Installation of glass panels
1. Remove the burner cover platform (3 screws at the
back of the fi rebox). Set burner cover platform
2. Inside the fi rebox, on the top of each side, loosen
the screw of the side panel anchors (one per side),
enough to allow them to rotate. (Once loose, they
can be slid off upward without tools)
3. Sandwich the left side glass panel (smooth side
out) against one of the side ceramic fi ller panel and
hold them together using two clips at the bottom
edge. Repeat for the right side glass panel. Set the
side panels assemblies aside.
• Note: If the assemblies don’t hold tightly, you can
manually tighten the clips with a pair of pliers.
Gently compress each clip slightly to tighten its
grip on the sandwiched assembly.
4. Install the left side glass and fi ller panels assembly
against the fi rebox side and use the top clip to
hold it gently in place (do not tighten the clip).
5. Place the rear ceramic fi ller panel on the railing at
the back of the fi rebox and add the glass panel,
smooth side out, in front of the ceramic panel.
6. Slide the rear panels behind the left side panels.
Both rear panels should be retained at the bottom
by the fl ange of the railing, and the left hand