Harmonic ProView 8000 1.3 Guide d'installation

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant. J'ai examiné le guide d'installation du décodeur vidéo ProView 8000. Ce document fournit des informations détaillées sur l'installation, la mise en service et les précautions de sécurité de ce décodeur vidéo. N’hésitez pas à me poser des questions sur les différentes fonctions, les options de connexion et les consignes de sécurité spécifiées dans le document. Je suis là pour vous aider.
  • Quels sont les types de connexions d'entrée pris en charge par le ProView 8000?
    Quels sont les types de connexions de sortie pris en charge par le ProView 8000?
    Est-il possible de surveiller localement la sortie vidéo?
Installation Guide
Rev A
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 2
Manual Part No. MAN-PVR-8000-1.3
July 2015
Copyright © 2000—2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. Omneon, and the Omneon logo are trademarks of Harmonic Inc. Harmonic, the Harmonic logo,
[all other Harmonic products mentioned] are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Harmonic Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Dolby, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby E are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Implementations of AAC and HE-AAC by Fraunhofer IIS.
Other company, product and service names mentioned herein may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. All product and application
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Harmonic reserves the right to alter the equipment specifications and descriptions in this publication without prior notice. No part of this publication shall be
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Third-Party Product Trademarks
Adobe® After Effects®, Photoshop®, Flash® Professional, Premiere®
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Dolby® E, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus
Jünger Audio™
Apple® QuickTime®
Microsoft® Mediaroom®
Microsoft® PlayReady®
Start Over® TV
Third-Party Copyright Notes
Dolby is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pulse, aacPlus, AC-3, and Dolby E are trademarks of Dolby
Level Magic and Jünger are trademarks of Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH.
MPEG Audio technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm/
PitchBlue® is a registered trademark of Vigor Systems.
QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license therefrom.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Harmonic and all Harmonic product names are trademarks of Harmonic Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in
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May be covered by one or more of U.S. Patents No. 6,571,351; 6,696,996; 6,545,721; 6,574,225; 6,895,003; 6,522,649; 6,643,702; foreign counterparts
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This system is distributed with certain other software that may require disclosure or distribution of licenses, copyright notices, conditions of use, disclaimers
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notices, conditions, disclaimers and/or other matter are available in any one of the following locations: the LEGAL NOTICES AND LICENSES directory of the
distribution disk of the software, the root directory of the hard disk drive of the Products, or by contacting us at support@harmonicinc.com.
Information contained in this guide is subject to change without notice or obligation. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is
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damages resulting from the use of this guide.
License Agreement and Limited Warranty
1. AGREEMENT: This is a legal agreement ("Agreement") between you ("you" or "your") and Harmonic, or its appropriate local affiliate ("Harmonic", "we",
"us" or "our"). Use of our product(s) and any updates thereto purchased or validly obtained by you (the "Products"), and/or the Software (as defined below)
(collectively, the "System"), constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement. "Use" includes opening or breaking the seal on the packet containing this
Agreement, installing or downloading the Software as defined below or using the Software preloaded or embedded in your System. As used herein, the term
"Software" means the Harmonic owned software and/or firmware used in or with the Products and embedded into, provided with or loaded onto the
Products in object code format, but does not include, and this Agreement does not address, any third-party or free or open source software separately
licensed to you ("Third Party Software"). If you do not agree to this Agreement, you shall promptly return the System with a dated receipt to the seller for a
full refund.
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 3
2. LICENSE: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including payment), we hereby grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use
the object code version of the Software embedded into, provided solely for use with or loaded onto the Product, and the accompanying documentation
("Documentation") for your internal business purposes. The Software and any authorized copies are owned by us or our suppliers, and are protected by law,
including without limitation the copyright laws and treaties of the U.S.A. and other countries. Evaluation versions of the Software may be subject to a time-
limited license key.
3. RESTRICTIONS: You (and your employees and contractors) shall not attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, translate, create derivative works
of, rent, lease (including use on a timesharing, applications service provider, service bureau or similar basis), loan, distribute, sublicense or otherwise transfer
the System, in whole or part except to the extent otherwise permitted by law. The Software may be operated on a network only if and as permitted by its
Documentation. You may make one (1) back up copy of the object code of the Software for archival purposes only. Evaluation Software will be run in a lab,
nonproductive environment. Results of any benchmark or other performance tests may not be disclosed to any third party without our prior written consent.
Title to and ownership of the Software and Documentation, and all copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in the
System, shall remain our or our licensors' property. You shall not remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary rights notice on the System. We reserve
all rights not expressly granted.
4. LIMITED WARRANTY: (a) Limited Warranty. We warrant to you that, commencing on your receipt of a Product and terminating 1 year thereafter, the System
will perform substantially in accordance with its then-current appropriate Documentation. The Product (including replacements) may consist of new, used or
previously-installed components. (b) Remedies. If the System fails to comply with such warranty during such period, as your sole remedy, you must return
the same in compliance with our product return policy, and we shall, at our option, repair or replace the System, provide a workaround, or refund the fees you
paid. Replacement Systems are warranted for the original System's remaining warranty period. (c) Exclusions. EVALUATION SOFTWWARE IS LICENSED ON
AS-IS BASIS AND SUBJECT TO 4(d). We will have no obligation under this limited warranty due to: (i) negligence, misuse or abuse of the System, such as
unusual physical or electrical stress, misuse or accidents; (ii) use of the System other than in accordance with the Documentation; (iii) modifications,
alterations or repairs to the System made by a party other than us or our representative; (iv) the combination, operation or use of the System with equipment,
devices, software or data not supplied by us; (v) any third party hardware or Third Party Software, whether or not provided by us; (vi) any failure other than by
us to comply with handling, operating, environmental, storage or maintenance requirements for the System in the Documentation, including, without
limitation, temperature or humidity ranges. (d) Disclaimers. We are not responsible for your software, firmware, information, or data contained in, stored on,
or integrated with any Product returned to us for repair or replacement. SUCH LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF, AND WE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM, ANY
exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so such exclusions may not apply to you. In that event, such implied
warranties or limitations are limited to 60 days from the date you purchased the System or the shortest period permitted by applicable law, if longer. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state or country to country.
6. CONFIDENTIALITY: Information in the System and the associated media, as well as the structure, organization and code of the Software, are proprietary to
us and contain valuable trade secrets developed or acquired at great expense to us or our suppliers. You shall not disclose to others or utilize any such
information except as expressly provided herein, except for information (i) lawfully received by the user from a third party which is not subject to
confidentiality obligations; (ii) generally available to the public without breach of this Agreement; (iii) lawfully known to the user prior to its receipt of the
System; or (iv) required by law to be disclosed.
7. SUPPORT: Updates, upgrades, fixes, maintenance or support for the System (an "Upgrade") after the limited warranty period may be available at separate
terms and fees from us. Any Upgrades shall be subject to this Agreement, except for additional or inconsistent terms we specify. Upgrades do not extend the
limited warranty period.
8. TERM; TERMINATION: The term of this Agreement shall continue unless terminated in accordance with this Section. We may terminate this Agreement at
any time upon default by you of the license provisions of this Agreement, or any other material default by you of this Agreement not cured with thirty (30)
days after written notice thereof. You may terminate this Agreement any time by terminating use of the System. Except for the first sentence of Section 2
("License") and for Section 4(a) ("Limited Warranty"), all provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement. Upon any such termination,
you shall certify in writing such termination and non-use to us.
9. EXPORT CONTROL: You agree that the Products and Software will not be shipped, transferred, or exported into any country or used in any manner
prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions, or regulations (the "Export Laws"). You will indemnify, defend
and hold us harmless from any and all claims arising therefrom or relating thereto. In addition, if the Products or Software are identified as export controlled
items under the Export Laws, you represent and warrant that you are not a citizen, or otherwise located within, an embargoed nation (including without
limitation Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, and Serbia) and that you are not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the
Software. All rights to the Products and Software are granted on condition that such rights are forfeited if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
10. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS: The Software and the documentation which accompanies the Software are "Commercial Items," as that term is defined at
48 C.F.R. §2.101, consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and "Commercial Computer Software Documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R.
§12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the
Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government as end users (a) only as
Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Harmonic, 4300 North
First Street, San Jose, CA 95134 U.S.A.
11. GENERAL: You shall not assign, delegate or sublicense your rights or obligations under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our
prior written consent, and any attempt without such consent shall be void. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement binds and benefits permitted
successors and assigns. This Agreement is governed by California law, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for
the International Sale of Goods is disclaimed. If any claim arises out of this Agreement, the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of
the federal and state courts located in Santa Clara County, California. In addition to any other rights or remedies, we shall be entitled to injunctive and other
equitable relief, without posting bond or other security, to prevent any material breach of this Agreement. We may change the terms, conditions and pricing
relating to the future licensing of our Systems and other intellectual property rights, including this Agreement, from time to time. No waiver will be implied
from conduct or failure to enforce rights nor effective unless in a writing signed on behalf of the party against whom the waiver is asserted. If any part of this
Agreement is found unenforceable, the remaining parts will be enforced to the maximum extent permitted. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 4
Agreement. We are not bound by additional and/or conflicting provisions in any order, acceptance, or other correspondence unless we expressly agree in
writing. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the parties as to its subject matter and supersedes all proposals or
prior agreements, verbal or written, advertising, representations or communications concerning the System.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to comply with all licensing requirements for all components used in the system. Any oversight is unintentional and
will be remedied if brought to the attention of Harmonic at support@harmonicinc.com.
Documentation Conventions
This guide may use some special symbols and fonts to call your attention to important information. The following symbols appear throughout this guide:
DANGER: The Danger symbol calls your attention to information that, if ignored, can cause physical harm to
CAUTION: The Caution symbol calls your attention to information that, if ignored, can adversely affect
the performance of your Harmonic product, or that can make a procedure needlessly difficult.
LASER DANGER: The Laser symbol and the Danger alert call your attention to information about the lasers in
this product that, if ignored, can cause physical harm to you.
NOTE: The Note symbol calls your attention to additional information that you will benefit from heeding. It
may be used to call attention to an especially important piece of information you need, or it may provide
additional information that applies in only some carefully delineated circumstances.
IMPORTANT: The Important symbol calls your attention to information that should stand out when you are
reading product details and procedural information.
TIP: The Tip symbol calls your attention to parenthetical information that is not necessary for performing a
given procedure, but which, if followed, might make the procedure or its subsequent steps easier, smoother, or
more efficient.
In addition to these symbols, this guide may use the following text conventions:
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Emphasis The italics text used for emphasis and document
Table of Contents
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 5 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide .............................................6
Packing List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Earthing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Power Supply to the Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Installing the Unit in a Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Electrical Power Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Appendix A: Contacting the Technical Assistance Center .........................12
Appendix B: Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information...................14
Important Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Safety Symbols & Translated Safety, Warning & Caution Instructions (English) . . . . . . . . . 14
Symboles de sécurité et traduits de sécurité, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions
(français) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Sicherheit Symbole und übersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung & Vorsicht Anleitung (Deutsch) . 20
Site Preparation Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Product End-of-Life Disassembly Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Product Disassembly Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Safety Rules (English) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Règles de sécurité (French) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
EU Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices – Class A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Product Regulatory Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Product Regulatory Compliance Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Product Environmental Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
EU RoHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
EU REACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
China RoHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Other RoHS and REACH type Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Battery Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
WEEE Take-Back Request Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Compliance with additional country specific environmental, safety and EMC standards: 34
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 6 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Chapter 1
ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide
Packing List
Power Supply to the Unit
Packing List
Before installation, ensure that all the equipment and the attached parts are available and
undamaged, according to the following list:
Table 1: Packing List
Item Quantity
ProView 8000 Unit 1
Power cable 1
CAUTION: If anything is missing or damaged, do not continue with the installation and report to your
Harmonic support representative.
The unit must be connected to earth before any other cables are connected and it should remain
permanently connected to protected earth. Cable 18AWG should be used. When the unit is rack-
mounted, the device’s earth stud must be connected to the rack housing, which must be correctly
earthed. When removing cables the earth must be removed last.
Earth lug
Chapter 1 ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 7 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Power Supply to the Unit
Power Supply to the Unit
To ensure correct and safe operation of the unit, ensure the following:
Ensure that a qualified electrician has installed the main power supply in accordance with
power authority regulations. Make sure all powering must be wired with an earth leakage,
according to local regulations.
When the unit is rack-mounted, ensure that the rack is correctly grounded.
DANGER: To avoid electrocution, ensure that the rack has been correctly grounded before switching on the
ProView 8000 device. When removing the unit, remove the grounded connection only after the unit is switched
off and unplugged.
Installing the Unit in a Rack
The ProView 8000 comes with ears fitted to each side of the chassis.
ear ear
See the figure for the location of the ears.
For rack installation, ensure that a designated 19" rack is fully prepared for installation. Ensure
sufficient space behind the rack for easy access for installation and maintenance. Rack mounting
requires the use of L shape slides, not included and available from Harmonic. The amount of units
installed in a rack is a function of the units’ power consumption and heat dissipation. Address
Harmonic support for calculating the maximum load on the rack.
The following sections detail the installation of a ProView 8000 unit in a 19" rack using mounting
Installing the L Shape Slides
The ProView 8000 uses forced air ventilation, evacuating the air out the left side of the 19" rack.
To ensure smooth airflow, L shape slides (part no. HPN 203139) are provided for rack mounting.
2 x M6 16mm long screws
To fit the L shape slides:
Fit one L shape slide to each side of the 19" rack and fasten each with two screws (M6 16mm
long) (not included).
Chapter 1 ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 8 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Mounting ProView 8000 units in the 19" Rack
DANGER: To prevent bodily injury when mounting or servicing this unit in a rack, you must take special
precautions to ensure that the system remains stable. The following guidelines are provided to ensure your
This unit should be mounted at the bottom of the rack if it is the only unit in the rack.
If the rack will hold a number of units, load the rack from the bottom to the top with the
heaviest component at the bottom of the rack.
If the rack is provided with stabilizing devices, install the stabilizers before mounting or
servicing the unit in the rack.
ATTENTION: Pour éviter toute blessure corporelle pendant les opérations de montage ou de réparation de
cette unité en casier, il convient de prendre des précautions spéciales afin de maintenir la stabilité du système.
Les directives ci-dessous sont destinées à assurer la protection du personnel.
Si cette unité constitue la seule unité montée en casier, elle doit être placée dans le bas.
Si cette unité est montée dans un casier partiellement rempli, charger le casier de bas en haut
en plaçant l’élément le plus lourd dans le bas.
Si le casier est équipé de dispositifs stabilisateurs, installer les stabilisateurs avant de monter ou
de réparer l'unité en casier.
WARNUNG: Zur Vermeidung von Körperverletzung beim Anbringen oder Warten dieser Einheit in einem
Gestell müssen sie besondere Vorkehrungen treffen, um sicherzustellen, daß das System stabil bleibt. Die
folgenden Richtlinien sollen zur Gewährleistung Ihrer Sicherheit dienen.
Wenn diese Einheit die einzige im Gestell ist, sollte sie unten im Gestell angebracht werden.
Bei Anbringung dieser Einheit in einem zum Teil gefüllten Gestell ist das Gestell von unten nach
oben zu laden, wobei das schwerste Bauteil unten im Gestell anzubringen ist.
Wird das Gestell mit Stabilisierungszubehör geliefert, sind zuerst die Stabilisatoren zu
installieren, bevor sie die Einheit im Gestell anbringen oder sie warten.
CAUTION: Ensure that a sufficient amount of airflow enters the ProView 8000 from the left side (from
the front panel point of view).
Consider if other devices in the rack use airflow in the opposite direction.
Consider that the amount of units installed per rack is a function of power requirements and heat
dissipation. Address Harmonic support for calculating the maximum load on the rack.
2 x M6 16mm long screws
Chapter 1 ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 9 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
To mount the ProView 8000 units on a 19"/42U rack:
1. Slide ProView 8000 units in groups of no more than five units onto each pair of L shape slides.
2. Leave one-unit-space between each group of five units.
L shape slides
Air intake
3. Mount the ears to the rack using M6 16mm long screws (not included).
Ear mounted
Chapter 1 ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 10 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Electrical Power Connection
The ProView 8000 is powered by an AC power supply.
DANGER: To avoid electrocution ensure that the rack has been correctly grounded before switching on
the unit. When removing the unit remove the grounding connection only after the unit is switched off and
VORSICHT! Zur Vermeidung von lebensgefährlichem Stromschlag muss vor Einschalten des Geräts
sichergestellt werden, dass das Rack vorschriftsmäßig geerdet wurde. Bei Entnahme des Geräts ist dieses
zuerst auszuschalten und von der Stromversorgung zu trennen, bevor der Erdungsanschluss entfernt wird.
DANGER: Pour éviter l’électrocution, assurez-vous que le rack a bien été mis à la terre avant de mettre
l’unité en marche. Lors du retrait de l’unité, retirer le raccordement de terre seulement après avoir mis
l’unité à l’arrêt et l’avoir débranchée.
CAUTION: This product relies on the building’s electrical installation for short-circuit (overcurrent)
protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120 VAC, 20 A U.S. (240 VAC, 20 A
international) is used on the phase conductors (all current-carrying conductors).
ATTENTION: Pour ce qui est de la protection contre les courts-circuits (surtension), ce produit dépend de
l’installation électrique du local. Vérifier qu’un fusible ou qu’un disjoncteur de 120 V alt., 20 A U.S. maximum
(240 V alt., 20 A international) est utilisé sur les conducteurs de phase (conducteurs de charge).
WARNUNG: Dieses Produkt ist darauf angewiesen, daß im Gebäude ein Kurzschluß-bzw. Überstromschutz
installiert ist. Stellen sie sicher, daß eine Sicherung oder ein Unterbrecher von nicht mehr als 240 V
Wechselstrom, 20 A (bzw. in den USA 120 V Wechselstrom, 20 A) an den Phasenleitern (allen stromführenden
Leitern) verwendet wird.
Connecting the Cables
All ProView 8000 connectors are located on the rear panel. Connect the following:
Management LAN Cable
Connect the management LAN cable to the Management port.
Input Cables
Connect an input cable to an RF IN, ASI IN, or MPEGoIP port.
Video Output
Connect an output destination to one of the output connectors ASI Out, MPEGoIP or HD SDI.
Video Monitor
Connect a video monitor, for local monitoring of the output, to the CV or the HDMI port.
Chapter 1 ProView™ 8000 Installation Guide
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 11 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Switching On
Before switching the ProView 8000 on, make sure that all cables are correctly connected. Ensure
that the unit is connected to the main power supply and correctly grounded.
Switch the unit on with the rear power switch.
Once the boot process is completed (after 1-2 minutes) the harmonic ProView 8000 message
displays on the front panel LCD.
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 12 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Appendix A
Contacting the Technical Assistance Center
Harmonic Global Service and Support has many Technical Assistance Centers (TAC) located
globally, but virtually co-located where our customers can obtain technical assistance or request
on-site visits from the Regional Field Service Management team. The TAC operates a Follow-The-
Sun support model to provide Global Technical Support anytime, anywhere, through a single case
management and virtual telephone system. Depending on time of day, anywhere in the world, we
will receive and address your calls or emails in one of our global support centers. The Follow-the-
Sun model greatly benefits our customers by providing continuous problem resolution and
escalation of issues around the clock.
Report an issue online at:
Table A–1: Technical Support Phone Numbers and Email Addresses
Region Telephone Technical Support E-mail
Americas 888.673.4896 (888.MPEG.TWO)
or +1.408.490.6477
Europe, Middle East,
and Africa
+44.1252.555.450 emeasupport@harmonicinc.com
India +91.120.498.3199 apacsupport@harmonicinc.com
Russia +7.495.926.4608 rusupport@harmonicinc.com
Mainland China +86.10.6569.5580 chinasupport@harmonicinc.com
Japan +81.3.5565.6737 japansupport@harmonicinc.com
Asia Pacific – Other
or 65.6542.0050
The Harmonic Inc. support website is:
The Harmonic Inc. software download sites are:
Distribution and Delivery Software ftp://ftp.harmonicinc.com
Playout and Production Software ftp://ftp.Omneon.com//Updates/Omneon/Current/
Software for select Electra Encoders https://harmonic.force.com/SWAccess/SWDownloadLogin
Appendix A Contacting the Technical Assistance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 13 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
The Harmonic Inc. corporate address is:
Harmonic Inc.
4300 North First St.
San Jose, CA 95134, U.S.A.
Attn: Customer Support
The corporate telephone numbers for Harmonic Inc. are:
Tel. 1.800.788.1330 (inside the U.S.)
Tel. +1.408.542.2500 (outside the U.S.)
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 14 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Appendix B
Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information
Legal Disclaimer: Information in this document is provided in connection with Harmonic
products. Unless otherwise agreed in writing Harmonic products are not designed nor intended
for any application in which the failure of the product could cause personal injury or death.
The information in this appendix may apply to purchased products only.
Important Safety Instructions
This section provides important safety guidelines for operators and service personnel.
warnings and cautions are found throughout the guide where they apply, but may not
here. Please read and follow the important safety information, noting especially those
related to risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons. You must adhere to the guidelines in this
document to ensure and maintain compliance with existing product certifications and approvals.
In this document, we use “product,” “equipment,” and “unit” interchangeably.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. It may cause harmful
interference to radio communications if it is not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions in this manual. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause
harmful interference If this occurs, the user will be required to correct the interference at his or
her own expense.
In event of conflict between the information in this document and information provided with the
product or on our website for a particular product, this product documentation takes precedence.
Safety Symbols & Translated Safety, Warning & Caution Instructions
To avoid personal injury or property damage, before you begin installing or replacing the product,
read, observe, and adhere to all the following safety instructions and information. Harmonic
products and/or product packaging may be marked with the safety symbols used throughout this
document, when it is necessary to alert operators, users, and service providers to pertinent safety
instructions in the manuals.
Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 15 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Safety Symbols & Translated Safety, Warning & Caution Instructions (English)
Mark Notes
Installing or Replacing the Product Unit Warning
Only trained and qualified service personnel should be allowed to install,
replace, or service this unit (refer AS/NZS 3260 Clause Service
Read the installation instructions before connecting the system to the
power source.
When installing or replacing the unit, always make the ground connection
first and disconnect it last.
Installation of the unit must comply with local and national electrical
This unit is intended for installation in restricted access areas. A restricted
access area can be accessed only through the use of special tool, lock
and key or other means of security.
Use only specified replacement parts.
Do not use this unit in or near water. Disconnect all AC power before
installing any options or servicing the unit unless instructed to do so by
this manual.
Rack Mount Warning
To prevent bodily injury when mounting or servicing this unit in a rack,
special precautions must be taken to ensure your safety and stability of
Conform to local occupational health and safety requirements when
moving and lifting the equipment.
Ensure that mounting of the unit by mechanical loading tools should not
induce hazardous conditions.
To avoid risk of potential electric shock, a proper safety ground must be
implemented for the rack and each piece of equipment installed on it.
Chassis Warning
Before connecting or disconnecting ground or power wires to the chassis,
ensure that power is removed from the DC circuit.
To prevent personal injury or damage to the chassis, lift the unit only by
using handles that are an integral part of the chassis, or by holding the
chassis underneath its lower edge.
Any instructions in this guide that require opening the chassis or removing
a board should be performed by qualified service personnel only.
Slots and openings in the chassis are provided for ventilation. Do not
block them. Leave the back of the frame clear for air exhaust cooling and
to allow room for cabling - a minimum of 6 inches (15.24 cm) of clearance
is recommended.
Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 16 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Safety Symbols & Translated Safety, Warning & Caution Instructions (English)
Electric Shock Warning
This unit might have more than one power cord. To reduce the risk of
electric shock, disconnect the two power supply cords before servicing
the unit.
Before working on a chassis or working near power supplies, unplug the
power cord on AC units.
Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during
periods of lightning activity.
This unit is grounded through the power cord grounding conductor. To
avoid electric shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired receptacle
before connecting the product input or outputs.
Route power cords and other cables so that they are not likely to be
damaged. Disconnect power input to unit before cleaning. Do not use
liquid or aerosol cleaners; use only a damp cloth to clean chassis.
Dangerous voltages exist at several points in this product. To avoid
personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while
power is on. Do not insert anything into either of the system's two power
supply cavities with power connected
Never install an AC power module and a DC power module in the same
Do not wear hand jewelry or watch when troubleshooting high current
circuits, such as the power supplies.
To avoid fire hazard, use only the specified correct type voltage and
current ratings as referenced in the appropriate parts list for this unit.
Always refer fuse replacement to qualified service personnel.
This unit relies on the building's installation for short-circuit (overcurrent)
protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120 VAC,
15A U.S. (240 VAC, 10A international) is used on the phase conductors
(all current-carrying conductors).
To avoid electrocution ensure that the rack has been correctly grounded
before switching on the unit. When removing the unit remove the
grounding connection only after the unit is switched off and unplugged.
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Caution
Follow static precaution at all times when handling this unit.
Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or ankle strap when handling
electronic components. Connect one end of the strap to an ESD jack or
an unpainted metal component on the system
Handle cards by the faceplates and edges only; avoid touching the
printed circuit board and connector pins.
Place any removed component on an antistatic surface or in a static
shielding bag.
Avoid contact between the cards and clothing.
Periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap.
Recommended value is between 1 and 10 mega-ohms (Mohms).
Mark Notes
Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 17 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Symboles de sécurité et traduits de sécurité, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions
Symboles de sécurité et traduits de sécurité, d'avertissement et
Attention Instructions (français)
Pour éviter des blessures ou des dommages matériels, avant de commencer l'installation ou le
remplacement du produit, lire, observer, et de respecter toutes les instructions et informations de
sécurité suivantes. Produits harmoniques et / ou l'emballage du produit peuvent être marqués
avec les symboles de sécurité utilisés dans le présent document, lorsque cela est nécessaire
pour alerter les opérateurs, les utilisateurs et les fournisseurs de services de consignes de
sécurité pertinentes dans les manuels.
Laser Radiation Warning
Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from disconnected fibers or
connectors. Do not stare into beams or view directly with optical instruments.
Never operate a unit with a broken fibre or with a separated fiber connector.
Lithium Battery Handling Safety Instructions
contain perchlorate material. The following advisory is provided:
"Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply, see: www.dtsc.ca.gov/
hazardous waste/perchlorate/ for information".
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced incorrectly or with an incorrect type
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions
There are no user-serviceable batteries inside Harmonic products. Refer
to Harmonic qualified personnel only to service the replaceable batteries
Mark Notes
Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 18 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Symboles de sécurité et traduits de sécurité, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions
Mark Notes
Installation ou remplacement de l'unité de produit Avertissement
Il est vivement recommandé de confier l'installation, le remplacement et la
maintenance de ces équipements à des personnels qualifiés et
expérimentés. (voir AS / NZS 3260 article du personnel de
Avant de brancher le système sur la source d'alimentation, consulter les
directives d'installation.
Lors de l'installation ou le remplacement de l'appareil, la mise à la terre
doit toujours être connectée en premier et déconnectée en dernier.
L'équipement doit être installé conformément aux normes électriques
nationales et locales.
Cet appareil est à installer dans des zones d'accès réservé. Ces dernières
sont des zones auxquelles seul le personnel de service peut accéder en
utilisant un outil spécial, un mécanisme de verrouillage et une clé, ou tout
autre moyen de sécurité.
Utilisez uniquement des pièces de rechange spécifiées.
Ne pas utiliser ce produit dans l'eau ni à proximité de l'eau. Débrancher
toutes les prises d'alimentation secteur avant d'installer des options ou
d'effectuer l'entretien de l'unité, à moins d'instructions contraires dans le
présent manuel.
Rack Monture Avertissement
Pour éviter les blessures corporelles lors du montage ou l'entretien de cet
appareil dans un rack, des précautions particulières doivent être prises pour
assurer votre sécurité et la stabilité du système:
Conformez-vous aux exigences de médecine du travail et de sécurité
lorsque vous déplacez et soulevez le matériel.
Assurez-vous que le montage de l'appareil par des outils de chargement
mécaniques ne doit pas induire des conditions dangereuses.
Pour éviter tout risque d'électrocution, le rack et chaque élément de
l'équipement installé dans le rack doivent être correctement reliés à la
Châssis Avertissement
Avant de connecter ou de déconnecter les câbles d'alimentation (pôles et
terre) du châssis, vérifiez que le circuit de courant continu est hors
Pour éviter toute blessure ou des dommages au châssis, soulevez l'unité
uniquement par les poignées du châssis lui-même ou en portant celui-ci
par le bord inférieur.
Toutes les opérations du présent guide nécessitant l'ouverture du châssis
ou le retrait d'une carte doivent être uniquement effectuées par du
personnel d'entretien qualifié.
Le châssis est muni de fentes et d'ouvertures d'aération. Ne pas les
bloquer. Dégager l'arrière du cadre pour permettre le refroidissement de
l'évacuation d'air et laisser de la place au câblage; un dégagement d'au
moins 15.24 cm (6 po) est recommandé.
Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 19 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Symboles de sécurité et traduits de sécurité, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions
Choc électrique Avertissement
Il est possible que cette unité soit munie de plusieurs cordons
d'alimentation. Pour éviter les risques d'électrocution, débrancher les
deux cordons d'alimentation avant de réparer l'unité.
Avant de travailler sur un châssis ou à proximité d'une alimentation
électrique, débrancher le cordon d'alimentation des unités en courant
Ne pas travailler sur le système ni brancher ou débrancher les câbles
pendant un orage.
Ce unité est mis à la terre par le conducteur de protection intégré au
cordon d'alimentation. Pour éviter les chocs électriques, brancher le
cordon d'alimentation dans une prise correctement cable avant de
raccorder les entrées ou sorties du unité.
Installer les cordons d'alimentation et autres cables de sorte qu'ils ne
risquent pas d'être endommagés. Couper l'alimentation avant nettoyage.
Ne pas utilizer de nettoyant liquide ou en aérosol; utiliser seulement un
linge humide.
Des courants électriques dangereux circulent dans cet appareil. Afin
d'éviter les lessures, ne pas toucher les connexions et composants
exposés lorsque l'appareil est sous tension. Ne rien insérer dans l'une ou
l'autre des cavités des prises de courant du système lorsque l'appareil est
sous tension.
N'installez jamais un module d'alimentation AC et un module
d'alimentation DC dans le même châssis.
Ne pas porter de bijoux aux mains ni de montre durant le dépannage des
circuits à haute tension, comme les transformateurs.
Pour prévenir les risques d'incendie, n'utiliser que le type, la tension et le
courant nominal spécifiés dans la nomenclature des pièces de ce unité.
Toujours confier le remplacement des fusibles à du personnel d'entretien
Pour ce qui est de la protection contre les courts-circuits (surtension), ce
produit dépend de l'installation électrique du local. Vérifier qu'un fusible
ou qu'un disjoncteur de 120 V alt., 15 A U.S. maximum (240 V alt., 10 A
international) est utilisé sur les conducteurs de phase (conducteurs de
Pour éviter l'électrocution, assurez-vous que le rack a bien été mis à la
terre avant de mettre l'unité en marche. Lors du retrait de l'unité, retirer le
raccordement de terre seulement après avoir mis l'unité à l'arrêt et l'avoir
Mark Notes
Appendix B Safety and Regulatory Compliance
© 2015 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. 20 ProView 8000 Release 1.3, Rev A
Sicherheit Symbole und übersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung & Vorsicht Anleitung (Deutsch)
Sicherheit Symbole und übersetzt Sicherheit, Achtung & Vorsicht
Anleitung (Deutsch)
Um Verletzungen oder Sachschäden zu vermeiden, bevor Sie mit der Installation oder Austausch
des Produkts zu beginnen, zu lesen, zu beobachten, und sich an all den folgenden
Sicherheitshinweise und Informationen. Harmonic Produkte und / oder Produktverpackungen
können mit den Sicherheitssymbole in diesem Dokument verwendet werden, markiert, wenn es
notwendig ist für die Betreiber, Anwender und Dienstleister, um relevante
Sicherheitsanweisungen in den Handbüchern zu alarmieren.
Les décharges électrostatiques (ESD) Attention
Respecter systématiquement les precautions relatives aux charges
électrostatiques durant la manipulation de cet unité.
Portez toujours un poignet ou la cheville bracelet antistatique préventive
lors de la manipulation des composants électroniques. Branchez une
extrémité de la sangle à une prise ESD ou d'un composant métallique non
peinte sur le système.
Manipulez les cartes en les faces avant et les bords seulement; éviter de
toucher la carte de circuit imprimé et les broches du connecteur.
Placer un composant retiré sur une surface antistatique ou dans un sac de
protection statique.
Éviter tout contact entre les cartes et les vêtements.
Vérifier périodiquement la valeur de résistance de la sangle antistatique.
Valeur recommandée est comprise entre 1 et 10 méga-ohms (Mohms).
Rayonnement laser Attention
Rayonnement laser invisible peut être émis à partir de fibres ou les
connecteurs débranchés. Ne pas regarder en faisceaux ou regarder
directement avec des instruments optiques. Ne jamais faire fonctionner
une unité en cas de bris d'une fibre ou de séparation d'un connecteur de
Batterie au lithium Manipulation instructions de sécurité
Perchlorate pour la Californie Consultatif: Certaines batteries au lithium,
peuvent contenir du perchlorate. le texte qui suit consultatif est prévu:
"Présence de perchlorate - une manipulation spéciale peut s'appliquer,
voir: www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardous waste/perchlorate/ for information".
Il y a danger d'explosion si la batterie est remplacée de manière
incorrecte ou par une batterie de type incorrect.
Mettre au rebut les batteries usagees conformement aux instructions du
Les batteries des produits Harmonic ne peuvent pas être réparées ni
entretenues par l'utilisateur. Ne confier l'entretien des batteries
remplaçables qu'à du personnel compétent de Harmonic.
Mark Notes