Disclaimer and Warning
Thank you for purchasing the DJI™ Snail series product (hereinafter
referred to as “product”). The information in this document affects your
safety and your legal rights and responsibilities. Read this disclaimer
carefully before using this product. By using this product, you hereby
agree to this disclaimer and signify that you have read it fully. Please install
and use this product in strict accordance with the User Guide. SZ DJI
TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. and its afliated companies assume no liability
for damage(s) or injuries incurred directly or indirectly from using, installing
or modifying this product improperly, including but not limited to using non-
designated accessories.
DJI is a trademark of SZ DJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (abbreviated as
“DJI”) and its afliated companies. Names of products, brands, etc.,
appearing in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks
of their respective owner companies. This product and document are
copyrighted by DJI with all rights reserved. No part of this product or
document shall be reproduced in any form without the prior written
consent or authorization of DJI.
This disclaimer is produced in various languages. In the event of
divergence among different versions, the Chinese version shall prevail
when the product in question is purchased in China, and the English
version shall prevail when the product in question is purchased in any
other region.