Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction ............................................ 1
1.1 Symbols and conventions ............................1
1.2 Ownership and copyright ............................ 1
1.3 Service life ...........................................1
1.4 Maintenance ........................................ 1
1.5 Reverse engineering ................................. 1
2.0 Safety Precautions / Mesures de sécurité ..................2
2.1 Symbols on the device / Symboles sur l’instrument ..... 2
2.2 Electrical markings and safety / Marquage électrique
et de sécurité ......................................... 2
2.3 Electrical safety / Sécurité électrique .................. 2
2.4 LED optical safety / Sécurité optique .................. 2
2.5 Electromagnetic safety / Sécurité électromagnétique ... 3
2.6 Use of the device / Utilisation de l’instrument .........3
2.7 Service and maintenance / Service et maintenance .... 3
2.8 Cleaning / Nettoyage ................................3
2.9 Data interpretation / Interprétation des données .......3
3.0 Indications and Precautions for Use / Indications et
précautions d’utilisation .................................. 4
3.1 Terms of use / Conditions d’utilisation ................. 4
3.2 Precautions for use / Précautions d’utilisation ......... 4
3.3 User training / Formation des utilisateurs ..............4
3.4 Electrical safety / Sécurité électrique .................. 4
3.5 Safety related to maintenance / Sécurité associée à la
maintenance ......................................... 5
3.6 LED optical safety / Sécurité optique .................. 5
4.0 Overview ............................................... 8
4.1 Unpacking ........................................... 8
4.2 Front view ........................................... 9
4.3 Rear view ...........................................10
5.0 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.1 Connection .........................................10
5.1.1 Power supply ..................................10
5.1.2 Control interface ..............................10
5.1.3 Data interface (Video data). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2 Power ..............................................11
5.3 Preparation of the sample holder ....................11
5.4 Maintenance .......................................11
6.0 Videodrop Measurement Workflow .....................12
6.1 Sample loading ....................................12
6.2 Record and Export a Measurement ..................13
6.3 Sample removal and cleaning .......................13
7.0 Software ...............................................14
7.1 Welcome window ...................................14
7.2 Main interface ......................................15
7.2.1 Start/Stop a measurement ..................... 16
7.2.2 Export measurement results ...................17
7.2.3 Create a new file ..............................19
7.2.4 Load sample ...................................19
7.2.5 Main interface Parameters .....................20
7.2.6 Results/Analysis ...............................22
7.2.7 Adjust saturation ..............................22
7.3 Advanced settings (system) .........................23
7.4 Administration .....................................25
7.5 Additional information ..............................26
7.6 Warning and Error messages ........................26
7.6.1 Warning messages ............................26
7.6.2 Error messages ................................28
8.0 Switch Off the Device ...................................29
9.0 Cleaning ...............................................29
9.1 General recommendations ..........................29
9.2 Cleaning the device .................................29
9.3 Recommended cleaning products ....................30
9.4 Recommended disinfection solutions ................30
9.5 Protective shield cleaning ...........................30
9.6 Sample holder cleaning .............................30
10.0 Technical Specifications ................................. 31
11.0 Regulations ............................................33
12.0 Limited Warranty .......................................33
13.0 Equipment Disposal ....................................33