Fold Fold
A-Mark 10003
Accurian 11803
Action 10873
Admiral 10093, 10463, 10179
Advent 10761, 10817, 11933
Adventura 10046
Aiko 10092
Aiwa 10032, 10701, 11362, 11955
Akai 10812, 11675, 10030, 10672,
11207, 11385, 11676, 11688,
11689, 11692, 11935, 12232
Alaron 10179
Albatron 10700, 10843
Alfide 10672
Ambassador 10177
America Action 10180
Anam 10180
AOC 10030, 10003, 10019, 10052,
11089, 11365, 11590, 12014,
Aomni 11623
Apex Digital 10748, 10879, 10765, 10890
11217, 12397
Archer 10003
Astar 11531, 11738
Audinac 10180
Audiovox 10451, 10180, 10092, 12513,
12413, 11952, 11951, 11937,
11868, 11803, 11769, 11766,
11284, 10875, 10846, 10802,
10713, 10623, 10003
Aventura 10171
Axion 11937
Baysonic 10180
Belcor 10019
Bell & Howell 10154, 10016
BenQ 11032, 11315
BGH 10876
Blue Sky 11254
Bradford 10180
Brillian 11007
Brockwood 10019
Broksonic 10236, 10463, 10003, 11905,
11911, 11935
Byd:sign 11309
C&M 10700
Cadia 11283
Candle 10030, 10046, 10056, 10186
Carnivale 10030
Carver 10054
Casio 11205
CCE 10623
Celebrity 10000
Celera 10765
Champion 11362
Changhong 10765
Cineral 10451, 10092
Citizen 10060, 10030, 10092, 10039,
10046, 10056, 10186, 10280,
11669, 11671, 11672, 11935
Clarion 10180
Classic 11984
Coby 11634, 12306, 12315, 12326,
12340, 12344, 12345, 12347,
12348, 12351, 12560
Commercial Solut. 10047
Concerto 10056
Contec 10180
Craig 10180
Crosley 10000, 10054
Crown 10180, 10039, 10672
Crown Mustang 10672
CTX 10700
Curtis 11200, 11326, 12352, 12466
Curtis Mathes 10047, 10054, 10154, 10451,
10093, 10060, 10030, 10145,
10166, 11661, 10016, 10039,
10056, 10466, 10747, 11959
CXC 10180
Cytron 11326
Daewoo 10154, 10451, 10092, 11661,
10019, 10039, 10623, 10661,
Daytron 10019
Dell 11264, 11080, 11178
Delta 11369
Denon 10145
Diamond Vision 11996, 11997
Digistar 11565
Digital Lifestyles 11765
Disney 11665, 12152
Dumont 10017, 10019
Durabrand 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171
11034, 10003, 11665
Dwin 10747
Dynex 12049, 11463, 11758
Electroband 10000
Electrograph 11755, 11623
Electrohome 10463, 11670, 11672
Element 11687, 12183
Emerson 11864, 10154, 10451, 10236,
10463, 10180, 10178, 10171,
11661, 11997, 11963, 11944,
11911, 11905, 11665, 10623,
10282, 10280, 10179, 10177,
10039, 10019
Emprex 11422, 11765
Encross 10876, 11474
Envision 10030, 10813, 11365, 12014,
Epson 11122
ESA 10812, 10171, 11944, 11963
Fisher 10154, 10159
FlexVision 10713
Fujitsu 10809, 10179, 10186, 10683,
Funai 10000, 10180, 10171, 10179,
11904, 11963
Futuretech 10180
Gateway 11755, 11756
GE 10047, 10051, 10451, 10178,
10021, 10027, 10282, 10747,
11907, 11922
GFM 10171, 11665, 11963, 12167
Gibralter 10017, 10030, 10019
Go Video 10886, 11823
GoldStar 10178, 10030, 10019, 10039,
GPX 10179
Gradiente 10053, 10056
Grundig 10672, 10683
Grunpy 10180, 10179
H & B 11366
Haier 11034, 10768, 11748, 12494
Hallmark 10178
Hanns.G 11783
Hannspree 11348, 11745, 11783
Harley Davidson 10179, 11904
Harman/Kardon 10054
Harvard 10180
Havermy 10093
Hewlett Packard 11494, 11088, 11089, 11101
Himitsu 10180
Hisense 10748, 11314, 11660, 12089,
Hitachi 11145, 10145, 10016, 10056,
10096, 10679, 10797, 11345,
HP 11494, 11088, 11089, 11101
Hyundai 10849,11219, 11294
I-Inc 11746
iLo 11286, 11603, 11665, 11684,
Infinity 10054
Initial 11603, 11990
Insignia 12049, 11423, 10463, 10171,
11204, 11326, 11385, 11517,
11660, 11785, 11892, 11963
Inteq 10017
IURTiRIS 12189
IRT 10451, 11661
IX 10877
Janeil 10046
JBL 10054
JCB 10000
JCM 12189, 12256
Jensen 10761, 10817, 11299, 11326,
JVC 10463, 10053, 10731
Kaypani 10052
KDS 11687
KEC 10180
Kenwood 10030, 10019
Kioto 10054, 10706
KLH 10765
Kloss 10046
KMDS 12278
Konka 10632, 10638, 10707, 11385,
Kost 11262
Kreisen 10876, 11474
KTV 10180, 10030, 10039, 10280
LG 11423, 10017, 10178, 10030,
10056, 10700, 10856, 11178,
11325, 11934
LiteOn 10088
Lloyd’s 11904
Logik 10016
Luce 11031
Luxman 10056
LXI 10047, 10054, 10154, 10178,
M&S 10054, 10236
MAG 11678
Magnavox 11454, 11755, 10054, 10051,
10030, 10171, 10706, 12597,
12372, 11990, 11963, 11944,
11931, 11904, 11525, 11365,
11254, 11198, 10802, 10386,
10187, 10186, 10179, 10096,
Magnin 11907
Majestic 10016
Marantz 11454, 10054, 10030, 10854,
11398, 11714,
Matsushita 10250
Maxent 11755, 11211, 11714, 11757
MB Quart 11868
Megapower 10700
Megatron 10178, 10145, 10003
Memorex 10154, 10463, 10150, 10178,
10016, 10179, 10877, 11665,
11670, 11892, 11911, 11924
MGA 10150, 10178, 10030, 10019,
Micro 11436
Midland 10047, 10017, 10051, 10039,
Mintek 11603, 11990
Minutz 10021
Mitsubish 11250, 10093, 10150, 10178,
Monivision 10700, 10843
Motorola 10093
MTC 10060, 10030, 10019,10056,
Multitech 10180
NAD 10156, 10178, 10056
Nakamichi 11493
Naxa 11998
NEC 10030, 10019, 10056, 11398
NetTV 11755
Nexus Electronics 12183
Nikko 10178, 10030, 10092
Niko 11581
Nimbro 12104
Noblex 10430
Norcent 10748, 10824, 11089, 11365,
11590, 11591
Norwood Micro 11286, 11296
Noshi 10018
NTC 10092
NuVision 11657, 12518
Olevia 11610, 11144, 11240
Onwa 10180
Optimus 10250, 10154, 10166, 11924
Optoma 10887, 11348
Optonica 10093, 10165
Orion 10236, 10463, 11463, 10179,
11905, 11911
Panasonic 11480, 10250, 11457, 10051,
Park 12104
PDI 11474
Penney 10047, 10156, 10051, 10060,
10178, 10030, 10003, 10018,
10019, 10021, 10027, 10039,
10747, 11907
Philco 10054, 10463, 10030, 10145,
10171, 11661, 10019, 10020,
10096, 10179, 10187, 10786,
11665, 11911, 11963
Philips 11454, 10054, 11744, 11961,
12372, 12597
Pilot 10030, 10019, 10039
Pioneer 11457, 10166, 10679, 11260,
Planar 11496
Polaroid 10765, 12120, 12117, 12063,
11769, 11767, 11766, 11762,
11687, 11565, 11385, 11341,
11328, 11327, 11326, 11316,
11314, 11286, 11276, 11262,
Portland 10451, 10092, 11661, 10019,
Prima 10761, 10817, 11785, 11933
Princeton 10700, 10717
Prism 10051
Proscan 10047, 10030, 10466, 10747,
11922, 12147, 12256
Proton 10178, 10003, 10052, 10466
Proview 11687
Pulsar 10017, 10019
Pyle 11200
Quasar 10250, 10051, 10165, 11924
RadioShack 10047, 10154, 10180, 10178,
10030, 10019, 10039, 10056,
10165, 10747, 11904
RCA 12434, 10047, 10051, 10093,
10060, 11661, 10018, 10019,
10090, 10679, 10747, 11907,
11922, 11953, 11958, 12746
Realistic 10154, 10180, 10178, 10030,
10019, 10039, 10056, 10165
RevolutionHD 11623
Runco 10017, 10030, 11398
Sampo 11755, 10030, 10039, 10052
Samsung 10812, 10060, 10178, 10030,
10019, 10039, 10056, 10587,
10766, 10814, 11959
Samsux 10039
Sansei 10451
Sansui 10463, 10171, 10165, 11670,
11892, 11904, 11911, 11935
Sanyo 10054, 10154, 10088, 11362,
Sceptre 10878, 11217, 11360, 11599,
Scimitsu 10019
Scotch 10178
Scott 10236, 10180, 10178, 10019,
10179, 11711
Sears 10047, 10054, 10156, 10154,
10178, 10171, 10056, 10179,
10747, 11007, 11904
Semivox 10180
Semp 10156
Sharp 10093, 10039, 10165, 10386,
10854, 12495
Sharper Image 11950
Sheng Chia 10093
Shogun 10019
Signature 10054, 10016
Signet 11262
Simpson 10186, 10187
Skyworth 11799
Sole 11031, 11366, 11623, 12075,
Sony 10810, 10000, 11685, 11904
Soundesign 10180, 10178, 10179, 10186
Sova 11952
Soyo 11746, 11824, 11826,
Spectricon 10003
Spectroniq 11687
Squareview 10171
SSS 10180, 10019
Starlite 10180
Studio Experience 10843
SunBrite 11420, 12337
Superscan 10093, 10864, 01944
Supre-Macy 10046
Supreme 10000
SVA 10748, 10587, 10768, 10865,
10871, 10872, 11963
Sylvania 11864, 10054, 10030, 10171,
10020, 10096, 10187, 10587,
11314, 11665, 11931, 11944,
Symphonic 10180, 10171, 11904, 11944
Syntax 11610, 11144, 11240
Tandy 10093
Tatung 10003, 11101, 11286, 11288,
11361, 11756
Technics 10250, 10051
Technol Ace 10179
Techview 12004
Techwood 10051, 10003, 10056
Teknika 10054, 10180, 10150, 10060,
10092, 10016, 10019, 10039,
10056, 10179, 10186
Telefunken 10056
Thomas 11904
TMK 10178, 10056, 10177
TNCi 10017
Tophouse 10180
Toshiba 11524, 10156, 10154, 10093,
10060, 10003, 11325, 11343,
11369, 11935, 11959, 12006
Totevision 10039
TruTech 11665, 11723, 12066
TVS 10463
Universal 10027
US Logic 11286
Vector Research 10030
Venturer 11865
VEOS 11007
Victor 10053
Vidikron 10054, 11398
Vidtech 10178, 10019
Viewsonic 11755, 10797, 10857, 10864,
10885, 11330, 11365, 11578,
11627, 11742, 12014, 12087
Viking 10046
Viore 11207, 11684, 11811, 12104,
Visart 11336
Vizio 11758, 10864, 10885, 11756
Wards 10000, 10047, 10054, 10017,
10156, 10154, 10051, 10180,
10060, 10178, 10030, 10187,
10186, 10179, 10165, 10096,
10056, 10016, 10027, 10021,
10020, 10019, 10018
Waycon 10156
Westinghouse 11712, 10451, 10885, 10889,
10890, 11217, 11282, 11300,
11577, 12499
White Westinghouse 10463, 11661, 11909
Wyse 11365
Yamaha 10030, 10019, 10797
Zenith 11423, 10000, 10047, 10017,
10463, 10178, 10030, 11145,
10145, 10092, 11661, 10016,
11325, 11365, 11904, 11911
Zonda 10003
Adcom 31100
Bose 30674
Denon 32134
GE 30078
Marantz 31892
Optimus 30395, 30823
Pioneer 30823
Polk Audio 32242
RCA 30823
Realistic 30395
Sony 30689
Soundesign 30078
Wards 30078
Yamaha 30354
ADC 30531
Aiwa 30158, 30189, 30121, 31089,
31388, 31641
Akai 31512
Alco 31390
Altec Lansing 32595
AMC 31077
Amphion Media 31563
AMW 31563
Anam 31609
Apex Digital 31257, 31430, 31774
Arcam 31189, 30189
Audiotronic 31189
Audiovox 31390
B & K 30820
Bose 31229, 31841, 31933
Cambridge Sound 31370
Capetronic 30531
Carver 31189, 30189, 30121, 31089
Coby 31389
Curtis 30797, 31389
Daewoo 31250
Denon 32857, 31360, 30176, 31142,
Dynex 32971
Electrohome 32026
Fisher 31801
Garrard 30463
Gateway 31517
Harman/Kardon 30110, 30189, 30891, 31306,
Hitachi 31273, 31801
Insignia 31030, 31077, 31751, 31893,
32126, 32169, 32175, 32929,
32966, 32472
Integra 31805, 30135, 31298
iSymphony 32018, 32258, 32442
JBL 30110, 31306
JVC 30074, 30531, 31495, 31871
Kenwood 31313, 30077, 30186
KLH 31390, 31412, 31428
Koss 31366
Lexicon 31076
LG 31293, 32284
Linn 30189
Magnavox 31189, 31269, 30189, 30391,
30531, 31089, 31514
Marantz 31189, 31269, 30039, 30189,
31089, 31289
McIntosh 31289
MCS 30039
Micromega 31189
Mitsubishi 31393
Musicmagic 31089
Myryad 31189
NAD 31743
Nakamichi 31313, 30097, 31555
NexxTech 31751
Norcent 31389, 31751
Nova 31389
Onkyo 31805, 30135, 31298, 32451
Optimus 31023, 30186, 30531
Oritron 31366
Panasonic 31308, 31518, 30039, 30367,
31316, 31548, 31633
Philco 31390
Philips 31189, 31269, 32311, 30189,
30391, 30891, 31089, 31266
Pioneer 31023, 30176, 30531, 30630,
31384, 31935
Polaroid 31508
Polk Audio 30189, 31289
Proscan 31254
Quasar 30039
RCA 31023, 31609, 31254 30531,
31390, 31511, 32041
Rio 31869
Samsung 31868
Sansui 30189, 31089
Sanyo 31251, 31469, 31801
Sharp 30186
Sherwood 31077, 31423, 31517, 31653,
Sherwood Newcastle 32169
Sonic Blue 31869
Sony 31622, 30158, 31758
Stereophonics 31023
Teac 30463, 31390, 31528
Technics 31308, 31518, 30039, 31633
Thorens 31189
Toshiba 31788
Venturer 31390
Victor 30074
Vizio 31517
Yamaha 32061, 30176, 30186, 30376,
31176, 31276, 31331, 31375,
31376, 31476, 32455, 32467,
Zenith 30857, 31293
Altec Lansing 32720
B&W 32441
Denon 32502
Samsung 32609
Vizio 32454, 32695
Yamaha 32021, 32458
ZVOX 32332
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