Here are some of the enemies that Duke Nukem will encounter during the game:
ASSAULT TROOPER - The green suited Assault Trooper is the basic alien
ground assault trooper sent by the ruthless alien leaders to serve as the first
offensive wave against Earth’s defenses.They attack using a laser pistol,and can
attack from the air by using jetpacks.When these characters are killed,they will
sometimes drop pistol ammunition that you can take and use.
ASSAULT CAPTAIN - The red suited Assault Captains have a wrist-mounted
Phase Induced Teleporter Device (PITD) capable of physically translocating its
user to any destination within the device’s range.Used as a tactical assault
instrument,the PITD enables the Assault Captain to launch surprise attacks
against his intended human targets at will.They will also sometimes drop pistol
ammunition that you can take and use.
RECON PATROL VEHICLE - This sleek and deadly anti-gravity powered
reconnaissance vehicle is operated by specially trained Pig Cops for the
purpose of maintaining alien control in areas of human resistance.The
attack mode of this craft is aerial strafing by side mounted laser cannons.
The pilots of these craft are protected by an automatic pilot ejection
mechanism that activates milliseconds before impact during a crash.
PIG COP - The Pig Cops come from mutated Earth police forces and are
positioned to suppress residual human opposition and to police the new alien
power on Earth.These characters exhibit an extremely high intolerance to the
presence of humans,and are filled with rage when they detect human scent.When
killed,this character may drop either their shotgun or body armor.
PIG COP TANK - These heavily armored riot tanks can take a lot of damage
before they finally explode. And when they do,expect to find an angered Pig Cop
behind a shotgun,aiming right at your face.
PROTECTOR DRONE - These new aliens are evil in every sense of the word,
taking nearly twice the damage of a Pig Cop. So don’t expect a single rocket to do
the trick. On top of that,they move very fast,jump high,can claw you at close range,
and have the nasty ability to emit shrink rays. Their main purpose is to protect their
newborn alien Queen,so be very afraid when you meet one.