Plug and connection assignment
This chapter will help you select the right cables and plugs to connect your val-
uable equipment in such a way that a perfect sound experience is ensured.
Please follow these tips, because special care is required when dealing with
sound and light: Even if a plug fits into the socket, an incorrect connection may
result in a destroyed power amp, a short circuit or just in poor transmission
Balanced and unbalanced transmission
Unbalanced transmission is mainly used in semi-professional environment and
in Hi-Fi use. Instrument cables with two conductors (one core plus shielding)
are typical representatives of the unbalanced transmission. One conductor is
ground and shielding while the signal is transmitted through the core.
Unbalanced transmission is susceptible to electromagnetic interference, espe-
cially at low levels, such as microphone signals and when using long cables.
In a professional environment, therefore, the balanced transmission is pre-
ferred, because this enables an undisturbed transmission of signals over long
distances. In addition to the conductors ‘Ground’ and ‘Signal’, in a balanced
transmission a second core is added. This also transfers the signal, but
phase-shifted by 180°.
Since the interference affects both cores equally, by subtracting the
phase-shifted signals, the interfering signal is completely neutralized. The re-
sult is a pure signal without any noise interference.
Plug and connection assignment
User manual P43 CWA (Issue 1) 15 / 20