Generac Clean Water G0068210 Manuel utilisateur

Manuel utilisateur
Water Pump
Owner’s Manual
DATE PURCHASED:______________
Register your Generac product at:
Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction and Safety 1
Introduction ..................................... 1
Safety Rules .................................... 1
Safety Symbols and Meanings ........ 2
Exhaust Hazards ............................. 2
Fire Hazards .................................... 3
Fuel Hazards ................................... 3
Before Starting Equipment .............. 3
When Operating Equipment ............ 3
When Transporting or Repairing
Equipment ....................................... 3
When Storing Fuel or Equipment with
Fuel In Tank .................................... 3
Section 2 General Information and
Setup .............................................. 4
Know Your Water Pump .................. 4
Product Specifications ..................... 4
Emissions Information ..................... 4
Remove Contents from Carton ....... 4
Add Engine Oil ................................ 5
Add Fuel .......................................... 5
Assembly ......................................... 6
Connect the Hoses .......................... 6
Priming the Pump ............................ 6
Section 3 Operation .......................7
Operation and Use Questions .........7
Pump Output ...................................7
High Altitude Operation ...................7
Transporting / Tipping ......................8
Before Starting Engine ....................8
Starting the Engine ..........................8
Preventing Water Hammer ..............9
Water Pump Shut Down ..................9
After Each Use ................................9
Section 4 Maintenance and
Troubleshooting ..........................10
Maintenance Recommendations ...10
Maintenance Schedule ..................10
Preventive Maintenance ................10
Engine Maintenance ......................10
Storage ..........................................12
Troubleshooting .............................13
Introduction and Safety
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 1
Section 1 Introduction and Safety
Thank you for purchasing a Generac Power
Systems Inc. product. This unit has been
designed to provide high performance,
efficient operation, and years of use when
maintained properly.
Read this manual thoroughly and understand
all of the instructions, cautions, and warnings
before using this equipment. If any section of
the manual is not understood, contact your
nearest independent authorized service
dealer or contact Generac Customer Service
at 1-888-GENERAC (1-888-436-3722), or with any questions or
The owner is responsible for proper
maintenance and safe use of the equipment.
Before operating, servicing or storing this
water pump:
Study all warnings in this manual and on
the product carefully.
Become familiar with this manual and the
unit before use.
Refer to the Assembly section of the
manual for instructions on final assembly
procedures. Follow the instructions
Save these instructions for future reference.
ALWAYS supply this manual to any individual
that will use this machine.
The information in this manual is accurate
based on products produced at the time of
publication. The manufacturer reserves the
right to make technical updates, corrections,
and product revisions at any time without
Safety Rules
The manufacturer cannot anticipate every
possible circumstance that might involve a
hazard. The warnings in this manual, and on
tags and decals affixed to the equipment are,
therefore, not all inclusive. If using a
procedure, work method or operating
technique that the manufacturer does not
specifically recommend, verify that it is safe
for others. Also make sure the procedure,
work method or operating technique utilized
does not render the equipment unsafe.
Throughout this publication, and on tags and
decals affixed to the water pump, DANGER,
WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE blocks are
used to alert personnel to special instructions
about a particular operation that may be
hazardous if performed incorrectly or
carelessly. Observe them carefully. Their
definitions are as follows:
NOTE: Notes contain additional information
important to a procedure and will be found
within the regular text of this manual.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the
hazards that they indicate. Common sense
and strict compliance with the special
instructions while performing the action or
service are essential to preventing accidents.
Consult Manual. Read and understand manual
completely before using product. Failure to
completely understand manual and product
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury.
Introduction and Safety
2 Owner’s Manual for Water Pump
Safety Symbols and Meanings
Exhaust Hazards
The water pump MUST be operated
If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak after
the water pump has been running, move to
fresh air IMMEDIATELY. See a doctor, as
you could have carbon monoxide
Keep exhaust gas from entering a confined
area through windows, doors, ventilation
intakes, or other openings. Warn any
occupants inside about the symptoms of
carbon monoxide so they know to move to
fresh air if they begin to feel ill.
The use of a carbon monoxide detector
inside any occupied premises between the
water pump and the occupant is
If operating the water pump in a trench or
pit, do not enter the area while the engine is
running. Carbon monoxide will accumulate
in enclosed areas.
Use a respirator or mask whenever there is
a chance that harmful gas or vapors might
be inhaled.
Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and
ventilating air is critical to correct water
pump operation. Do not alter the installation
or permit even partial blockage of
ventilation provisions, as this can seriously
affect safe operation of the water pump.
Asphyxiation. Running engines produce
carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless,
poisonous gas. Carbon monoxide, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Electrocution. Water contact with a power
source, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury.
Explosion and Fire. Fuel and vapors are
extremely flammable and explosive. Add fuel
in a well ventilated area. Keep fire and spark
away. Failure to do so will result in death
or serious injury.
Risk of fire. Allow fuel spills to completely dry
before starting engine. Failure to do so will
result in death or serious injury.
Risk of Fire. Hot surfaces could ignite
combustibles, resulting in fire. Fire could
result in death or serious injury.
Hearing Loss. Hearing protection is
recommended when using this machine.
Failure to wear hearing protection could
result in permanant hearing loss.
Hot Surfaces. When operating machine, do not
touch hot surfaces. Keep machine away from
combustibles during use. Hot surfaces could
result in severe burns or fire.
Risk of Fire. Verify machine has properly
cooled before installing cover and storing
machine. Hot surfaces could result in fire.
Moving Parts. Keep clothing, hair, and
appendages away from moving parts. Failure
to do so could result in death or serious injury.
Risk of Falling. Use of machine creates wet
areas and trip hazards. Be aware of work area
conditions. A fall could result in death
or serious injury.
Risk of Falling. Do not use this machine or
any components on elevated surfaces.
Doing so can result in a fall, serious injury,
or death.
Recoil Hazard. Recoil could retract unexpectedl
if water pressure is not properly relieved from
pump, creating kickback. Kickback could result
in death or serious injury.
Consult Manual. Read and understand manual
completely before using product. Failure to
completely understand manual and product
could result in death or serious injury.
Moving Parts. Do not wear jewelry when
starting or operating this product. Wearing
jewelry while starting or operating this product
could result in death or serious injury.
Vision Loss. Eye protection is required to avoid
spray from spark plug hole when cranking engine.
Failure to do so could result in vision loss.
Introduction and Safety
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 3
This exhaust system must be properly
maintained. Do nothing that might render
the exhaust system unsafe or in
noncompliance with any local codes and/or
Fire Hazards
Wipe up any fuel or oil spills immediately.
Verify that no combustible materials are left
on or near the water pump.
Reflective exhaust heat may damage the
fuel tank, causing fire. Keep at least five (5)
feet (152 cm) of clearance on all sides of
the pump for adequate cooling,
maintenance, and servicing.
It is a violation of California Public
Resource Code, Section 4442, to use or
operate the engine on any forest- covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land
unless the exhaust system is equipped with
a spark arrestor, as defined in Section
4442, maintained in effective working order.
Other states or federal jurisdictions may
have similar laws. Contact the original
equipment manufacturer, retailer, or dealer
to obtain a spark arrestor designed for the
exhaust system installed on this engine..
Fuel Hazards
Turn water pump OFF and let it cool at
least two (2) minutes before removing fuel
cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve pressure
in tank.
Fill or drain fuel tank outdoors.
Keep fuel away from sparks, open flames,
pilot lights, heat, and other ignition sources.
DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke.
Before Starting Equipment
There is no oil in the engine. The engine
crankcase must be filled before starting the
engine for the first time. See Add Engine
Verify spark plug, muffler, fuel cap, and air
cleaner are in place.
DO NOT crank engine with spark plug
Keep your hands and body clear from the
discharge of the pump.
Make sure all connections are tight.
Secure the pump. Loads from the hoses
may cause it to tip over.
Secure the discharge hose to avoid
When Operating Equipment
NEVER place discharge hose near a power
Do not allow children near the pump while it
is operating.
DO NOT tip engine or equipment at angle
which causes fuel to spill.
DO NOT pump chemicals or flammable
liquids, such as fuel, or fuel oils.
Secure the pump. Loads from the hoses
may cause it to tip over.
Operate water pump only on level surfaces.
Do not submerge the pump.
Never use the water pump or any of its
parts as a step. Stepping on the equipment
can stress and break parts, and may result
in dangerous operating conditions from
leaking exhaust gases, fuel leakage, oil
leakage, etc.
DO NOT stop the engine by moving the
choke lever to the CHOKE position.
When Transporting or Repairing
Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTY.
Disconnect spark plug wire.
For safety reasons, it is recommended that
the maintenance of this equipment be
performed by an Authorized Dealer. Inspect
the water pump regularly, and contact the
nearest Authorized Dealer for parts
needing repair or replacement.
When working on this equipment, remain
alert at all times.
Never work on the equipment when
physically or mentally fatigued.
Replacement parts must be of the same
type, and installed in the same position as
the original parts.
When Storing Fuel or
Equipment with Fuel In Tank
Store away from furnaces, stoves, water
heaters, clothes dryers, or other appliances
that have pilot light or other ignition source
because they can ignite fuel vapors.
Explosion and Fire. Do not overfill fuel tank.
Overfilling may cause fuel to leak and ignite
or explode, resulting in death or serious injury.
General Information and Setup
4 Owner’s Manual for Water Pump
Section 2 General Information and Setup
Know Your Water Pump
Read this manual thoroughly before
assembling and operating this equipment.
Save this manual for future and immediate
reference. Replacement owner’s manuals are
available at
Depending on the model, these pumps are
designed to pump clear water or water with
sediment and particulates up to 1 in. (2.54 cm)
in diameter only. Do not use for pumping the
Drinking water
Fuel, oil, or solvents
Product Specifications
Refer to the Product Specification Sheet for
detailed information on product features and
Emissions Information
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(and California Air Resource Board for
equipment certified to CA standards) requires
that this engine comply with exhaust and
evaporative emission standards. Locate the
emissions compliance decal on the engine to
determine what standards the engine meets,
and to determine which emissions warranty
applies. The engine is certified to meet the
applicable emission standards on gasoline. It
is important to follow the maintenance
specifications in Maintenance and
Troubleshooting to verify that the engine
complies with the applicable emission
standards for the duration of the product’s life.
Tampering with or altering the emission
control system may increase emissions and
may be a violation of Federal or California
Law. Acts that constitute tampering include
but are not limited to:
Removal or alteration of any part of the
intake, fuel, or exhaust systems.
Altering or defeating the governor linkage
or speed-adjusting mechanism to cause
the engine to operate outside its design
Have the engine inspected and repaired by a
servicing dealer if these symptoms develop:
Hard starting or stalling after starting
Rough idle
Misfiring or backfiring under load
Afterburning (backfiring)
Black exhaust smoke or high fuel
NOTE: Maintenance, replacement, or repair of
emissions control devices and systems may
be performed by a small engine repair
establishment or individual. The manufacturer
recommends that all emissions control service
work be performed by an Independent
Authorized Service Dealer. See emissions
warranty for further details.
Remove Contents from Carton
1. Remove the loose parts, kits, and inserts
included with water pump.
2. Open carton completely by cutting each
corner from top to bottom.
3. Remove and verify carton contents prior to
assembly. Carton contents should contain
the following:
Main Unit
Loose Parts:
– Funnel
Spark Plug wrench
– Owner’s Manual
– Owner’s Registration Card
Product Specifications Sheet
Wheel Kit (if equipped)
Hose Kit (if equipped)
4. If any items are missing from carton,
please call Generac Customer Service at
1-888-436-3722. When calling for
assistance, have the model and serial
number from the data tag available.
5. Record model, serial number, and date of
purchase on front cover of this manual.
6. Fill out and send in registration card.
Consult Manual. Read and understand manual
completely before using product. Failure to
completely understand manual and product
could result in death or serious injury.
General Information and Setup
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 5
Add Engine Oil
There is no oil in the engine. The crankcase
must be filled before starting the engine for the
first time.
1. Place water pump on a level surface.
2. Verify oil fill area is clean.
3. See Figure 2-1. Remove oil fill cap and
wipe dipstick clean.
Figure 2-1. Remove Dipstick
4. See Figure 2-2. Add recommended engine
oil to the bottom of the oil fill hole (A).
Only high-quality detergent oils classified for
service SJ or higher are recommended. DO
NOT use special additives.
See Figure 2-2. Climate determines proper
engine oil viscosity.
Figure 2-2. Recommended Oil
5. Thread dipstick into oil filler neck. Oil level
is checked with dipstick fully installed.
6. See Figure 2-3. Remove dipstick and verify
oil level is within safe operating range
above the lower limit (L).
Figure 2-3. Safe Oil Operating Range
7. Install oil fill cap/dipstick and hand-tighten.
Add Fuel
Fuel requirements are as follows:
Clean, fresh, unleaded gasoline.
Minimum rating of 87 octane/87 AKI (91
Up to 10% ethanol (gasohol) is acceptable.
DO NOT use E85.
DO NOT use a gas oil mix.
DO NOT modify engine to run on alternate
Stabilize fuel prior to storage.
1. Verify equipment is OFF and cooled for a
minimum of two minutes prior to fueling.
2. Place equipment on level ground in a well
ventilated area.
3. Clean area around fuel cap and remove
cap slowly.
Figure 2-4. Add Recommended Fuel
4. Slowly add recommended fuel. Do not
5. Install fuel cap.
IMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum
deposits from forming in fuel system parts
such as the carburetor, fuel hose or tank
during storage. Alcohol-blended fuels (called
gasohol, ethanol or methanol) can attract
moisture, which leads to separation and
formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas
can damage the fuel system of an engine
while in storage. To avoid engine problems,
the fuel system should be emptied before
storage of 30 days or longer. See Storage.
Never use engine or carburetor cleaner
products in the fuel tank as permanent
damage may occur.
Engine damage. Verify proper type and quantity of
engine oil prior to starting engine. Failure to do so
could result in engine damage.
30 50 70 90
SAE 30
5W-30 or 10W-30
Explosion and Fire. Fuel and vapors are
extremely flammable and explosive. Add fuel
in a well ventilated area. Keep fire and spark
away. Failure to do so will result in death
or serious injury.
Explosion and Fire. Do not overfill fuel tank.
Overfilling may cause fuel to leak and ignite
or explode, resulting in death or serious injury.
Risk of fire. Allow fuel spills to completely dry
before starting engine. Failure to do so will
result in death or serious injury.
General Information and Setup
6 Owner’s Manual for Water Pump
Connect the Hoses
NOTE: Appearance of pump may vary.
Discharge ports face 90° from inlet on certain
NOTE: Hose kit may be sold separately.
1. Place water pump in desired operating
2. Attach the flexible discharge hose to the
flange (top) by sliding the hose over the
barb and securing with a hose clamp.
3. See Figure 2-5. Attach the suction hose to
the flange (bottom) by sliding the hose
over the barb and securing with a hose
NOTE: Hose attachment styles may vary.
Figure 2-5.Typical Hose Attachment
4. See Figure 2-6. Attach the strainer to the
suction hose.
Figure 2-6.Typical Strainer Attachment
Priming the Pump
Remove the orange priming cap from the
pump and completely fill the pump chamber
with clean water. Tighten the cap. DO NOT
over tighten.
Figure 2-7. Water Priming Plug
Consult Manual. Read and understand manual
completely before using product. Failure to
completely understand manual and product
could result in death or serious injury.
Equipment damage. Use only hoses and couplings
designed for this pump. Incorrect hoses and couplings
can cause performance issues and permanent
equipment damage.
Equipment damage. Use recommended strainer to
prevent debris from entering the pump. Failure to do
so could result in equipment damage.
Equipment damage. Before starting engine, verify
pump is primed with water and suction strainer is
submerged. Failure to do so will cause pump damage
and void the warranty.
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 7
Section 3 Operation
Operation and Use Questions
If you have any problems operating your water
pump, please call Generac customer service
at 1-888-GENERAC (888-436-3722).
Placing Water Pump for Use
It is a violation of California Public Resource
Code, Section 4442, to use or operate the
engine on any forest-covered, brush-covered,
or grass-covered land unless the exhaust
system is equipped with a spark arrestor, as
defined in Section 4442, maintained in
effective working order. Other states or federal
jurisdictions may have similar laws. Place the
pump on a level surface free from any
obstructions or potential hazards. The pump
should be placed close to the water level to
ensure maximum performance.
Only operate water pump outdoors in a well
ventilated area. Never operate water pump
indoors, or in a confined space. Be aware
of building openings and ventilation
systems where exhaust may enter during
Keep at least five (5) ft (152 cm) of
clearance on all sides of water pump
including overhead.
Verify water pump is placed on level
ground to avoid tipping during operation.
Submerge strainer.
NOTE: Suspend the strainer if there is any
mud or sand present at the bottom of the
Place discharge hose in appropriate
location to drain water. Verify that the hose
opening is unobstructed.
Figure 3-1. Five Feet of Minimum
Pump Output
See Figure 3-2. Pump output will be affected
by the type, length, and size of the suction and
discharge hoses. Suction head is the distance
(A) from the water intake to the suction port.
The pumping height, total head, is the
distance (B) from the water intake to the point
of discharge. As total head increases, the
pump output decreases. The discharge
capacity is greater than the suction capacity.
Therefore, it is important to keep the suction
head less than the total head. The time
required to draw water from the source to the
pump (self-priming time) can be decreased by
minimizing the suction head.
Figure 3-2. Pump Output
High Altitude Operation
This equipment produces maximum suction lift
at elevations below 1000 ft (305 m). For every
increase of 1000 ft (305 m) above sea level:
the engine will lose about 3% of its power
total head will be reduced by about 10 in
(25 cm).
Lower atmospheric pressure results in slower
engine speeds and reduced water flow
through the pump.
Asphyxiation. Running engines produce
carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless,
poisonous gas. Carbon monoxide, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Risk of Fire. Hot surfaces could ignite
combustibles, resulting in fire. Fire could
result in death or serious injury.
Hot Surfaces. When operating machine, do not
touch hot surfaces. Keep machine away from
combustibles during use. Hot surfaces could
result in severe burns or fire.
Equipment damage. The hose can be damaged if it
comes in contact with the hot engine muffler. Keep
hose away from muffler during operation.
8 Owner’s Manual for Water Pump
Transporting / Tipping
Do not operate, store or transport the
equipment at an angle greater than 15
Before Starting Engine
1. Verify engine oil level is correct.
2. Verify fresh fuel level is correct.
3. Verify all fittings, gaskets, and couplers are
properly secured.
4. Verify hoses are properly connected.
5. Verify equipment is secure on level
ground, with proper clearance and is in a
well ventilated area.
NOTE: Pumping water with solids larger than
the maximum stated particle size can damage
the pump and void the warranty. Maximum
particle size is listed on the product
specifications sheet. Ensure that correct
strainer is attached to the suction hose to
prevent pumping larger solids.
Starting the Engine
NOTE: For units equipped with a Subaru
engine, refer to the Subaru engine manual for
specific starting instructions.
1. Remove water priming plug and fill the
pump with water. Replace water priming
2. Move fuel valve lever (A) to ON position.
Figure 3-3.Starting the Engine
3. Move choke lever (B) to CLOSED position.
NOTE: For warm engine, leave choke lever in
OPEN position.
4. See Figure 3-5. Move throttle lever (C)
about 1/3 away from the MIN position.
5. See Figure 3-4. Turn engine switch (D)
Figure 3-4.Engine Switch
Figure 3-5. Engine Recoil
6. Grasp recoil handle (E) and pull slowly
until you feel some resistance. Then pull
rapidly to start engine. Return recoil
handle slowly. DO NOT let recoil snap
back against recoil housing.
7. When engine starts, slowly move choke
lever to OPEN position as engine warms.
If engine falters, move choke lever to
CLOSE position, then to OPEN position.
If engine fails to start after six pulls, move
choke lever to “OPEN” position, and repeat
step 6.
8. When the engine is running smoothly,
adjust the throttle lever to set the desired
engine speed.
Equipment damage. Before starting engine, verify
pump is primed with water and suction strainer is
submerged. Failure to do so will cause pump damage
and void the warranty.
Recoil Hazard. Recoil could retract unexpectedly
if water pressure is not properly relieved from
pump, creating kickback. Kickback could result
in death or serious injury.
Risk of Fire. Hot surfaces could ignite
combustibles, resulting in fire. Fire could
result in death or serious injury.
Hot Surfaces. When operating machine, do not
touch hot surfaces. Keep machine away from
combustibles during use. Hot surfaces could
result in severe burns or fire.
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 9
Preventing Water Hammer
Water hammer occurs when the discharge
flow is suddenly blocked or stopped.
Pressurized water trapped inside the pump
can crack the pump housing. To prevent water
Do not close the discharge valve while the
pump is operating.
Do not allow vehicles to drive over the
discharge hose.
Do not abruptly compress the discharge
Water Pump Shut Down
1. Move throttle lever from fast to slow.
2. Turn engine switch OFF.
3. Move fuel valve lever to OFF position.
4. Allow the engine to cool thoroughly.
After Each Use
After cooling, remove the priming plug (A) and
drain plug (B) from the pump housing and
allow it to drain thoroughly.
Figure 3-6. Drain Pump Housing
NOTE: DO NOT allow water to remain in
pump after use. Trapped water can freeze and
crack the pump housing. Pump damage
caused by freezing is not covered by warranty.
Follow these procedures after every use:
1. Drain pump housing.
2. Disconnect hoses.
3. Wipe pump with a clean, dry cloth to
remove excess water and dirt.
4. Store equipment in a clean, dry area.
NOTE: If storing for more than 30 days, see
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
10 Owner’s Manual for Water Pump
Section 4 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Maintenance Recommendations
Regular maintenance will improve
performance and extend water pump life. See
an Independent Authorized Service Dealer for
Water pump warranty does not cover items
subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To
receive full warranty value, operator must
maintain water pump as instructed in this
manual, including proper storage as detailed
in Storage.
NOTE: Call 1-888-GENERAC (888-436-3722)
with questions about component replacement.
Maintenance Schedule
Follow maintenance schedule intervals,
whichever occurs first according to use.
NOTE: Adverse conditions will require more
frequent service.
NOTE: All required service and adjustments
should be performed each season as detailed
in the following chart.
Preventive Maintenance
Dirt or debris can cause improper operation and
equipment damage. Clean water pump daily or
before each use. Keep area around and behind
muffler free from combustible debris.
Use a damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces
Use a soft bristle brush to loosen caked on
dirt, oil, etc.
Use a vacuum to pick up loose dirt and
Low pressure air (not to exceed 25 psi [172
kPa]) may be used to blow away dirt.
Engine Maintenance
NOTE: For units equipped with a Subaru
engine, refer to the Subaru engine manual
shipped with the unit. Maintenance for Subaru
engines should be performed according to
Subaru recommendations.
Inspect Engine Oil Level
Inspect engine oil level prior to each use, or
every 8 hours of operation.
Add recommended engine oil as necessary.
See Add Engine Oil.
NOTE: If equipped with an “Oil Alert System”
the system will automatically stop the engine
before the oil level falls below a safe limit.
Change Engine Oil
When using water pump under extreme, dirty,
dusty conditions, or in extremely hot weather,
change oil more frequently.
NOTE: Properly dispose of used oil in
accordance with all local laws and regulations.
Change oil while engine is still warm from
running, as follows:
1. Disconnect the spark plug wire from the
spark plug and place the wire where it
cannot contact spark plug.
Before Each Use
Check engine oil level
Check air cleaner
Check and tighten fasteners
After Each Use
Drain water from pump
Every 3 Months or 50 Hours
Clean air cleaner*
Every 6 Months or 100 Hours
Change oil ǂ
Clean sediment cup
Check and adjust spark plug
Clean fuel tank and fuel filter **
Clean spark arrestor (if equipped)
Every Year or 300 Hours
Replace air cleaner element (paper)
Replace spark plug
Check and adjust idle speed **
Check and adjust valve clearance **
Every Two Years
Check condition of fuel lines and replace if
Service more often in dusty or dirty conditions.
Contact an Independent Authorized Service
ǂ Change oil after the first 20 hours of
operation, and every 100 hours thereafter.
Accidental start-up. Disconnect spark plug wires when
working on unit. Failure to do so could result in death
or serious injury.
Risk of burns. Allow engine to cool before
draining oil or coolant. Failure to do so could
result in death or serious injury.
Accidental start-up. Disconnect spark plug wires when
working on unit. Failure to do so could result in death
or serious injury.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 11
2. Place a suitable collection container
beneath the engine.
3. See Figure 4-1. Remove oil fill cap (A).
Figure 4-1. Changing Engine Oil
4. Remove the oil drain plug (B) and discard
the washer (C). Drain oil completely.
5. Place a new washer on the oil drain plug.
Install oil drain plug and tighten securely.
6. Add recommended engine oil as
necessary. See Add Engine Oil.
7. Install oil fill cap, and finger tighten.
8. Wipe up any spilled oil.
9. Properly dispose of oil in accordance with
all applicable regulations.
Service Air Cleaner
Engine will not run properly and may be damaged
if run with a dirty air cleaner. Service air cleaner
more frequently in dirty or dusty conditions.
To service air cleaner:
1. Remove air cleaner cover.
2. Remove filter element(s).
3. Inspect filter element(s) and replace if
damaged. To order replacements, contact
Generac Customer Service at 1-888-
GENERAC (888-436-3722) for the name
of your nearest Independent Authorized
Service Dealer.
4. Clean foam filter element in warm soapy
water. Rinse, and allow to dry thoroughly.
Dip in clean engine oil and squeeze out
excess oil.
5. Tap paper filter element several times on
hard surface to remove dirt. Compressed
air (not exceeding 30 psi (207 kPa) can
also be used to blow through filter element
from the inside.
6. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe dirt from
inside air cleaner cover.
7. Put cleaned or new filter element(s) in
place. Verify gasket is in place (if
8. Install air cleaner cover. Tighten air
cleaner screws or fasteners securely.
Service Spark Plug
To service spark plug:
1. See Figure 4-2. Clean area around spark
plug (A).
2. Remove and inspect spark plug.
3. See Figure 4-3. Inspect electrode gap (B)
with wire feeler gauge and replace spark
plug if gap (A) is not within 0.028 - 0.031 in
(0.70 - 0.80 mm).
Figure 4-2. Service Spark Plug
Figure 4-3. Spark Plug Gap
NOTE: Replace spark plug if electrodes are
pitted, burned or porcelain is cracked. Use
ONLY recommended replacement plug. See
product specification sheet.
4. Install spark plug finger tight, and tighten
an additional 3/8 to 1/2 turn using spark
plug wrench. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN.
Inspect Muffler and Spark Arrestor
(if equipped)
It is a violation of California Public
Resource Code, Section 4442, to use or
operate the engine on any forest-covered,
brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless
the exhaust system is equipped with a spark
arrestor, as defined in Section 4442, maintained
in effective working order. Other states or
federal jurisdictions may have similar laws.
Contact original equipment manufacturer, retailer,
or dealer to obtain a spark arrestor designed for
exhaust system installed on this engine.
NOTE: Use ONLY original equipment
replacement parts.
Inspect muffler for cracks, corrosion, or other
damage. Remove spark arrestor, if equipped,
inspect for damage or carbon blockage.
Replace parts as required.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
12 Owner’s Manual for Water Pump
Refer to the following list to prepare
equipment for storage.
DO NOT place a storage cover on a hot
water pump. Allow equipment to cool to
room temperature before storage.
DO NOT store fuel from one season to
another unless properly treated.
Replace fuel container if rust is present.
Rust in fuel will cause fuel system problems.
Cover equipment with a suitable protective,
moisture resistant cover.
Store equipment in a clean and dry area.
Always store water pump and fuel away
from heat and ignition sources.
Prepare Fuel System for Storage
Fuel stored over 30 days can go bad and
damage fuel system components. Keep fuel
fresh, use fuel stabilizer.
If fuel stabilizer is added to fuel system,
prepare and run engine according to "Starting
the Engine" Run engine for 10-15 minutes to
circulate stabilizer throughout fuel system.
Adequately prepared fuel can be stored up to
24 months.
NOTE: If fuel has not been treated with fuel
stabilizer, it must be drained into an approved
container. Run engine until it stops from lack
of fuel. Use of fuel stabilizer in fuel storage
container is recommended to keep fuel fresh.
1. Change engine oil.
2. Remove spark plug.
3. Pour a tablespoon (5-10cc) of clean
engine oil or spray a suitable fogging
agent into cylinder.
4. Pull starter recoil several times to
distribute oil in cylinder.
5. Install spark plug.
6. Pull recoil slowly until resistance is felt. This
will close valves so moisture cannot enter
engine cylinder. Gently release recoil.
Change Oil
Change engine oil before storage. See
Change Engine Oil
Prepare Water Pump for Storage
Protect equipment from freezing
temperatures. Failure to do so will
permanently damage pump and render
equipment inoperable. Freeze damage is not
covered under warranty.
Protect equipment from freezing temperatures
as follows:
1. Shut engine off by turning engine start
switch to OFF.
2. Disconnect hoses.
3. Let engine cool.
4. Remove water drain plug and drain
trapped water.
5. Turn fuel valve to OFF.
6. Winterize engine per manufacturer
Store equipment in a clean and dry area.
Explosion and Fire. Fuel and vapors are extremely
flammable and explosive. Store fuel in a well
ventilated area. Keep fire and spark away. Failure
to do so will result in death or serious injury.
Risk of Fire. Verify machine has properly
cooled before installing cover and storing
machine. Hot surfaces could result in fire.
Equipment damage. Always run engine with water
in the pump priming chamber. Failure to do so could
result in equipment damage.
Vision Loss. Eye protection is required to avoid
spray from spark plug hole when cranking engine.
Failure to do so could result in vision loss.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 13
Engine will
not start, or
starts and
runs rough.
1. Engine ON/OFF switch in OFF
2. Dirty air filter
3. Out of fuel.
4. Stale fuel.
5. Fuel switch in OFF position (if
6. Low oil level (units with low oil
shutdown system).
7. Spark plug wire not connected to
8. Bad spark plug.
9. Choke position incorrect.
10. Water in fuel.
11. Excessively rich fuel mixture.
12. Impeller obstructed.
1. Place Engine ON/OFF switch in ON
2. Clean or replace air filter.
3. Fill fuel tank.
4. Replace with fresh fuel.
5. Place fuel switch in ON position.
6. Fill oil to proper level.
7. Connect wire to spark plug.
8. Replace spark plug.
9. Adjust choke position.
10. Drain fuel tank; replace with fresh
11. Contact Independent Authorized
Service Dealer.
12. Clean impeller.
Pump not
1. Air leak in suction hose.
2. Suction and/or discharge hoses
3. End of suction hose not submerged.
4. Total head exceeds pump capacity.
1. Check suction hose and connections
for leaks. Tighten or repair.
2. Check hoses and strainer. Clear
3. Increase suction hose length or
move pump closer to water.
4. Reduce total head or choose a
different pump for the task.
1. Air leakage (intake) at suction side.
2. Reduced engine power output.
3. Damaged mechanical seal.
4. Suction lift too high.
5. Suction hose too long, or hose
diameter too small.
6. Leaking discharge hose or
7. Damaged mechanical seal.*
8. Impeller obstructed.
9. Worn impeller.**
10. Engine throttle in SLOW position
1. Check suction hose and connections
for leaks. Tighten or repair.
2. Contact Independent Authorized
Service Dealer.
3. Replace mechanical seal.
4. Lower suction lift.
5. Shorten suction hose, or increase
hose diameter.
6. Check discharge hose and
connection for leaks. Tighten or
7. Replace mechanical seal.
8. Clean impeller.
9. Replace impeller.
10. Increase throttle position.
Pump does
not prime
water, or
priming takes
a long time.
1. Air leakage (intake) at suction side.
2. Insufficient priming water inside
pump casing.
3. Water drain plug is loose.
4. Engine malfunction.
5. Damaged mechanical seal.
6. Incorrectly sized suction hose.
7. Suction hose is too long.
8. Excessive suction lift. ***
1. Check suction hose and connections
for leaks. Tighten or repair.
2. Add priming water.
3. Tighten water drain plug.
4. Contact Independent Authorized
Service Dealer.
5. Replace mechanical seal.
6. Use correct suction hose.
7. Move pump closer to water.
Pump loses
1. Water level drops below the end of
the suction line.
1. Increase length of suction line or
move the pump closer to the water
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Owner’s Manual for Water Pump 14
Pump shuts
down during
1. No fuel.
2. Low oil sensor shuts down unit.
1. Allow engine to cool for 2 minutes,
then fill fuel tank.
2. Make sure unit is on flat surface.
Check oil level and add more if
Oil leakage
at muffler or
air cleaner.
Engine failure. Repair or replace.
engine and
Damaged mechanical seal. Replace mechanical seal.
* Mechanical seal damage may be caused by normal wear, overheating, or pumping
incompatible fluids.
** Excessive impeller wear is primarily due to cavitation. Causes include restricted suction and
excessive suction lift.
*** Total suction head should not exceed 26 ft (8 m).
Part No. 0K9077 Rev.G 10/16/2018
©2018 Generac Power Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
No reproduction allowed in any form without prior
written consent from Generac Power Systems, Inc.
Generac Power Systems, Inc.
S45 W29290 Hwy. 59
Waukesha, WI 53189
1-888-GENERAC (1-888-436-3722)
Bomba de agua
Manual del propietario
FECHA DE COMPRA:______________
Registre su producto Generac en:
Sección 1 Introducción y
seguridad .......................................1
Introducción .................................... 1
Normas de seguridad ...................... 1
Símbolos de seguridad y
significados ..................................... 2
Peligros de gases de escape .......... 2
Peligros de incendio ........................ 3
Peligros del combustible ................. 3
Antes de arrancar el equipo ............ 3
Cuando opere el equipo .................. 3
Cuando transporte o repare el
equipo ............................................. 3
Cuando almacene combustible o
equipos con combustible en
el tanque ......................................... 3
Sección 2 Información general y
configuración ................................4
Conozca su bomba de agua ........... 4
Especificaciones del producto ......... 4
Información de emisiones ............... 4
Retire el contenido de la caja .......... 4
Adición de aceite del motor ............. 5
Adición de combustible ................... 5
Montaje ........................................... 6
Conexión de las mangueras ............6
Cebado de la bomba .......................6
Sección 3 Operación .....................7
Preguntas sobre la operación y
el uso ...............................................7
Salida de la bomba ..........................7
Operación a gran altura ...................7
Transporte e inclinación ..................8
Antes de arrancar el motor ..............8
Arranque del motor ..........................8
Prevención de martillo de agua .......9
Apagado de la bomba de agua .......9
Después de cada uso ......................9
Sección 4 Mantenimiento y
solución de problemas ...............10
Recomendaciones de
mantenimiento ...............................10
Programa de mantenimiento .........10
Mantenimiento preventivo .............10
Mantenimiento del motor ...............10
Almacenamiento ............................12
Solución de problemas ..................13
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Generac Clean Water G0068210 Manuel utilisateur

Manuel utilisateur