Operating procedures
Press the light switch, located in the inner shell in one of the
four corners, to turn the lights on. The Covana lights operate
in four modes. The modes are changed by turn the lights off
and then immediately back on.
Four Modes:
1. Fading: Cycles through the seven colors fading out
one color and fading back in with a new color.
2. Color Locked: Color of choice is locked
3. Rotating: Each color is cycled on and off for a few
4. Flashing: White light flashes quickly, on and off.
In the off position the lights will reset after 10 seconds and
will restart in the fading cycle.
- Determine the corner of the Covana that is likely to receive
the most sun, generally south is best; ensure there are no
interfering objects.
- Take note that the battery is located on the same short
side as the on and off switch.
- Take note the switch should be positioned to the entry side
of the spa.
- Ensure that all hardware is removed securing the outer
shell to the inner shell and no corner brackets are installed.
1. Lift the outer shell on the side where the battery is
located to access the connections of the Solar Panel.
Do not lift more than 16”(400mm)
2. Connect the solar panel to the Lighting wire harness
and route the wires and panel to the corner of the
Covana where the panel will be mounted.
3. Lower the outer shell back over the inner shell taking
care to ensure the wires are not pinched and are
placed in the slit of the outer shell corner.
4. Insert the suction cups in the panel, remove the
protective layer from the foam tape on the back
suction cups. Carefully place the panel
3” (75mm) up from the corner and center the
panel on the ridge of the roof. Rock the panel
back and forth to ensure proper adhesion.
5. Check to ensure the panel is charging – blue
flashing light
6. Continue with Covana installation.
1. Ensure solar panel is clean and free of snow.
2. Always turn lights off - if left on battery will need
2 to 3 sunny days to fully recharge.