Dacor DYF42SBIWS Guide d'installation

Guide d'installation
42” Stainless Built-in Refrigerator
Installation Instructions
Part No. 109977 Rev B
© 2018 Dacor, all rights reserved.
For safety and to minimize any installation-related
issues, read this manual thoroughly before you begin the
Leave this manual with the user.
Write the model and serial numbers of the appliance
below for the owner’s reference. (Find these numbers on
the data label on the right-hand wall of the refrigerator
compartment between the top drawer and the bottom
shelf; see the graphic.)
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ............................................. 1
REFRIGERATOR SAFETY .......................................... 2
LOCATION & INSTALLATION SAFETY ...................... 4
INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS .............................. 5
Tools and Parts .................................................. 6
Grounding the Refrigerator ................................. 6
Water-Pressure Requirements ............................... 6
Water-Line Requirements ..................................... 7
Installing the Water Filter .................................... 7
Cabinet Cutout Dimensions ................................. 8
PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ................................... 9
Refrigerator Dimensions ...................................... 9
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................. 11
Removing the Packaging ................................... 11
Connecting the Water-Supply Line ...................... 11
Setting Up the Ice Maker .................................. 13
Attaching the Kickplate ..................................... 13
Installing the Anti-Tip Brackets ............................ 14
Installing the Refrigerator .................................. 14
Aligning the Refrigerator Doors ......................... 15
Anchoring the Refrig. to Its Cabinet .................... 15
Keep this manual for your own and for the local inspector’s
Disposing of the Old Refrigerator
Junked refrigerators are suffocation hazards. Before you
discard your old refrigerator:
remove the doors.
leave the shelves in place so children may not easily
climb inside.
This product contains one or more chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer, and birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
To avoid a possible explosion/fire: Do not store or use
combustible/flammable/explosive vapors and liquids inside or
near this (or any other) appliance.
Use the refrigerator only as the manufacturer instructs. If you
have questions/concerns, contact Dacor.
Before service/cleaning the appliance, turn off power at the
circuit-breaker panel, and lock the panel. If locking is not
possible, securely fasten a prominent warning to the panel not
to turn the power on.
The warnings in this section cannot cover every issue and
situation. Use common sense and caution when installing/
maintaining/operating this appliance.
Always contact Dacor Customer Assurance about problems
and conditions that you cannot resolve.
About Safety Alerts
DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION alerts call attention
to important/critical information in the manual. Always read
the message that accompanies the alert.
Immediate hazards that WILL result in severe personal injury
or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that COULD result in severe
personal injury or death.
Hazards or unsafe practices that MIGHT result in minor
personal injury or property damage.
Suffocation Hazard
Remove doors from the old refrigerator.
With doors attached, children may be
trapped inside, resulting in death or brain
damage from oxygen starvation.
IMPORTANT: Refrigerant Disposal
Dispose of the refrigerator according to federal and local
regulations. Refrigerants must be evacuated by a licensed,
EPA-certified refrigerant technician according to established
Important Safety Instructions
Nous donnons de nombreux messages de sécurité
importants dans ce manuel et sur votre appareil ménager.
Assurez-vous de toujours lire tous les messages de
sécurité et de vous y conformer.
Ce guide contient plusieurs messages de sécurité très
importants. Lisez-les tous et obéissez-les alertes.
Ce symbole d’alerté de securité
Tous les messages de sécurité identifieront le risque,
vous diront comment diminuer les possibilités de blessure
et vous expliqueront ce qui peut arriver en cas de non
respecter les instructions.
Tous les messages de sécurité seront précédés de ce
symbole d’avertissement pour votre sécurité et de mots qui
Ces motssignifient :
Vous serez mort ou sérieusement blessé si vous ne suivez pas
ces instructions.
Vous risquez la mort ou des blessures sérieuses si vous ne
suivez pas ces instructions.
Indique une situation de risque imminent qui, en cas
d’accomplissement, peut aboutir à des blessures secondaires
ou modérées, ou simplement endommager l’appareil.
AVERTISSEMENT: Ce produit contient au moins un produit
chimique connu par l’État de Californie pour être à l’origine de
AVERTISSEMENT: Ce produit contient au moins un produit
chimique connu par l’État de Californie pour être à l’origine de
malformations et autres déficiences de naissance.
Sécurité du réfrigérateur
Avant de jeter votre vieux réfrigérateur
ou congélateur :
Enlever les portes.
Laisser les tablettes en place de sorte
que les enfants ne puissent pas y
pénétrer facilement.
Mise au rebut du réfrigérateur – méthode
IMPORTANT: L’emprisonnement et l’étouffement des
enfants ne sont pas un problème du passé. Les réfrigéra-
teurs jetés ou abandonnés sont encore dangereux, même
s’ils sont abandonnés pendant «quelques jours seule-
ment». Si vous vous débarrassez de votre vieux réfrigéra-
teur, veuillez suivre les instructions ci-dessous pour aider à
éviter les accidents.
Risque de suffoquer
Enlever les portes de votre vieux réfrigérateur:
Le non-respect de cette instruction peut causer un décès ou
des lésions cérébrales.
Risque de choc électrique: Brancher sur une prise a 3
alveoles reliée à la terre. Ne pas enlever la broche de liaison à
la terre. Ne pas utiliser un adaptateur. Ne pas utiliser un câble
de rallonge. Le non-respect de ces instructions peut causer un
décès, un incendie ou un choc électrique.
Risque d’explosion: Garder les matériaux et les vapeurs
inflammables, telle que l’essence, loin du réfrigérateur. Le
non-respect de cette instruction peut causer un décès, une
explosion ou un incendie.
Renseignements importants à propos de la mise
au rebut des fluides réfrigérants
Mettre le réfrigérateur au rebut conformément à la
réglementation fédérale et locale. Les fluides réfrigérants
doivent être évacués par un technicien certifié et agréé par
l’EPA conformément aux procédures établies.
The DYF42SBIWR/DYF42SBIWS is a “built-in” refrig.
(installed in a recess in the kitchen cabinetry).
The refrigerator’s unfinished sides are hidden within the
cabinet after installation.
Check product dimensions and side-tipping radius with
doorways, halls, stairs, corners, etc., to ascertain the most
practical path for the refrigerator, then clear the path
before moving the refrigerator.
If needed, the refrigerator doors can be removed for passage
through narrow doorways.
Installer le réfrigérateur de façon à pouvoir le dégager
facilement du mur pour entretien ou réparation.
Une prise de courant à 3 alvéoles reliée à la terre doit
être installée tel qu’illustré ci-dessous.
Le robinet d’arrêt doit se trouver dans le placard inférieur,
d’un côté ou de l’autre du réfrigérateur ou à un autre droit
facilement accessible.
REMARQUE : Le plancher sous le réfrigérateur doit être au
même niveau (affleurement) que le plancher de la pièce. Le
devant du placard doit être droit.
Si le robinet d’arrêt de la canalisation d’eau n’est pas installé
dans un placard adjacent, la canalisation d’eau peut parvenir
au réfrigérateur à travers le plancher ou le mur arrière.
DANGER: Explosion Risk
To prevent explosion/re and personal injury or death, keep
ammable materials and vapors (e.g., gasoline, alcohol, paint
thinner) away from the refrigerator.
Observer les dispositions de tous les codes et règlements en vigueur.
On recommande de ne pas installer le réfrigérateur près d’un four, d’un
radiateur ou de toute autre source de chaleur.
Ne pas installer l’appareil là où la température pourrait baisser au-dessous
de 55°F (13°C).
Le plancher doit pouvoir supporter le poids du réfrigérateur,soit plus de 600
lb (272 kg), en plus des panneaux de porte et du contenu du réfrigérateur.
La hauteur sous plafond doit être suffisante pour permettre le basculement
latéral du réfrigérateur.
L’emplacement doit permettre l’ouverture complète des portes.
L’emplacement d’installation doit permettre la dépose de la grille
supérieure. Voir Dimensions de l’ouverture.
Brancher l’appareil sur une prise à 3 alvéoles reliée à la terre.
Ne pas enlever la broche de liaison à la terre.
Ne pas utiliser un adaptateur.
Ne pas utiliser un câble de rallonge.
Débrancher la source de courant électrique avant l’entretien.
Replacer pièces et panneaux avant de faire la remise en marche.
Enlever les portes de votre vieux réfrigérateur.
Utiliser un produit de nettoyage ininflammable.
Garder les matériaux et les vapeurs inflammables, telle que l’essence, loin
du réfrigérateur.
Utiliser deux ou plus de personnes pour déplacer et installer le réfrigérateur.
Débrancher le réfrigérateur avant l’installation de la machine à glaçons
(seulement pour modèles prêts à recevoir une machine à glaçons).
Utiliser un verre robuste pour prendre des glaçons (sur certains modèles).
DANGER: Risque d’Explosion
Garder les matériaux et les vapeurs inammables, telle que l’essence, loin
du réfrigérateur.
Le non-respect de cette instruction peut causer un décès, une explosion ou
un incencie.
Si toutes les portes sont trop petites pour le réfrigérateur de passer à travers ,
les portes du réfrigérateur peuvent être enlevés.
WARNING: Tip Hazard
At least two people are needed to move/install the refrigerator
The refrigerator tips easily when not securely installed.
Tape doors shut until the refrigerator is in its cabinet ready to
be secured.
Observe all applicable codes and regulations.
Before installation, plug in and turn the refrig. ON to verify
that it works.
Do not install the refrigerator near an oven, radiator, or other
heat source (incl. direct sunlight).
The refrigerator cabinet should be well-ventilated. (Review
the cabinet dimensions to verify adequate air flow.)
Installation should not impede air flow through the front grill.
Installation should keep rodents from chewing through the
power cord and causing a fire hazard.
Construct the cabinet of strong material (e.g., wood,
melamine) so it will not collapse or be easily damaged.
Use cabinetry that will not warp from heat (motor) or humidity
(open/close doors) emitted by the refrigerator.
The floor surface in the refrigerator cabinet must be level
within .04 in. (1 mm).
The floor beneath the refrigerator must be strong enough to
support 600 lb (272 kg) without sagging.
Keep children out of the area during installation; do not let
children play with packaging material (plastic sheeting/bags).
Remove screws from the parts bag one-by-one to avoid loss
and personal injury from sharp parts.
Plug the refrigerator directly into a wall outlet. (Do not use an
extension cord or power strip.)
AVERTISSEMENT: Risque de Basculement
Le réfrigérateur est lourd au sommet et bascule facilement lorsqu’il n’est pas
complètement installe.
Garder les portes fermees avec un ruban adhesif jusqu’a l’installation complete
du réfrigérateur.
Utiliser deux ou plus de personnes pour déplacer et installer le réfrigérateur.
Le non-respect de ces instructions peut causer un décès ou une blessure grave.
The top-heavy refrigerator should be anchored to its cabinet to prevent tipping. (Instructions on securing the refrigerator
to the cabinet are on Page 15 under Anchoring the Refrig. to Its Cabinet.)
Knowing the side-tipping radius will help determine the refrigerator’s path through dooways, etc. on the way to its cabinet
enclosure. (The graphics on this page show back- and side-tipping radii.)
Back-Tipping Radius: 86 in. (218.7 cm)
Side-Tipping Radius: 92 13/16 in. (235.7 cm)
Tools and Parts
This section describes the refrigerator’s supplied hardware,
and the tools and accessories needed for installation.
Supplied Hardware/Accessories
Water filter
Anti-tip brackets
Kickplate (and attaching screws)
Front leveling legs (packed with kickplate)
Tapping screws (12 qty.)
Installation Instructions
Use and Care Guide
Required Tools
Have these items available to help with the installation:
Safety glasses
Drill and bits
Socket wrench and sockets (6mm, 12mm)
Open-end wrenches (11mm, 12mm)
Screwdrivers (blade and Phillips)
Tubing cutter
Tin snips
Appliance dolly
Grounding the Refrigerator
This refrigerator’s power cord has a 3-prong (grounding)
plug, which inserts into a standard 3-prong (grounding)
wall outlet to minimize the risk of electric shock.
Ensure a qualified electrician verifies that the wall outlet
and circuit are properly grounded.
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to have the proper
outlet installed. (Do not use a GFI outlet.)
Water-Pressure Requirements
The water dispenser and icemaker need a cold-water
supply with 30–120 psi (207–827 kPa) water pressure.
If you install a reverse-osmosis system between the water
supply and refrigerator, the water pressure from the supply
to the osmosis system must be 40–60 psi and from there to
the refrigerator, 30–120 psi.
A licensed plumber can answer questions about water
Never cut/remove the power cord ground (third) prong.
Do not use an adapter plug to connect the refrigerator to a
2-prong outlet.
Do not use an extension plug with this appliance.
Water-Line Requirements
Before connecting the refrigerator water line to the home’s
line, familiarize yourself with the home’s plumbing layout,
then decide how best to use it, and tap into the home’s line
minding these requirements:
The installer shall provide the 5/16” (0.8 cm) water line
and all fittings.
The water line must be long enough that the refrigerator
can be pulled forward for service and cleaning without
disconnecting/damaging the line.
All installations must meet local plumbing codes.
The water shut-off valve should be in the base cabinet
on either side of the refrigerator (right-hand side recom-
mended) or other easily accessible location.
If the water shut-off valve comes through the wall behind
the refrigerator, it must be angled so the line does not
kink when the refrigerator is in place.
If not in a side cabinet, ensure the water-supply pipe is
within the area shown in the graphic.
Installing the Water Filter
The refrigerator is bypassed automatically until the water
filter is installed.
To install the water filter:
1. Turn off the water supply to the refrigerator.
2. Open the grill cover at the top of the refrigerator.
3. Set the filter in place, and turn it clockwise until it stops
snugly, and close the grill cover.
4. Press-hold Water on the control panel for 3 seconds.
The water-filter life-cycle detector sets itself; the filter
indicator goes out.
5. Re-open the water valve, and run water through the
dispenser for 7 minutes (to remove impurities and air
from the water line.)
Callout Dimension Description
A 1” (2.5 cm) Floor level up the rear wall
B 2 3/4” (7.0 cm)
Floor level up to top of rear-wall entry area for
water line
C 3 3/16” (8.1 cm) Width of rear-wall entry area for water line
D 41 1/2” (105.4 cm) Overall width of refrigerator cabinet
E 19 1/4” (49.0 cm)
Distance from right-side cabinet wall to right-
side edge of floor entry area for water line
F 5 3/4” (14.6 cm)
Distance from right-side cabinet wall to right-
side edge of water-line install zone
G 6 1/8” (15.6 cm)
Distance from rear wall to back of refrig.
(allowing for water-line coil)
The water-filter installation is not covered by the refrigerator
or icemaker manufacturer warranty.
- Follow the instructions in this section carefully to minimize
the risk of water damage.
- The water-supply line must be connected to the cold-water
pipe; otherwise, the lter may malfunction.
If the coupler does not t on the current tap, purchase the
proper ttings from an authorized service dealer.
Use only Dacor-provided/-approved filters. (For details, call
Dacor customer service or a local Dacor dealer.
Unapproved filters may leak and damage the refrigerator,
causing electric shock. Dacor is not responsible for personal
injury/appliance damage caused by third-party water filters.
To accommodate the refrigerator, the cabinet “cutout” must
conform to these details:
Cutout dimensions: 41 1/2”W x 84”H x 24”D (1054.1mm x
2134mm x 610mm).
Install the refrigerator so it can be pulled from the cutout
for service/cleaning without detaching the water line.
The cutout’s floor must be at the same level as the
kitchen floor. (The refrigerator cannot be on a raised
platform/flooring or sub-floor.)
The refrigerator’s face (excl. handles) must be flush with
the cabinetry on either side.
The water line can enter the cutout through the floor,
lower rear wall, or lower cabinetry side wall. (The graphic
shows the floor and side walls.) The shut-off valve must
be easily accessible for service/emergencies.
The water line connects the house’s cold-water line with
the refrigerator’s water-line connector. (The line should
be long enough to reach the front of the refrigerator.)
Dacor recommends that while preparing the refrigerator
for installation, you place a mat under the refrigerator to
prevent damage to the flooring.
Cabinet Cutout Dimensions
41 1/2” (1054.1 mm)
Refrigerator Dimensions
Refrigerator Dimensions, cont.
Connecting the Water-Supply Line
This consists of two options in which either: 1) code-
approved flexible tubing, or 2) copper tubing, is attached to
the main water-supply shut-off valve.
Style 1: Flex Tube to Shut-Off Valve
First, review the directions. Ensure you have a minimum
7-ft. code-approved, flexible supply line.
1. (With the refrigerator unplugged) Connect the flex
tubing to the water shut-off valve by threading the
provided nut onto the valve.
2. (With the open end of the tubing in a bucket) Turn
on the shut-off valve, check the fittings for leaks, and
tighten any loose connections.
If you turn the refrigerator on before connecting the water line,
be sure to turn the ice maker off.
With this installation style, a valve placed behind the refrigera-
tor would not allow the refrigerator front to be ush with the
cabinets on either side. For a “ush” installation, the shut-off
valve needs to be inside one of the base cabinets to the left/
right of the refrigerator.
If the water-line connection from the home supply line does
not look like the connection in the graphic below, go instead to
Style 2: Copper Line to Shut-Off Valve.
Callout Description
A Bulb (engages water-valve outlet)
B Nut (slides forward to screw/attach to water-valve outlet)
C Flexible water line (carries water to refrigerator)
Removing the Packaging
The refrigerator comes bolted to a wooden pallet and
boxed in heavy cardboard.
Remove the packaging outdoors or in a space with a very
tall ceiling.
1. Carefully cut the banding at the top/bottom of the carton,
and lift the carton off the refrigerator.
2. Slide out the two rear-corner posts.
3. Remove the kickplate (taped to the top of the
refrigerator), and set it aside.
4. At the base of the refrigerator on both sides, remove all
six bolts that secure the refrigerator to the pallet.
5. From the freezer side, tilt the refrigerator, and remove
the bracket.
6. Slide the appliance dolly under the freezer side, and
carefully lower the refrigerator.
7. Place the corner posts on the refrigerator’s forward
corners (to protect those corners from tension from
security straps), and secure the refrigerator to the dolly.
8. With the appliance dolly, lift the refrigerator off the pallet.
The refrigerator is secured to the pallet with six 1/2” bolts. Do
not lay the refrigerator down to remove the pallet.
Do not cut, scissor, saw, or otherwise remove the carton with
sharp tools.
At least two people are needed to unbox the refrigerator safely.
Do not roll/drag the refrigerator while it is on the pallet.
Ensure the water line is clear of the appliance dolly.
You may need to cut the corner posts to a usable length.
The refrigerator’s front leveling legs are packed with the
kickplate. You will install the legs in a later procedure.
8. Insert the tube fully into the valve outlet, and screw the
compression nut snugly in place.
9. Turn off the valve, and coil the slack tubing, taking care
not to kink it.
10. Connect the flexible, code-approved water-supply line
to the open end of the copper tubing as in Steps 7, 8.
11. With the end of the flex tube in a bucket, open the
valve, and adjust the fittings where any leaks occur.
Connecting the Flex Tubing to the
The flexible, code-approved tubing can connect to the
supply valve through the floor or side cabinetry.
1. (With the refrigerator unplugged) Connect the 7 ft. (2.1
m) min. flexible tube to the main-line outlet (whether to
the copper line or the supply-line valve as installed in
one of the previous connection procedures).
2. Run water through the tube from the main water-supply
line to flush out particulates and air.
3. (At several points along the flex tube) Tape the tube to
the floor 7” (17.8 cm) to the right of the refrigerator’s
left side and parallel to the cabinet wall.
Flush the line until the water runs clear.
Style 2: Copper Tube to Shut-Off Valve
1. (With the refrigerator unplugged) Turn off the main
water supply; turn on the nearest faucet briefly to clear
the water from the line.
2. Find a 1/2” to 1 1/4” (1.3 cm to 3.2 cm) vertical cold-
water pipe near the refrigerator.
3. Determine copper tube length by measuring from the
refrigerator connection to the water pipe, then add 7 ft
(2.1 m) so the refrigerator can be slid out of its cabinet
without disconnecting the water line.
4. With a cordless drill, put a 1/4” (6.4 mm) hole in the
cold-water pipe.
5. Ensure the outlet end is solidly in the drill hole and
the washer is under the pipe clamp, then tighten the
packing nut.
6. Tighten the pipe-clamp screws slowly and evenly (but
not overly tight) so the valve mechanism seals to the
main water pipe.
7. Slip first the compression nut, then the compression
sleeve onto the copper tube.
If using a horizontal pipe, drill the pipe from the top to keep
water away from the drill and to prevent sediment from
collecting in the valve.
Use 1/4” (6.4 mm) OD (outside diameter) copper tubing; cut
both ends squarely.
Callout Feature
A Packing nut (keeps water from leaking at shut-off valve)
B Shut-off valve (controls water passage from main line to refrig.)
C Cold-water pipe (home water-supply line)
D Pipe clamp (secures shut-off valve to main supply line)
E Copper tubing (connects main supply line to refrigerator)
F, G Compression nut, sleeve (join copper tubing to valve/refrigerator)
Overtightening the nut will crush the copper tubing.
Before attaching the tubing to the shut-off valve, ush the main
water-supply line to remove particles and air in the line. Stop
when the water is clear. This action helps keep filters/valves
from clogging.
The 7” distance and the tape holds the tubing in a specific
place so the refrigerator can pass safely over the tubing when
Leave a minimum 26” (66.0 cm) of slack at the front end of
the flex tube for connection to the refrigerator.
4. Connect the flex line to the refrigerator.
5. (With the open end of the tube in a bucket) Turn on the
shut-off valve, check the fittings for leaks, and tighten
any loose connections.
If the main-line shut-off valve is behind the refrigerator, a
secondary shut-off valve may be installed in the line with the
supply line at the front of the appliance.
Setting Up the Icemaker
1. Open the upper grill door, and press the master power
switch to turn on the refrigerator.
2. Open the freezer door, and on the ice maker, press-hold
the Test button for 2 seconds.
Attaching the Kickplate
You removed the kickplate from the top of the refrigerator
when you removed the packaging. Two screws are
provided for installation.
The refrigerator’s front leveling legs were packed with the
kickplate; set the legs aside for later installation.
To install the kickplate:
Align the screwholes in the front of the kickplate with
the holes in the base of the refrigerator, and attach the
kickplate with the provided screws.
The appliance temperatures are preset at 37°F (refrigerator
side) and 0°F (freezer side).
Wait 24 hours for the temperatures to stabilize before
adjusting them.
Callout Feature
A, C Compression nut, ferrule (connect home supply to coupling)
B Flex tube (brings water from main supply to refrigerator)
D Compression fitting (connects flex tube to refrigerator inlet tube)
E Sleeve (connects compression fitting to refrigerator inlet tube)
F Refrigerator water-supply inlet tube
The kickplate keeps foreign objects (e.g., mops, brooms, shoe
tips) from impacting critical mechanical components beneath
the appliance. Be sure to install this safety device.
The ice tray rotates and returns to its original position, then
water enters the line, indicating normal operation.
Discard the first bucket of ice cubes.
Installing the Refrigerator
1. Position the line from the main water line to the refrig-
erator so you can access it easily when connecting to
the refrigerator.
2. Plug in the refrigerator power cord.
3. Open the upper grill panel, and press the master power
4. Open the doors to verify that the light is on and the
refrigerator is receiving power.
5. Turn off the refrigerator, and attach the front leveling
legs. (You separated these legs from the kickplate in an
earlier procedure.)
6. Push the refrigerator into the cutout, ensuring the power
cord is not pinched/kinked behind it.
7. One after the other, attach a ratchet to the rod of a rear
leveling leg (front-left/-right sides at the refrigerator
base), and adjust the refrigerator height.
8. In finalizing your adjustments, use a level tool to ensure
the refrigerator is level side-to-side and front-to-back).
If you fully screw in the leveling legs, the refrigerator base will
rest on the oor and may damage the oor when the appli-
ance is moved.
The rear leveling legs are not designed for full extension. Do
not extend the leveling legs past 3/4” (2 cm), or their threads
will be stripped under the refrigerator’s full weight, rendering
the legs useless.
Do not use a power drill to adjust the rear leveling legs.
The refrigerator must be level so the doors align properly at the
top, allowing them to open/close as designed.
Installing the Anti-Tip Brackets
These brackets are a safety measure that keep the top-
heavy refrigerator from falling out of its enclosure.
1. Measure the distance from the floor to the top-rear
surface of the refrigerator.
2. Using the measurement in Step 1, mark a level line
across the cutout rear wall at the height at which you
will attach the brackets. (The mark should be where
the bottom of the bracket arms overhang the top of the
refrigerator so it fits under the brackets.)
3. Snugly attach the anti-tip brackets to the back wall of
the refrigerator cabinet.
For this refrigerator model, the distance from the floor to the
bottom surface of the bracket overhang should be 81.75”
(2076.5 mm), but be sure to double-check this measurement to
avoid complicating the installation.
NOTE: Alternate Method
Use this anti-tip method for steel wall-stud construction.
1. (The refrigerator face is flush with the surrounding cabinetry)
Adjust refrigerator height to just touch the cutout opening.
2. Open the top grill panel to access the top case trim.
3. With a 5mm bit, drill four evenly spaced holes across the
metal upper-case trim.
4. With a 2 mm bit, drill pilot holes through each hole in the
metal into the wood trim above the refrigerator.
5. Install a 38 mm drywall screw into each pilot hole.
Aligning the Refrigerator Doors
Stand back from the refrigerator, and note the door
alignment. Shipping or custom installation of heavy door
panels may have caused the doors to misalign.
1. Remove the rubber cap from the door’s leveling leg, and
with a Phillips screwdriver, loosen (do not remove) the
leg’s locking screw so you can turn the leg.
2. With a 7/32” wrench, turn the leveling leg (clockwise:
lower; counterclockwise: higher) until the doors align
3. Tighten the locking screw, and replace the rubber cap
over the tip of the door-leveling mechanism.
Anchoring the Refrig. to Its Cabinet
Performing this optional procedure keeps the refrigerator
from being pulled from its cabinet.
1. Open the grill door to access the refrigerator side trim.
2. Through the provided holes in the trim, drive a screw
into the cabinetry side wall.
3. Repeat Steps 1, 2 on the other side of the refrigerator.
4. Press the main power switch to turn the refrigerator on,
and close the grill door.
Dacor ● 14425 Clark Avenue, City of Industry, CA 91745 ● Phone: (800) 793-0093 ● Fax: (626) 403-3130 ● www.dacor.com
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Dacor DYF42SBIWS Guide d'installation

Guide d'installation

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