Your heat pump is a unique, all weather comfort-control appliance
that will heat and cool your building year round and provide
energy saving comfort. It’s an unknown fact that heat is always
in the air, even when the outside temperature is below freezing.
saving heat during the winter months.
In colder temperatures, the heat pump performs like an air
conditioner run in reverse. Available heat energy outside the
building is absorbed by the refrigerant and exhausted inside.
from the outdoors to the indoor area. You do not pay to generate
the heat, as is the case with more traditional furnace designs.
During summer, the heat pump reverses the flow of the heat-
absorbing refrigerant to become an energy-efficient, central air
conditioner. Excess heat energy inside the home is absorbed
by the refrigerant and exhausted outside the building.
A thermostat with fossil fuel back-up heat capability is required
to operate the Dual Fuel iHybrid™ heat pump system.The
thermostat should bemounted about 5 feet abovethe oor
on an inside wall and not on an outside wall or other location
where its operation may be adversely affected by radiant heat
from fireplaces, sunlight, or lighting fixtures, and convective heat
from warm air registers or electrical appliances.
mode and others will havethe AUTO in place of the HEAT
NOTE: If the temperature level is re-adjusted, or the system mode
is reset, the fan and compressor in the outdoor unit may not
start immediately. A protective timer circuit holds the compressor
previous operation or the interruption of the main electrical power.
1. SetthethermostatsystemmodetoCOOLandthethermostat
2. Set the thermostat temperature selector to the desired
temperature level. The outdoor fan, compressor, and
indoor blower will all cycle on and off to maintain the indoor
temperature at the desired cooling level.
NOTE: If Stage 1 cool does not satisfy the thermostat
and indoor blower will ramp to high speed.
1. Setthethermostat’ssystemmodetoHEATorAUTOand
2. Set the temperature selector to the desired temperature
cycle on and off to maintain the indoor temperature at the
desired heating level.
If Stage 1 heat does not satisfy the thermostat
and indoor blower will ramp to high speed.
NOTE 2:Onsomethermostats,iftheheatingloadonthe
conditioned space is not met in a normal period of time or
the difference between the thermostat set point and room
temperature is large, the heat pump will automatically shut
off and the gas heat will operate until the thermostat demand
for heat is met.
etc., the compressor and outdoor fan will be locked off and the
gas furnace will be used as a source of heat. Sustained use of
gas heat in place of the heat pump will result in an increase in
this utility cost. Refer to the thermostat manual for more info.
During cold weather heating operation, the outdoor unit will
develop a coating of snow and ice on the heat transfer coil.
Demand Defrost that monitors ambient and coil temperatures
to regulate the defrost function accordingly.
At the beginning of the defrost cycle, both the outdoor condenser
the compressor will turn on and begin to heat the outdoor coil
causing the ice and snow to melt.
During the defrost period, the gas funace will energize and
produce warm air to offset the heat pump operation while in
its reverse cycle. Initially the air out of the supply registers may
be slightly cooler since the heat pump has reversed its cycle
and is now in the cooling mode to aide in the defrosting of the
continues to operate and the blower speed increases.
NOTE: Whiletheiceandsnowismelting,somesteammay
rise from the outdoor unit as the warm coil causes the melting
frost to evaporate. When defrost is completed, the outdoor
fan motor will start, and the compressor will turn off again. In
the end of the defrost cycle.
1. SetthethermostatsystemmodetoAUTOandthethermostat
2. Set the thermostat’s temperature selector to the desired
and the indoor blower will then cycle on and off in either
the heating or cooling mode of operation as required to
automatically maintain the indoor temperature within the
desired limits.
The continuous indoor blower operation is typically used to
circulate the indoor air to equalize a temperature imbalance
due to a solar load, cooking, or fireplace operation.
regardless of the thermostat temperature selector’s setting.