6. Keep by stand ers, help ers, pets and chil -
dren at least 75 feet from the ma chine
while it is in op er a tion. Stop ma chine if
any one en ters the area.
7. Ex er cise cau tion to avoid slip ping or
fall ing, es pe cially when op er at ing in re -
1. Thor oughly in spect the area where the
equip ment is to be used. Re move all
door mats, news pa pers, sleds, boards,
wires and other for eign ob jects which
could be trip ped over or thrown by the
au ger/im pel ler.
2. Al ways wear safety glasses or eye
shields dur ing op er a tion and while
per form ing an ad just ment or re pair to
pro tect your eyes. Thrown ob jects
which ric o chet can cause se ri ous in jury
to the eyes.
3. Do not op er ate with out wear ing ad e -
quate win ter outer gar ments. Do not
wear jew elry, long scarves or other
loose cloth ing which could be come en -
tan gled in mov ing parts. Wear foot wear
which will im prove foot ing on slip pery
sur faces.
4. Use a grounded three wire ex ten sion
cord and re cep ta cle for all units with
elec tric start en gines.
5. Ad just col lec tor hous ing height to clear
gravel or crushed rock sur faces.
6. Dis en gage all clutch le vers be fore start -
ing the en gine.
7. Never at tempt to make any ad just ments
while en gine is run ning, ex cept where
spe cif i cally rec om mended in the op er a -
tor’s man ual.
8. Let en gine and ma chine ad just to out -
door tem per a ture be fore start ing to
clear snow.
9. To avoid per sonal in jury or prop erty
dam age use ex treme care in han dling
gas o line. Gas o line is ex tremely flam ma -
ble and the va pors are ex plo sive.
Se ri ous per sonal in jury can oc cur when
gas o line is spilled on your self or your
clothes which can ig nite. Wash your
skin and change clothes im me di ately.
a. Use only an ap proved gas o line con -
b. Ex tin guish all cig a rettes, ci gars,
pipes and other sources of ig ni tion.
c. Never fuel ma chine in doors.
d. Never re move gas cap or add fuel
while the en gine is hot or run ning.
e. Al low en gine to cool at least two min -
utes be fore re fu el ing.
f. Never over fill fuel tank. Fill tank to no
more than ½ inch be low bot tom of
filler neck to pro vide space for fuel
ex pan sion.
g. Re place gas o line cap and tighten se -
h. If gas o line is spilled, wipe it off the
en gine and equip ment. Move ma -
chine to an other area. Wait 5
min utes be fore start ing the en gine.
I. Never store the ma chine or fuel con -
tainer in side where there is an open
flame, spark or pi lot light (e.g. fur -
nace, wa ter heater, space heater,
clothes dryer etc.).
j. Al low ma chine to cool at least 5 min -
utes be fore stor ing.
1. Do not put hands or feet near ro tat ing
parts, in the au ger/ im pel ler hous ing or
dis charge chute. Con tact with the ro tat -
ing parts can am pu tate hands and feet.
2. The au ger/im pel ler clutch le ver is a
safety de vice. Never by pass its op er a -
tion. Doing so, makes the ma chine
un safe and may cause per sonal in jury.
3. The clutch le vers must op er ate eas ily in
both di rec tions and au to mat i cally re turn
to the dis en gaged po si tion when re -
4. Never op er ate with a miss ing or dam -
aged dis charge chute. Keep all safety
de vices in place and work ing.
5. Never run an en gine in doors or in a
poorly ven ti lated area. En gine ex haust
con tains car bon mon ox ide, an odor less
and deadly gas.
6. Do not op er ate ma chine while un der the
in flu ence of al co hol or drugs.
7. Muf fler and en gine be come hot and can
cause a burn. Do not touch.
8. Ex er cise ex treme cau tion when op er at -
ing on or cross ing gravel sur faces. Stay
alert for hid den haz ards or traf fic.
9. Ex er cise cau tion when chang ing di rec -
tion and while op er at ing on slopes.