Yes DAC080B5WDB Le manuel du propriétaire

Le manuel du propriétaire
Owner’s Manual.............................1 - 14
Manual du propriétaire.................15 - 28
Manual del propietario..................29 - 42
Welcome to the Danby family. We are proud of our quality products and we believe in
dependable service. We suggest that you read this owner’s manual before plugging in your new
appliance as it contains important operation information, safety information, troubleshooting and
maintenance tips to ensure the reliability and longevity of your appliance.
Visit to access self service tools, FAQs and much more. For additional assistance
call 1-800-263-2629.
Note the information below; you will need this information to obtain service under warranty.
You must provide the original purchase receipt to validate your warranty and receive service.
Model Number: _________________________________________________
Serial Number: _________________________________________________
Date of Purchase: _______________________________________________
Need Help?
Before you call for service, here are a few things you can do to help us serve you better.
Read this owner’s manual:
It contains instructions to help you use and maintain your appliance properly.
If you receive a damaged appliance:
Immediately contact the retailer or builder that sold you the appliance.
Save time and money:
Check the troubleshooting section at the end of this manual before calling. This section
will help you solve common problems that may occur.
1-800-26- Danby
Flammable refrigerant used. When maintaining
or disposing of the air conditioner, the refrigerant
must not be allowed to vent into the open air.
DANGER: Risk of fi re or explosion. Flammable
refrigerant used. Do not damage the refrigerant
Ensure that servicing is done by factory
authorized service personnel, to minimize
product damage or safety issues.
Consult repair manual or owner’s guide before
attempting to service this product. All safety
precautions must be followed.
Dispose of properly in accordance with federal
or local regulations.
Follow handling instructions carefully.
Keep ventilation openings, in the appliance clear
of obstruction.
Do not use mechanical devices or other means
to accelerate the defrosting process.
Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
Do not store or install the appliance near
continuously operating ignition sources such as
open fl ames or a gas stove.
Do not operate near water or in a wet room.
Do not pierce or burn.
Be aware that refrigerants may not contain an
The appliance must be stored so as to prevent
mechanical damage from occurring.
All wiring must comply with local and national
codes and must be installed by a qualifi ed
electrician. Check the available power supply and
resolve any wiring problems before installing and
operating this appliance.
The rating plate located on the right side of the
appliance just above the power cord contains
electrical and other technical data.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) whose physical, sensory or
mental capabilities may be different or reduced,
or who lack experience or knowledge, unless such
persons receive supervision or training to operate
the appliance by a person responsible for their
This appliance must be grounded. Grounding
reduces the risk of electrical shock by providing an
escape wire for the electrical current.
This appliance has a cord that has a grounding
wire with a 3-prong plug. The power cord must be
plugged into an outlet that is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a 2-prong wall outlet, it must be
replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall
outlet. The serial rating plate indicates the voltage
and frequency the appliance is designed for.
WARNING - Improper use of the grounding
plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
Consult a qualifi ed electrician or service agent
if the grounding instructions are not completely
understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the
appliance is properly grounded.
Do not connect your appliance to extension
cords or together with another appliance in the
same wall outlet. Do not splice the power cord.
Do not under any circumstances cut or remove the
third ground prong from the power cord. Do not
use extension cords or ungrounded (two prongs)
If the power supply cord is damaged, it must be
replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or
similar qualifi ed person in order to avoid hazard.
Important Safety Information
Important Safety Information
Any person involved with working on the refrigerant
circuit should hold a current, valid certifi cate from
an industry accredited assessment authority which
authorizes their competence to handle refrigerants
safely in accordance with an industry recognized
assessment specifi cation.
Servicing shall only be performed as recommended
by the manufacturer. Maintenance and repair
requiring the assistance of other skilled personnel
shall be carried out under the supervision of
the person competent in the use of fl ammable
When maintaining or disposing of the appliance the
refrigerant must be recovered properly and should
not be allowed to discharge to the air directly.
Information on servicing
1. Checks to the area: Prior to beginning work
on systems containing fl ammable refrigerants,
safety checks are necessary to ensure that the
risk of ignition is minimized. For repair to the
refrigerating system, the following precautions
shall be complied with prior to conducting work
on the system.
2. Work procedure: Work shall be undertaken
under a controlled procedure so as to minimize
the risk of a fl ammable gas or vapour being
present while the work is being performed.
3. General work area: All maintenance staff
and others working in the local area shall
be instructed on the nature of work being
carried out. Work in confi ned spaces shall be
avoided. The area around the work space shall
be sectioned off. Ensure that the conditions
within the work area have been made safe by
removing all fl ammable material.
4. Checking for the presence of refrigerant:
The are shall be checked with an appropriate
refrigerant detector prior to and during work
to ensure the technician is aware of potentially
ammable atmospheres. Ensure that the leak
detection equipment being used is suitable
for use with fl ammable refrigerants, i.e. non-
sparking, adequately sealed and intrinsically
5. Presence of fi re extinguisher: If any hot work is
to be conducted on the refrigeration equipment
or any associated parts, appropriate fi re
extinguishing equipment shall be available
to hand. Have a dry powder or C0
extinguisher adjacent to the work area.
6. No ignition sources: No person carrying out
work in relation to a refrigeration system which
involves exposing any pipe work that contains
or has contained fl ammable refrigerant shall use
any sources of ignition in such a manner that it
may lead to risk of fi re or explosion. All possible
ignition sources including cigarette smoking,
should be kept suffi ciently far away from the
site of installation, repairing, removing and
disposal during which fl ammable refrigerant can
possibly be released to the surrounding space.
Prior to work taking place, the area around the
equipment is to be surveyed to make sure there
are no fl ammable hazards or ignition risks. No
smoking signs shall be displayed.
7. Ventilated area: Ensure that the area is in the
open or that it is adequately ventilated before
breaking into the system or conducting any hot
work. A degree of ventilation shall continue
during the period that the work is carried out.
The ventilation should safely disperse any
released refrigerant and preferable expel it
externally into the atmosphere.
8. Checks to the refrigeration equipment: Where
electrical components are being changed, they
shall be fi t for the purpose and to the correct
specifi cation. At all times the manufacturer’s
maintenance and service guidelines shall be
followed. If in doubt consult the manufacturer’s
technical department for assistance.
Important Safety Information
The following checks shall be applied to installations
using fl ammable refrigerants:
The charge size is in accordance with the room
size within which the refrigerant containing
parts are installed.
The ventilation machinery and outlets are
operating adequately and are not obstructed.
If an indirect refrigerating circuit is being used,
the secondary circuit shall be checked for the
presence of refrigerant.
Marking to the equipment continues to be visible
and legible. Markings and signs that become
illegible must be corrected.
Refrigeration pipe or components are installed in
a position where they are unlikely to be exposed
to any substance which may corrode refrigerant
containing components, unless the components
are constructed of materials which are inherently
resistant to being corroded or are suitable
protected against being corroded.
9. Checks to electrical devices: Repair and
maintenance to electrical components shall
include initial safety checks and component
inspection procedures. If a fault exists that
could compromise safety, then no electrical
supply shall be connected to the circuit until it
is satisfactorily dealt with. If the fault cannot
be corrected immediately but it is necessary to
continue operation, an adequate temporary
solution shall be used. This shall be reported to
the owner of the equipment so all parties are
Initial safety checks shall include:
That capacitors are discharged. This shall be
done in a safe manner to avoid possibility of
That no live electrical components and wiring
are exposed while charging, recovering or
purging the system.
That there is continuity of earth bonding.
Repairs to sealed components
1. During repairs to sealed components, all
electrical supplies shall be disconnected from
the equipment being worked upon prior to any
removal of sealed covers, etc. If it is absolutely
necessary to have an electrical supply to
equipment during servicing then a permanently
operating form of leak detection shall be located
at the most critical point to warn of a potentially
hazardous situation.
2. To ensure that by working on electrical
components the casing is not altered in such
a way that the level of protection is affected,
particular attention shall be paid to the
Damage to cables, excessive number of
connections, terminals not made to original
specifi cation, damage to seals, incorrect fi tting
of glands, etc.
Ensure the apparatus is mounted securely.
Ensure that seals or sealing materials have
not degraded such that they no longer serve
the purpose of preventing the ingress of
ammable atmospheres. Replacement parts
shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifi cations.
Note: The use of silicon sealant may inhibit the
effectiveness of some types of leak detection
equipment. Intrinsically safe components do not
have to be isolated prior to working on them.
Repair to intrinsically safe components
Do not apply any permanent inductive or
capacitance loads to the circuit without ensuring
that this will not exceed the permissible voltage
and current permitted for the equipment in use.
Intrinsically safe components are the only types that
can be worked on while live in the presence of a
ammable atmosphere. The test apparatus shall
be at the correct rating. Replace components only
with parts specifi ed by the manufacturer. Other
parts may result in the ignition of refrigerant in the
atmosphere from a leak.
Important Safety Information
Removal and evacuation
When breaking into the refrigerant circuit to make
repairs or for any other purpose conventional
procedures shall be used. However, it is important
that the best practice is followed since fl ammability
is a consideration. The following procedures shall
be adhered to:
• Remove refrigerant.
Purge the circuit with inert gas.
• Evacuate.
Purge again with inert gas.
Open the circuit by cutting or brazing.
The refrigerant charge shall be recovered into
the correct recovery cylinders. The system shall
be fl ushed with OFN to render the unit safe. This
process may need to be repeated several times.
Compressed air or oxygen shall not be used for
this task.
Flushing shall be achieved by breaking the
vacuum in the system with OFN and continuing
to fi ll until the working pressure is achieved, then
venting to atmosphere and fi nally pulling down
to a vacuum. This process shall be repeated until
no refrigerant is within the system. When the
nal OFN charge is used, the system shall be
vented down to atmospheric pressure to enable
work to take place. This operation is absolutely
vital is brazing operations on the pipe-work are
to take place.
Ensure that the outlet for the vacuum pump is
not close to any ignition sources and there is
ventilation available.
Charging procedures
In addition to conventional charging procedures, the
following requirements shall be followed:
Ensure that contamination of different
refrigerants does not occur when using charging
equipment. Hoses or lines shall be as short as
possible to minimize the amount of refrigerant
contained in them.
Cylinders shall be kept upright.
Ensure that the refrigeration system is earthed
prior to charging the system with refrigerant.
Label the system when charging is complete, if
not already labeled.
Extreme care shall be taken not to overfi ll the
refrigeration system.
Prior to recharging the system it shall be
pressure tested with OFN. The system shall be
leak tested on completion of charging but prior
to commissioning. A follow up leak test shall be
carried out prior to leaving the site.
Check that cabling will not be subject to wear,
corrosion, excessive pressure, vibration, sharp
edges or any other adverse environmental effects.
The check shall also take into account the effects of
aging or continual vibration from sources such as
compressors or fans.
Detection of fl ammable refrigerants
Under no circumstances shall potential sources of
ignition be used in the searching for or detection
of refrigerant leaks. A halide torch or any other
detector using a naked fl ame shall not be used.
Leak detection methods
The following leak detection methods are deemed
acceptable for systems containing fl ammable
Electronic leak detectors shall be used to detect
ammable refrigerants but the sensitivity may
not be adequate or may need recalibration.
Detection equipment shall be calibrated in a
refrigerant-free area. Ensure that the detector is
not a potential source of ignition and is suitable
for the refrigerant used.
Leak detection equipment shall be set at a
percentage of the LFL of the refrigerant and
shall be calibrated to the refrigerant employed
and the appropriate percentage of gas (25%
maximum) is confi rmed.
Leak detection fl uids are suitable for use with
most refrigerants but the use of detergents
containing chlorine shall be avoided as the
chlorine may react with the refrigerant and
corrode the copper or pipe-work.
If a leak is suspected, all naked fl ames shall be
removed or extinguished.
If a leakage of refrigerant is found which
requires brazing, all of the refrigerant shall be
recovered from the system or isolated by means
of shut off valves in a part of the system remote
from the leak. Oxygen free nitrogen (OFN) shall
then be purged through the system both before
and during the brazing process.
Important Safety Information
Before carrying out this procedure, it is essential
that the technician is completely familiar with the
equipment in all its detail. It is recommended good
practice that all refrigerants are recovered safely.
Prior to the task being carried out, an oil and
refrigerant sample shall be taken in case analysis is
required prior to re-use of reclaimed refrigerant. It
is essential that electrical power is available before
the task is commenced.
A. Become familiar with the equipment and its
B. Isolate system electrically.
C. Before attempting the procedure ensure that:
Mechanical handling equipment is available
if required for handling refrigerant cylinders.
All personal protective equipment is
available and being used correctly.
The recovery process is supervised at all
times by a competent person.
Recovery equipment and cylinders conform
to the appropriate standards.
D. Pump down refrigerant system, if possible.
E. If a vacuum is not possible, make a manifold so
that refrigerant can be removed from various
parts of the system.
F. Make sure that cylinder is situated on the scales
before recovery takes place.
G. Start the recovery machine and operate in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
H. Do not overfi ll cylinders. No more than 80%
volume liquid charge.
I. Do not exceed the maximum working pressure
of the cylinder, even temporarily.
J. When the cylinders have been fi lled correctly
and the process is completed, make sure that the
cylinders and the equipment are removed from
the site promptly and all isolation valves on the
equipment are closed off.
K. Recovered refrigerant shall not be charged into
another refrigeration system unless it has been
cleaned and checked.
Equipment shall be labeled stating that it has been
decommissioned and emptied of refrigerant. The
label shall be dated and signed. Ensure that there
are labels on the equipment stating the equipment
contains fl ammable refrigerant.
When removing refrigerant from a system, either for
servicing or decommissioning, it is recommended
good practice that all refrigerants are removed
When transferring refrigerant into cylinders, ensure
that only appropriate refrigerant recovers cylinders
are employed. Ensure that the correct number of
cylinders for holding the total system charge are
available. All cylinders to be used are designed
for the recovered refrigerant and labeled for that
refrigerant, i.e. special cylinders for the recovery
of refrigerant. Cylinders shall be complete with
pressure relief valve and associated shut-off valves
in good working order. Empty recovery cylinders
are evacuated and, if possible, cooled before
recovery occurs.
The recovery equipment shall be in good working
order with a set of instructions concerning the
equipment that is at hand and shall be suitable for
the recovery of fl ammable refrigerants. In addition,
a set of calibrated weighing scales shall be
available and in good working order. Hoses shall
be complete with leak-free disconnect couplings
and in good condition. Before using the recovery
machine, check that is it in satisfactory working
order, has been properly maintained and that any
associated electrical components are sealed to
prevent ignition in the event of a refrigerant leak.
Consult the manufacturer if in doubt.
The recovered refrigerant shall be returned to the
refrigerant supplier in the correct recovery cylinder
and the relevant waste transfer note shall be
arranged. Do not mix refrigerants in recovery units
and especially not in cylinders. If compressors or
compressor oils are to be removed, ensure that they
have been evacuated to an acceptable level to make
certain that fl ammable refrigerant does not remain
within the lubricant. The evacuation process shall be
carried out prior to returning the compressor to the
suppliers. Only electric heating to the compressor
body shall be employed to accelerate this process.
When oil is drained form a system, it shall be
carried out safely.
This air conditioner is designed for single or double
hung windows. Since window designs vary, it may
be necessary to make some modifi cations for safe
This air conditioner is not designed for vertical,
slider type windows or “through the wall”
Ensure that the window and frame are structurally
sound and free from dry or rotted wood.
Install the air conditioner in a window on a side
of the building which favors more shade than
sunlight. If the appliance must be in direct sunlight,
it is advisable to provide a shade awning over the
appliance to ensure effi cient functioning.
Do not install the appliance where leakage of
combustible gas is suspected.
This appliance is designed to evaporate
condensation under normal conditions. Under
extremely hot or humid conditions, excess
condensation may overfl ow to the outside. The
appliance should be installed where condensation
cannot drip on pedestrians or neighboring
Provide suffi cient clearance around the appliance
to allow ample air circulation. The rear of the
appliance should be outdoors, it should not be in
a garage or another room. Keep the appliance
away from obstacles and at least 76 cm (30 inches)
above the ground. Ensure that curtains and other
obstructions do not block air fl ow to the appliance.
76.2 cm
(30 inches)
50.8 cm
(20 inches)
50.8 cm
(20 inches)
12 cm
(30.5 in)
Screwdrivers: Phillips and fl at head.
Power Drill: 3.2mm (1/8”) diameter drill bit
• Pencil
• Measuring Tape
• Scissors
• Carpenter’s Level
The following accessories are included with
the appliance and should be used during the
1. 13 mm (1/2 inch) screws (x7)
2. 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) screws (x4) (Factory installed
on some models.)
3. Safety Lock
4. Adhesive foam seal
5. Regular foam seal
6. “L” shaped mounting bracket (Factory installed
on some models.)
7. Bracket for wood windows (x2)
8. Bracket for vinyl windows (x2)
9. Weather stripping (x5)
10. Side curtains (x2)
2 3
The “L” shaped bracket may come factory installed
on some models.
If the “L” shaped bracket is not pre-installed, attach
it to the top of the cabinet as shown below using the
provided 9.5 mm (3/8”) screws (x4).
Attach the side curtains to the appliance by sliding
the curtain frame into the side channel of the
cabinet. The curtains are labeled “left” and “right
on the frames. This refers to the left and right
sides of the appliance when facing the front of the
Cut the regular foam seal to fi t the area of the
window sill that the air conditioner will rest on.
Place the air conditioner into the window with the
“L” shaped mounting bracket positioned in front of
the upper sash. The bottom of the cabinet should be
positioned on the recessed portion of the window
frame. Pull the upper window sash down until it
rests just behind the front fl ange of the “L” shaped
mounting bracket.
Expand the side curtains on each side and secure
the top of the frames to the window sash using one
13 mm (1/2”) screw on each side of the “L” shaped
mounting bracket.
Attach the clamps on the lower part of each curtain
to the window sill using one 13 mm (1/2”) screw on
each side of the cabinet.
Place the adhesive foam seal into the opening
between the inside and outside windows and
attached the safety lock to the outside window frame
using two 13 mm (1/2”) screws.
Check the Tilt Angle
The air conditioner should be tilted downward
towards the outside approximately 3° to 4°. This
tilt will encourage any condensed water to drain
to the outside. If any condensed water leaks to the
inside of the house, check the tilt angle and adjust
as necessary.
Measure the tilt angle from the front of the cabinet’s
edge. The difference in height between the front and
the back of the appliance, labeled “A” on the image
below, should be approximately 19 mm - 2.5 cm
(3/4” - 1”).
1. Display panel
Displays the set temperature
While in fan mode, shows the room
Energy saver mode indicator
Wireless connection indicator
Cool mode indicator
Fan mode indicator
Temperature and timer display
Temperature scale indicator
Filter reset indicator
2. Mode button:
Used to choose the operating mode.
• The lter reset indicator will illuminate after
250 hours of use as a reminder to clean the
lter. After cleaning the fi lter, press and hold
the mode button for 3 seconds to clear the
lter reset indicator.
3. Increase and decrease buttons:
Used to adjust the set temperature.
Press and hold the increase and decrease
buttons for 3 seconds to change between °C
and °F.
4. Power Button: Used to turn the appliance on or
A. Energy saver mode indicator
B. Wireless connection indicator
C. Cool mode indicator
D. Fan mode indicator
E. Temperature display
F. Temperature scale indicator
G. Filter reset indicator
2 3 4
Operating Modes
• Cool Mode
Choose cool mode to set the cooling function. Use
the up and down arrows to choose the desired
temperature. When cool mode is selected, the fan
speed can be adjusted by pressing the fan button on
the remote control.
The temperature can be set within a range of 17°C -
30°C (62°F - 86°F).
• Fan Mode
Choose fan mode to run the internal fan without
engaging the cooling function. Press the fan button
on the remote control repeatedly to choose the fan
The remote control requires two AAA alkaline
batteries (included). Batteries should be replaced
a) No sound is heard when attempting to program
the appliance.
b) The appliance does not respond to a command
issued by the remote control.
Battery replacement:
1. Slide the rear cover on the remote in the
direction of the arrow.
2. Insert two AAA batteries following the same
orientation depicted inside the battery chamber
3. Reinstall the rear cover.
4. If the remote control will not be used for
extended periods of time, the batteries should be
Protect the remote control from high
temperatures, and keep it away from radiation
Keep the control panel receiver out of direct
Do not mix old and new batteries.
Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or
rechargeable (ni-cad, ni-mh,etc) batteries.
The remote operates within a range of 8 meters
(26 ft.) from the receiver located inside the main
appliance. Any obstruction between the receiver
and remote may cause signal interference,
limiting the ability to program the main unit.
1. Power Button: Used to turn the appliance on or
2. Mode Button: Used to choose the operating
3. Fan Button: Used to set the fan speed.
4. Sleep Button: Used to set the sleep function.
5. Swing button: Used to set the angle of the louver
on the top of the appliance.
Press once to begin the swing function.
Press a second time to stop the louver when it
has reached the desired angle.
6. Energy Saver Button: Used to set the energy
saver function.
7. LED Button:
Press to turn the LED back light on or off.
Press 7 times to activate the wireless
connection. Follow the directions on
the wireless connection app for more
8. Timer off button: Press to set the automatic off
9. Timer on button: Press to set the automatic on
10. Shor tcut button: Press to set and activate the
short cut function.
11. Increase and decrease buttons:
Used to adjust the set temperature.
Press and hold the increase and decrease
buttons for 3 seconds to change between °C
and °F.
12. LED display: Shows the set temperature and
timer setting.
4 5 6 7
The energy saver function is only available on the
remove control in cool mode. It will automatically
cycle the fan on and off when the compressor is not
in use to minimize how often the compressor needs
to turn on.
The fan will continue to run for 3 minutes after the
compressor turns off. The fan will then cycle on for
2 minutes in 10 minute intervals until the ambient
temperature is above the set temperature, at which
point the compressor will turn on and cooling will
The sleep function can be used to conserve energy
during sleeping hours.
When selected, the set temperature will increase
by 1°C/2°F every half hour for one full hour. The
appliance will hold the new set temperature for
6 hours before automatically returning to normal
The sleep function can be canceled at any time by
pressing the sleep button.
This appliance can be controlled with a wireless
application on your wireless device.
to download the application and learn about its
The shortcut function is only available on the remote
control. It can be used to set a favourite setting.
1. Set the appliance to the temperature and fan
speed that you would like to set as a favourite.
2. Press and hold the shortcut button for 2 seconds.
3. Press the shortcut button at any point in future to
return to the favourite setting.
If no favourite is set, pressing the shortcut button will
cause the appliance to run in auto mode at 29°C
(79°F), with fan speed set to auto.
The timer function is only available on the remote
control. It can be used to turn the appliance on or
off after a set period of time.
To set the automatic timer:
1. Press the timer on or timer off button depending
on whether the appliance should turn on or off
after the set period of time.
2. Use the timer buttons to select the desired
amount of time before the appliance should turn
on. The timer buttons will add or subtract time in
30 minute increments up to 10 hours and then in
1 hour increments up to 24 hours.
3. Turning the appliance on or off at any time will
cancel the timer settings.
The air fi lter should be cleaned approximately every
2 weeks. The air fi lter may require more frequent
cleaning if there is signifi cant dander or fur in the
Approximately every two weeks, the fi lter indicator
light on the control panel will illuminate as a
reminder to clean the fi lter. Follow the steps below
to clean the fi lter and return the appliance to normal
1. The air fi lter is located behind the front intake
grill. To remove the air fi lter, grasp the fi lter tab
on the right side of the grill and slide it out to the
right. If the front intake grill has two indents, pull
the grill forward to remove the air fi lter.
2. Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush
attachment to remove any large debris or dust
build up from the air fi lter.
3. Wash the fi lter in lukewarm, soapy water, below
40°C (104°F), or use a neutral cleaning agent.
4. Rinse the fi lter with clean water and dry
thoroughly before reinstalling in the appliance.
5. Press the fi lter button on the control panel to
resume normal functioning.
Note: Do not operate the appliance without the air
lter installed.
If the display panel shows any of the below error
codes, unplug the appliance, let it stand for 5-10
minutes and then plug it back in. If the error
persists, call for service.
L0 - Displayed when the room temperature is lower
than 0°C (32°F).
HI - Displayed when the room temperature is higher
than 37°C (99°F).
AS - Room temperature sensor error.
ES - Evaporator temperature sensor error.
To avoid possible electric shock, ensure that the
appliance is unplugged before performing any
cleaning or maintenance.
The outside of the appliance can be wiped clean
with a soft cloth or with a lukewarm, damp cloth if
Do not use gasoline, benzene, thinner or any
other chemicals to clean this appliance as these
substances can cause damage to the fi nish and
deformation of plastic parts.
Never pour water directly onto the appliance as this
will cause deterioration of electrical components
and wiring insulation.
Before removing the appliance from service for the
year, operate the appliance on high fan mode for
half a day to ensure the inside of the appliance
is dry. This will help avoid the growth of mold or
mildew inside the appliance. Ensure the fi lter is
clean and dry. Store the appliance covered in a dry
Note: When installing or removing the appliance
from the window, ensure that caution is taken to
prevent it from falling backward. It is recommended
that installation or removal is completed with
assistance to prevent injury to persons or damage to
property or the appliance.
Check for local regulatory compliance regarding
approved and safe disposal of this appliance.
Appliance will not operate Plug is not fully inserted into the wall outlet
Blown fuse or circuit breaker
Insuffi cient cooling • Air lter is dirty
Blocked air fl ow
Appliance size is too small for application
Noise Inadequate support in window installation
Odors Formation of mold or mildew on internal wet surfaces
Place an algaecide tablet in base pan; push the tablet through
the grill on either side of the appliance
Water dripping inside Appliance is not properly angled to allow water to drain to the
Water dripping outside On very hot or humid days dripping water from the back of the
appliance is normal
Frost build up When outdoor temperatures are below 18.3°C (65°F) frost may
form when the appliance is in cooling mode
Switch the appliance to fan only mode until the frost melts
Danby Consumer Care: 1-800-263-2629 or
Hours of operation:
Monday to Thursday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with the
Canadian ICES-003 standard. CAN ICES-3 (B)
This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection
against interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio
or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment
and receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Changes or modifi cations not approved by the
party responsible for FCC compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This appliance complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause interference.
2. This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This quality product is warranted to be free from manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship, provided that the unit is used under the normal operating
conditions intended by the manufacturer.
This warranty is available only to the person to whom the unit was originally sold by Danby Products Limited (Canada) or Danby Products Inc. (U.S.A.) (hereafter
“Danby”) or by an authorized distributor of Danby, and is non-transferable.
Plastic parts, are warranted for thirty (30) days only from purchase date, with no extensions provided.
First Year
During the rst twelve (12) months, any functional parts of this product found to be defective, will be repaired or replaced, at warrantor’s
option, at no charge to the ORIGINAL purchaser.
To obtain
Danby reserves the right to limit the boundaries of “In Home Service” to the proximity of an Authorized Service Depot. Any app liance
requiring service outside the limited boundaries of “In Home Service” , it will be the consumer’s responsibility to transport the appliance (at
their own expense) to the original retailer (point of purchase) or a service depot for repair. See “Boundaries of In Home Serv ice” below.
Contact your dealer from whom your unit was purchased, or contact your nearest authorized Danby service depot, where service
must be performed by a qualied service technician.
If service is performed on the units by anyone other than an authorized service depot, or the unit is used for commercial appli cation, all
obligations of Danby under this warranty shall be void.
Boundaries of
If the appliance is installed in a location that is 100 kilometers (62 miles) or more from the nearest service center your unit must be
In Home Service
delivered to the nearest authorized Danby Service Depot, as service must only be performed by a technician qualied and certif ied for
warranty service by Danby. Transportation charges to and from the service location are not protected by this warranty and are t he
responsibility of the purchaser.
Nothing within this warranty shall imply that Danby will be responsible or liable for any spoilage or damage to food or other c ontents of this appliance, whether due
to any defect of the appliance, or its use, whether proper or improper.
Save as herein provided, Danby, there are no other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, express or implied, m ade or intended by Danby or its
authorized distributors and all other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, including any warranties, conditio ns, representations or guarantees
under any Sale of Goods Act or like legislation or statue is hereby expressly excluded. Save as herein provided, Danby shall no t be responsible for any damages
to persons or property, including the unit itself, howsoever caused or any consequential damages arising from the malfunction o f the unit and by the purchase of
the unit, the purchaser does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Danby from any claim for damages to persons or propert y caused by the unit.
No warranty or insurance herein contained or set out shall apply when damage or repair is caused by any of the following:
1) Power failure.
2) Damage in transit or when moving the appliance.
3) Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective house wiring or inadequate fuses.
4) Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse of the appliance such as inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating con ditions
(extremely high or low room temperature).
5) Use for commercial or industrial purposes (ie. If the appliance is not installed in a domestic residence).
6) Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility, acts of God such as hurricanes, oods etc.
7) Service calls resulting in customer education.
8) Improper Installation (ie. Building-in of a free standing appliance or using an appliance outdoors that is not approved for out door application).
Proof of purchase date will be required for warranty claims; so, please retain bills of sale. In the event warranty service is required, present this document to our
Danby Products Limited
PO Box 1778, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9
Telephone: (519) 837-0920 FAX: (519) 837-0449
Danby Products Inc.
PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45840
Telephone: (419) 425-8627 FAX: (419) 425-8629
Warranty Service
Transportation charges to and from the service location are not protected by this warranty and are the responsibility of the purchaser.
During the first twenty four (24) months, any functional parts of this product found to be defective, will be repaired
or replaced, at warrantor’s option, at no charge to the original purchaser.
Contact the dealer where the unit was purchased, or contact the nearest authorized Danby service depot, where
service must be performed by a qualified service technician. If service is performed on the unit by anyone other
than an authorized service depot, all obligations of Danby under this warranty shall be void.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to transport the appliance to the nearest authorized service depot.
First 24 months
To obtain service
This quality product is warranted to be free from manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship, provided that the unit is used
under the normal operating conditions intended by the manufacturer.
This warranty is available only to the person to whom the unit was originally sold by Danby Products Limited (Canada) or Danby
Products Inc. (U.S.A.) (hereafter “Danby”) or by an authorized distributor of Danby, and is non-transferable.
Plastic parts are warranted for thirty (30) days from the date of purchase, with no extensions provided.
Nothing within this warranty shall imply that Danby will be responsible or liable for any spoilage or damage to food or other
contents of this appliance, whether due to any defect of the appliance, or its use, whether proper or improper.
Save as herein provided, by Danby, there are no other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, express or implied, made
or intended by Danby or its authorized distributors and all other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, including any
warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees under any Sale of Goods Act or like legislation or statute is hereby expressly
excluded. Save as herein provided, Danby shall not be responsible for any damages to persons or property, including the unit itself,
howsoever caused or any consequential damages arising from the malfunction of the unit and by the purchase of the unit, the
purchaser does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Danby from any claim for damages to persons or property caused by
the unit.
No warranty or insurance herein contained or set out shall apply when damage or repair is caused by any of the following:
1) Power failure.
2) Damage in transit or when moving the appliance.
3) Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective house wiring or inadequate fuses.
4) Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse of the appliance such as inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating
conditions (ie. extremely high or low room temperature).
5) Use for commercial or industrial purposes (ie. If the appliance is not installed in a domestic residence).
6) Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility, acts of God such as hurricanes, floods etc.
7) Service calls resulting in customer education.
8) Improper Installation (ie. Building-in of a free standing appliance or using an appliance outdoors that is not approved for outdoor
application, including but not limited to: garages, patios, porches or anywhere that is not properly insulated or climate controlled).
Proof of purchase date will be required for warranty claims; retain bills of sale. In the event that warranty service is required, present
the proof of purchase to our authorized service depot.
Warranty Service
Carry In
Danby Products Limited
PO Box 1778, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9
Telephone: (519) 837-0920 FAX: (519) 837-0449
Danby Products Inc.
PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45840
Telephone: (419) 425-8627 FAX: (419) 425-8629
Bienvenue à la famille Danby. Nous sommes fi ers de la qualité de nos produits et nous croyons
en le service fi able. Nous vous suggérons de lire ce manual d’utilisation avant de brancher
votre nouvel appareil car il contient des informations inportantes sur l’utilisation, la sécurité, le
dépannage et la maintenance, afi n d’assurer la fi abilité et la longévité de votre appareil.
Visitez pour accéder aux outils d’autoservice, aux FAQ et bien plus encore. Pour
obtenir de l’aide supplémentaire, composez 1-800-263-2629.
Notez les informations ci-dessous; Vous aurez besoin de cette information pour obtenir un
service sous garantie.
Vous devez fournir le reçu d’achat original pour valider votre garantie et recevoir le service.
Numéro de modèle: _____________________________________________
Numéro de serie: _______________________________________________
Date d’achat: __________________________________________________
Besoin d’assistance?
Avant d’appeler pour service, voici quelques choses que vous pouvez faire pour nous
aider à mieux vous servir.
Lire ce manuel du propriétaire:
Il contient des instructions pour vous aider à utiliser et à maintenir votre appareil
Si vous recevez un appareil endommagé:
Contactez immédiatement le revendeur ou l’entrepreneur qui vous a vendu l’appareil.
Gagnez du temps et de l’argent:
Avant d’appeler pour service, consultez la section de dépannage à la fi n de ce manuel.
Cette section vous aidera à résoudre les problèmes courants pouvant survenir.
1-800-26- Danby
Fluide frigorigène infl ammable utilisé. Lors
de l’entretien ou de la mise au rebut du
climatiseur, le réfrigérant ne doit pas pouvoir
s’échapper à l’air libre.
Cet appareil doit être mis à la terre. La mise à
la terre réduit le risque de choc électrique en
fournissant un fi l d’échappement pour le courant
Cet appareil possède un cordon doté d’un fi l de
mise à la terre avec une fi che à 3 broches. Le
cordon d’alimentation doit être branché sur une
prise correctement mise à la terre. Si la sortie
est une prise murale à 2 broches, elle doit être
remplacée par une prise murale à 3 broches
correctement mise à la terre. La plaque signalétique
en série indique la tension et la fréquence
auxquelles l’appareil est conçu.
AVERTISSEMENT - Une utilisation incorrecte de la
che de mise à la terre peut entraîner un risque
d’électrocution. Consultez un électricien qualifi é
ou un agent de service si les instructions de mise
à la terre ne sont pas complètement comprises ou
s’il existe un doute quant à savoir si l’appareil est
correctement mis à la terre.
Ne branchez pas votre appareil à des rallonges
ou avec un autre appareil dans la même prise
murale. Ne pas épisser le cordon d’alimentation.
Ne coupez ou retirez en aucun cas la troisième
broche du cordon d’alimentation. N’utilisez pas de
cordons de prolongement ou d’adaptateurs sans
mise à la terre (deux broches).
Si le cordon d’alimentation est endommagé, il doit
être remplacé par le fabricant, son agent de service
ou une personne qualifi ée similaire afi n d’éviter tout
Consignes de sécurité importantes
DANGER: Risque d’incendie ou d’explosion.
Fluide frigorigène infl ammable utilisé. Ne pas
endommager le circuit de réfrigérant.
Assurez-vous que les réparations sont effectuées
par du personnel autorisé par l’usine, afi n de
minimiser les dommages au produit ou les
problèmes de sécurité.
Consultez le manuel de réparation ou le guide
du propriétaire avant de tenter de réparer
ce produit. Toutes les précautions de sécurité
doivent être suivies.
Éliminer correctement conformément aux
réglementations fédérales ou locales.
Suivez attentivement les instructions de
Veillez à ce que les ouvertures de ventilation de
l’appareil ne soient pas obstruées.
N’utilisez pas d’appareils mécaniques ou
d’autres moyens pour accélérer le processus de
Les enfants doivent être surveillés pour s’assurer
qu’ils ne jouent pas avec l’appareil.
Ne rangez pas et n’installez pas l’appareil à
proximité de sources d’allumage fonctionnant
en continu, telles que des fl ammes nues ou une
cuisinière à gaz.
Ne pas utiliser près de l’eau ou dans une pièce
Ne pas percer ou brûler.
Sachez que les réfrigérants peuvent ne pas
contenir d’odeur.
L’appareil doit être rangé de manière à éviter
tout dommage mécanique.
Tout le câblage doit être conforme aux codes locaux
et nationaux et doit être installé par un électricien
qualifi é. Vérifi ez l’alimentation disponible et
résolvez tout problème de câblage avant d’installer
et d’utiliser cet appareil.
La plaque signalétique située sur le côté droit
de l’appareil, juste au-dessus du cordon
d’alimentation, contient des données électriques et
Cet appareil n’est pas destiné à être utilisé par des
personnes (y compris des enfants) dont les capacités
physiques, sensorielles ou mentales peuvent
être différentes ou réduites, ou qui manquent
d’expérience ou de connaissances, à moins que
ces personnes ne soient supervisées ou formées
pour faire fonctionner l’appareil par une personne
responsable de leur utilisation. sécurité.
Toute personne impliquée dans le travail sur le
circuit de fl uide frigorigène doit détenir un certifi cat
en cours de validité, délivré par une autorité
d’évaluation accréditée du secteur, attestant de sa
compétence pour manipuler les fl uides frigorigènes
en toute sécurité, conformément à une spécifi cation
d’évaluation reconnue par l’industrie.
L’entretien ne doit être effectué que selon les
recommandations du fabricant. L’entretien et les
réparations nécessitant l’assistance d’un autre
personnel qualifi é doivent être effectués sous
la supervision de la personne compétente pour
l’utilisation de réfrigérants infl ammables.
Lors de l’entretien ou de la mise au rebut de
l’appareil, le réfrigérant doit être récupéré
correctement et ne doit pas être autorisé à se
décharger directement dans l’air.
Informations sur le service
1. Chèques à la région: Avant de commencer
à travailler sur des systèmes contenant des
frigorigènes infl ammables, des contrôles de
sécurité sont nécessaires pour réduire au
minimum le risque d’infl ammation. Pour réparer
le système de réfrigération, les précautions
suivantes doivent être respectées avant de
procéder à des travaux sur le système.
2. Procédure de travail: Les travaux doivent être
effectués selon une procédure contrôlée, de
manière à minimiser le risque de présence
de gaz ou de vapeurs infl ammables pendant
l’exécution des travaux.
3. Zone de travail générale: Tout le personnel de
maintenance et les autres personnes travaillant
dans la zone locale doivent être informés de la
nature des travaux effectués. Les travaux dans
des espaces confi nés doivent être évités. La zone
autour de l’espace de travail doit être divisée.
Assurez-vous que les conditions dans la zone
de travail ont été sécurisées en retirant tout
matériau infl ammable.
4. Vérifi cation de la présence de réfrigérant: Le
sont doivent être vérifi és avec un détecteur de
réfrigérant approprié avant et pendant le travail
pour s’assurer que le technicien est conscient
des atmosphères potentiellement infl ammables.
Assurez-vous que l’équipement de détection des
fuites utilisé convient aux fl uides frigorigènes
infl ammables, c’est-à-dire qu’il ne produit pas
d’étincelles, est correctement scellé et de sécurité
5. Présence d’extincteur: Si des travaux à chaud
doivent être effectués sur l’équipement de
réfrigération ou sur toute pièce associée, un
équipement d’extinction d’incendie approprié
doit être disponible. Avoir un extincteur à
poudre sèche ou au C02 adjacent à la zone de
6. Aucune source d’infl ammation: Aucune
personne effectuant des travaux en rapport
avec un système de réfrigération impliquant
l’exposition de tuyauteries contenant ou ayant
contenu un réfrigérant infl ammable ne doit
utiliser une source d’infl ammation de manière à
entraîner un risque d’incendie ou d’explosion.
Toutes les sources d’infl ammation possibles, y
compris le tabagisme, doivent être suffi samment
éloignées du lieu d’installation, de réparation,
de retrait et d’élimination, pendant lesquelles un
réfrigérant infl ammable peut éventuellement être
rejeté dans l’espace environnant. Avant le début
des travaux, la zone autour de l’équipement
doit être inspectée pour s’assurer qu’il n’y a
pas de danger d’infl ammabilité ou de risque
d’infl ammation. Aucun signe de fumer ne doit
être affi ché.
7. Zone ventilée: Assurez-vous que la zone
est à l’air libre ou qu’elle est correctement
ventilée avant de pénétrer dans le système ou
d’effectuer des travaux à chaud. Une certaine
ventilation doit être maintenue pendant la
durée des travaux. La ventilation doit disperser
en toute sécurité tout fl uide réfrigérant libéré
et de préférence l’expulser de l’extérieur vers
8. Contrôles à l’équipement de réfrigération:
Lorsque des composants électriques sont
remplacés, ils doivent être adaptés à l’usage
prévu et aux spécifi cations appropriées.
Respectez à tout moment les directives
du fabricant en matière d’entretien et de
maintenance. En cas de doute, consultez le
service technique du fabricant.
Consignes de sécurité importantes
Les contrôles suivants doivent être appliqués aux
installations utilisant des réfrigérants infl ammables:
La taille de la charge est conforme à la taille de
la pièce dans laquelle les pièces contenant le
réfrigérant sont installées.
Les machines de ventilation et les sorties
fonctionnent de manière adéquate et ne sont pas
Si un circuit de réfrigération indirect est utilisé,
le circuit secondaire doit être vérifi é pour la
présence de réfrigérant.
Le marquage sur l’équipement continue d’être
visible et lisible. Les marques et les signes qui
deviennent illisibles doivent être corrigés.
Les tuyaux ou composants de réfrigération sont
installés dans une position où ils ne risquent
pas d’être exposés à une substance susceptible
de corroder les composants contenant du
réfrigérant, à moins que les composants
ne soient construits avec des matériaux
intrinsèquement résistants à la corrosion ou
protégés de manière adéquate.
9. Contrôles aux appareils électriques: La
réparation et la maintenance des composants
électriques doivent inclure les contrôles de
sécurité initiaux et les procédures d’inspection
des composants. S’il existe un défaut
susceptible de compromettre la sécurité, aucune
alimentation électrique ne doit être connectée
au circuit jusqu’à ce que le problème soit
résolu. Si le défaut ne peut pas être corrigé
immédiatement mais qu’il est nécessaire de
poursuivre le fonctionnement, une solution
temporaire adéquate doit être utilisée. Cela doit
être signalé au propriétaire de l’équipement afi n
que toutes les parties soient informées.
Les contrôles de sécurité initiaux doivent inclure:
Que les condensateurs sont déchargés. Ceci
doit être fait de manière sûre pour éviter la
possibilité d’étincelles.
Qu’aucun composant ni câblage électrique sous
tension ne soit exposé pendant le chargement, la
récupération ou la purge du système.
Qu’il existe une continuité de la mise à la terre.
Réparation de composants scellés
1. Lors de la réparation de composants scellés,
toutes les alimentations électriques doivent
être débranchées de l’équipement utilisé
avant toute dépose de couvercles scellés,
etc. S’il est absolument nécessaire de prévoir
une alimentation électrique de l’équipement
pendant l’entretien, une détection des fuites
fonctionnant en permanence doit être situé au
point le plus critique pour avertir d’une situation
potentiellement dangereuse.
2. Afi n de garantir qu’en manipulant des
composants électriques, le boîtier ne soit pas
modifi é de telle sorte que le niveau de protection
soit affecté, une attention particulière doit être
accordée aux éléments suivants:
Dommages aux câbles, nombre excessif
de connexions, bornes non conformes aux
spécifi cations d’origine, dommages aux joints,
mauvais montage des presse-étoupes, etc.
Assurez-vous que l’appareil est bien monté.
Assurez-vous que les joints ou les matériaux
d’étanchéité ne se sont pas dégradés de telle
sorte qu’ils ne servent plus à empêcher la
pénétration d’atmosphères infl ammables. Les
pièces de rechange doivent être conformes aux
spécifi cations du fabricant.
Remarque: l’utilisation d’un produit d’étanchéité à
base de silicone peut nuire à l’effi cacité de certains
types d’équipement de détection de fuites. Les
composants de sécurité intrinsèque ne doivent pas
nécessairement être isolés avant de travailler dessus.
Réparation de composants à sécurité intrinsèque
N’appliquez aucune charge inductive ou capacitive
permanente sur le circuit sans vous assurer que cela
ne dépassera pas la tension et le courant autorisés
pour l’équipement utilisé. Les composants à sécurité
intrinsèque sont les seuls types sur lesquels on
peut travailler tout en vivant dans une atmosphère
infl ammable. L’appareil d’essai doit avoir la cote
correcte. Remplacez les composants uniquement
par des pièces spécifi ées par le fabricant. D’autres
pièces peuvent provoquer l’infl ammation de
réfrigérant dans l’atmosphère par une fuite.
Consignes de sécurité importantes
Consignes de sécurité importantes
Enlèvement et évacuation
Lorsque vous pénétrez dans le circuit de fl uide
frigorigène pour effectuer des réparations ou à
toute autre fi n, vous devez utiliser des procédures
classiques. Cependant, il est important que la
meilleure pratique soit suivie car l’infl ammabilité est
une considération. Les procédures suivantes doivent
être respectées:
Retirer le réfrigérant.
Purger le circuit avec du gaz inerte.
• Évacuer.
Purger à nouveau avec un gaz inerte.
Ouvrir le circuit en coupant ou en soudant.
La charge de réfrigérant doit être récupérée
dans les bonnes bouteilles de récupération.
Le système doit être rincé avec OFN pour
sécuriser l’unité. Ce processus peut avoir besoin
d’être répété plusieurs fois. L’air comprimé ou
l’oxygène ne doit pas être utilisé pour cette
Le rinçage doit être réalisé en rompant le vide
dans le système avec OFN et en continuant à se
remplir jusqu’à atteindre la pression de travail,
puis en relâchant dans l’atmosphère et en tirant
nalement vers le vide. Ce processus doit être
répété jusqu’à ce qu’il n’y ait plus de réfrigérant
dans le système. Lorsque la dernière charge
OFN est utilisée, le système doit être purgé
à la pression atmosphérique pour permettre
le travail. Cette opération est absolument
essentielle si des opérations de brasage sur la
tuyauterie doivent avoir lieu.
Assurez-vous que la sortie de la pompe à
vide ne se trouve pas à proximité de sources
d’infl ammation et qu’il existe une ventilation.
Procédures de charge
Outre les procédures de chargement classiques, les
exigences suivantes doivent être respectées:
Assurez-vous que les différents réfrigérants
ne soient pas contaminés lors de l’utilisation
d’un équipement de charge. Les tuyaux ou les
conduites doivent être aussi courts que possible
pour minimiser la quantité de réfrigérant qu’ils
Les bouteilles doivent être maintenues debout.
Assurez-vous que le système de réfrigération
est mis à la terre avant de le charger avec du
Étiquetez le système lorsque le chargement est
terminé, s’il ne l’est pas déjà.
Un soin extrême doit être pris pour ne pas trop
remplir le système de réfrigération.
Avant de recharger le système, il doit être
testé sous pression avec OFN. Le système doit
être soumis à un test d’étanchéité à la fi n du
chargement mais avant la mise en service. Un
contrôle d’étanchéité doit être effectué avant de
quitter le site.
Le câblage
Vérifi ez que le câblage ne sera pas soumis à
l’usure, à la corrosion, à une pression excessive,
aux vibrations, aux arêtes vives ou à tout autre
effet néfaste sur l’environnement. La vérifi cation
doit également prendre en compte les effets
du vieillissement ou des vibrations continuelles
provenant de sources telles que les compresseurs ou
les ventilateurs.
Détection de réfrigérants infl ammables
En aucun cas, des sources d’infl ammation
potentielles ne doivent être utilisées pour rechercher
ou détecter des fuites de réfrigérant. Une lampe à
incandescence ou tout autre détecteur utilisant une
amme nue ne doit pas être utilisé.
Méthodes de détection de fuite
Les méthodes de détection des fuites suivantes sont
jugées acceptables pour les systèmes contenant des
réfrigérants infl ammables:
Des détecteurs de fuites électroniques doivent
être utilisés pour détecter les réfrigérants
infl ammables, mais la sensibilité peut ne pas
être adéquate ou nécessiter un réétalonnage.
L’équipement de détection doit être étalonné
dans une zone sans réfrigérant. Assurez-vous
que le détecteur n’est pas une source potentielle
d’infl ammation et qu’il convient au réfrigérant
L’équipement de détection de fuites doit être
réglé sur un pourcentage de la LF du réfrigérant
et doit être calibré avec le réfrigérant utilisé et le
pourcentage de gaz approprié (25% maximum)
est confi rmé.
Les fl uides de détection des fuites peuvent
être utilisés avec la plupart des réfrigérants,
mais l’utilisation de détergents contenant du
chlore doit être évitée car le chlore peut réagir
avec le réfrigérant et corroder le cuivre ou les
Si une fuite est suspectée, toutes les fl ammes
nues doivent être supprimées ou éteintes.
Si une fuite de réfrigérant nécessitant un
brasage est détectée, tout le réfrigérant doit
être récupéré du système ou isolé au moyen
de vannes d’arrêt dans une partie du système
éloignée de la fuite. L’azote libre d’oxygène
(OFN) doit ensuite être purgé à travers le
système avant et pendant le processus de
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Le manuel du propriétaire