Extron DTP HDMI 4K 330 D Rx, DTP HDMI 4K 230 D, DTP HDMI 4K 230 D Rx, DTP HDMI 4K 330 D, DTP HDMI 4K D Series Manuel utilisateur

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User Guide
DTP HDMI 4K D Series
HDMI Extenders
HDMI Twisted Pair Extender
Transmitters and Receivers
68-2366-01 Rev. F
01 19
Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions • English
WARNING: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended to
alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within
the product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock.
ATTENTION: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended
to alert the user of important operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the literature provided with the equipment.
For information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and
Regulatory Compliance Guide, part number 68-290-01, on the Extron
website, www.extron.com.
Sicherheitsanweisungen • Deutsch
WARNUNG: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll den Benutzer
darauf aufmerksam machen, dass im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses
Produktes gefährliche Spannungen herrschen, die nicht isoliert sind und
die einen elektrischen Schlag verursachen können.
VORSICHT: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll dem Benutzer in
der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtige
Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung (Instandhaltung) geben.
Weitere Informationen über die Sicherheitsrichtlinien, Produkthandhabung,
EMI/EMF-Kompatibilität, Zugänglichkeit und verwandte Themen finden Sie in
den Extron-Richtlinien für Sicherheit und Handhabung (Artikelnummer
68-290-01) auf der Extron-Website, www.extron.com.
Instrucciones de seguridad • Español
ADVERTENCIA: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto,
avisa al usuario de la presencia de voltaje peligroso sin aislar dentro del
producto, lo que puede representar un riesgo de descarga eléctrica.
ATENCIÓN: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto, avisa
al usuario de la presencia de importantes instrucciones de uso y
mantenimiento recogidas en la documentación proporcionada con el
Para obtener información sobre directrices de seguridad, cumplimiento
de normativas, compatibilidad electromagnética, accesibilidad y temas
relacionados, consulte la Guía de cumplimiento de normativas y seguridad
de Extron, referencia 68-290-01, en el sitio Web de Extron, www.extron.com.
Instructions de sécurité • Français
AVERTISSEMENT : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le
produit, signale à l’utilisateur la présence à l’intérieur du boîtier du
produit d’une tension électrique dangereuse susceptible de provoquer
un choc électrique.
ATTENTION : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le produit,
signale à l’utilisateur des instructions d’utilisation ou de maintenance
importantes qui se trouvent dans la documentation fournie avec le
Pour en savoir plus sur les règles de sécurité, la conformité à la
réglementation, la compatibilité EMI/EMF, l’accessibilité, et autres sujets
connexes, lisez les informations de sécurité et de conformité Extron, réf.
68-290-01, sur le site Extron, www.extron.com.
Istruzioni di sicurezza • Italiano
AVVERTENZA: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad
avvertire l’utente della presenza di tensione non isolata pericolosa
all’interno del contenitore del prodotto che può costituire un rischio di
scosse elettriche.
ATTENTZIONE: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad
avvertire l’utente della presenza di importanti istruzioni di funzionamento
e manutenzione nella documentazione fornita con l’apparecchio.
Per informazioni su parametri di sicurezza, conformità alle normative,
compatibilità EMI/EMF, accessibilità e argomenti simili, fare riferimento
alla Guida alla conformità normativa e di sicurezza di Extron, cod. articolo
68-290-01, sul sito web di Extron, www.extron.com.
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa • Polska
OSTRZEŻENIE: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, ma na celu
poinformować użytkownika o obecności izolowanego i niebezpiecznego
napięcia wewnątrz obudowy produktu, który może stanowić zagrenie
porażenia prądem elektrycznym.
UWAGI: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, jest przeznaczony do
ostrzegania użytkownika ważne operacyjne oraz instrukcje konserwacji
(obsługi) w literaturze, wyposażone w sprzęt.
Informacji na temat wytycznych w sprawie bezpieczeństwa, regulacji
wzajemnej zgodności, zgodność EMI/EMF, dostępności i Tematy pokrewne,
zobacz Extron bezpieczeństwa i regulacyjnego zgodności przewodnik, część
numer 68-290-01, na stronie internetowej Extron, www.extron.com.
Инструкция по технике безопасности Русский
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Данный символ, , если указан на продукте,
предупреждает пользователя о наличии неизолированного опасного напряжения
внутри корпуса продукта, которое может привести к поражению электрическим
ВНИМАНИЕ: Данный символ, , если указан на продукте,
предупреждает пользователя о наличии важных инструкций
по эксплуатации и обслуживанию в руководстве,
прилагаемом к данному оборудованию.
Для получения информации о правилах техники безопасности,
соблюдении нормативных требований, электромагнитной
совместимости (ЭМП/ЭДС), возможности доступа и других
вопросах см. руководство по безопасности и соблюдению
нормативных требований Extron на сайте Extron: ,
www.extron.com, номер по каталогу - 68-290-01.
安全说明 简体中文
警告 产品上的这个标志意在警告用户该产品机壳内有暴露的危险 电压,
注意 产品上的这个标志意在提示用户设备随附的用户手册中有
关于我们产品的安全指南、遵循的规范、EMI/EMF 的兼容性、无障碍
使用的特性等相关内容,敬请访问 Extron 网站 , www.extron.com,参见
Extron 安全规范指南,产品编号 68-290-01
안전 지침 • 한국어
경고: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 제품의 인클로저 내에 있는
접지되지 않은 위험한 전류로 인해 사용자가 감전될 위험이 있음을
주의: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 장비와 함께 제공된 책자에 나와
있는 주요 운영 및 유지보수(정비) 지침을 경고합
안전 가이드라인, 규제 준수, EMI/EMF 호환성, 접근성, 그리고 관련 항목에
대한 자세한 내용은 Extron 웹 사이트(www.extron.com)의 Extron 안전 및
규제 준수 안내서, 68-290-01 조항을 참조하십시오.
安全記事 • 繁體中文
警告: 若產品上使用此符是為了提醒使用者產品機殼內存
注意 品上使用此符號,是為提醒使用設備隨附用戶手冊中
有關安全性指導方針法規遵EMI/EMF 相容存取範圍和相主題的詳細
訊,請瀏覽 Extron 網站:www.extron.com然後《Extron 安全性與法規
守手冊準則編號 68-290-01
安全上の注意 日本語
警告: この が製品上に表示されている場合は、筐体内に絶縁され
意:この が製上に表示されている場合は、本機の取書に
スト イト www.extron.com よ り Extron Safety
and Regulatory Compliance Guide』 ( P/N 68-290-01) をご覧ださい。
FCC Class A Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part15 of the FCC rules. The ClassA limits provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause interference. This interference must be corrected at the expense of the user.
ATTENTION: The Twisted Pair Extension technology works with unshielded twisted
pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP) cables; but to ensure FCC Class A and CE
compliance, STP cables and STP Connectors are required.
For more information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the “Extron Safety and Regulatory
Compliance Guide” on the Extron website.
Conventions Used in this Guide
The following notifications are used in this guide:
WARNING: Potential risk of severe injury or death.
AVERTISSEMENT : Risque potentiel de blessure grave ou de mort.
CAUTION: Risk of minor personal injury.
ATTENTION : Risque de blessuremineure.
Risk of property damage.
Risque de dommages matériels.
NOTE: A note draws attention to important information.
© 2017
-2019 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved.
All trademarks mentioned in this guide are the properties of their respective owners.
The following registered trademarks(
), registered service marks(
), and trademarks(
) are the property of RGBSystems, Inc. or
ExtronElectronics (see the current list of trademarks on the Terms of Use page at www.extron.com):
Registered Trademarks
Extron, Cable Cubby, ControlScript, CrossPoint, DTP, eBUS, EDID Manager, EDID Minder, Flat Field, FlexOS, Global Configurator,
GlobalScripter, GlobalViewer, Hideaway, IPIntercom, IPLink, KeyMinder, LinkLicense, LockIt, MediaLink, MediaPort, NetPA,
PlenumVault, PoleVault, PowerCage, PURE3, Quantum, SoundField, SpeedMount, SpeedSwitch, SystemINTEGRATOR, TeamWork,
TouchLink, V-Lock, VN-Matrix, VoiceLift, WallVault, WindoWall, XTP, and XTPSystems
Registered Service Mark
: S3 Service Support Solutions
AAP, AFL (Accu-RateFrameLock), ADSP(Advanced Digital Sync Processing), Auto-Image, CableCover, CDRS(ClassD Ripple
Suppression), DDSP(Digital Display Sync Processing), DMI (DynamicMotionInterpolation), DriverConfigurator, DSPConfigurator,
DSVP(Digital Sync Validation Processing), eLink, EQIP, EverLast, FastBite, FOX, FOXBOX, HyperLane, IP Intercom HelpDesk, MAAP,
MicroDigital, Opti-Torque, ProDSP, QS-FPC(QuickSwitch Front Panel Controller), Room Agent, Scope-Trigger, ShareLink, Show Me,
SIS, SimpleInstructionSet, Skew-Free, SpeedNav, StudioStation, Triple-Action Switching, True4K, Vector™ 4K , VideoLounge,
WebShare, XTRA, ZipCaddy, and ZipClip
viDTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Contents
Introduction............................................................ 1
About this Guide ................................................. 1
About the DTP HDMI 4K D Series
Extenders .......................................................... 1
Twisted Pair Cable Advantages ....................... 2
Transmission Distance .................................... 2
Features ............................................................. 2
Installation and Operation .................................. 3
Mounting the Transmitter or Receiver .................. 3
UL and Safety Guidelines ................................ 3
Site Preparation and Wall Box Installation ....... 4
Mud Ring Installation ...................................... 5
Final Installation .............................................. 6
Transmitter Connections ..................................... 6
Transmitter Front Panel ................................... 6
Transmitter Rear Panel .................................... 7
Receiver Connections ......................................... 8
Receiver Rear Panel ....................................... 8
Receiver Front Panel ....................................... 9
Twisted Pair Recommendations for DTP
Communication ............................................... 10
Power Supply Wiring ........................................ 11
RS-232 and IR Connector Wiring ..................... 13
Operation ......................................................... 14
Transmitter Power Indicator .......................... 14
Receiver Power Indicator .............................. 14
System Operation ......................................... 14
Ground Loops .................................................. 15
Reference Information ...................................... 16
Decorator-Style Wallplate Template
Dimensions ..................................................... 16
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Introduction 1
About this Guide
About the DTP HDMI 4K D Series Extenders
About this Guide
This guide describes the Extron DTP HDMI 4K D Series family of High-Definition Multimedia
Interface (HDMI) Extenders, which consists of DTP HDMI 4K D transmitters and DTP HDMI
4K D receivers. This guide describes how to install, operate, and configure them.
About the DTP HDMI 4K D Series Extenders
The Extron DTP HDMI 4K 230 D and DTP HDMI 4K 330 D extenders are a family of
HDMI transmitters and receivers (see figure 1) which are housed in enclosures that can be
mounted in Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standard wall boxes with decorator-style face
plates. A transmitter and receiver pair extends the usable distance of HDMI digital video and
RS-232 or IR control signals over one shielded twisted pair (STP) cable.
Tx Rx
G Tx Rx
Tx Rx G Tx Rx
CATx Cable
up to 230' (70 m)
DTP HDMI 4K 230 D Tx
DTP HDMI 4K 230 D Rx
Blu-ray Player
Flat Panel
Figure 1. Typical Transmitter and Receiver Application
A DTP HDMI 4K D Series system consists of a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver (Rx). The pair
can handle a single HDMI digital video signal and a bidirectional RS-232 or IR link.
The DTP HDMI 4K D Series transmitters and receivers are sold separately. Each purchased
transmitter is shipped with a single external desktop 12 VDC power supply that accepts 100
to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz input. A single power supply connected to either the transmitter or
the receiver can power both units through the twisted pair cable that links the units.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Introduction 2
Twisted Pair Cable Advantages
Twisted pair (TP) cable is much smaller, lighter, more flexible, and less expensive than
coaxial or HDMI cable. These transmitter and receiver TP products make cable runs simpler
and less cumbersome. Termination of the cable with RJ-45 connectors is simple, quick, and
economical (see Twisted Pair Recommendations for DTP Communication on page 10
for more information).
NOTE: Do not use Extron UTP23SF-4 Enhanced Skew-Free AV UTP cable or STP201
cable to link the transmitter and receiver. The DTP HDMI 4K D Series Tx/Rx do not
work properly with these cables.
Control communications
The RS-232 or infrared (IR) communications are pass-through only. The transmitter and
receiver do not generate or respond to these signals.
Transmission Distance
The maximum transmission distance is determined by the resolution of the signal and the
twisted pair cable, graphics card, and display used in the system.
The DTP HDMI 4K 230 D transmitters and compatible receivers can transmit and
receive video signals of 720p, 1080i, 1080p HDTV, UHD (3840x2160) @ 30/60 Hz, or
4k (4096x2160) @ 30/60 Hz up to 230 feet (70 meters).
The DTP HDMI 4K 330 D transmitters and compatible receivers can transmit and
receive video signals of 720p, 1080i, 1080p HDTV, UHD (3840x2160) @ 30/60 Hz, or
4k (4096x2160) @ 30/60 Hz up to 330 feet (100 meters).
Transmits single link HDMI-D signals over one STP cable — Twisted pair cables
provide an economical, easily installed cable solution.
Supports DDC and HDCP transmission — The DTP HDMI 4K D transmitters and
receivers fully support long distance transmission of the DDC and HDCP signals.
Control communications pass-through — Bidirectional RS-232 or IR control signals
can be transmitted alongside the HDMI signal, so that the remote display can be controlled
without the need for additional cabling.
Audio routing — The DTP HDMI 4K D transmitters and receivers route unbalanced stereo
Supports CEC signal transmission
Wall-mountable enclosures
External 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, international power supply — Included with
Remote powering of the transmitter or receiver — Only one power supply is necessary
to power both devices.
Supports computer video up to 1920x1200, HTDV 1080p @ 60 Hz with Deep Color,
UHD, and 4k resolutions.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 3
Installation and
This section describes the installation and the operation of the DTP HDMI 4K D Series,
Mounting the Transmitter or Receiver
Transmitter Connections
Receiver Connections
Twisted Pair Recommendations for DTP Communication
Power Supply Wiring
RS-232 and IR Connector Wiring
Ground Loops
Mounting the Transmitter or Receiver
Installation and service must be performed by authorized personnel.
L’installation et l’entretien doivent être effectués par le personnel autorisé
The unit must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and with
local electrical and safety codes.
L’unité doit être installée conformément au National Electric Code et aux normes
électriques et de sécurité locales.
The DTP HDMI 4K D Series transmitters and receivers can be installed in a two-gang
electrical wall box, or with a mud ring, with a decorator-style wallplate cover (supplied).
The installation must conform to national and local building, electrical, and safety codes and
to the size requirements of the wall plate.
UL and Safety Guidelines
The following UL guidelines pertain to the installation of the decorator-style wallplate
transmitters and receivers into a wall or furniture.
These units are not to be connected to a centralized DC power source or used beyond
their rated voltage range.
Install into a UL-listed outlet or junction box with the provided faceplate or a UL-listed
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 4
Site Preparation and Wall Box Installation
Choose a location that allows cable runs without interference. Allow enough depth for both
the wall box and the cables. Install the cables into the wall, furniture, or conduits before
installing the wall plate.
NOTE: The decorator-style wallplate units are very deep and have connectors on the
back side. Extron recommends a 2-gang wall box which has a depth of at least 3.0
inches (7.6 cm) to accommodate the connectors and cables.
To install a new wall box, perform steps 1 through 9. If a suitable wall box is already
installed, perform steps 6 through 9 on the next page. UL-listed wall boxes are
1. If a wall box is not available to use for a template, use the Decorator-Style Wallplate
Template Dimensions on page 16 to create a template. If installing directly into
furniture, cut out the center portion of the template.
2. Place the wall box (or the full-sized template) against the installation surface, and mark
the opening guidelines.
3. Cut out the material from the marked area.
4. Insert the wall box into the opening. The rear connectors on the box or wall plate should
fit easily into the opening. Enlarge or smooth the edges of the opening if needed.
5. Secure the wall box with nails or screws, leaving the front edge flush with the outer wall
or furniture surface (see figure 2).
If attaching the wall box to wood, use four #8 or #10 screws or four 10-penny
nails. A minimum of 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) of screw thread must penetrate the
If attaching the wall box to metal studs or furniture, use four #8 or #10
self-tapping sheet metal screws or machine bolts with matching nuts.
Figure 2. Installing the Wall Box and Mounting the Unit
Signal Output
Screws or
ll opening is
flush with edge of box.
Wall Stud
Tx Rx Tx RxG
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 5
6. Feed the twisted pair cable and, if applicable, the power cable through the opening
and through the wall box punch-out holes, securing them with cable clamps to provide
strain relief.
In order to fit in the wall box, the twisted pair cables and RJ-45 connectors
should not have a boot installed.
One power supply can power both the transmitter and the receiver, so only
one unit needs a power supply (see Power Supply Wiring on page 11 and
Ground Loops on page 15).
7. Trim back and insulate exposed cable shields with heat shrink to reduce the chance of
short circuits.
To prevent short circuits, the outer foil shield can be cut back to the point where the
cable exits the cable clamp.
8. Connect the cables to the rear of the unit.
9. Connect front panel devices (see Transmitter Front Panel on page 6 and Receiver
Front Panel on page 9 for connector details), restore the power supply, and test the
transmitter and receiver system. Make any cabling adjustments before final installation,
as the cables will be inaccessible afterwards.
Mud Ring Installation
1. Using the mud ring as a guide, mark the edges and cut out the material within the
marked area.
2. Insert the mud ring into the opening, rotate and secure the locking arms with the
supplied screws shown in figure 3.
3. Follow steps 6 through 9 of above, and Final Installation on the next page.
Mud Ring
Figure 3. Installing the Mud Ring
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 6
Final Installation
After testing and making any adjustments, do the following:
1. At the power outlet, unplug the power supply.
NOTE: One power supply can power both the transmitter and the receiver (see
Power Supply Wiring on page 11 and Ground Loops on page 15).
2. Mount the transmitter or receiver into the wall box or mud ring, and attach the supplied
decorator-style faceplate to the unit (see figure 2 on page 4).
3. At the power outlet, reconnect the power supply. This powers up both units.
Transmitter Connections
Transmitter Front Panel
Tx Rx GTxRx
RS-232 IR
Figure 4. DTP HDMI 4K D Transmitter Front Panel Connectors
A HDMI input connector — Connect an HDMI cable between this port and the HDMI
output port of the digital video source.
B Audio input — Connect an unbalanced stereo audio source to this 3.5 mm mini stereo
jack. Figure 5 shows how to wire the audio plug.
Sleeve ( )
Right (
Left (+)
Figure 5. Audio Input Connector Wiring
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 7
C RS-232/IR (Control) pass-through connector — Connect a serial communications
port to this 3.5 mm, 5-pole captive screw connector for bidirectional RS-232
communication (see RS-232 and IR connector wiring on page 13 to wire the
NOTE: The RS-232 connector can also transmit one-way modulated IR signals.
Transmitter Rear Panel
0.8 A MAX
Figure 6. DTP HDMI 4K D Transmitter Rear Panel Connectors
A DC power input connector — Plug the included external 12 VDC power supply
into either this 2-pole connector (see Power Supply Wiring on page 11 to wire the
power connector) or the power input connector on the receiver (see Figure 7,
on the
following page).
B Transmitter output port — Connect one end of the twisted pair cable to the
RJ-45 connector on the transmitter (see Twisted Pair Recommendations for DTP
Communication on page 10 to properly wire the RJ-45 connectors).
Do not connect these outputs to a telecommunications or computer data
Ne connectez pas ces appareils à des données informatiques ou à un réseau
de télécommunications.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 8
Receiver Connections
Receiver Rear Panel
0.8 A MAX
Figure 7. DTP HDMI 4K D Receiver Rear Panel Connectors
A Receiver input ports — Connect the opposite end of the twisted pair cable from the
transmitter output connector (see
on the previous page) to this RJ-45 connector
(see Twisted Pair Recommendations for DTP Communication on page 10 to
properly wire the
RJ-45 connectors).
Do not connect these outputs to a telecommunications or computer data
Ne connectez pas ces appareils à des données informatiques ou à un réseau
de télécommunications.
B DC power input connector — Plug the included external 12 VDC power supply
into either this 2-pole connector (see Power Supply Wiring on page 11 to wire the
power connector) or the power input connector on the transmitter (see Figure 6,
on the previous page).
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 9
Receiver Front Panel
Tx Rx GTxRx
RS-232 IR
Figure 8. DTP HDMI 4K D Receiver Front Panel Connectors
A HDMI output connector — Connect an HDMI display for the transmitted direct digital
B Audio output connector — Connect a stereo audio device to this 3.5 mm mini stereo
jack to receive the unbalanced audio output (see figure 5 on page 6 for wiring details).
C RS-232 and IR (control) pass-through connector — Connect a serial
communications port to this 3.5 mm, 5-pole captive screw connector for bidirectional
RS-232 communication (see RS-232 and IR Connector Wiring on page 13 to wire
the connector).
NOTE: The RS-232 connector can also transmit one-way modulated IR signals.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 10
Twisted Pair Recommendations for DTP Communication
Use the following pin configurations for both ends of the shielded twisted pair cables.
Wire color
568 B
TP Wires
Figure 9. TP Cable Termination
Do not use Extron UTP23SF-4 Enhanced Skew-Free AV UTP cable or
STP201 cable to link the device with DTP transmitters or receivers.
N’utilisez pas le câble AV Skew-FreeUTP version améliorée UTP23SF
d’Extron ou le câble STP201 pour relier le appareil avec les émetteurs ou les
récepteurs DTP.
Supported Cables
The distribution amplifiers are compatible with shielded twisted pair cable (F/UTP, SF/UTP,
and S/FTP).
Cable Recommendations
Extron recommends using the following practices to achieve full transmission distances and
reduce transmission errors.
Use the following Extron XTP DTP 24 SF/UTP cables and connectors for the best
XTP DTP 24/1000 Non-Plenum 1000’ (305 m) spool 22-236-03
XTP DTP 24P/1000 Plenum 1000’ (305 m) spool 22-235-03
XTP DTP 24 Plug Package of 10 101-005-02
If not using XTP DTP 24 cable, at a minimum, Extron recommends 24 AWG, solid
conductor, STP cable with a minimum bandwidth of 400 MHz.
Terminate cables with shielded connectors to the TIA/EIA-T568B standard.
Limit the use of more than two pass-through points, which may include patch points,
punch down connectors, couplers, and power injectors. If these pass-through points
are required, use shielded couplers and punch down connectors.
NOTE: When using shielded twisted pair cable in bundles or conduits, consider the
Do not exceed 40% fill capacity in conduits.
Do not comb the cable for the first 20 meters, where cables are straightened,
aligned, and secured in tight bundles.
Loosely place cables and limit the use of tie wraps or hook-and-loop fasteners.
Separate twisted pair cables from AC power cables.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 11
Power Supply Wiring
Only one power supply is required. A single power supply connected to either unit
in the pair powers both units.
A power supply is included with each individually-packaged transmitter.
Do not tin the power supply leads before installing them in the direct insertion
connector. Tinned wires are not as secure in the connectors and could be pulled
Figure 10 shows how to wire the power connector. Snap the provided ferrite bead onto the
DC power cable, between the power supply and the connector on the HDMI unit.
Power Supply
Output Cord
Captive Screw
(5 mm) Max.
Figure 10. Power Connector Wiring
CAUTION: The wires must be kept separate while the power supply is plugged in.
Remove power before wiring.
ATTENTION : Les deux cordons d’alimentation doivent être tenus à l’écart l’un de
l’autre quand l’alimentation est branchée. Couper l’alimentation avant de faire
l’installation électrique.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 12
Always use a power supply supplied and or specified by Extron. Use of an
unauthorized power supply voids all regulatory compliance certification and may
cause damage to the supply and the end product.
Utilisez toujours une source d’alimentation fournie ou recommandée par Extron.
L’utilisation d’une source d’alimentation non autorisée annule toute conformité
réglementaire et peut endommager la source d’alimentation ainsi que le produit
The installation must always be in accordance with the applicable provisions of
National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70, article 725 and the Canadian Electrical
Code part 1, section 16. The power supply shall not be permanently fixed to
building structure or similar structure.
Cette installation doit toujours être en accord avec les mesures qui s’applique
au National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA70, article725, et au Canadian Electrical
Code, partie1, section16. La source d’alimentation ne devra pas être fixée de
façon permanente à une structure de bâtiment ou à une structure similaire.
Power supply voltage polarity is critical. Incorrect voltage polarity can damage the
power supply and the unit. The ridges on the side of the cord (see figure 10 on
previous page) identify the power cord negative lead.
La polarité de la source d’alimentation est primordiale. Une polarité incorrecte
pourrait endommager la source d’alimentation et l’unité. Les stries sur le côté du
cordon permettent de repérer le pôle négatif du cordon d’alimentation.
To verify the polarity before connection, plug in the power supply with no load and
check the output with a voltmeter.
Pour vérifier la polarité avant la connexion, brancher l’alimentation hors charge et
mesurer sa sortie avec un voltmètre.
The length of the exposed (stripped) copper wires is important.
The ideal length is 3/16 inch (5 mm). Longer bare wires can short together.
Shorter wires are not as secure in the connectors and could be pulled out.
La longueur des câbles exposés est primordiale lorsque l’on entreprend de les
dénuder. La longueur idéale est de 5mm (3/16inches). S’ils sont un peu plus
longs, les câbles exposés pourraient se toucher et provoquer un court circuit. S’ils
sont un peu plus courts, ils pourraient sortir, même s’ils sont attachés par les vis
Unless otherwise stated, the AC/DC adapters are not suitable for use in air
handling spaces or in wall cavities.
Sauf mention contraire, les adaptateurs AC/DC ne sont pas appropriés pour une
utilisation dans les espaces d’aération ou dans les cavités murales.
If not provided with a power supply, this product is intended to be supplied by a
power source marked “Class 2” or “LPS” and rated at 12 VDC and a minimum of
1.0 A.
Si ce produit ne dispose pas de sa propre source d’alimentation électrique, il doit
être alimenté par une source d’alimentation de classe 2 ou LPS et paramétré à
12 V et 1.0 A minimum.
DTP HDMI 4K D Series Transmitter and Receiver • Installation and Operation 13
RS-232 and IR Connector Wiring
Figure 11 shows how to wire the RS-232 and IR connector on the front panel of units.
Do not tin the wires!
Ground (G)
Receive (Rx)
Transmit (Tx)
Ground (G)
Receive (Rx)
Transmit (Tx)
Transmit data
Receive data
Signal ground
Tx Rx G Tx Rx
Tx Rx G Tx Rx
Do not tin the wires!
Figure 11. RS-232 and IR Connector Wiring
NOTE: Do not tin the power supply leads before installing them in the direct insertion
connector. Tinned wires are not as secure in the connectors and could be pulled out.