WAC Lighting PD-29425 Mode d'emploi

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant d'IA. J'ai lu attentivement les instructions d'installation du luminaire suspendu PD-29425. Ce document décrit les étapes de montage, les précautions de sécurité et les recommandations d'entretien, notamment pour les zones côtières. N'hésitez pas à me poser vos questions concernant l'installation ou l'utilisation de ce luminaire.
  • Qui doit installer le luminaire ?
    Comment manipuler le luminaire ?
    Que se passe-t-il si j'utilise des pièces non fournies ?
Phone (800) 526.2588
Fax (800) 526.2585
Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center
44 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050
Central Distribution Center
1600 Distribution Ct
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Western Distribution Center
1750 Archibald Avenue
Ontario, CA 91760
WAC Lighting retains the right to modify the design of our products at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. Dec. 2023
• Read all instructions before installing.
• System is intended for installation by a licensed electrician in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and local regulations.
When handling the xture, do not apply pressure to the LEDs. Hold the xture by the base only.
• Retain installation instructions for future maintenance reference.
: All parts must be used as indicated in these instructions. This product is designed for use only with the supplied parts and/or
accessories designated for use by dweLED. Substitution of parts or accessories not designated for use with this product by dweLED could
result in personal injury or property damage, and will void the warranty. Contact an authorized dealer or the manufacturer if any parts are
damaged or missing.
: Coastal conditions may cause mineral and residue build-up on the xture. We recommend that customers in coastal
areas clean all external surfaces of the xture once every two weeks with a wet cloth.
 Pour éviter tout choc électrique, assurez-vous que le disjoncteur soit mis hors tension avant de commencer.
• Lisez toutes les instructions avant l’installation.
• Le système doit être installé par un électricien licensié conformément au code national de lélectricité (NEC), et également aux
règlements locaux.
• Lors de la manipulation du luminaire, n’appuyez pas sur les LED. Tenez-le uniquement par la base.
: Toutes les pièces doivent être utilisées comme indiqué dans ces instructions. Ce produit est conçu pour être utilisé seulement
avec les pièces et/ou accessoires fournis pour être utilisés avec les produits dweLED. Remplacer des pièces ou accessoires non conçus pour ce
produit dweLED pourrait causer des dommages corporels ou matériels et pourrait également causer l’annulation de la garantie. Veuillez
contacter un revendeur autorisé ou le fabricant si des pièces manquent ou sont endommagées.
: Les conditions côtières peut causer une accumulation de minéraux et de résidue sur le luminaire. Nous recommendons
aux clients qui resident dans les zones côtières de nettoyer toutes les surfaces externes du luminaire une fois toutes les deux semaines avec
un chion humide.
Wire Connector
Qty: 3pcs+1Extra
Mounting Screw
Qty:1 Extra
1. Shut o the power at the circuit breaker and remove existing xture, including the crossbar.
2. Carefully unpack your new xture and lay out all the parts on a clear area. Be careful not to lose any small parts necessary for installation.
3. Remove the mounting screw (B) from the xture
4. Secure the mounting back plate to the junction box using standard junction box screws(B) .
 (i) using any other non-original-manufacturer provided junction box screw may result in safety issue;
(ii) The side of the mounting plate marked “GND” must face out.
5. Choose number of rods suitable for your application,Thread the Wires through the rods, swivel and canopy,
attach the canopy,rods, swivel .Ensure all are tightened.
 Due to limited space within the canopy, shorten the cable as necessary to make the installation easier. Make sure to identify and label
all the wiring properly before any trimming/shortening. Fig.3
6. Connect the driver’s output wires to xture wire as shown in Fig.3, red to the red,and black to the black, make sure that wire connectors (A)
are secured. Connect the driver’s input wires to junction box wires as shown in Fig. 2, making sure that all wire connectors (A) are secured.
If your outlet box has a green or bare copper ground wire, connect the xtures ground wire to it. Otherwise, connect the xture’s ground
wire directly to the back plate using the GND screw provided. After wires are connected, tuck them carefully inside the junction box.
8. Secure the xture by mounting the canopy to the ring of the back plate. Turn and rotate the canopy in the direction of the arrow until it
stops. Fasten the canopy to the mounting back plate using the mounting screw (B) .
WAC Lighting retains the right to modify the design of our products at any time as part of the company's continuous improvement program. Dec. 2023
Phone (800) 526.2588
Fax (800) 526.2585
Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center
44 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050
Central Distribution Center
1600 Distribution Ct
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Western Distribution Center
1750 Archibald Avenue
Ontario, CA 91760
Fixture Wires
Black or
Fixture Wires
White or
Fixture Wires
Bare wire
House Wires
House Wires
House Wires
Green or Bare Copper
 
Turn to Down
Mounting Ring Dimensions
3 1/2"
2 1/8"
4 5/8"
4 1/8"
Brown C
Black W
Brown C
Blue W
Black -
Black -
Red +
Red +
4000K 3500K 3000K 2700K
White - Neutral
Black - Hot
Junction box
Mounting back plate
Junction Box Screw
Mounting Screw
Wire Connector
Switch Cover