_ The detergent dispenser is located in the center of the
_'_'_ dishwasherdoor.li hastwo compartments.Themainwash
compartment is found inside the detergent dispenser.
To open, press the button on the side of the dispenser.
Thepre-wash compartment is on the lid of the detergent
dispenser.Usethe pre-washcompartment onlywhenyour
water is extremely hard or when you have a heavy soiled
load.Thepre-wash compartment isnot usedwhen tablet
or packetdetergentsare used.
Number of
Grains/Gal. Detergent Cups to Fill
Less than 4 Fillcup to 1/3 full
/4to 8 Fillcup to 2/3 full
8 to 12 Fillcup completely full
Greater than 12 Fillboth main wash cup and pre
wash cup
NOTE:Donotload large itemsin the lowerrack where
they may blockthe washjets from rinsingout the
detergent dispenser.
Youmay usetablet,packet,powder,liquid orgelautomatic
dishwasher detergent.Hake sureyou useonlydetergents
specifically labeled for use in automatic dishwashers.
Never use liquid hand dish detergent in an automatic
dishwasher. Sudsing and poor wash performance will
result with the use of improper detergents.
Detergents should be stored in a dry location and in their
original container to prevent loss of effectiveness. Place
detergent inthe cupjust prior to starting the dishwasher
and then close the cover.The cover will open during the
wash cycle.
Filling the Detergent Dispenser
GErecommends using detergent intablet or packet form.
Independent testing has shown this form of detergent is
very effective in the dishwasher. Cascade ® Platinum
Pacs are an example of this type ofdetergent. Simply put
a tablet or packet into the main wash compartment and
slide to close the detergent cup cover. Please notice that
the tablet or packet must be placed in the main wash
compartment of the detergent cup. Ifthe tablet or packet
is tossed in the bottom of the dishwasher, the detergent
will be flushed down the drain in a very short period of
time and will thus be wasted. Wash performance will be
very poor as a result.
If you choose to use detergent in powder, liquid or gel
form,the amount of detergent you usewill be determined
by the hardness of your water, the temperature of your
water, and the food soil load inside the dishwasher.
Contact your water company to get information about
the hardness ofthe water inyour area.Water hardness is
measured in grains per gallon. Usethis information and
the table above to determine the amount of detergent
to use. You may purchase a hard water test strip
from GE.Call 1-877-959-8688 and ask for part number
WD01×10295. In Canada,call 1-800-66!-!6!6.
Push/Slide /
to Close _ /
Rinse Agent
may cause a condition called etching on your glassware.
Etchingis a permanentcloudinessin your glassware.This
conditionisirreversible.However,usingtoo littledetergentwill
Usethe tableasa startingpointandthenadjusttheamount
ofdetergentyou use.Usejustenoughtogetgoodwash
NOTE: Using a detergent that is not specificallydesigned
for dishwasherswill causethe dishwasherto fill with suds.
Duringoperation,thesesudswill spill out of the dishwasher
Becauseso many detergentcontainerslookalike,store the
dishwasherdetergent in a separate space from all other
cleaners.Showanyone who may use the dishwasherthe
Whiletherewillbeno lastingdamageto thedishwasher,your
disheswillnotgetcleanusingadishwashingdetergentthat is