Legrand LMCP24 Guide d'installation

Guide d'installation

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Digital Lighting Management Control Panel with Emergency Relay
Installation Instructions • Instructions d’Installation • Instrucciones de Instalación
No: 28431 – 11/20 rev. 2
Catalog Numbers • Les Numéros de Catalogue • Los Números de Catálogo: EM-IN
Country of Origin: Made in U.S. • Pays d’origine: Fabriqué en États Unis • País de origen: Hecho en Estados Unidos
The Digital Lighting Management Control Panel (LMCP) lighting control panel with emergency shunt operation is designed to allow
the normal control of the emergency lighting for day to day operation of the building. The panel is configured to guarantee that the
emergency lighting served by the panel will always turn on upon loss of normal power regardless of the controlled state of the relays in
the panel.
Under normal operation of the lighting control panel, the SPST relays will control the lighting based on the sequence of operation
designed for the panel. This could include schedules, overrides from low voltage wall switches, and daylight or occupancy sensors
connected to the panel. Normal control is allowed because the contacts of the shunt contactors are held open by the normal power
sense circuit.
When the normal power sense circuit stops supplying voltage (power outage), the normally closed contacts on the shunt contactors
close thus bypassing the switching action of the SPST relays.
When normal power is restored, the normal power sense circuit will once again supply power to open, and hold open, the contacts on
the shunt contactors thus restoring the normal control operation of the panel.
See the wiring diagram below.
For an overview of the entire system and the documentation forms, refer to the LMCP Installation Instructions and Operation Manual. If
you have any questions, call our Service Team.
LMCP panels ordered with the Emergency Shunt option
are shipped completely assembled and should not require
disassembly in the field for proper installation. Panels
equipped with normal and emergency relays require that
they be separated by a metal barrier. Install the supplied
barrier(s) in the appropriate location(s) as shown on the
detail drawing in the project submittal documentation. Refer
to the Installation Instructions shipped with your panel for
other installation information.
1. Mount the panel enclosure to the wall using hardware
(not supplied) capable of supporting a minimum of
100 pounds.
2. Mount the interior into the enclosure using the
supplied hardware.
3. Connect the panel’s power supply to a dedicated 20
amp circuit from the lighting panel serving the same
section of the building as the LMCP.
4. Connect the branch circuit feed wires from the
emergency panel to the LINE side terminal on each
relay. Connect the LOAD side of each relay to the
corresponding load circuit. Care should be taken to
make sure the factory wire connections to the relays
remain connected as shipped.
5. Connect the normal power sense leads from the shunt
contactors in the relay panel to the same dedicated
20 amp lighting panel circuit as connected to the
DLM Emergency Control Panel. Note that these
connections are voltage sensitive and ensure that all voltages match.
6. Test the shunt operation of the panel by cycling the 20 amp breaker
feeding the normal power sense circuit in the LMCP panel. An audible
noise should be noted when power is applied to the normal power
sense circuit. This is the sound of the shunt contactors opening to
allow normal operation of the relays. Likewise, an audible noise should be noted when the normal power sense circuit is turned off
(this simulates a power failure) and the contactors close, thus shunting the contacts of the relays and turning on all the emergency
lighting controlled by this panel. Check that the emergency lighting is On when normal power is turned off. Additionally, for
LMCPx-10V dimming panels, dim the lighting to 50% while normal power is On, then check to see that lighting goes to 100%
when normal power is Off.
Normal Power
Contractor Wiring
Factory Wiring
EM-IN Emergency Interio
Emergency Power
Emergency Line
Emergency Lighting
0-10V Dimming
No. 28431 – 11/20 rev. 2
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Legrand LMCP24 Guide d'installation

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