Important Safety Information
Read and keep these instructions
Failure to heed the following warnings could result in an
accident or collision resulting in serious injury or death
When installing the unit in a vehicle, place the unit so that
it does not obstruct the driver’s view of the road or
interfere with vehicle operating controls.
This GPS unit is designed to provide you with route
suggestions. It does not reflect road closures or road
conditions, traffic congestion, weather conditions, or other
factors that may affect safety or timing while driving.
Always operate the vehicle in a safe manner. Do not
become distracted by the unit while driving. The
directions provided by the navigation unit are not
guaranteed to be accurate in every situation. Before
following suggestions from the unit, use your best
judgment regarding the safety and legality of any action
you take with your vehicle.
Use this GPS unit only as a navigational aid. Do not
attempt to use the unit for any purpose requiring precise
measurement of direction, distance, location, or
topography. This product should not be used to determine
ground proximity for aircraft navigation.
Do not access the GPS functions while driving. Pull over
in a safe and legal manner before changing settings,
entering destinations, or to access any other operational