Extron VLR 302EB, VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Manuel utilisateur

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User Guide
VoiceLift Pro
Microphone EB Kits
68-3268-01 Rev. B
11 20
Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions • English
WARNING: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended to
alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the
product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock.
ATTENTION: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended
to alert the user of important operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the literature provided with the equipment.
For information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and
Regulatory Compliance Guide, part number 68-290-01, on the Extron
website, www.extron.com.
Sicherheitsanweisungen • Deutsch
WARNUNG: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll den Benutzer darauf
aufmerksam machen, dass im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses Produktes
gefährliche Spannungen herrschen, die nicht isoliert sind und die einen
elektrischen Schlag verursachen können.
VORSICHT: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll dem Benutzer in
der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtige
Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung (Instandhaltung) geben.
Weitere Informationen über die Sicherheitsrichtlinien, Produkthandhabung,
EMI/EMF-Kompatibilität, Zugänglichkeit und verwandte Themen finden Sie in
den Extron-Richtlinien für Sicherheit und Handhabung (Artikelnummer
68-290-01) auf der Extron-Website, www.extron.com.
Instrucciones de seguridad • Español
ADVERTENCIA: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto,
avisa al usuario de la presencia de voltaje peligroso sin aislar dentro del
producto, lo que puede representar un riesgo de descarga eléctrica.
ATENCIÓN: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto, avisa
al usuario de la presencia de importantes instrucciones de uso y
mantenimiento recogidas en la documentación proporcionada con el
Para obtener información sobre directrices de seguridad, cumplimiento
de normativas, compatibilidad electromagnética, accesibilidad y temas
relacionados, consulte la Guía de cumplimiento de normativas y seguridad
de Extron, referencia 68-290-01, en el sitio Web de Extron, www.extron.com.
Instructions de sécurité • Français
AVERTISSEMENT : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le
produit, signale à l’utilisateur la présence à l’intérieur du boîtier du
produit d’une tension électrique dangereuse susceptible de provoquer
un choc électrique.
ATTENTION : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le produit,
signale à l’utilisateur des instructions d’utilisation ou de maintenance
importantes qui se trouvent dans la documentation fournie avec le
Pour en savoir plus sur les règles de sécurité, la conformité à la
réglementation, la compatibilité EMI/EMF, l’accessibilité, et autres sujets
connexes, lisez les informations de sécurité et de conformité Extron, réf.
68-290-01, sur le site Extron, www.extron.com.
Istruzioni di sicurezza • Italiano
AVVERTENZA: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad
avvertire l’utente della presenza di tensione non isolata pericolosa
all’interno del contenitore del prodotto che può costituire un rischio di
scosse elettriche.
ATTENTZIONE: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad avvertire
l’utente della presenza di importanti istruzioni di funzionamento e
manutenzione nella documentazione fornita con l’apparecchio.
Per informazioni su parametri di sicurezza, conformità alle normative,
compatibilità EMI/EMF, accessibilità e argomenti simili, fare riferimento
alla Guida alla conformità normativa e di sicurezza di Extron, cod. articolo
68-290-01, sul sito web di Extron, www.extron.com.
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa • Polska
OSTRZEŻENIE: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, ma na celu
poinformować użytkownika o obecności izolowanego i niebezpiecznego
napięcia wewnątrz obudowy produktu, który może stanowić zagrożenie
porażenia prądem elektrycznym.
UWAGI: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, jest przeznaczony do
ostrzegania użytkownika ważne operacyjne oraz instrukcje konserwacji
(obsługi) w literaturze, wyposażone w sprzęt.
Informacji na temat wytycznych w sprawie bezpieczeństwa, regulacji
wzajemnej zgodności, zgodność EMI/EMF, dostępności i Tematy pokrewne,
zobacz Extron bezpieczeństwa i regulacyjnego zgodności przewodnik, część
numer 68-290-01, na stronie internetowej Extron, www.extron.com.
Инструкция по технике безопасности Русский
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Данный символ, , если указан
на продукте, предупреждает пользователя о наличии
неизолированного опасного напряжения внутри корпуса
продукта, которое может привести к поражению
электрическим током.
ВНИМАНИЕ: Данный символ, , если указан на продукте,
предупреждает пользователя о наличии важных инструкций
по эксплуатации и обслуживанию в руководстве,
прилагаемом к данному оборудованию.
Для получения информации о правилах техники безопасности,
соблюдении нормативных требований, электромагнитной
совместимости (ЭМП/ЭДС), возможности доступа и других
вопросах см. руководство по безопасности и соблюдению
нормативных требований Extron на сайте Extron: ,
www.extron.com, номер по каталогу - 68-290-01.
安全说明 简体中文
警告 产品上的个标志意在警告用户该产品机壳内有暴露的危险 电压,
注意 产品上的这个标志意在提示用户设备随附的用户手册中有
关于我们产品的安全指南、遵循的规范、EMI/EMF 的兼容性、无障碍
使用的特性等相关内容,敬请访问 Extron 网站 , www.extron.com,参见
Extron 安全规范指南,产品编号 68-290-01
안전 지침 • 한국어
경고: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 제품의 인클로저 내에 있는
접지되지 않은 위험한 전류로 인해 사용자가 감전될 위험이 있음을
주의: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 장비와 함께 제공된 책자에 나와
있는 주요 운영 및 유지보수(정비) 지침을 경고합니다.
안전 가이드라인, 규제 준수, EMI/EMF 호환성, 접근성, 그리고 관련 항목에
대한 자세한 내용은 Extron 웹 사이트(www.extron.com)의 Extron 안전 및
규제 준수 안내서, 68-290-01 조항을 참조하십시오.
安全記事 • 繁體中文
警告: 若產品上使用此號,是為了提醒使用者產品殼內存在著
注意 產品使用此符號,是為提醒使用備隨附的用戶手冊中有
護( )説
有關安全性指導方法規遵守EMI/EMF 相容存取範圍和相關主題的詳細資
訊,請瀏覽 Extron 網站www.extron.com然後參閱《Extron 安全性與法規
守手冊準則編號 68-290-01
安全上のご注意 日本
警告: この が製品上に表示されている場合は、筐体内に絶縁され
意:この が製上に表示さている場合は、の取書に
スト イト www.extron.com よ り Extron Safety
and Regulatory Compliance Guide』 ( P/N 68-290-01) をご覧ださい
© 2020 Extron. All rights reserved. www.extron.com
All trademarks mentioned in this guide are the properties of their respective owners.
The following registered trademarks (
), registered service marks (
), and trademarks (
) are the property of RGBSystems, Inc. or Extron
(see the current list of trademarks on the Terms of Use page at www.extron.com):
Registered Trademarks
Extron, Cable Cubby, ControlScript, CrossPoint, DTP, eBUS, EDID Manager, EDID Minder, eLink, Flat Field, FlexOS, Glitch Free.
Global Configurator, GlobalScripter, GlobalViewer, Hideaway, HyperLane, IPIntercom, IPLink, KeyMinder, LinkLicense, LockIt,
MediaLink, MediaPort, NAV, NetPA, PlenumVault, PoleVault, PowerCage, PURE3, Quantum, ShareLink, Show Me, SoundField,
SpeedMount, SpeedSwitch, StudioStation, SystemINTEGRATOR, TeamWork, TouchLink, V-Lock, VideoLounge, VN-Matrix, VoiceLift,
WallVault, WindoWall, XPA, XTP, XTPSystems, and ZipClip
Registered Service Mark
: S3 Service Support Solutions
AAP, AFL (Accu-RATEFrameLock), ADSP(Advanced Digital Sync Processing), AVEdge, CableCover, CDRS(ClassD Ripple Suppression),
Codec Connect, DDSP(Digital Display Sync Processing), DMI (DynamicMotionInterpolation), DriverConfigurator, DSPConfigurator,
DSVP(Digital Sync Validation Processing), EQIP, Everlast, FastBite, Flex55, FOX, FOXBOX, IP Intercom HelpDesk, MAAP,
MicroDigital, Opti-Torque, PendantConnect, ProDSP, QS-FPC(QuickSwitch Front Panel Controller), RoomAgent, Scope-Trigger, SIS,
SimpleInstructionSet, Skew-Free, SpeedNav, Triple-Action Switching, True4K, True8K, Vector™ 4K, WebShare, XTRA, and ZipCaddy
FCC Compliance Statement
NOTE: For more information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances,
EMI/EMF compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and
Regulatory Compliance Guide on the Extron website.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules for portable devices only.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by Extron Electronics
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
ClassB digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generate, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The VoiceLift RF System has been tested/evaluated and found to comply with the FCC
radiated exposure limits and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines.
The Receiver unit must be installed and operated keeping it at least 20 cm away from the
person’s body. The system must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.
Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID:
Frequency bands & maximum RF Power transmitted:
US: 20dBm: 1921 MHz — 1928 MHz
Canada Compliance Statement
This device complies with Industry Canada license exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)
l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le
Contains Transmitter Module IC: 9576A-SC14S
The VoiceLift RF System has been tested/evaluated and found to comply with the RSS-
102 radiated exposure limits and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines.
The Receiver unit must be installed and operated keeping it at least 20cm away from the
person’s body. The system must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any
other antenna or transmitter.
European Compliance Statement
Models designated by “EU” have been tested and certified for use in the European Union.
See the Declaration of Conformity (DOC) for specifics. This DOC can be downloaded from
the Extron Website.
Frequency bands & maximum RF Power transmitted:
EU: 24dBm: 1881 MHz – 1897 MHz
Conditions and Restrictions
Models VLR 302, VLR 302EB, VLP 302, and VLH 302 contain a DECT radio module. They
operate in the license-free 1.9 GHz band (frequency ranges are between 1,880 and 1,930
MHz, depending on country-specific regulations).
There may be special conditions and restrictions for using frequencies in your country.
Before putting the product into operation, find the information for your country.
These models are available in different country variants:
Models for North America do not have any special designation
Frequency range: 1,920 – 1,930 MHz
Models for European Union are designated by “EU” following the model number.
Frequency range: 1,880 – 1,900 MHz
The country variant can be found on the packaging and/or on the label.
Only use the variant permitted for use at the final installation country.
Do not combine devices of different country variants.
Declaration of Conformity
Models for European Union are designated by “EU” following the model number.
USA FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class B 2020
Canada ICES-003 Issue 6 Class B 2016 (Updated April 2019)
European Union EN 55032
EN 55024
Radio Standards (the below standards apply to VLR 302, VLR 302EB, VLP 302, and
VLH302 models.
USA FCC Part 15 Subpart D 2020
Canada RSS-213 Issue 3 2015
European Union ETSI EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
ETSI EN 301 489-6 V2.2.1
ETSI EN 301 406 V2.2.2
EN 62311 (Human Exposure)
Battery Notice
This product contains a battery. The battery is field replaceable.
CAUTION: Risk of explosion. Do not replace the battery with an incorrect type. Dispose
of used batteries according to the instructions.
ATTENTION : Risque d’explosion. Ne pas remplacer la pile par le mauvais type de pile.
Débarrassez-vous des piles usagées selon le mode d’emploi.
Conventions Used in this Guide
The following notifications are used in this guide:
CAUTION: Risk of minor personal injury.
ATTENTION : Risque de blessuremineure.
ATTENTION: Attention indicates a situation that may damage or destroy the product or
associated equipment.
NOTE: A note draws attention to important information.
Software Commands
Commands are written in the fonts shown here:
^AR Merge Scene,,Op1 scene 1,1 ^B 51 ^W^C
[01] R 0004 00300 00400 00800 00600 [02] 35 [17] [03]
E X! *X1&* X2)* X2#* X2! CE}
NOTE: For commands and examples of computer or device responses
mentioned in this guide, the character “0” is used for the number zero and “O
is the capital letter “o.”
Specifications Availability
Product specifications are available on the Extron website, www.extron.com.
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • Contents xii
Introduction............................................................ 1
About this Guide ................................................. 1
About the VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits
(VLME Kits) ........................................................ 2
VoiceLift Pro Microphone Features...................... 3
Application Diagram ........................................... 4
VLME Kit Installation and Operation ............... 5
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kit Overview .......... 5
VLP 302 Microphone Features ........................ 6
VLH 302 Microphone Features ....................... 8
Installing the VLC 302 Charger and
Charging the Microphones ................................ 9
Installing the VLR 302EB Receiver .................... 11
Setting eBUS IDs .......................................... 12
Setting up the Microphones .............................. 15
VLP 302 Pendant Microphone ...................... 15
VLH 302 Handheld Microphone .................... 16
Pairing the Microphones with the
VLR 302EB Receiver ....................................... 16
Clear previously paired microphones from
the VLR receiver .......................................... 16
Pair New Microphones.................................. 16
Saving the Microphone Volume Level ............... 17
Tips for Using the Microphones ........................ 18
Reference Information ...................................... 19
Mounting the VLR 302EB Receiver ................... 19
Rack Mounting ............................................. 19
ZipClip Mounting .......................................... 20
Firmware .......................................................... 21
Resetting the VLR 302EB ................................. 22
Reset Mode 1 ............................................... 22
Reset Mode 2 ............................................... 22
Reset Mode 3 ............................................... 22
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • Contents xiii
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • Introduction 1
This section covers the following topics:
About this Guide
About the VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits
VoiceLift Pro Microphone Features
Application Diagram
About this Guide
This guide describes the components, installation, and operation of Extron VoiceLift Pro
Microphone EB Kits, which include the pendant or handheld microphones, the receiver,
and the charging station (see About the VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits on the next
page for details).
CAUTION: Risk of explosion. Do not replace the battery with an incorrect type. Dispose
of used batteries according to the instructions.
ATTENTION : Risque d’explosion. Ne pas remplacer la pile par le mauvais type de pile.
Débarrassez-vous des piles usagées selon le mode d’emploi.
Installation and service must be performed by authorized personnel only.
L’installation et l’entretien doivent être effectués par le personnel autorisé
UL listed electrical boxes are recommended.
Des boîtiers électriques approuvés UL sont recommandés.
The following terms are used in this guide:
“Microphone” refers to the VLP 302 or VLH 302.
“Receiver” refers to the VLR 302EB receiver. The receiver can be mounted into Extron
enclosures or can be rack mounted. One receiver can host up to two microphones.
“Charging station” refers to the VLC 302 charger for dual microphones (VLP or VLH).
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • Introduction 2
About the VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits (VLME Kits)
A VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kit is a voice amplification system that enables a teacher or
presenter to be clearly heard at a comfortable level throughout the entire room. The system
is designed to be used in conjunction with an IPCP Pro control processor.
There are three types of VoiceLift VLME kits available (versions for the European market
include the VLR 302EB EU receiver)::
VLME 3001 / VLM 3001 EU includes:
One VLP 302 pendant microphone, a VLR 302EB receiver, and a VLC 302 charging
VLME 3002 / VLM 3002 EU includes:
Two VLP 302 pendant microphones, a VLR 302EB receiver, and a VLC 302 charging
VLME 3002H / VLM 3002H EU includes:
One VLP 302 pendant microphone, one VLH 302 handheld microphone, a VLR 302EB
receiver, and a VLC 302 charging station.
Power Supply
(1) 4-pole captive
screw connector
AA Rechargeable
VoiceLift User
Installation Card
VLC 302
Charging Station
VLP 302 Pendant
RF Receiver
Lanyard and
Lanyard Lock
(for VLP 302)
VLH 302 Handheld
(1) 3-pole captive
screw connector
NOTE: If any items in the VLME kit are damaged or missing, contact Extron Technical
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • Introduction 3
VoiceLift Pro Microphone Features
Lightweight microphones — The microphones are made of lightweight and
impact-resistant polycarbonate material. The VLP 302 pendant microphone can be
worn comfortably around the neck or clipped to clothing. The VLH 302 can be used for
multiple presenters and as a student pass-around microphone.
Built-in DSP — The receiver has an integrated digital signal processor (DSP) that
maximizes sound quality and intelligibility.
Two microphones per receiver — An installed VoiceLift System supports up to two
microphones and can be used by instructors and students.
Power switch — The VLP 302 pendant microphone has an easily accessible switch
on the side to mute the sound and power the microphone on and off. The VLH has a
sliding switch which toggles the microphone on and off.
Volume buttons — Volume buttons on the VLP 302 are conveniently located, enabling
the presenter to easily raise and lower the volume during use. Volume buttons on the
VLH 302 are hidden within the battery compartment.
Auxiliary microphone input (VLP 302) allows use of an optional lavalier or headset
Auxiliary audio input (VLH 302) for an external audio source, such as an MP3 player.
Battery power — The VLP 302 and VLH 302 microphones are powered by a single
NiMh or alkaline AA battery. NiMh batteries can be recharged in the VLC 302 charging
VLC 302 charging station — Holds and recharges up to two microphones.
Receiver mounting options — The VLR 302EB receiver is compact and can be
mounted within Extron enclosures or can be rack mounted.
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • Introduction 4
Application Diagram
The application diagram below shows a typical installation incorporating an IPCP Pro with a
VoiceLift Pro microphone system.
Figure 1. Typical Room Installation
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 5
VLME Kit Installation
and Operation
This section covers the following topics:
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kit Overview
Installing the VLC 302 Charger and Charging the Microphones
Installing the VLR 302EB Receiver
Setting up the Microphones
Pairing the Microphones with the VLR 302EB
Tips for Using the Microphones
Saving the Microphone Volume Level
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kit Overview
The figure below shows the path of the audio signal through the VoiceLift System.
0.7A MAX
10V 50mA
+V +S -S G
1 2
3 4
5 6
0.3A MAX
VLR 302EB Receiver
VLP or VLH Microphone
Audio Amplifier
Figure 2. VoiceLift System Audio Signal Path
VLP or VLH Microphone — The VLP 302 and VLH 302 microphone transmits the
voice audio signal to the VLR 302EB receiver.
VLR 302EB Receiver — The VLR 302EB receives the signal from the microphone, and
outputs a balanced mono line level signal (-10 dBV) to a connected audio device.
Audio Amplifier (MPA 152 Plus) — The MPA 152 Plus receives and amplifies the
incoming balanced mono audio from the VLR 302EB.
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 6
VLP 302 Microphone Features
Figure 3. VLP 302 Microphone Features
Status LED (tri-color)
Microphone acoustic ports
Auxiliary microphone input (3.5 mm
mono female input jack)
Function button
Spring Clip
Microphone identification label recess
Power/mute button
Volume button (increase)
Volume button (decrease)
Charging contacts
Status LED — This LED indicates the microphone power, volume, and charging status as
LED indicators when the microphone is powered on and in use:
LED Color Indication
LED off Microphone is OFF or battery not installed.
Green – steady Microphone is ON and active.
Green – slow blinking Microphone is muted.
Green – single blink Volume adjusted (increased or decreased).
Green – double blink Volume adjusted to maximum level.
Red – slow blinking Low battery (30 minutes or less of talk time left); recharge battery.
Red – steady Battery life depleted; recharge battery.
Red – steady (5 seconds)
Instant Alert activated. Volume Up and Down buttons
pressed and held simultaneously for 3 seconds (Instant Alert state
changed to "True").
LED and state revert back to "False" after 5 seconds.
Amber (flashes for 5 seconds) Function button activated.
Function button was pressed and held for 2 seconds. Function
state is toggled to opposite state (true/false).
Red and green – alternate
Microphone is in pairing mode and attempting to link with receiver.
LED indicators when the microphone is charging:
LED Color Indication
Red – steady Battery charging
Green – steady Battery fully charged
Red and green – alternate
Incompatible, faulty or failed battery detected. Replace battery.
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 7
Microphone acoustic audio input ports — The microphone receives voice audio
through these two acoustical ports. Do not block these ports while the microphone is in
Auxiliary microphone input (Audio In) — Connect an optional
lavalier microphone to this 3.5 mm mono TS (tip/sleeve) aux audio
input (see the diagram at right for connector wiring).
NOTE: When an external lavalier microphone is connected,
the built in microphone elements in the VLP 302 are disabled.
Function button — When this button is pressed and held for two seconds, the
microphone signals the receiver to toggle Relay 2 to its opposite state.
NOTE: The VLP 302 microphone status LED flashes amber for 5 seconds,
indicating that the relay has been toggled.
The Function button is also used in conjunction with the Power button to initiate Link
(pairing) mode (see Setting up the Microphones on page 15).
Spring clip — Use this clip to attach the VLP 302 to clothing or to a lanyard (included)
(see step 4 on page 15 for instructions).
The lanyard lock is used to retain proper position of the microphone when clipped to
the lanyard. The breakaway clasps help to release the lanyard from around the neck if
it is pulled tightly. Place this clasp at the back of your neck when wearing the pendant
Microphone identification label recess — Place the appropriate provided sticker in
this space to identify the microphone user (see step 3 on page 15).
Power and mute button (Off/Mute/On) — Press and hold the Power button (for
three seconds) to power the microphone on or off.
With the device on, press and release this button momentarily to mute or unmute the
Volume buttons — Raise or lower the microphone volume.
Pressing and holding both of these buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds sends a signal
to the receiver to initiate Instant Alert state.
Charging contacts — Used when charging the microphone in the VLP 302 charging
station. A full charge can take up to 5 hours.
TS Connector
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 8
VLH 302 Microphone Features
Front Side
Figure 4. VLH 302 Microphone Features
Power Switch — Slide up to power on and down to power off.
Power Status LED — Dual color LED (green and red) indicates power or Link status.
LED indicators when the microphone is powered on and in use:
LED Color Indication
LED off Microphone is OFF or battery is not installed.
Green – steady Microphone is ON.
Green – single blink Volume adjusted (increased or decreased).
Red – slow blinking Low battery (30 minutes or less of talk time left).
Recharge battery.
Red – steady Battery life is depleted. Recharge battery.
Red and green – alternating
Microphone is in discovery mode and attempting to
pair with receiver.
LED indicators when the microphone is charging:
LED Color Indication
Red – steady Battery is charging.
Green – steady Battery is fully charged.
Red and green – alternating blink
Incompatible, faulty, or failed battery detected.
Check and replace battery.
Auxiliary Stereo Audio Input — Connect audio devices (such as
mobile devices, MP3 players, etc.) to this aux audio input to wirelessly
transmit audio to the room speakers. Use a 3.5 mm stereo TRS (tip/
ring/sleeve) cable to connect the audio source to the aux audio input
(see the diagram at right for connector wiring).
NOTE: 3.5 mm stereo input accepts line level audio signals, but does not support
external lavalier/lapel microphones. When an active aux input device is connected,
the built in microphone is disabled. The audio from the auxiliary audio source is
summed to mono and transmitted to the receiver.
Link button — This button is used to enable pairing mode.
Volume buttons — Increase ( ) or decrease ( ) the microphone volume.
Sleeve (S)
Ring (R)
Tip (T)
Unbalanced Input
TRS Connector
RCA Connector
Balanced Input or Output
Balanced Mono Audio
Unbalanced Stereo Audio
Unbalanced Output
NO Ground Here
NO Ground Here
For unbalanced audio, connect the
sleeves to the ground contact.
DO NOT connect the sleeves to the
negative (-) contacts.
NO Ground Here
Ring (R)
Tip (T)
Sleeve (S)
Ring (R) = Right Channel
Tip (T) = Left Channel
Sleeve (S)
(input or output)
(input or output)
3.5 mm Audio Jack
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 9
Installing the VLC 302 Charger and Charging the Microphones
The VLC 302 charges the microphone battery. It is powered by an external wall power
supply (provided). The microphone battery requires up to 5 hours to charge fully. It is safe
to charge for extended periods, but Extron recommends storing the microphone out of the
charger with the battery removed.
The charging station is to be used with NiMH rechargeable batteries only.
Fully charge the supplied batteries before first use.
Follow these steps to connect the charger and
charge the microphones.
1. Connect the 5 VDC, 2.6 A wall charger to
a 110-130 VAC (U.S.) or a 100-240 VAC
(international), 50-60 Hz power source
at right).
2. Connect the USB mini plug end of the adapter
to the USB mini jack located on the back of the
VLC 302 (
3. To install the battery, remove the microphone battery
cover as follows:
VLP 302: Unscrew the two rear panel screws
located on either side of the rear clip.
VLH 302: Slide the battery cover downward
until it stops, then lift the cover up and off the
Insert the battery, aligning the + and – poles as
indicated inside the compartment.
CAUTION: Use only NiMH rechargeable batteries provided by Extron when charging
the microphone. Use of any rechargeable battery other than the type provided by
Extron may cause explosion, chemical leakage, and injury.
ATTENTION : Utilisez uniquement les piles rechargeables de type NiMH fournies par
Extron, lorsque vous rechargez le microphone. L’utilisation d’une pile rechargeable
différente du type fourni par Extron peut présenter un risque d’explosion, de fuite de
substances chimiques, ou de blessure.
ATTENTION: Be sure to replace the battery with the correct type and to dispose of
used batteries appropriately.
ATTENTION: Assurez vous de remplacer les piles par le bon modèle et de jeter les
piles usagées de façon appropriée.
VLP 302
(Cover Removed)
VLH 302
(Cover Removed)
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 10
4. Insert the microphone into one of the charger slots (
The microphone LED turns red when the microphone is
LED Color Indication
Red – steady Battery charging
Green – steady Battery fully charged
Red and green – alternate
Incompatible or failed
battery detected. Check
and replace battery.
The microphone battery requires up to 5 hours to charge fully. It is safe to
charge for extended periods, but Extron recommends storing the microphone
out of the charger with the battery removed.
Make sure that the microphones are fully seated in the charging station to
ensure proper charging. The microphone will flash amber for 3 seconds when
initially docked into the charger.
Do not charge alkaline batteries.
Ne rechargez pas les piles alcalines.
Use only Extron provided LPS type power supply charger for charging.
Veuillez utiliser uniquement le bloc d’alimentation de type LPS fourni par Extron
pour la recharge.
VoiceLift Pro Microphone EB Kits User Guide • VLME Kit Installation and Operation 11
Installing the VLR 302EB Receiver
The VLR 302EB receiver outputs audio signals from the microphones as one balanced mono
line level signal to a connected audio device. In dual microphone systems, the signals from the
two microphones are mixed at the receiver and then output to the connected device.
Connect the VLR 302EB as shown below. For mounting options and instructions, see
Mounting the VLR 302EB Receiver on page 19.
+V +S -S G
1 2
3 4
5 6
= 4.0W
Figure 5. VLR 302EB Rear Panel
eBUS connector — Connect an Extron IPCP Pro control processor to this four-pole
captive screw connector.
The VLR 302EB requires an eBUS connection to an Extron IPCP Pro processor
for power and communication. If not connected to an IPCP Pro processor, the
VLR 302EB will not output audio.
See the ATTENTION on the next page.
Extron STP20-2/1000 or STP20-2P/1000 cable is recommended for eBUS connections.
Connect a 4-pole captive screw connector to each end of the cable, wiring both ends as
shown below.
+ Signal
12 VDC
DIP switches — Use these DIP switches to assign an eBUS ID to the devices connected
to the IP Link control processor. Each device connected to the control processor must
have a unique eBUS ID (see Setting eBUS IDs on the next page).
Audio output — Connect a balanced or unbalanced audio device to this 3-pole mono
captive screw connector. Wire the connector as shown below:
3-pole Mono Audio OUTPUT Wiring
Unbalanced Output
NO Ground Here
Balanced Output
For unbalanced audio, connect the sleeves to the ground contact. DO NOT
connect the sleeves to the negative (-) contacts.
Pour l’audio asymétrique, connectez les manchons au contact au sol. Ne PAS
connecter les manchons aux contacts négatifs (–).