Notice to OEM integrator
Must use the device only in host devices that meet the FCC/ISED RF exposure category of mobile, which means the
device is installed and used at distances of at least 20cm from persons.
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
The end user manual shall include FCC Part 15 /ISED RSS GEN compliance statements related to the transmitter as
show in this manual(FCC/ICanada statement).
Host manufacturer is responsible for compliance of the host system with module installed with all other applicable
requirements for the system such as Part 15 B, ICES 003.
Host manufacturer is strongly recommended to confirm compliance with FCC/ISED requirements for the transmitter
when the module is installed in the host.
The use condition limitations extend to professional users, then instructions must state that this information also
extends to the host manufacturer’s instruction manual.This module is stand-alone modular. If the end product will
involve the Multiple simultaneously transmitting condition or different operational conditions for a stand-alone
modular transmitter in a host, host manufacturer have to consult with module manufacturer for the installation
method in end system.
Any company of the host device which install this modular should perform the test of radiated &
condicted emission and spurious emission etc. according to FCC Part 15C: 15.247 and 15.209 &
15.207, 15B class B requirement, only if the test result comply with FCC part 15C: 15.247 and
15.209 & 15.207, 15B class B requirement. Then the host can be sold legally.
This modular transmitter is only FCC authorized for the specific rule parts ( 47CFR Part 15.247
and 15.407) listed on the grant, and that the host product manufacturer is responsible for
compliance to any other FCC rules that apply to the host not covered by the modular transmitter
grant of certification.
Host manufacturer is strongly recommended to confirm compliance with FCC/ISED
requirements for the transmitter when the module is installed in the host.
Must have on the host device a label showing Contains FCC ID: 2AC23-WC0PR1601 and IC: 12290A-WC0PR1601
Installer should put it in the manual:
The device for operation in the band 5150–5250 MHz is only for indoor use to reduce the potential for harmful
interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems
l'hôte doit utiliser l'instrument uniquement dans des dispositifs qui répondent à la fcc / (catégorie d'exposition rf
mobile, ce qui signifie le dispositif est installé et utilisé à une distance d'au moins 20 cm de personnes.
le manuel de l'utilisateur final doit inclure la partie 15 / (fac rss gen déclarations de conformité relatives à
l'émetteur que de montrer dans ce manuel.
le fabricant est responsable de la conformité de l'hôte, le système d'accueil avec le module installé avec toutes
les autres exigences applicables du système comme la partie 15 b, ices - 003.
accueillir le fabricant est fortement recommandé de confirmer la conformité avec les exigences de la fcc /
(émetteur lorsque le module est installé dans l'hôte.
le dispositif d'accueil doivent avoir une étiquette indiquant contient FCC ID:2AC23-WC0PR1601 ,IC:
Les personnes chargées de l'installation devraient figurer dans le manuel:
Les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande de 5 150 à 5 250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation
à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les
mêmes canaux.