Struers RepliSet Manuel utilisateur

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Users guide and applications
RepliSet Users Guide
RepliSet is a specially formulated fast curing two-part silicon
rubber for fl exible high-resolution replicas.
Safety Measures
Storage and Transportation
Store the cartridges horizontally and at room temperature.
Temperature cycling between ambient and a low temperature may
cause air to be drawn into the cartridge. Such cycling should be
RepliSet should be used before the expiry date to ensure optimal
product properties. The expiry month and batch code are indicated
on each cartridge.
Expired cartridges may still produce high-quality replicas,
however Struers cannot guarantee for proper curing. If an expired
compound cures normally, the copy (area of interest on the
replica) will normally be OK.
Store opened cartridges with the nozzle on as a seal. An opened
cartridge can be stored at room temperature for at least four
weeks until it is used again.
Do not attempt to press material into nozzles, which are blocked
with cured material. Curing agent can be pushed into the
compound causing curing of the material in the cartridge.
RepliSet is an accepted replicating system for ASTM standard
E 1351.
The compounds contain minimal levels of fl uorine, chlorine,
sulphur compounds and heavy metals and are designed
specifi cally to be compatible with stainless steels and other
engineering alloys and not to compromise future corrosion
behaviour should traces of replicas remain after replication.
Operating the 50 ml Dispensing System
Fit the “spade” end of the piston slide into the handle side of the
Raise the slide release lever and push the slide back until the
piston contact the dispenser body.
Raise the cartridge clip and slide the cartridge into position with
the appropriate pistons opposite each other. Lock the cartridge
in position using the cartridge clip. Push the piston slide until it
contacts the cartridge.
Remove end cap from cartridge (twist counter-clockwise) and
operate dispensing gun until compound issues from both cart-
ridge ports. Wipe the end of the cartridge. Alternatively, discard
the fi rst 2-3 cm of compound coming out of the mixing nozzle.
Attach a mixing nozzle to the cartridge. The nozzle will fi t easily if
it is oriented correctly. A quarter turn will secure the nozzle to the
Cartridge clip Dispenser body
Piston slide
Slide release lever
After use leave the mixing nozzle in place on the cartridge to act
as a seal.
Each time the fl ow of compound is stopped for a period longer
than the working life (see cartridge) a new nozzle must be used.
Removal of Cartridge
Push slide release lever and pull the piston slide to its back
position. Lift the cartridge clip and remove the cartridge.
Cleaning of the Surface
The area to be examined should be clean and degreased. Use
cotton wool and a solvent.
Alcohol will normally be suffi cient for metallographic applications.
Engineering surfaces should be degreased using a suitable
solvent like acetone.
Make sure that the solvent has evaporated completely before
application of the compound.
Note: RepliSet will not cure if residues of grease or solvents are
left on the surface or retained in inclusions.
The process time varies with the temperature. Please see graph in
the RepliSet Instruction Manual.
Selection of Compound
Surface facing Temperature of
> 20°C
< 20°C
Normal RepliSet-F5
Short RepliSet-F1/GF1
Vertical, overhead > 20°C Normal RepliSet-T3
Short RepliSet-T1/GT1
< 20°C Normal
Choice of Colour
RepliSet-F or -T (black) should be used for microscopic
examination by optical microscope with refl ected light.
RepliSet-G (grey) should be used for macroscopic examination
with oblique illumination.
All replicas are suitable for 3D examination by SEM and non-
contact metrology methods such as interferometry, laser scanning
and shadowgraph projection.
Application of Compound
Turn the nozzle-end to point downwards and keep it touching,
or as close to, the surface as possible to avoid trapping air in the
replica and to force the material into surface features.
Weave the nozzle end from side to side if a wider bead is
required; each weave should overlap the previous one.
At vertical surfaces, start applying the beads from the bottom.
When fi lling holes, introduce nozzle in the hole and fi ll from the
bottom. Lengthen nozzle with a nozzle tip or a piece of tube, if
Note: For correct results do not exceed the recommended
working time (see cartridge).
Removing the Cured Replica
Allow the RepliSet compound to cure, then carefully peel off the
cured replica from one side.
Note: For correct results do not go under the recommended
curing time (see cartridge). Checking the drop remaining on the
nozzle will give an indication of the time required.
Replicas of Micro structures
A good quality deep etching is important.
Backing paper should always be used.
Replicas should be made as thin and as fl at as possible and
should be mounted on glass slides using double-sided adhesive
Mounting Backing Paper
Mount backing paper immediately after application of the
Apply shiny side of backing paper to uncured replica. Position
the backing paper to one side so that it can be folded over to
protect the copy after curing.
Apply light pressure to the backing paper using a fl at stamp or
small roller to produce a thin fi lm replica and increase resolution.
Use of Backing Paper
Identifi cation of the replica can be written directly on the back of
the backing paper.
The backing paper serves as a handle when pulling replicas out
from re-entrant geometries.
The backing paper allows the replica to be mounted on a glass
slide by means of double adhesive tape.
The replica will have the original profi le when mounted on a fl at
surface, when the backing paper has been pressed entirely fl at.
Use of Spreader
The fi shtail spreaders used as nozzle tips facilitate the application
of the -T types of RepliSet and improve the resolution of the
Re-entrant Geometries
RepliSet can be pulled out of moderately re-entrant geometries,
e.g. bolt holes or cracks.
Let RepliSet cure for at least twice the recommended curing
time. Pull steadily and slowly when removing the replica.
Leave the replica for at least 30 min. before measurement, in
order to recover the precise shape.
Note: Increased curing time (up to one day) will increase the
tensile strength.
Remote or Inaccessible Locations
RepliSet allows otherwise inaccessible surfaces to be examined.
Use a slow curing, fl uid type of RepliSet.
Mount an extension tube on the nozzle.
Leave the tube in contact with the replica until it is cured.
Retrieve the replica and tube together.
Positive Replica
A positive replica of a 3D surface can be produced, making a
replica of the original replica.
Leave the fi rst replica for at least one day, before the second
replica is made.
Strip the second replica as soon as it has cured.
Hard Replica
A hard positive replica of a 3D surface can be produced, making
an epoxy replica of a RepliSet replica. A re-entrant surface can
thus be replicated and measured using contacting equipment.
Leave the RepliSet replica for at least one day, before the epoxy
replica is made.
Cast the second replica using SpeciFix-20. Vacuum
impregnation is recommended.
Note: The geometry of the epoxy replica is infl uenced by the
shrinkage of the epoxy system.
Humid Environ ments
RepliSet is water-repellent, and can provide replicas of humid
surfaces with appropriate application techniques.
High Temperature Application
The compound has to be applied quickly and under pressure
directly at the surface.
Coat a strip of backing paper with RepliSet compound on the
shiny side.
Rapidly paste it on the surface, whilst pressing the compound
against the surface.
Storage of Replicas
The life span of the replicas is practically indefi nite provided
they are stored properly and they are not pressed against other
Fold the backing paper to cover the copy and keep it in a closed
plastic bag stored in a box or similar. Alternatively, store the
replica in a tight box or similar in such a way that any contact
with the copy is avoided.
Never put the replica under pressure.
Store at room temperature.
Note: Do not leave the surface of the copy in direct contact with
plastic bag material.
Cleaning the Replica
Should the surface of the replica become contaminated by dust, it
can easily be cleaned.
Use adhesive tape. The dust adheres to the tape.
Alternatively, wash with isopropyl alcohol.
Note: Solvents other than alcohol should not be used for
cleaning the replica.
Optical Microscopy
The light intensity should be increased compared to when
examining a metal sample directly.
Removal of fi lters from the light path is recommended, especially
at high magnifi cations.
The use of polarized light and DIC at high magnifi cations
increases both contrast and resolution.
Interferome try
Interferometry can be used for precise surface measurements
including determination of surface fi nish.
SEM / Field Ion Microscopes
Uncoated 3D replicas may be examined directly by SEM using low
kV (about 2 kV at high magnifi cations, it might be higher at low
magnifi cations).
For coated replicas it is possible to work satisfactorily at 20 kV if
this is required. The best magnifi cation is x2 – 3000.
Note: SEM is not suitable for the examination of fl at
microstructure samples.
Coating the Replica
For high magnifi cation SEM the replicas can be metal coated.
Take care that the replica does not become overheated.
A coating thickness of 100 Angstroms is recommended.
Mount the replica on a glass slide or other solid surface before
coating and examine the sample whilst it is still mounted.
Note: The coating will crack, if the replica is not supported
Laser Measuring Instruments
Laser measuring equipment, having a typical resolution of 0.1 µm,
is very well suited.
Measuring Projectors
Measuring projectors with 2D or 3D facilities are very well suited.
Shadow graph is well suited for examination of the replica of a
The light should be almost parallel to the surface.
Contacting Equipment
Note: As the replica is resilient, examination by contacting
equipment cannot be recommended.
Please see application examples and Materials Safety Data Sheet
For more detailed information on the RepliSet system, please ask
your Struers distributor to supply the comprehensive RepliSet
Instruction Manual as a pdf fi le.
The use of high-resolution replicas
allows otherwise inaccessible sur-
faces, and irregularities in critical
machinery in service to be examined
and measured under laboratory
Make a replica in the field
- non-destructive
- under all weather conditions
Bring the replica to the lab
- your own laboratory /
- a specialist laboratory
Explore all the details in the
- details down to 0.1 µm
- dimensionally accurate
See more application
examples at
Technical Data
Resolution of cured replica: Down to 0.1 micron
Shrinkage: Negligible
Tear strength: 15-20 kN/m²
Temperature range for the surface to be examined: -10ºC to +180ºC
Life span of the finished replicas is practically indefinite provided they are stored
according to the instructions
Content in static-mixing nozzle: 1.1 ml in nozzle for 50 ml cartridge
9.3 ml in nozzle for 265 ml cartridge
Technische Daten
Auflösung des ausgehärteten Abdrucks: Bis zu 0,1 Mikrometer
Schrumpfung: Vernachlässigbar
Reissfestigkeit: 15-20 kN/m²
Temperaturbereich der untersuchbaren Oberfläche: -10ºC bis +180ºC
Die Lebensdauer der fertigen Abdrücke ist praktisch unbegrenzt wenn sie den Anleitungen
gemäss aufbewahrt werden.
Inhalt der statischen Mischdüse: 1,1 ml in Düse mit 50 ml Kartusche
9,3 ml in Düse mit 265 ml Kartusche
Données techniques
Résolution de la réplique durcie: Jusqu’à 0,1 micron
Rétrécissement: Négligeable
Résistance à la déchirure: 15-20 kN/m²
Plage de température de la surface à examiner: De -10ºC à +180ºC
La dureté de vie des répliques finies est pratiquement sans limite, à condition que celles-ci
soient conservées selon les instructions
Contenu de la buse de mélange statique: 1,1 ml dans la buse pour la cartouche
de 50 ml.
9,3 ml dans la buse pour la cartouche
de 265 ml.
Corrosion / Korrosion / Corrosion
Laser metrology
Depth of pitting Width of pitting
Cracking / Risse / Fissures Fracture / Bruchflächen / Rupture
Stereo macroscopy
Optical microscopy SEM
Surface damage / Oberflächenschäden / Roughness / Rauhigkeit / Rugosité
Dommage surface
Optical microscopy
Laser metrology
Laser metrology
Profile / Profil / Profil
Wear / Verschleiß / Usure Threads / Gewinde / Filets
Laser metrology
Cavities / Hohlraume / Cavités
 1:
of tool
in lead
Tool marks / Werkzeugspuren / Marques d’outil Microstructure / Microgefüge / Microstructure
Stereo macroscopy
Optical microscopyComparator macroscopy
02.2012 / 50900049
Printed in Denmark by Rosendahls
Struers A/S
Pederstrupvej 84
DK-2750 Ballerup,
Phone +45 44 600 800
Fax +45 44 600 801
Caoutchouc de silicone de formule spéciale, à mélanger à la
main, à durcissement rapide. Adhère à RepliSet.
Particulièrement utile en combinaison avec RepliSet pour
produire un revers rigide. Elle peut être utilisée directement
pour le moulage de la forme de la surface pour une mesure
du profil. Pour des conditions de température basse ou
lorsque des résultats rapides sont requis.
Contenu du 1 RepliFix-2 Yellow (250 g)
paquet 1 RepliFix-2 Blue (250 g)
1 Pair de gants
1 Instruction
Mélange Vérifier que la surface est propre et
Mesurer des quantités égales de RepliFix-2
Yellow (jaune) et RepliFix-2 Blue (bleue)
(mesurer à l’oeuil).
Mélanger à la main (utiliser des gants de
protection), jusqu’à ce que la masse soit
d’une couleur uniforme.
Former et appliquer à la main la masse
La laisser durcir.
Vie en pot 2-3 mn. à 25 °C
Durcissement 10 mn. à 25 °C
Fiche de données de sécurité disponible sur demande
pour les professionnels.
Struers A/S
84, DK-2750 Balleru
, Denmark
Instructions for Use
EN: Safety data sheet available for professional user on request.
DE: Sicherheitsdatenblatt auf Anfrage für berufsmäßige Verwender
FR: Fiche de données de sécurité disponible sur demande pour les
IT: Scheda dati di sicurezza disponibile su richiesta per gli utilizzatori
ES: Ficha de datos de seguridad a la disposición del usuario profesional que
la solicite.
PT: Ficha de segurança fornecida a pedido de utilizadores profissionais.
DK: Leverandørbrugsanvisning kan rekvireres af erhvervsmæssige brugere.
SE: Säkerhetsdatablad finns att tillgå för yrkesmässiga användare och
tillhandahålls på begäran.
NO: Sikkerhetsdatablad er tilgjengelig på anmodning fra yrkesmessige
FI: Käyttöturvallisuustiedote toimitetaan ammattikäyttäjälle pyynnöstä.
NL: Inlichtingenblad aangaande de veiligheid is voor de professionele
gebruiker op aanvraag verkrijgbaar.
PL: Karta charakterystyki dostępna na żądanie użytkownika prowadzącego
CZ: Pro profesionální uživatele je na požádání k dispozici bezpečnostní list.
HU: Biztonsági adatlap foglalkozásszerű felhasználók kérésére
rendelkezésre áll.
RO: Fiş a Tehnică de Securitate disponibilă la cerere pentru utilizatorii
BG: Информационният лист за безопасност е на разположение на
професионалния потребител при поискване .
CN: 专业用户可根据需求索取材料安全数据表。
JP: 必要な場合に安全データシートを提供する用意があります。
Caoutchouc de silicone de formule spéciale, à mélanger à la
main, à durcissement rapide. Adhère à RepliSet.
Particulièrement utile en combinaison avec RepliSet pour
produire un revers rigide. Elle peut être utilisée directement
pour le moulage de la forme de la surface pour une mesure
du profil. Pour des conditions de température basse ou
lorsque des résultats rapides sont requis.
Contenu du 1 RepliFix-2 Yellow (250 g)
paquet 1 RepliFix-2 Blue (250 g)
1 Pair de gants
1 Instruction
Mélange Vérifier que la surface est propre et
Mesurer des quantités égales de RepliFix-2
Yellow (jaune) et RepliFix-2 Blue (bleue)
(mesurer à l’oeuil).
Mélanger à la main (utiliser des gants de
protection), jusqu’à ce que la masse soit
d’une couleur uniforme.
Former et appliquer à la main la masse
La laisser durcir.
Vie en pot 2-3 mn. à 25 °C
Durcissement 10 mn. à 25 °C
Fiche de données de sécurité disponible sur demande
pour les professionnels.
Struers A/S
84, DK-2750 Balleru
, Denmark
Instructions for Use
Mode d’emploi
EN: Safety data sheet available for professional user on request.
DE: Sicherheitsdatenblatt auf Anfrage für berufsmäßige Verwender
FR: Fiche de données de sécurité disponible sur demande pour les
IT: Scheda dati di sicurezza disponibile su richiesta per gli utilizzatori
ES: Ficha de datos de seguridad a la disposición del usuario profesional que
la solicite.
PT: Ficha de segurança fornecida a pedido de utilizadores profissionais.
DK: Leverandørbrugsanvisning kan rekvireres af erhvervsmæssige brugere.
SE: Säkerhetsdatablad finns att tillgå för yrkesmässiga användare och
tillhandahålls på begäran.
NO: Sikkerhetsdatablad er tilgjengelig på anmodning fra yrkesmessige
FI: Käyttöturvallisuustiedote toimitetaan ammattikäyttäjälle pyynnöstä.
NL: Inlichtingenblad aangaande de veiligheid is voor de professionele
gebruiker op aanvraag verkrijgbaar.
PL: Karta charakterystyki dostępna na żądanie użytkownika prowadzącego
CZ: Pro profesionální uživatele je na požádání k dispozici bezpečnostní list.
HU: Biztonsági adatlap foglalkozásszerű felhasználók kérésére
rendelkezésre áll.
RO: Fiş a Tehnică de Securitate disponibilă la cerere pentru utilizatorii
BG: Информационният лист за безопасност е на разположение на
професионалния потребител при поискване .
CN: 专业用户可根据需求索取材料安全数据表。
JP: 必要な場合に安全データシートを提供する用意があります。
Specially formulated fast curing 2-component silicone rubber.
To be mixed manually; bonds with RepliSet. Particularly
useful in combination with RepliSet for producing a rigid
backing. It can be used directly for moulding of surface shape
for profile measurement. For low temperature conditions or
where rapid results are required.
Contents of 1 RepliFix-2 Yellow (250g)
Packing 1 RepliFix-2 Blue (250g)
1 Pair of gloves
1 User’s Manual
Mixing Make sure that the surface is clean and
Measure equal amounts of RepliFix-2,
Yellow and RepliFix-2, Blue (measure
by eye).
Mix by hand (use protective gloves),
until the compound is of a uniform color.
Form and apply the mixed compound
by hand.
Allow the compound to cure.
Working life 2 - 3 min. at 25 °C
Curing time 10 min. at 25 °C
Safety data sheet available for professional user on
Spezielle, schnell aushärtende, 2-Komponenten Silikon-
bdruckmasse. Von Hand zu mischen, verbindet sich mit
RepliSet. Besonders praktisch in Kombination mit RepliSet
zur rückseitigen Stützung. Kann direkt für Formenabdruck zur
Profilmessung verwendet werden. Für den niedrigen
Temperaturbereich oder wenn schnelle Ergebnisse
erforderlich sind.
Inhalt der 1 RepliFix-2 Yellow (250g)
Verpackung 1 RepliFix-2 Blue (250g)
1 Paar of Handschuhe
1 Gebrauchsanleitung
Mischen Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Oberfläche
sauber und fettfrei ist.
Mischen Sie gleiche Mengen RepliFix-2
Yellow und RepliFix-2 Blue (nach
Mischen Sie die Anteile von Hand (benutzen
Sie Schutzhandschuhe) so lange, bis die
Mischung gleichmäßig
gefärbt ist.
Formen und wenden Sie die hergestellte
Mischung von Hand an.
Warten Sie, bis die Mischung ausgehärtet
Anwendungszeit 2-3 min. bei 25 °C
Aushärtzeit 10 min. bei 25 °C
Sicherheitsdatenblatt auf Anfrage für berufsmäßige
Verwender erhältlich.
Specially formulated fast curing 2-component silicone rubber.
To be mixed manually; bonds with RepliSet. Particularly
useful in combination with RepliSet for producing a rigid
backing. It can be used directly for moulding of surface shape
for profile measurement. For low temperature conditions or
where rapid results are required.
Contents of 1 RepliFix-2 Yellow (250g)
Packing 1 RepliFix-2 Blue (250g)
1 Pair of gloves
1 User’s Manual
Mixing Make sure that the surface is clean and
Measure equal amounts of RepliFix-2,
Yellow and RepliFix-2, Blue (measure
by eye).
Mix by hand (use protective gloves),
until the compound is of a uniform color.
Form and apply the mixed compound
by hand.
Allow the compound to cure.
Working life 2 - 3 min. at 25 °C
Curing time 10 min. at 25 °C
Safety data sheet available for professional user on
Spezielle, schnell aushärtende, 2-Komponenten Silikon-
bdruckmasse. Von Hand zu mischen, verbindet sich mit
RepliSet. Besonders praktisch in Kombination mit RepliSet
zur rückseitigen Stützung. Kann direkt für Formenabdruck zur
Profilmessung verwendet werden. Für den niedrigen
Temperaturbereich oder wenn schnelle Ergebnisse
erforderlich sind.
Inhalt der 1 RepliFix-2 Yellow (250g)
Verpackung 1 RepliFix-2 Blue (250g)
1 Paar of Handschuhe
1 Gebrauchsanleitung
Mischen Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Oberfläche
sauber und fettfrei ist.
Mischen Sie gleiche Mengen RepliFix-2
Yellow und RepliFix-2 Blue (nach
Mischen Sie die Anteile von Hand (benutzen
Sie Schutzhandschuhe) so lange, bis die
Mischung gleichmäßig
gefärbt ist.
Formen und wenden Sie die hergestellte
Mischung von Hand an.
Warten Sie, bis die Mischung ausgehärtet
Anwendungszeit 2-3 min. bei 25 °C
Aushärtzeit 10 min. bei 25 °C
Sicherheitsdatenblatt auf Anfrage für berufsmäßige
Verwender erhältlich.