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35019 Tombolo (PD) - ITALY
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This guide is intended to assist you with initial quick setup and operation
for your Wisycom product.
You can refer to Wisycom Autorized Distributors for technical Support and
information about service and repairs available in your area or contact us
directly by email.
Serial Number: Purchase Date:
Main Accesories (for an updated and exhaustive list look into wisycom web)
CAL48: Cable to connect a PHA48 to an
MTP40S in order to provide +48V phantom
CAL120: Audio cable 120cm long
(approx. 47 inches) with Lemo 3 pins and
XLR-3F connectors.
PHA48: Plug on for XLR 3 adapter
capable of providing +48V Phantom power.
BCL: New easy to remove spring beltclip
designed for both MTP40S and 41S
UPK Mini: infrared programming
interface. Use it with Wisycom Manager
available for free at www.wisycom.com
ADT40: replace AA batteries with a
power adapter using the connector of your
MTPxx Quick user guide v1.01
Download Documentation and Firmware
Get latest user manual, tips, specications, rmware & software
on the download pages:
wisycom.com/products/d/MTP40s (.../MTP41S & .../MTP51-JP)
(*)The Wisycom microphone pocket transmitter model MTPxx complies with the following requirements:
FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Part 74. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause undesired operations. Changes or modication not ex-
pressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the
equipment. FCC ID can be found inside the battery compartment.
(**) EN - This device operates on a no-protection, no-interference basis. Should the user seek to obtain
protection from other radio services operating in the same TV bands, a radio licence is required. For
further details, consult Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s document Client Pro-
cedures Circular CPC-2-1-28, Voluntary Licensing of Licence-Exempt Low-Power Radio Apparatus in the
TV Bands. This device complies with Industry Canada RSS-123. This device contains licence-exempt
transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s
licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
interference. (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
FR - Ce dispositif fonctionne selon un régime de non-brouillage et de non-protection. Si l’utilisateur devait
chercher à obtenir une certaine protection contre d’autres services radio fonctionnant dans les mêmes
bandes de télévision, une licence radio serait requise. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter la Circulaire
des procédures concernant les clients CPC-2-1-28, Délivrance de licences sur une base volontaire pour
les appareils radio de faible puissance exempts de licence et exploités dans les bandes de télévision d’In-
novation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR
d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio RSS-123. L’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence
contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement écono-
mique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes: 1) L’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage; 2) L’appareil doit accepter tout brouil-
lage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Conforms to the essential requirements of the RADIO Directive
2014/53/EU – Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
Certied Number: 202-LSC057 (model: MTP40S-JP)
Certied Number: 202-SMG071 (model: MTP40S-JB)
Certied Number: 202-LSD045 (model: MTP41S-JP)
Certied Number: 001-A14978 (model: MTP41S-JB)
Certied Number: 001-A17033 (model: MTP51-JP)
FCC-ID: POUMTP40SUS8 (model: MTP40S-US8)
FCC-ID: POUMTP41 (model: MTP41S-US)
FCC-ID: POUMTP41SUS8 (model: MTP41S-US8)
IC: 11967A-MTP40SUSX (model: MTP40S-USX)
IC: 11967A-MTP41 (model: MTP41S-US)