• Remove stickers from your coffee maker.
• Before using your coffee maker for the first time, run a cycle without
coffee to rinse the circuit. Fill the water tank to the maximum level and
start a cycle by pressing the BREW button (k).
IMPORTANT: your machine has been designed to work with cold or water
at room temperature only.
• Open the coffee maker lid (b). Fig. 3.
Fill the carafe (g) with cold or water at room temperature, then pour it
into the water tank (c) Fig. 4.
The number of cups is shown by the markings on the carafe and by the
water level indicator. Do not exceed 12 cups. Fig. 5.
• Place the carafe (g) with its lid (e) onto the warming plate (h) making
sure that it is properly positioned so as to activate the coffee pouring
mechanism. Fig. 8.
• Make sure that the filter holder (i) is inserted. Fig. 6. Insert the
permanent filter (j) Fig. 7a or a paper filter into the filter holder (i). If
using a paper filter, make sure it is fully open and properly positioned in
the filter holder. Fig. 7b.
• Add 1 spoon (q) of ground coffee per cup. Do not exceed 12 spoons (2
ounces). Fig. 9.
• If you accidentally pour ground coffee into the water tank, do not start
the cycle. Clean the tank, otherwise the coffee may block the water circuit.
• Close the lid (b).
• Press BREW (k) to start the cycle. The BREW indicator will come on to
show that the coffee maker has started the brew cycle. Fig. 10.
• Once the cycle has finished, the keep warm function switches on
automatically for a duration of 2 hours. Atthe end of the keep warm
time, the brew indicator light turns off.
• To stop the machine during the cycle, press the BREW button.