Touche zone1 / Zone button 1
Touche zone 1 / Zone button 1
Touche zone 2 / Zone button 2
Touche zone 2 / Zone button 2
Touche zone 3 / Zone button 3
Touche zone 1 / Zone button 1
Touche zone 3 / Zone button 3
Touche zone 4 / Zone button 4
Touche zone 2 / Zone button 2
Touche zone 4 / Zone button 4
Touche zone 5 / Zone button 5
Touche zone 3 / Zone button 3
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power supply
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power supply
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power supply
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power supply
Touche zone 6 / Zone button 6
Touche zone 4 / Zone button 4
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power supply
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power supply
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power supply
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power supply
Touche zone 7 / Zone button 7
LED fonction 1 / LED function 1
LED fonction 1 / LED function 1
LED fonction 2 / LED function 2
LED fonction 2 / LED function 2
Touche zone 8 / Zone button 8
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Touche zone 9 / Zone button 9
Touche micro / Micro button
Touche micro / Micro button
LED micro / Micrphone LED
LED micro / Micrphone LED
Touche zone 10 / Zone button 10
Touche carillon / Chime button
Touche carillon / Chime button
LED zone 10 / Zone LED 10
Touche zone 11 / Zone button 11
Touche zone 5 / Zone button 5
Sortie modulation / Modulation output
Sortie modulation / Modulation output
LED zone 11 / Zone LED 11
Sortie modulation / Modulation output
Sortie modulation / Modulation output
Touche zone 12 / Zone button 12
Touche zone 6 / Zone button 6
Bouton capoté / Protected pusch button
Bouton capoté / Protected pusch button
LED zone 12 / Zone LED 12
Bouton capoté / Protected pusch button
Bouton capoté / Protected pusch button
Touche zone 13 / Zone button 13
Touche zone 7 / Zone button 7
Voyant bouton capoté (-) / Covered
button indicator (-)
Voyant bouton capoté (-) / Covered
button indicator (-)
LED zone 13 / Zone LED 13
Bouton poussoir lumineux et protégé
(+) / Illuminated and protected pusch
button (+)
Bouton poussoir lumineux et protégé
(+) / Illuminated and protected pusch
button (+)
Touche zone 14 / Zone button 14
Touche zone 8 / Zone button 8
LED zone 14 / Zone LED 14
Touche zone 15 / Zone button 15
LED zone 15 / Zone LED 15
Touche zone 16 / Zone button 16
LED zone 16 / Zone LED 16
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power supply
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power
Alimentation 0 V / 0 V power supply
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power
Alimentation +24 V / +24 V power
LED fonction 1 / LED function 1
LED fonction 1 / LED function 1
LED fonction 2 / LED function 2
LED fonction 2 / LED function 2
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Entrée Ampli / Amplifier imput
Sortie modulation /
Modulation output
Sortie modulation /
Modulation output
Sortie modulation /
Modulation output
Sortie modulation /
Modulation output
Touche micro / Micro button
Touche micro / Micro button
LED micro / Micrphone LED
LED micro / Micrphone LED
Touche carillon / Chime button
Touche carillon / Chime button
Bouton capoté / Protected
pusch button
Bouton capoté / Protected
pusch button
Bouton capoté / Protected
pusch button
Bouton capoté / Protected
pusch button
Voyant bouton capoté (-) /
Covered button indicator (-)
Voyant bouton capoté (-) / Covered
button indicator (-)
Bouton poussoir lumineux et
protégé (+) / Illuminated and
protected pusch button (+)
Bouton poussoir lumineux et protégé
(+) / Illuminated and protected pusch
button (+)