/iPited Warranty
UBI4UITI N(TW25K6 Inc ±UBI4UITI N(TW25K6² warrants that the
products furnished hereunder the ±3roducts² shaOO be free froP defects
in PateriaO and workPanship for a period of one year froP the date
of shipPent by UBI4UITI N(TW25K6 under norPaO use and operation
UBI4UITI N(TW25K6´ soOe and e[cOusiYe obOigation and OiabiOity under
the foregoing warranty shaOO be for UBI4UITI N(TW25K6 at its discretion
to repair or rep
Oace any 3roduct that faiOs to conforP to the aboYe
warranty during the aboYe warranty period The e[pense of rePoYaO and
reinstaOOation of any 3roduct is not incOuded in this warranty The warranty
period of any repaired or repOaced 3roduct shaOO not e[tend beyond its
originaO terP
Warranty &onditions
The aboYe warranty does not appOy if the 3roduct
I has been Podified andor aOtered or an addition Pade thereto
e[cept by Ubiquiti Networks or Ubiquiti Networks´ authori]ed
representatiYes or as approYed by Ubiquiti Networks in writing
II has been painted rebranded or physicaOOy Podified in any way
III has been daPaged due to errors or defects in cabOing
I9 has been subMected to Pisuse abuse negOigence abnorPaO
physicaO eOectroPagnetic or eOectricaO stress incOuding Oightning
strikes or accident
9 has been daPaged or iPpaired as a resuOt of using third party
9I has no originaO Ubiquiti M$& OabeO or is Pissing any other originaO
Ubiquiti OabeOs or
9II has not been receiYed by Ubiquiti within days of issuance of
the 5M$
In addition the aboYe warranty shaOO appOy onOy if the product has been
properOy instaOOed and used at aOO tiPes in accordance and in aOO PateriaO
respects with the appOicabOe 3roduct docuPentation aOO (thernet cabOing
runs use &$T
or aboYe and for outdoor instaOOations shieOded (thernet
cabOing is used and for indoor instaOOations indoor cabOing requirePents
are foOOowed
No 3roducts wiOO be accepted for repOacePent or repair without obtaining
a 5eturn MateriaOs $uthori]ation 5M$ nuPber froP UBI4UITI N(TW25K6
during the warranty period and the 3roducts being receiYed at UBI4UITI
N(TW25K6´ faciOity freight prepaid in accordance with the 5M$ process of
UBI4UITI N(TW25K6 3roducts returned without an 5M$ nuPber wiOO not
be processed and wiOO be returned freight coOOect or subMect to disposaO
InforPation on the 5M$ process and obtaining an 5M$ nuPber can be
found at www.ubnt.com/support/warranty