after “FCC ID” or “IC ID”.
Electronic emission notices
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
14 Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult an authorized dealer or service representative for help.
Lenovo is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized changes or
modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation
Responsible Party:
Lenovo (United States) Incorporated
1009 Think Place-Building One
Morrisville, NC 27560
Email address: [email protected]
Usage environment and your health
The wireless device installed in the computer operates within the guidelines identified by radio frequency (RF)
safety standards and recommendations; therefore, Lenovo believes this product is safe for use by
consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the worldwide scientific
community, and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists, who continually review and
interpret the extensive research literature.
In some situations or environments, the use of wireless devices might be restricted by the proprietor of a
building or responsible representatives of an organization. For example, these situations and areas might
include the following:
On board of airplanes, in hospitals, or near petrol stations, blasting areas (with electro-explosive devices),
medical implants, or body-worn electronic medical devices, such as pace makers.
In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services is perceived or
identified as harmful.
If you are uncertain of the policy that applies to the use of wireless devices in a specific area (such as an
airport or hospital), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use a wireless device prior to turning on
the computer.
Chapter 2. Notice for users in USA and Canada 15
16 Regulatory Notice for IP Duet 5 Chromebook 13Q7C6
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2019 Lenovo