Empfohlene Schutzabstände zwischen tragbaren und mobilen HF-Kommunikationsgeräten
und der Wandstation KaWe MedCenter 5000
Die Wandstation KaWe MedCenter 5000 ist für den Betrieb in einer elektromagnetischen Umgebung bestimmt, in der gestrahlte HF-Störgrö-
ßen kontrolliert werden. Der Kunde oder der Anwender des Gerätes kann helfen, elektromagnetische Störungen dadurch zu verhindern, dass
er Mindestabstände zwischen tragbaren oder mobilen HF-Kommunikationseinrichtungen (Sendern) und der Wandstation KaWe MedCenter
5000, wie unten entsprechend der maximalen Ausgangsleistung der Kommunikationseinrichtung empfohlen, einhält.
Schutzabstand nach Sendefrequenz
Nennleistung des Senders
150 kHz bis 80 MHz
d = 1,2√P
80 MHz bis 800 MHz
d = 1,2√P
800 MHz bis 2,5 GHz
d = 2,3√P
0,01 0,12 0,12 0,23
0,10 0,38 0,38 0,73
1 1,20 1,20 2,30
10 3,80 3,80 7,30
100 12 12 23
Für Sender, deren Nennleistung in obiger Tabelle nicht angegeben ist, kann der Abstand unter Verwendung der Gleichung bestimmt werden,
die zur jeweiligen Spalte gehört, wobei P die Nennleistung des Senders in Watt (W) nach der Angabe des Senderherstellers ist.
Anmerkung 1: Zur Berechnung des empfohlenen Schutzabstandes von Sendern im Frequenzbereich von 80 MHz bis 2,5 GHz wurde ein
zusätzlicher Faktor von 10/3 verwendet, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu verringern, dass ein unbeabsichtigt in den Patientenbereich einge-
brachtes mobiles/tragbares Kommunikationsgerät zu einer Störung führt.
Anmerkung 2: Diese Leitlinien mögen nicht in allen Situationen zutreffen. Die Ausbreitung elektromagnetischer Wellen wird durch
Absorptionen und Reflexionen von Gebäuden, Gegenständen und Menschen beeinflusst.
User's Manual
Wall-Mounted Charging Station KaWe MedCenter 5000
Dear buyer! Thank you for choosing a KaWe product. Our products are
known for high quality and durability. This KaWe device complies with
the provisions of Directive EU 2017/745 (European Directive on Medi-
cal Devices), whereby it is classified as a medical product of class 1.
Please carefully consider this instruction and read
all the provisions prior to use. Follow the warning
Application: Only authorized qualified personnel can use the wall
Intended use: The wall station is used to supply voltage to KaWe
otoscope heads & ophthalmoscope heads with 3.5 V lamps. The wall
control can be extended by up to three more handles.
Group of patients with indications for use: All
Improper use of the device/contraindications for use: Any other
method of use or use for purposes other than intended is considered
improper. The manufacturer is not responsible for damage resulting from
such use. In this case, only the operator assumes all risks. Use only the
supplied handle for the supply voltage.
Use only the included components for the assembly of KaWe
MedCenter 5000.
1. Hold the mounting plate horizontally on the wall and mark 3
anchor holes.
2. Drill holes with a Ø 6 mm drill to a depth of approx. 35 mm and
insert the anchors.
3. Secure the mounting plate by tightening the screws with a scre-
4. Place the base unit disconnected from the mains on the sheet
strip, press it down and slide it down gently until it stops.
5. Check that the base unit is securely fastened.
6. When using an add-on unit: Affix it on the right side of the base
unit. The add-on unit is secured by the guides of the base unit and
the hinge of the end frame. Hold the add-on unit, attach the end
frame and mark the holes. Remove the add-on unit before dril-
ling the holes.
7. Drill holes with a Ø 6 mm drill to a depth of approx. 35 mm and
insert the anchors for the end frame.
8. Attach the add-on unit and end frame to the base unit as descri-
bed in Step 6 and secure it with screws.
9. Secure the back panel of the end frame by tightening the screws
with a screwdriver.
10. Attach the front panel to the end frame.
11. To disassemble, disconnect the wall station from the power sup-
ply. After that, first remove the front panel. To do this, at the base
of the end frame, slightly press the locking tab up with a slotted
screwdriver and remove the front panel. Remove the screws whi-
le holding the unit. Slide the base unit upwards and remove it
from the mounting plate.
Information: The diagnostic heads are equipped with KaWe PICCO-
LIGHT screw locks. They can be screwed onto the handles. To protect
against theft, the heads are secured with side set screws. To remove
the head, loosen the set screw and unscrew the diag-nostic head.
1. Connect the power cord to the local power outlet.
2. The green ready-to-operate indicator on the base unit will light up.
3. The backlight in the diagnostic heads automatically lights up when
it is removed from the console.
4. The brightness of the backlight can be adjusted by pressing the
(+/-) switch.
5. Two diagnostic devices can be used at the same time indepen-
dently of each other. Make sure that the cords do not cross.
5. Two diagnostic devices can be used at the same time inde-
pendently of each other. Make sure that the cords do not
At the head of the KaWe PICCOLIGHT C otoscope, slide the mag-
nifier upwards and remove the lamp on the adapter. Disconnect the
lamp from the adapter.
If necessary, clean the glass bulb of the new lamp with alcohol. Insert
the lamp with the adapter as far as it
will go.