Eureka HotShot 350 Series Manuel utilisateur

Nettoyeurs à vapeur
Manuel utilisateur

Ce manuel convient également à

Household Type
Hand Steamer
Owners Guide
350 Series
Important Safeguards...................2
Service Information ......................5
Use & Assembly ........................6-9
Problem Solving .........................12
Customer Order Form ................13
Do not return this
product to the store.
For assembly problems or
questions contact: Eureka’s
Customer Service Division
toll free at 1-800-282-2886*, 7
a.m. to 8 p.m., Central Standard
Time, Monday through Saturday.
For replacement of broken or
missing items to be shipped
direct to you, call 1-800-438-
7352*, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.,
Central Standard Time,
Monday through Friday.
*En Mexico llame al 254 23 52
For location of nearest Eureka
Warranty Station or Service
Information, call 1-800-282-2886.
When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be
followed, including the following:
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury:
1 Do not use outdoors.
2 Do not leave steam cleaner when plugged in. Unplug the electrical cord when not
in use and before servicing.
3 Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when used near
children, pets and plants.
4 Use only as described in this manual. Use only manufacturer’s recommended
5 Do not use with damaged cord or plug. If steam cleaner is not working as it
should, has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into water, return it
to a service center before using.
6 Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a handle, close a door on cord, or pull
cord around sharp edges or corners. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
7 Do not use extension cords or outlets with inadequate current carrying capacity.
8 Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.
9 Do not handle plug or steam cleaner with wet hands or operate without shoes.
10 Do not put any object into openings. Do not use with any opening blocked.
11 Store your steam cleaner indoors in a cool, dry area.
12 Keep your work area well lighted.
Never turn the appliance over or on its side when using steam. Never direct
steam towards people, animals, plants, and equipment with electrical
14 Do not immerse the steam cleaner into water or other liquids. Always unplug the
power cord from the electrical socket when filling the steam cleaner.
15 Never put descaling, aromatic, alcoholic or detergent products into the
steam cleaner, as this may damage it or make it unsafe for use.
16 Before filling, proceed as follows: 1) unplug the power supply, 2) relieve
pressure by depressing steam delivery button, 3) allow steamer to cool down for
three minutes, 4) relieve any built up pressure again by depressing steam delivery
button, 5) slowly unscrew safety cap (see page 6, item 5) and wait 5 seconds
before removing.
17 Metal tips on nozzles will get hot during use. Do not touch hot surfaces.
Allow the attachments to cool down before replacing them while the appliance is
being used.
18 This appliance is intended for household use only.
19 Any repair work, including the replacement of the power cord must only be carried
out by an Authorized Eureka Service technician because a special tool is required.
Call for nearest service location 1-800-282-2886.
Lors de l’utilisation d’un appareil électrique, quelques précautions élémentaires doivent
être observées, incluant les suivantes:
Pour réduire le risque de feu, de choc électrique ou de blessure:
1 Ne pas utiliser le nettoyeur à vapeur à l’extérieur.
2 Ne pas laisser le nettoyeur à vapeur seul quand il est branché. Débrancher le nettoyeur
à vapeur lorsque vous ne l’utilisez pas ou avant l’entretien.
3 Ne pas permettre que le nettoyeur à vapeur soit utilisé comme un jouet. Une attention
particulière est nécessaire lorsqu’il est utilisé par ou près d’un enfant, animales ou
4 Suivre strictement les recommandations d’utilisation de ce manuel. Utiliser
uniquement les accessoires recommandés par le fabricant.
5 Ne jamais utiliser le nettoyeur à vapeur si le cordon ou la fiche sont endommagés. Si
le nettoyeur à vapeur ne fonctionne pas comme il le devrait, s’il a été échappé, s’il
est endommagé, s’il a été laissé à l’extérieur ou échappé dans de l’eau, le retourner
à un centre de service avant de l’utiliser.
6 Ne pas tirer ou transporter le nettoyeur à vapeur par le cordon. Ne pas utiliser le
cordon en guise de poignée. Ne pas fermer une porte sur le cordon ou tirer le cordon
sur des bordures ou des coins pointus. Tenir le cordon à distance des surfaces
7 Ne pas utiliser des cordons de rallonge ou des prises qui n’ont pas une capacité
suffisante pour transporter le courant.
8 Ne pas débrancher le nettoyeur à vapeur en tirant sur le cordon. Pour débrancher
saisir la fiche et non pas le cordon.
9 Ne pas manipuler la fiche ou le nettoyeur à vapeur avec les mains mouillées ou faire
fonctionner pieds nus.
10 Ne rien insérer dans les ouvertures. Ne pas utiliser si des ouvertures sont bloquées.
11 Entreposer votre nettoyeur à vapeur à l’intérieur, dans un endroit propre et sec.
12 Maintenir un bon éclairage à l’endroit où vous travaillez.
13 Ne jamais retourner l’appareil, ou le mettre sur son côté lors de l’emploi de la
vapeur. Ne jamais diriger la vapeur vers une personne, un animal ou une plante
et tous les appareils comportant des pièces électriques.
14 Ne pas immerger le nettoyeur à vapeur dans de l’eau, ou d’autres liquides. Toujours
débrancher le cordon électrique de la prise lors de remplissage du nettoyeur.
15 Ne jamais mettre des produits détartrants, aromatiques, alcooliques ou
détergents dans le nettoyeur à vapeur. Ceux-ci peuvent l’abîmer ou le rendre
dangereux à utiliser.
16 Avant de remplir, faites le suivant : 1) débranchez le cordon électrique, 2) réduisez
la tension en appuyant sur le bouton qui règle l’arrivée de la vapeur, 3) attendez 3
minutes pour que l’appareil se refroidisse, 4) appuyez de nouveau sur le bouton qui
règle l’arrivée de la vapeur afin d’être sûr que toute tension accumulée se dissipe,
5) dévissez lentement le casque de protection (voir l’article 5 à la page 6) et attendez
5 secondes avant de l’enlever.
17 La pointe en métal de la lance chauffe pendant l’emploi. Ne touchez pas les
surfaces chaudes.
18 Permettez aux accessoires de se refroidir avant de les remettre pendant l’emploi de
19 Cet appareil est conçu uniquement pour l’usage ménager. Tout travail d’entretien, y
compris le remplacement du cordon électrique doit être fait par un technicien Eureka
autorisé parce qu’un outil spécial est nécessaire.
This appliance must be grounded. If it should malfunction or breakdown, grounding
provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock.
This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and
grounding plug. The plug must be inserted into an appropriate outlet that is properly
installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.
Instructions Visant la Mise à la Terre
Cet appareil doit être mise à la terre. En cas défaillance ou de panne éventuelles, la
mise à la terre fournit au courant un chemin de moindre résistance qui réduit le risque
de choc électrique. Cet appareil est pourvu d’un cordon muni d’un conducteur de terre
et d’une fiche avec broche de terre. La fiche doit être branchée dans une prise
appropriée correctement installée et mise à la terre conformément aux règlements et
ordonnances municipaux.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric
shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service person if you are in doubt as to
whether the outlet is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the
appliance - if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Un conducteur de terre mal raccordé peut entraîner un risque de choc électrique.
Consulter un électricien ou un technicien d’entretien qualifié si vous n’êtes pas certain
que la prise est correctement mise à la terre. Ne pas modifier la fiche fournie avec
l’appareil-si elle ne peut être insérée dans la prise, faire installer une prise adéquate
par un électricien qualifié.
This appliance is for use on a nominal 120 volt circuit and has a grounding plug that
looks like the plug illustrated in Figure A. A temporary adapter which looks like the adapter
illustrated in Figure B may be used to connect this plug to a two-pole receptacle, as
shown, if a properly grounded outlet is not available. The temporary adapter should be
used only until a properly grounded outlet, Figure A, can be installed by a qualified
electrician. The green colored rigid ear, lug, or the like extending from the adapter must
be connected to a permanent ground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover.
Whenever the adapter is used, it must be held in place by a metal screw.
NOTE: In Canada, the use of a temporary adapter is not permitted by the Canadian
Electrical Code.
Cet appareil est destiné à un circuit de 120 V et est muni d’une fiche de mise à la terre
semblable à celle illustrée par le Figure A. S’assurer que l’appareil est branché à une
prise de courant ayant la même configuration que la fiche. Aucun adaptateur ne devrait
être utilisé avec cet appareil.
Note: Au Canada, l’utilisation d’un adaptateur temporaire n’est pas autorisée par le
Code canadien de l’électricité.
The steamer is designed as a complete change from old methods of traditional
cleaning. This appliance is designed as a multi-purpose cleaner with a variety of
Service Information
The instructions in this booklet serve as a guide to routine maintenance. For additional
service information telephone our toll free number for the nearest Eureka Authorized
Warranty Station. You should know the model and type numbers when you call:
USA: 1-800-282-2886
Mexico: 254 23 52
Canada: 1-800-282-2886
If you prefer, you can write to The Eureka Company, Service Division, 807 North Main
Street, Bloomington, Illinois 61701, USA. In Canada write to The Eureka Company, 866
Langs Drive, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 2N7. Refer to The Eureka Warranty for complete
service information.
Rating Plate
The model and type are indicated on the rating
plate located on the bottom of the cleaner. For
prompt and complete service information,
always refer to these numbers when inquiring
about service.
Model & Type______________________
1. Body
2. Handle
3. Steam Delivery
4. Articulated Nozzle
5. Safety Cap
6. Power On Light
7. Electrical Cord
8. Rubber Gasket
9. Measuring Cup
10. Funnel
11. Straight Nozzle
12. Fabric Tool
13. Cloth for Fabric
14. Window Cleaner
15. Flexible Extension
16. Scrub Brush
17. Angled Nozzle
Main Features of the HOT SHOT™ hand held steamer
Thank you for having chosen our product and allow us to congratulate you for having
purchased the Eureka Hot Shot hand held steamer.
The Eureka Hot Shot hand held steamer achieves a high degree of hygienic and
degreasing power on many surfaces. It turns water into steam in just a few minutes, so
when contact is made with surfaces dirt and grime is removed.
Since the Eureka Hot Shot hand held steamer uses the active power of steam without
the use of detergents or soap, it is safe for the environment.
Some surfaces that can be cleaned with the Hot Shot hand held steamer are: upholstery,
sealed grout, bathroom and kitchen tile, stove tops, removable exhaust filter over stoves,
windows and mirrors.
The fabric tool may be used to steam wrinkles out of clothing, window coverings, etc.
CAUTION: Do not direct steam at the body.
Other Advantages of the Eureka Hot Shot hand held steamer
The Eureka Hot Shot hand held steamer can kill dust mites and some types of bacteria,
such as salmonella and E-coli when used properly.
To disinfect a specific area, position the steamer over the area, not more than 1 inch
away and slowly move across the surface. This allows the surface under the steamer to
reach approximately 1707F. Use this procedure to disinfect surfaces in: the bathroom,
food preparation areas, pillows and bedding, pet sleeping quarters, etc.
Description of the HOT SHOT™ hand held steamer
WARNING: After every use, press steam delivery button until all pressure has
been released before removing safety cap.
1. Unscrew the safety cap. (After first use, turn the appliance
over in order to completely empty the boiler.)
2. Fill the measuring cup with water to the marked water
line, once. Use the funnel to pour the water into the boiler.
The boiler takes only one measuring cup of water at a
time. (6 oz. maximum) Do not overfill.
NOTE: Never put descaling, aromatic, alcoholic or detergent products into the
appliance, as this may damage it or make it unsafe for use.
3. Screw the cap back onto the appliance.
4. The straight nozzle, flexible hose and fabric tool all attach using the following
The Eureka Hot Shot™ hand held steamer is designed to thoroughly clean hard surfaces
and upholstery that will withstand high heat. Do not use on soft plastics, unsealed wood,
and cold glass.
WARNING: On surfaces that have been treated with wax or some no wax floors,
the sheen may be removed by the heat and steam action. Do not use
on unsealed wood. This could cause the woodgrain to rise.
It is therefore recommended that a sample cleansing be carried out
on an isolated area of the surface to be cleaned. Also, check use and
care instructions from the manufacturer on the object you want to
Do not plug unit into an electrical outlet until Step 7.
Align the single mark on the attachment
to the single mark on the appliance. Push
the attachment onto the articulating nozzle
until it stops against the appliance’s body.
Turn in a clockwise direction until the
single mark on the attachment is aligned
with the double mark on the appliance.
The attachment is now locked into
Articulating Nozzle
Straight Nozzle
Flexible Hose
Fabric Tool
Hexagonal end
of nozzle
Angled NozzleScrub Brush
The Hot Shot’s articulating nozzle allows the
steam to be directed as desired. To use the
articulating nozzle, align the single marks on the
attachment and appliance, push the attachment
onto the articulating nozzle until it covers the
round gasket (See page 7). Now turn clockwise
until the single mark on the attachment is aligned
with the double mark on the appliance. Now you
can direct the steam as desired.
Window Cleaning Tool Fabric Tool
5. To attach the scrub brush and angled
Both of these attachments can be applied to the articulated nozzle (on appliance)
straight nozzle, and the flexible extension hose.
Decide on your desired angle, then push the attachment onto the hexagonal end of
the nozzle.
6. To attach the window cleaning tool.
CAUTION: Do not use the window cleaning tool on cold glass. It may break
the glass.
First attach the fabric tool to either the appliance or the flexible extension hose.
Remove the cloth from the fabric tool. There are two open tabs on the back edge of
the fabric tool and there are two hinges on the back edge of the window cleaning
tool. Place the hinges into the open tabs, then swing the window cleaning tool up
against the bottom of the fabric tool until the two pieces click together. To remove
the window cleaning tool from the fabric tool. Just push your thumb against the
fastener on the window cleaning tool, they will separate.
As soon as the Hot Shot emits steam, begin using it, passing slowly over the surfaces
to be cleaned. This is the ideal method for thoroughly cleaning your surfaces. To
disinfect specific areas, leave the Hot Shot over the spot, no more than 1 inch and
slowly move across the surface.
How to start the Hot Shot
7. Plug the appliance into an electrical outlet.
WARNING: Never turn the hand held steamer over when using steamer, or
direct steam at any person, animal, or plant.
How to refill the Hot Shot when it is out of steam.
8. Unplug the appliance. Press steam delivery button until all pressure has been
released. Wait for about 3 minutes before carefully unscrewing the safety cap.
Turn slowly a half turn and wait for the hissing noise created by residual steam to
stop. Unscrew the cap completely and allow to cool. Slowly pour one measuring
cup (included) into the boiler using the funnel, (included). (6 oz. maximum) Do not
overfill. Screw the safety cap back on the appliance. Plug the appliance into electrical
outlet and steam will start to be produced as before.
WARNING: This unit is under pressure. After every use, press steam delivery
button until all pressure has been released before removing safety
Cleaning and Maintenance
NOTE: The appliance must be unplugged from the electrical outlet and allowed
to cool down before all cleaning and maintenance tasks.
9. Let the appliance cool down completely before cleaning it or putting it away.
10. After each use empty any remaining water from the boiler.
11. Store in a dry, cool place.
12. In order to guarantee perfect functioning over a long period of time, the boiler needs
to be rinsed out with water once a month to eliminate any accumulated calcium
deposits. Do not use vinegar or other descaling substances. Put in one measure
of water, replace the safety cap and shake to loosen any accumulated deposits.
Remove safety cap and immediately empty water into a sink. CAUTION: Do not
immerse the appliance in water.
Steam Delivery
Power On
The power on light will come on. Steam will be
ready after about 3 to 4 minutes. Do not leave the
appliance unattended during the waiting period.
Press steam delivery button to release steam.
Suggested Uses for Attachments
Fabric Tool
Scrub Brush
Window Cleaner
Straight Nozzle
Angled Nozzle
Flexible Hose
Stovetops, countertops, sealed grout, inside trash
Steaming clothes, upholstery, window coverings.
Windows, mirrors, glass doors. Do not use on cold
windows or glass. It may break.
Edging, window sills, ledges, tile, mantles.
Difficult to reach areas, toilet bowls, window sills.
Areas requiring additional reach. This attachment can be
used with all the other tools.
NOTE: Unplug the electrical cord before servicing.
Appliance won’t
Electric plug
No water in tank
No water in tank
Push plug securely into
outlet. Verify power on light
is on.
Try another outlet.
Check circuit breaker.
Check the tank for water.
Check the tank for water.
General questions
Appliance won’t
make steam
Call 1-800-438-7352
between 8:00 AM–4:45 PM
Monday through Friday,
central standard time.
Know the Model and Type
numbers when you call.
Assembly or related
Appliance spits
water out of nozzle
Too much water in
tank. Do not overfill.
Unit positioned
upside down.
Not fully preheated.
Water tank too hot.
Not properly
Check the water level in the
Use in upright position.
Allow more time for water to
heat up.
Allow more time for cooling.
Add water slowly.
Use special funnel provided.
Check for proper assembly.
Review this guide for
assembly instructions.
Water boils out of fill
spout when adding
Accessories will not
stay on.
The Eureka Company
P.O. Box 2799
Bloomington, IL 61702-2799
Address (street address needed for UPS)
City State Zip
Telephone (Day) (Eve) (Fax)
Address (street address needed for UPS)
City State Zip
Telephone (Day) (Eve) (Fax)
Model Number
Serial Number
Be sure to include
your model, type, and
serial numbers. These
numbers may be
found on the rating
Genuine Eureka Parts For Model 350
Part No. Qty. Price (USD) Total
Small Brush 61014 2.59
Angular Nozzle 61015 1.99
Cleaning Cloth 61016 2.49
Upholstery Nozzle 61017 7.99
Window Cleaner 61018 5.49
Hose 61019 19.99
Nozzle 61020 5.49
Total (prices subject to change without notice)
Tax (add state and local taxes as required by law)
Postage and Handling Charge (Within the U.S.A.)
© 2000 White Consolidated Industries, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
Method of Payment (No C.O.D.s)
Check or money order (payable to The Eureka Company). Do not send currency.
Charge to my Visa (13/16 digits) MasterCard (13 digits) American Express (15 digits)
Acct. number Expiration date
Signature (Full name as shown on account) _____________________________________________
Part No. 70395
To Order
By Phone
Call between 8 a.m.
and 4:45 p.m.
central standard time
*En Mexico
Llame 254 34 52
By Mail
Simply fill out this
Order Form.
Please be sure to
include day
and evening
phone numbers.
(Not applicable in Canada)
To Answer Problems or Questions for U.S.A. and Canada call:
7 a.m. to 8 p.m. central standard time Monday through Saturday
hat This Warranty Covers
Your Eureka cleaner is warranted to be free from all defects in material and workmanship in normal household use for a period of one year. The warranty is granted only to the
original purchaser and members of his or her immediate household. The warranty is subject to the following provisions.
hat This Warranty Does Not Cover
Parts of the cleaner that require replacement under normal use.
Damages or malfunctions caused by negligence, abuse, or use not in accordance with the Owner’s Guide.
Defects or damages caused by unauthorized service or the use of other than Genuine Eureka parts.
hat The Eureka Company Will Do
The Eureka Company will, at its option, repair or replace a defective cleaner or cleaner part that is covered by this warranty. As a matter of warranty policy, the Eureka Company
will not refund the consumer’s purchase price.
arranty Registration
Please fill out and return the warranty registration card accompanying your cleaner.
btaining Warranty Service
To obtain warranty service you must return the defective cleaner or cleaner part along with proof of purchase to any Eureka Authorized Warranty Station.
You will find the nearest location in the Yellow Pages, under “Vacuum Cleaners–Service and Repair.” Be certain that the Warranty Station is “Eureka Authorized.”
For the location of the nearest Eureka Authorized Warranty Station or for service information, telephone toll free:
USA: 1-800-282-2886
Mexico: 254 23 52
Canada: 1-800-282-2886
If you prefer, you can write to The Eureka Company, Service Division, 807 North Main Street, Bloomington, Illinois 61701, USA. In Canada write to The Eureka Company, 866 Langs
Drive, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 2N7.
If it is necessary to ship the cleaner outside your community to obtain warranty repair, you must pay the shipping charges to the Eureka Authorized Warranty Station. Return shipping
charges will be paid by the Warranty Station. When returning parts for repair, please include the model, type, and serial numbers from the data plate on the cleaner.
©1999 White Consolidated Industries, Inc.
Part No. 70397
(5/00) Printed in U.S.A.
urther Limitations and Exclusions
Any warranty that may be implied in connection with your purchase or use of the cleaner, including any warranty of Merchantability or any warranty for Fitness For A
Particular Purpose is limited to the duration of this warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply
to you.
Your relief for the breach of this warranty is limited to the relief expressly provided above. In no event shall Eureka be liable for any consequential or incidental damages
you may incur in connection with your purchase or use of the cleaner. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary by state.
uestions & Answers about Genuine Eureka Products
Why should I use only Genuine Eureka paper bags, belts, and parts in my Eureka product?
A: Using Genuine Eureka Products, which are made to our exacting specifications and engineered with emphasis on quality, performance, and customer satisfaction,
ensures the long life and cleaning efficiency of your Eureka product. Overall, this saves you money and helps to keep your home clean.
How can I be sure I am using only Genuine Eureka products in my product?
A: Typically, packaged products can be identified by a “Genuine Eureka Product” symbol (see illustration above). For further identification assistance, you may call our
toll-free number, 1-800-282-2886, for the location of a nearby Eureka Authorized Warranty Station.
Are there any differences between “made to fit” or “imitation” and Genuine Eureka parts?
A: Yes, there are some very important differences in materials, quality, and reliability. Many customers have mistakenly purchased “imitation” parts while thinking they
purchased genuine. Unfortunately, many of these customers discovered the differences after they experienced related difficulties.
For Genuine Eureka Value, Accept No Imitations!
Bloomington, Illinois 61701
Household Warranty
abs 190
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Eureka HotShot 350 Series Manuel utilisateur

Nettoyeurs à vapeur
Manuel utilisateur
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