It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with all product instructions and
warnings, including, without limitation, product packaging instructions and warnings,
and the online user manual.
follow all user instructions in the online instruction manual, and always use LARQ™ (or
the “product”) properly in accordance with the instructions and warnings. Please see
our website at for complete instructions, warnings and warranty
Warnings & cautions
Use the LARQ Bottle and Bottle cap according to instructions only. Improper
operation of the LARQ Bottle may cause injury. Please read and understand all
Warnings & Cautions prior to operating this Product. Do not use the LARQ Bottle in
any manner other than instructed on the Product packaging or in the User Manual.
IMPORTANT: This Product is not suitable or intended for use by children. This
Product contains small parts and may otherwise be hazardous to small children,
especially children under 3 years old. Keep Product and any dangerous equipment,
including those using batteries, out of the reach of small children!
Caution: Ultraviolet radiation. Do not look directly at light. Direct Ultraviolet light can
irritate eyes and skin or may otherwise be potentially harmful.
•The LARQ Bottle cap should be used exclusively with the LARQ Bottle. Do not turn
on or operate the LARQ Bottle cap while it is not screwed on to the LARQ Bottle.
•For complete safety and efficacy, you should not attempt use of the UV purification
system with bottles other than the LARQ Bottle. The efficacy of the UV water
purification has only been tested with the LARQ Bottle. LARQ cannot guarantee
the UV’s effectiveness when used with alternative bottle designs that have not
been fully tested or evaluated.
•Never tamper with, open or alter the LARQ Bottle or Bottle cap. If the LARQ or any
component of it malfunctions or fails to perform as expected, stop use immediately.
Do not open or attempt to repair the LARQ or its components.
•The UV-C light is a high voltage device. Do not open, expose, modify or touch
internal circuitry as this can lead to high voltage shock. Removal or tampering with
the electronic circuit board of UV-C light assembly may cause injury or damage to
the user or Product, and will void all warranties.