Aeotec ZW090-B, ZW090-A Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant virtuel. J'ai lu le manuel d'utilisation de la Clé USB Z-Wave Gen5+ ZW090. Il contient des instructions détaillées sur l'utilisation, l'inclusion manuelle des appareils, la configuration et l'utilisation avec différents systèmes d'exploitation. Je peux répondre à vos questions concernant ce dispositif.
  • Comment puis-je inclure un nouvel appareil dans mon réseau Z-Stick ?
    Comment puis-je connaitre le port virtuel auquel ma clé est connectée sous Windows ?
    Comment puis-je connaitre le port virtuel auquel ma clé est connectée sous Linux ?
Z-Stick Gen5+
pre-installed; this includes any drivers that
the corresponding operating system may
need. Please refer to the host controller’s
manual or contact their support team if
needed. Expanded quick start steps are
available at
1. Plug Z-Stick Gen5+ into a host controller
(that can be a PC, Mac, Raspberry Pi,
2. Determine the virtual port that your
Z-Stick Gen5+ is connected to.
Windows - You would look at Ports &
LPT under Device Manager.
Linux - under cmd prompt, type in
“dmesg | grep tty” which will give you
a list of all tty devices connected.
Usually Z-Stick Gen5+ shows as a
ttyACM0 device.
OSX - Choose Apple > System
Preferences, then click Network. You
can find Z-Stick Gen5+ as a USB
Modem device (/dev/cu.usbmodem).
3. Open the selected third party software.
In most cases, any devices already paired
with Z-Stick Gen5+ network will
automatically show up in the software’s
To include a new device into
the system.
4. Set the third party software into its ‘add
device’ mode in order to connect a
Z-WaveTM device to your Z-Wave
system. Refer to the third party
software instructions if you are unsure
of how to perform this step.
5. Press Action Button on Aeotec Z-Wave
device which you want to add into the
Z-Wave network. If it is non-Aeotec
Z-Wave device, please refer to its
manual for inclusion operation.
6. You will see the name of the device on
the software’s interface when it is
successfully added.
7. Repeat step 3 and 4 to include any
further devices.
Including a new device into
your Z-Stick network (manual
1. Unplug the Z-Stick Gen5+ from your
Host Controller.
2. Tap Action Button on Z-Stick Gen5+
then the LED should blink blue slowly to
indicate that it is in pair mode.
3. Press Action Button on Aeotec Z-Wave
device which you want to add into the
Z-Wave network. If it is non-Aeotec
Z-Wave device, please refer to its
manual for inclusion operation.
4. The LED of the Z-Stick Gen5+ will
become solid for 2 seconds to confirm a
successful pair. If unsuccessful, the
LED will become solid red color for 2
seconds before returning to a slow blue
color blinking LED.
5. Press Action Button of Z-Stick Gen5+ or
wait 30 seconds of inactivity to bring it
out of pair mode.
Get help & learn more.
Should you encounter any problem with
Z-Stick Gen5+, visit or contact
our support team via
You can also learn more about Z-Stick
Gen5+ features, configuration options, and
technical specifications at the link.
Used in this guide.
Artículos utilizados en este manual / Utilisé dans
ce guide / In dieser Gebrauchsanweisung
verwendete Bezeichnungen / Usato in questa
guida / Gebruikt in deze handleiding / Används i
den här handboken.
Important safety information.
Please read this and the online guide(s) at carefully.
Failure to follow the recommendations set
forth by Aeotec Limited may be dangerous
or cause a violation of the law. The
manufacturer, importer, distributor, and / or
reseller will not be held responsible for any
loss or damage resulting from not following
any instruction in this guide or in other
Z-Stick Gen5+ is intended for indoor use in
dry locations only. Do not use in damp,
moist, and / or wet locations.
Quick start.
The following will step you through using
Z-Stick Gen5+ when it is attached to a host
controller as a primary controller.
Please make sure the host controller is
Action Button
Botón de acción / Bouton
d'action / Aktionsknopf /
Pulsante di azione /
Actieknop / Åtgärdsknapp
Reset Butto
Restablecer Butto /
Réinitialiser Butto / Setzen Sie
Butto zurück / Reset Butto /
Reset Butto / Återställ knapp
dass das ZW090 den grundlegenden
Anforderungen und anderen relevanten
Bestimmungen von RED 2014/53 / EU, RoHS
2011/65 / EU, IEC 62321: 2008, EN 50581: 2012 und
ErP-Richtlinie 2009/125 entspricht / EG, Nr.
1275/2008 ÄNDERUNGSANTRAG 801/2013. Der
vollständige Wortlaut der Erklärung ist unter
folgender Internetadresse
stickgen5/doc abrufbar.
Spezifikationen. Z-Wave Geräte arbeiten zwischen
868.40 und 926.3 Mhz in Abhängigkeit von lokalen
Beschränkungen. Es strahlt bis zu 2.91 dBm ERP
Sendeleistung ab, was Verbindungen über weite
Strecken ermöglicht. Vollständige Informationen
über Gerätespezifikationen und Zertifizierungen
finden Sie auf
Dichiarazione di conformità. Aeotec Limited
dichiara che ZW090 è conforme ai requisiti
fondamentali e altre disposizioni importanti di RED
2014/53/EU, RoHS 2011/65/EU, IEC 62321:2008, EN
50581:2012 e della Direttiva ErP 2009/125/EC, No
1275/2008 EMENDAMENTO 801/2013. Il testo
complete della dichiarazione è disponibile su
Specifiche tecniche. I dispositivi Z-Wave
funzionano tra 868.40 e 926.3 MHz in base alle
restrizioni locali. Utilizza fino a una potenza di
trasmissione di 2.91 dBm ERP, consentendo una
connessione a lungo raggio. Informazioni complete
sulle specifiche del dispositivo e sulle certificazioni
Conformiteitsverklaring. Aeotec Limited verklaart
dat ZW090 voldoet aan alle essentiële vereisten en
andere bepalingen van de Richtlijn radioapparatuur
2014/53/EU, Richtlijn 2011/65/EU, IEC 62321:2008,
EN 50581:2012, en Verordening (EU) nr. 874/2012.
De volledige tekst van de verklaring is beschikbaar
Specificaties. Z-Wave-apparaten functioneren
tussen 868,40 en 926,3 MHz, afhankelijk van lokale
beperkingen. Zij gebruiken maximaal 2.91 dBm
ERP-zendvermogen, waardoor een verbinding over
een groot bereik mogelijk is. Meer informatie over
specificaties en certificeringen is te vinden op
Deklaration av Överensstämmelse. Aeotec Limited
deklarerar att ZW090 överensstämmer med de
Declaration of Conformity. Aeotec Limited
declares that ZW090 is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions
of RED 2014/53/EU, RoHS 2011/65/EU, IEC
62321:2008, EN 50581:2012 and ErP Directive
2009/125/EC, No 1275/2008 AMENDMENT
801/2013. The full text of the declaration is available
Specifications. Z-Wave devices operate between
868.40 & 926.3 MHz depending on local restrictions.
It uses up to 2.91 dBm of transmit power, enabling
wireless connectivity. Full information on device
specifications and certifications at support.aeo-
Declaración de conformidad. Aeotec Limited
declara que el ZW090 está en cumplimiento con los
requerimientos esenciales y otras provisiones
relevantes de RED 2014/53/EU, RoHS 2011/65/EU,
IEC 62321:2008, EN 50581:2012 y las Directrices
ErP 2009/125/EC, Nro. 1275/2008 ENMIENDA
801/2013. El texto completo de esta declaración
está disponible en
Especificaciones. Los dispositivos Z-Wave operan
entre 868,40 y 926,3 MHz dependiendo de las
restricciones locales. Utilizan un poder de
transmisión de hasta 2.91 dBm ERP, lo que permite
una conectividad de amplio rango. Puede encontrar
la información completa sobre las especificaciones
y certificaciones del dispositivo en support.aeo-
Déclaration de conformité. Aeotec Limited déclare
que le ZW090 est conforme aux exigences
essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de
RED 2014/53/EU, RoHS 2011/65/EU, IEC
62321:2008, EN 50581:2012 and ErP Directive
2009/125/EC, No 1275/2008 AMENDMENT
801/2013. Le texte intégral de la déclaration est
disponible sur
Spécifications. Les appareils Z-Wave fonctionnent
entre 868,40 et 926,3 MHz en fonction des
restrictions locales. Il utilise jusqu'à 2.91 dBm de
puissance d'émission ERP, ce qui permet une
connectivité longue portée. Informations complètes
sur les spécifications et les certifications des
appareils sur
Konformitätserklärung. Aeotec Limited erklärt,
väsentliga kraven och andra relevanta
bestämmelser i RED 2014/53/EU, RoHS
2011/65/EU, IEC 62321:2008, EN 50581:2012 och
ErP Directive 2009/125/EC, No 1275/2008
AMENDMENT 801/2013. Den fullständiga texten för
deklarationen är tillgänglig på support.aeo-
Specifikationer. Z-Wave-enheterna kan fungera
mellan 868,40 och 926,3 MHz, beroende på lokala
restriktioner. Den använder upp till 2.91 dBm
ERP-sändningseffekt, vilket möjliggör anslutning på
långa avstånd. Fullständig information om
enhetsspecifikationer och certifieringar finns på
In Europe contact Aeotec Group GmbH; Große
Johannisstraße 7, 20457 Hamburg, Germany.
© & ™ Aeotec Limited. Version: FT501009000008- AA
Exclusive to Z-Stick Gen5+