Tannoy VQ 85DF Guide de démarrage rapide

Équipement musical supplémentaire
Guide de démarrage rapide
Quick Start Guide
VQ 100/VQ 60
3 Way Dual 12" Large Format Loudspeaker for High Performance Installation Applications
2 Way Down-Firing Dual Concentric Mid-High Loudspeaker for High Performance Installation
2 Way Dual Concentric Mid-High Large Format Loudspeaker for High Performance Installation
Dual 12" Mid-Bass Large Format Loudspeaker for High Performance Installation Applications
V 1.0
2 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 3
Las terminales marcadas con este símbolo
transportan corriente eléctrica de
magnitud suciente como para constituir
un riesgo de descarga eléctrica. Utilice solo cables de
altavoz profesionales y de alta calidad con conectores
TS de 6,3 mm o de bayoneta prejados. Cualquier otra
instalación o modicación debe ser realizada únicamente
por un técnico cualicado.
Este símbolo, siempre que aparece,
leadvierte de la presencia de voltaje
peligroso sin aislar dentro de la caja;
estevoltaje puede ser suciente para constituir un riesgo
Este símbolo, siempre que aparece,
leadvierte sobre instrucciones operativas
y de mantenimiento que aparecen en la
documentación adjunta. Por favor, lea el manual.
Para reducir el riesgo de descarga
eléctrica, no quite la tapa (o la parte
posterior). No hay piezas en el interior del equipo que
puedan ser reparadas por el usuario. Si es necesario,
póngase en contacto con personal cualicado.
Para reducir el riesgo de incendio o
descarga eléctrica, no exponga este
aparato a la lluvia, humedad o alguna otra fuente que
pueda salpicar o derramar algún líquido sobre el aparato.
Nocoloque ningún tipo de recipiente para líquidos sobre
el aparato.
Las instrucciones de servicio deben
llevarlas a cabo exclusivamente personal
cualicado. Para evitar el riesgo de una descarga eléctrica,
no realice reparaciones que no se encuentren descritas
en el manual de operaciones. Lasreparaciones deben ser
realizadas exclusivamente por personalcualicado.
1. Lea las instrucciones.
2. Conserve estas instrucciones.
3. Preste atención a todas las advertencias.
4. Siga todas las instrucciones.
5. No use este aparato cerca del agua.
6. Limpie este aparato con un paño seco.
7. No bloquee las aberturas de ventilación. Instale el
equipo de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante.
8. No instale este equipo cerca de fuentes de calor
tales como radiadores, acumuladores de calor, estufas u
otros aparatos (incluyendo amplicadores) que puedan
producir calor.
9. No elimine o deshabilite nunca la conexión a tierra
del aparato o del cable de alimentación de corriente.
Unenchufe polarizado tiene dos polos, uno de los cuales
tiene un contacto más ancho que el otro. Una clavija con
puesta a tierra dispone de tres contactos: dos polos y la
puesta a tierra. El contacto ancho y el tercer contacto,
respectivamente, son los que garantizan una mayor
seguridad. Si el enchufe suministrado con el equipo no
concuerda con la toma de corriente, consulte con un
electricista para cambiar la toma de corriente obsoleta.
10. Coloque el cable de suministro de energía de manera
que no pueda ser pisado y que esté protegido de objetos
alados. Asegúrese de que el cable de suministro de
energía esté protegido, especialmente en la zona de la
clavija y en el punto donde sale del aparato.
11. Use únicamente los dispositivos o accesorios
especicados por el fabricante.
12. Use únicamente la
carretilla, plataforma,
trípode, soporte o mesa
especicados por el
fabricante o suministrados
junto con el equipo.
Altransportar el equipo,
tenga cuidado para evitar
daños y caídas al tropezar con algún obstáculo.
13. Desenchufe el equipo durante tormentas o si no va a
utilizarlo durante un periodo largo.
14. Confíe las reparaciones únicamente a servicios
técnicos cualicados. La unidad requiere mantenimiento
siempre que haya sufrido algún daño, si el cable de
suministro de energía o el enchufe presentaran daños,
sehubiera derramado un líquido o hubieran caído objetos
dentro del equipo, si el aparato hubiera estado expuesto
a la humedad o la lluvia, si ha dejado de funcionar de
manera normal o si ha sufrido algún golpe o caída.
15. Al conectar la unidad a la toma de corriente eléctrica
asegúrese de que la conexión disponga de una unión
16. Si el enchufe o conector de red sirve como único
medio de desconexión, éste debe ser accesiblefácilmente.
17. Cómo debe deshacerse de
este aparato: Este símbolo indica
que este aparato no debe ser
tratado como basura orgánica,
según lo indicado en la Directiva
WEEE (2012/19/EU) y a las
normativas aplicables en su país.
En lugar de ello deberá llevarlo al punto limpio más
cercano para el reciclaje de sus elementos eléctricos/
electrónicos (EEE). Al hacer esto estará ayudando a
prevenir las posibles consecuencias negativas para el
medio ambiente y la salud que podrían ser provocadas
por una gestión inadecuada de este tipo de aparatos.
Además, el reciclaje de materiales ayudará a conservar
los recursos naturales. Para más información acerca del
reciclaje de este aparato, póngase en contacto con el
Ayuntamiento de su ciudad o con el punto limpio local.
18. No instale esta unidad en un espacio muy reducido,
tal como encastrada en una librería o similar.
19. No coloque objetos con llama, como una vela
encendida, sobre este aparato.
20. Tenga presentes todas las advertencias relativas
al reciclaje y correcta eliminación de las pilas. Las pilas
deben ser siempre eliminadas en un punto limpio y nunca
con el resto de la basura orgánica.
21. Puede usar este aparato en lugares con climas
tropicales y moderados que soporten temperaturas de
hasta 45°C.
Music Tribe no admite ningún tipo de responsabilidad
por cualquier daño o pérdida que pudiera sufrir
cualquier persona por conar total o parcialmente en
la descripciones, fotografías o armaciones contenidas
en este documento. Las especicaciones técnicas,
imágenes y otras informaciones contenidas en este
documento están sujetas a modicaciones sin previo
aviso. Todas las marcas comerciales que aparecen
aquí son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños. Midas,
Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound,
TC Electronic, TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Auratone y
Coolaudio son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas
de Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global
Brands Ltd. 2020 Reservados todos los derechos.
Si quiere conocer los detalles y condiciones aplicables
de la garantía así como información adicional sobre la
Garantía limitada de Music Tribe, consulte online toda la
información en la web musictribe.com/warranty.
Instrucciones de
Important Safety
Terminals marked with this symbol carry
electrical current of sucient magnitude
to constitute risk of electric shock.
Use only high-quality professional speaker cables with
¼" TS or twist-locking plugs pre-installed. Allother
installation or modication should be performed only
by qualiedpersonnel.
This symbol, wherever it appears,
alertsyou to the presence of uninsulated
dangerous voltage inside the
enclosure-voltage that may be sucient to constitute a
risk ofshock.
This symbol, wherever it appears,
alertsyou to important operating and
maintenance instructions in the
accompanying literature. Please read the manual.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, donot
remove the top cover (or the rear section).
No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to
qualied personnel.
To reduce the risk of re or electric shock,
do not expose this appliance to rain and
moisture. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping
or splashing liquids and no objects lled with liquids,
suchas vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
These service instructions are for use
by qualied service personnel only.
Toreduce the risk of electric shock do not perform any
servicing other than that contained in the operation
instructions. Repairs have to be performed by qualied
1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use this apparatus near water.
6. Clean only with dry cloth.
7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as
radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus
(including ampliers) that produce heat.
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized
or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades
with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug
has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide
blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. Ifthe
provided plug does not t into your outlet, consult an
electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or
pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles,
and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
11. Use only attachments/accessories specied by
12. Use only with the
cart, stand, tripod, bracket,
or table specied by the
manufacturer, orsold with
the apparatus. When a cart
is used, use caution when
moving the cart/apparatus
combination to avoid
injury from tip-over.
13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or
when unused for long periods of time.
14. Refer all servicing to qualied service personnel.
Servicing is required when the apparatus has been
damaged in any way, such as power supply cord or plug
is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen
into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed
to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has
15. The apparatus shall be connected to a MAINS socket
outlet with a protective earthing connection.
16. Where the MAINS plug or an appliance coupler is
used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall
remain readily operable.
17. Correct disposal of this
product: This symbol indicates
that this product must not be
disposed of with household
waste, according to the WEEE
Directive (2012/19/EU) and
your national law. This product
should be taken to a collection center licensed for the
recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment
(EEE). The mishandling of this type of waste could have
a possible negative impact on the environment and
human health due to potentially hazardous substances
that are generally associated with EEE. At the same time,
your cooperation in the correct disposal of this product
will contribute to the ecient use of natural resources.
For more information about where you can take your
waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local
city oce, or your household waste collection service.
18. Do not install in a conned space, such as a book
case or similar unit.
19. Do not place naked ame sources, such as lighted
candles, on the apparatus.
20. Please keep the environmental aspects of battery
disposal in mind. Batteries must be disposed-of at a
battery collection point.
This apparatus may be used in tropical and moderate
climates up to 45°C.
Music Tribe accepts no liability for any loss which
may be suered by any person who relies either
wholly or in part upon any description, photograph,
or statement contained herein. Technical specications,
appearances and other information are subject to
change without notice. All trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. Midas, Klark Teknik,
Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic,
TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Auratone and Coolaudio
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Music
Tribe Global Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global Brands
Ltd. 2020 All rights reserved.
For the applicable warranty terms and conditions
and additional information regarding Music Tribes
Limited Warranty, please see complete details online at
4 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 5
Die mit dem Symbol markierten
Anschlüsse führen so viel Spannung,
dassdie Gefahr eines Stromschlags besteht.
Verwenden Sie nur hochwertige, professionelle
Lautsprecherkabel mit vorinstallierten 6,35 mm
MONO-Klinkensteckern oder Lautsprecherstecker
mit Drehverriegelung. Alle anderen Installationen
oder Modikationen sollten nur von qualiziertem
Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden.
Um eine Gefährdung durch Stromschlag
auszuschließen, darf die Geräteabdeckung
bzw. Geräterückwand nicht abgenommen werden.
ImInnern des Geräts benden sich keine vom Benutzer
reparierbaren Teile. Reparaturarbeiten dürfen nur von
qualiziertem Personal ausgeführt werden.
Um eine Gefährdung durch Feuer bzw.
Stromschlag auszuschließen, darf dieses
Gerät weder Regen oder Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt werden
noch sollten Spritzwasser oder tropfende Flüssigkeiten
in das Gerät gelangen können. Stellen Sie keine mit
Flüssigkeit gefüllten Gegenstände, wie z. B. Vasen,
Die Service-Hinweise sind nur durch
qualiziertes Personal zu befolgen.
Umeine Gefährdung durch Stromschlag zu vermeiden,
führen Sie bitte keinerlei Reparaturen an dem Gerät
durch, die nicht in der Bedienungsanleitung beschrieben
sind. Reparaturen sind nur von qualiziertem
1. Lesen Sie diese Hinweise.
2. Bewahren Sie diese Hinweise auf.
3. Beachten Sie alle Warnhinweise.
4. Befolgen Sie alle Bedienungshinweise.
5. Betreiben Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe vonWasser.
6. Reinigen Sie das Gerät mit einem trockenen Tuch.
7. Blockieren Sie nicht die Belüftungsschlitze. Beachten
Sie beim Einbau des Gerätes die Herstellerhinweise.
8. Stellen Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von
Wärmequellen auf. Solche Wärmequellen sind z. B.
Heizkörper, Herde oder andere Wärme erzeugende Geräte
(auch Verstärker).
9. Entfernen Sie in keinem Fall die
Sicherheitsvorrichtung von Zweipol- oder geerdeten
Steckern. Ein Zweipolstecker hat zwei unterschiedlich
breite Steckkontakte. Ein geerdeter Stecker hat zwei
Steckkontakte und einen dritten Erdungskontakt.
Derbreitere Steckkontakt oder der zusätzliche
Erdungskontakt dient Ihrer Sicherheit. Falls das
mitgelieferte Steckerformat nicht zu Ihrer Steckdose
passt, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen Elektriker, damit die
Steckdose entsprechend ausgetauscht wird.
10. Verlegen Sie das Netzkabel so, dass es vor
Tritten und scharfen Kanten geschützt ist und nicht
beschädigt werden kann. Achten Sie bitte insbesondere
im Bereich der Stecker, Verlängerungskabel und an
der Stelle, an der das Netzkabel das Gerät verlässt,
11. Das Gerät muss jederzeit mit intaktem Schutzleiter
an das Stromnetz angeschlossen sein.
12. Sollte der Hauptnetzstecker oder eine
Gerätesteckdose die Funktionseinheit zum Abschalten
sein, muss diese immer zugänglich sein.
13. Verwenden Sie nur Zusatzgeräte/Zubehörteile,
dielaut Hersteller geeignet sind.
14. Verwenden
Sie nur Wagen,
Stative, Halter oder Tische,
die vom Hersteller benannt
oder im Lieferumfang
des Geräts enthalten
sind. Falls Sie einen
Wagen benutzen, seien Sie vorsichtig beim Bewegen
der Wagen- Gerätkombination, umVerletzungen durch
Stolpern zuvermeiden.
15. Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker bei Gewitter oder wenn
Sie das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzen.
16. Lassen Sie alle Wartungsarbeiten nur von
qualiziertem Service-Personal ausführen. EineWartung
ist notwendig, wenn das Gerät in irgendeiner Weise
beschädigt wurde (z. B. Beschädigung des Netzkabels oder
Steckers), Gegenstände oder Flüssigkeit in das Geräteinnere
gelangt sind, das Gerät Regen oder Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt
wurde, das Gerät nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert oder
auf den Boden gefallen ist.
17. Korrekte Entsorgung
dieses Produkts: Dieses
Symbol weist darauf hin, das
Produkt entsprechend der
WEEE Direktive (2012/19/EU)
und der jeweiligen nationalen
Gesetze nicht zusammen mit
Ihren Haushaltsabfällen zu entsorgen. DiesesProdukt
sollte bei einer autorisierten Sammelstelle für
Recycling elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte (EEE)
abgegeben werden. Wegen bedenklicher Substanzen,
diegenerell mit elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten
in Verbindung stehen, könnte eine unsachgemäße
Behandlung dieser Abfallart eine negative Auswirkung
auf Umwelt und Gesundheit haben. Gleichzeitig
gewährleistet Ihr Beitrag zur richtigen Entsorgung dieses
Produkts die eektive Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen.
Fürweitere Informationen zur Entsorgung Ihrer Geräte
bei einer Recycling-Stelle nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt zum
zuständigen städtischen Büro, Entsorgungsamt oder zu
Ihrem Haushaltsabfallentsorgerauf.
18. Installieren Sie das Gerät nicht in einer beengten
Umgebung, zum Beispiel Bücherregal oder ähnliches.
19. Stellen Sie keine Gegenstände mit oenen
Flammen, etwa brennende Kerzen, auf das Gerät.
20. Beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung von Batterien
den Umweltschutz-Aspekt. Batterien müssen bei einer
Batterie-Sammelstelle entsorgt werden.
21. Dieses Gerät ist in tropischen und gemäßigten
Klimazonen bis 45° C einsetzbar.
Music Tribe übernimmt keine Haftung für Verluste,
die Personen entstanden sind, die sich ganz oder
teilweise auf hier enthaltene Beschreibungen,
Fotos oder Aussagen verlassen haben. Technische Daten,
Erscheinungsbild und andere Informationen können
ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Alle
Warenzeichen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.
Midas, Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy,
Turbosound, TC Electronic, TC Helicon, Behringer,
Bugera, Auratone und Coolaudio sind Warenzeichen
oder eingetragene Warenzeichen der Music Tribe Global
Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd. 2020 Alle
Rechte vorbehalten.
Die geltenden Garantiebedingungen und zusätzliche
Informationen bezüglich der von Music Tribe gewährten
beschränkten Garantie nden Sie online unter
Les points repérés par ce symbole portent
une tension électrique susante pour
constituer un risque d’électrocution.
Utilisez uniquement des câbles d’enceintes professionnels
de haute qualité avec ches Jack mono 6,35 mm ou ches
à verrouillages déjà installées. Touteautre installation ou
modication doit être eectuée uniquement par un
personnel qualié.
Ce symbole avertit de la présence d’une
tension dangereuse et non isolée à
l’intérieur de l’appareil - elle peut
provoquer des chocs électriques.
Ce symbol signale les consignes
d’utilisation et d’entre ! Tien importantes
dans la documentation fournie. Lisez les consignes de
sécurité du manuel d’utilisation de l’appareil.
Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique,
ne pas ouvrir le capot de l’appareil ni
démonter le panneau arrière. Lintérieur de l’appareil
ne possède aucun élément réparable par l’utilisateur.
Laissertoute réparation à un professionnel qualié.
Pour réduire les risques de feu et de choc
électrique, n’exposez pas cet appareil à la
pluie, à la moisissure, aux gouttes ou aux éclaboussures.
Ne posez pas de récipient contenant un liquide sur
l’appareil (un vase par exemple).
Ces consignes de sécurité et d’entretien
sont destinées à un personnel qualié.
Pouréviter tout risque de choc électrique, neectuez
aucune réparation sur l’appareil qui ne soit décrite par le
manuel d’utilisation. Les éventuelles réparations doivent
être eectuées uniquement par un technicien spécialisé.
1. Lisez ces consignes.
2. Conservez ces consignes.
3. Respectez tous les avertissements.
4. Respectez toutes les consignes d’utilisation.
5. N’utilisez jamais l’appareil à proximité d’un liquide.
6. Nettoyez l’appareil avec un chion sec.
7. Veillez à ne pas empêcher la bonne ventilation
de l’appareil via ses ouïes de ventilation. Respectezles
consignes du fabricant concernant l’installation
8. Ne placez pas l’appareil à proximité d’une source
de chaleur telle qu’un chauage, une cuisinière ou tout
appareil dégageant de la chaleur (y compris un ampli
9. Ne supprimez jamais la sécurité des prises bipolaires
ou des prises terre. Les prises bipolaires possèdent deux
contacts de largeur diérente. Leplus large est le contact
de sécurité. Les prises terre possèdent deux contacts plus
une mise à la terre servant de sécurité. Si la prise du bloc
d’alimentation ou du cordon d’ali-mentation fourni ne
correspond pas à celles de votre installation électrique,
faites appel à un électricien pour eectuer le changement
de prise.
10. Installez le cordon d’alimentation de telle façon
que personne ne puisse marcher dessus et qu’il soit
protégé d’arêtes coupantes. Assurez-vous que le cordon
d’alimentation est sufsamment protégé, notamment au
niveau de sa prise électrique et de l’endroit où il est relié à
l’appareil; cela est également valable pour une éventuelle
rallonge électrique.
11. Utilisez exclusivement des accessoires et des
appareils supplémentaires recommandés par lefabricant.
12. Utilisez
exclusivement des
chariots, des diables,
desprésentoirs, despieds
et des surfaces de
travail recommandés
par le fabricant ou
livrés avec le produit.
Déplacezprécautionneusement tout chariot ou diable
chargé pour éviter d’éventuelles blessures en cas dechute.
13. Débranchez l’appareil de la tension secteur en cas
d’orage ou si l’appareil reste inutilisé pendant une longue
période de temps.
14. Les travaux d’entretien de l’appareil doivent
être eectués uniquement par du personnel qualié.
Aucunentretien nest nécessaire sauf si l’appareil est
endommagé de quelque façon que ce soit (dommagessur
le cordon d’alimentation ou la prise par exemple), siun
liquide ou un objet a pénétré à l’intérieur du châssis, si
l’appareil a été exposé à la pluie ou à l’humidité, sil ne
fonctionne pas correctement ou à la suite d’une chute.
15. L’appareil doit être connecté à une prise secteur
dotée d’une protection par mise à la terre.
16. La prise électrique ou la prise IEC de tout appareil
dénué de bouton marche/arrêt doit rester accessible
17. Mise au rebut appropriée de
ce produit: Ce symbole indique
qu’en accord avec la directive DEEE
(2012/19/EU) et les lois en vigueur
dans votre pays, ce produit ne
doit pas être jeté avec les déchets
ménagers. Ce produit doit être
déposé dans un point de collecte agréé pour le recyclage
des déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques
(EEE). Une mauvaise manipulation de ce type de déchets
pourrait avoir un impact négatif sur l’environnement
et la santé à cause des substances potentiellement
dangereuses généralement associées à ces équipements.
En même temps, votre coopération dans la mise au
rebut de ce produit contribuera à l’utilisation ecace
des ressources naturelles. Pour plus d’informations
sur l’endroit où vous pouvez déposer vos déchets
d’équipements pour le recyclage, veuillez contacter votre
mairie ou votre centre local de collecte des déchets.
18. N’installez pas l’appareil dans un espace conné tel
qu’une bibliothèque ou meuble similaire.
19. Ne placez jamais d’objets enammés, tels que des
bougies allumées, sur l’appareil.
20. Gardez à l’esprit l’impact environnemental lorsque
vous mettez des piles au rebus. Les piles usées doivent
être déposées dans un point de collecte adapté.
21. Cet appareil peut être utilisé sous un climat tropical
ou modéré avec des températures de 45°C maximum.
Music Tribe ne peut être tenu pour responsable pour
toute perte pouvant être subie par toute personne
se ant en partie ou en totalité à toute description,
photographie ou armation contenue dans ce
document. Les caractéristiques, l’apparence et d’autres
informations peuvent faire l’objet de modications
sans notication. Toutes les marques appartiennent
à leurs propriétaires respectifs. Midas, Klark Teknik,
Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic,
TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Auratone et Coolaudio
sont des marques ou marques déposées de Music Tribe
Global Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd.
2020 Tous droits réservés.
Pour connaître les termes et conditions de garantie
applicables, ainsi que les informations supplémentaires
et détaillées sur la Garantie Limitée de Music Tribe,
consultez le site Internet musictribe.com/warranty.
Consignes de sécurité
6 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 7
Instruções de Segurança
I terminali contrassegnati da questo
simbolo conducono una corrente elettrica
di magnitudine suciente a costituire un rischio di scossa
elettrica. Utilizzare solo cavi per altoparlanti professionali
di alta qualità con jack sbilanciati da 6,35mm. o connettori
con blocco a rotazione. Tutte le altre installazioni o
modiche devono essere eseguite esclusivamente da
personale qualicato.
Questo simbolo, ovunque appaia, avverte
della presenza di una tensione pericolosa
non isolata all'interno dello chassis, tensione che può
essere suciente per costituire un rischio di scossa
Questo simbolo, ovunque appaia, segnala
importanti istruzioni operative e di
manutenzione nella documentazione allegata. Si invita a
leggere il manuale.
Per ridurre il rischio di scosse elettriche,
non rimuovere il coperchio superiore
(o la sezione posteriore). All'interno non ci sono parti
riparabili dall'utente. Per la manutenzione rivolgersi a
personale qualicato.
Per ridurre il rischio di incendi o scosse
elettriche, non esporre questo apparecchio
a pioggia e umidità. L'apparecchio non deve essere
esposto a gocciolio o schizzi di liquidi e nessun oggetto
contenente liquidi, come vasi, deve essere collocato
Queste istruzioni di servizio sono destinate
esclusivamente a personale qualicato.
Per ridurre il rischio di scosse elettriche non eseguire
interventi di manutenzione diversi da quelli contenuti
nel manuale di istruzioni. Le riparazioni devono essere
eseguite da personale di assistenza qualicato.
1. Leggere queste istruzioni.
2. Conservare queste istruzioni.
3. Prestare attenzione a tutti gli avvisi.
4. Applicare tutte le istruzioni.
5. Non utilizzare questo dispositivo vicino l'acqua.
6. Pulire esclusivamente con un panno asciutto.
7. Non bloccare le aperture di ventilazione. Installare in
conformità con le istruzioni del produttore.
8. Non installare vicino a fonti di calore come
radiatori, termoregolatori, stufe o altri apparecchi
(inclusi amplicatori) che producono calore.
9. Non escludere la sicurezza fornita dalla spina
polarizzata o con messa a terra. Una spina polarizzata ha
due lame, una più larga dell'altra. Una spina con messa a
terra ha due lame e un terzo polo di messa a terra. La lama
larga o il terzo polo sono forniti per la vostra sicurezza.
Se la spina fornita non si adatta alla presa, consultare un
elettricista per la sostituzione della presa obsoleta.
10. Proteggere il cavo di alimentazione dal calpestio
o essere schiacciato in particolare alle spine, prese di
corrente e il punto in cui esce dall'apparecchio.
11. Utilizzare esclusivamente dispositivi/accessori
specicati dal produttore.
12. Utilizzare solo
carrelli, supporti, treppiedi,
stae o tavoli indicati dal
produttore o venduti con
l'apparecchio. Utilizzando
un carrello, prestare
attenzione quando si
sposta la combinazione
carrello/apparecchio per evitare lesioni dovute al
13. Scollegare questo apparecchio durante i temporali o
se non è utilizzato per lunghi periodi di tempo.
14. Per tutte le riparazioni rivolgersi a personale
qualicato. La manutenzione è necessaria quando
l'apparecchio è danneggiato in qualsiasi modo, come
danneggiamento del cavo di alimentazione o della spina,
versamento di liquido o oggetti caduti nell'apparecchio,
se l'apparecchio è stato esposto a pioggia o umidità, se
non funziona normalmente o è caduto.
15. L'apparecchio deve essere collegato a una presa di
corrente elettrica con messa a terra di protezione.
16. Se la spina o una presa del dispositivo è utilizzata
come dispositivo di disconnessione, deve essere
facilmente utilizzabile.
17. Smaltimento corretto di
questo prodotto: questo simbolo
indica che questo dispositivo non
deve essere smaltito insieme
ai riuti domestici, secondo
la Direttiva RAEE (2012/19 /
UE) e la vostra legislazione
nazionale. Questo prodotto deve essere portato in un
centro di raccolta autorizzato per il riciclaggio di riuti
di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE).
La cattiva gestione di questo tipo di riuti potrebbe avere
un possibile impatto negativo sull'ambiente e sulla salute
umana a causa di sostanze potenzialmente pericolose
che sono generalmente associate alle apparecchiature
elettriche ed elettroniche. Nello stesso tempo la vostra
collaborazione al corretto smaltimento di questo prodotto
contribuirà all'utilizzo eciente delle risorse naturali. Per
ulteriori informazioni su dove è possibile trasportare le
apparecchiature per il riciclaggio vi invitiamo a contattare
l'ucio comunale locale o il servizio di raccolta dei
riuti domestici.
18. Non installare in uno spazio ristretto, come in una
libreria o in una struttura simile.
19. Non collocare sul dispositivo fonti di amme libere,
come candele accese.
20. Per lo smaltimento delle batterie, tenere in
considerazione gli aspetti ambientali. Le batterie devono
essere smaltite in un punto di raccolta delle batterie
21. Questo apparecchio può essere usato in climi
tropicali e temperati no a 45°C.
Music Tribe non si assume alcuna responsabilità per
eventuali danni che possono essere subiti da chiunque
si adi in tutto o in parte a qualsiasi descrizione,
fotograa o dichiarazione contenuta qui. Speciche
tecniche, aspetti e altre informazioni sono soggette
a modiche senza preavviso. Tutti i marchi sono di
proprietà dei rispettivi titolari. Midas, Klark Teknik,
Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic,
TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Auratone e Coolaudio
sono marchi o marchi registrati di Music Tribe
Global Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd.
2020 Tutti i diritti riservati .
Per i termini e le condizioni di garanzia applicabili e le
informazioni aggiuntive relative alla garanzia limitata
di Music Tribe, consultare online i dettagli completi su
Informazioni importanti
Terminais marcados com o símbolo
carregam corrente elétrica de magnitude
suciente para constituir um risco de choque elétrico.
Use apenas cabos de alto-falantes de alta qualidade
com plugues TS de ¼" ou plugues com trava de torção
pré-instalados. Todas as outras instalações e modicações
devem ser efetuadas por pessoasqualicadas.
Este símbolo, onde quer que o encontre,
alerta-o para a leitura das instruções de
manuseamento que acompanham o
equipamento. Por favor leia o manual de instruções.
De forma a diminuir o risco de choque
eléctrico, não remover a cobertura
(ouasecção de trás). Não existem peças substituíveis por
parte do utilizador no seu interior. Para esse efeito recorrer
a um técnico qualicado.
Para reduzir o risco de incêndios ou
choques eléctricos o aparelho não deve ser
exposto à chuva nem à humidade. Além disso, não deve
ser sujeito a salpicos, nem devem ser colocados em cima
do aparelho objectos contendo líquidos, tais como jarras.
Estas instruções de operação devem ser
utilizadas, em exclusivo, por técnicos de
assistência qualicados. Para evitar choques eléctricos
não proceda a reparações ou intervenções, que não as
indicadas nas instruções de operação, salvo se possuir as
quali-cações necessárias. Para evitar choques eléctricos
não proceda a reparações ou intervenções, que não as
indicadas nas instruções de operação. Só o deverá fazer se
possuir as qualicações necessárias.
1. Leia estas instruções.
2. Guarde estas instruções.
3. Preste atenção a todos os avisos.
4. Siga todas as instruções.
5. Não utilize este dispositivo perto de água.
6. Limpe apenas com um pano seco.
7. Não obstrua as entradas de ventilação. Instale de
acordo com as instruções do fabricante.
8. Não instale perto de quaisquer fontes de calor tais
como radiadores, bocas de ar quente, fogões de sala
ou outros aparelhos (incluindo amplicadores) que
produzam calor.
9. Não anule o objectivo de segurança das chas
polarizadas ou do tipo de ligação à terra. Uma cha
polarizada dispõe de duas palhetas sendo uma mais larga
do que a outra. Uma cha do tipo ligação à terra dispõe
de duas palhetas e um terceiro dente de ligação à terra.
A palheta larga ou o terceiro dente são fornecidos para
sua segurança. Se a cha fornecida não encaixar na sua
tomada, consulte um electricista para a substituição da
tomada obsoleta.
10. Proteja o cabo de alimentação de pisadelas ou
apertos, especialmente nas chas, extensões, e no local
de saída da unidade. Certique-se de que o cabo eléctrico
está protegido. Verique particularmente nas chas, nos
receptáculos e no ponto em que o cabo sai doaparelho.
11. O aparelho tem de estar sempre conectado à rede
eléctrica com o condutor de protecção intacto.
12. Se utilizar uma cha de rede principal ou uma
tomada de aparelhos para desligar a unidade de
funcionamento, esta deve estar sempre acessível.
13. Utilize apenas ligações/acessórios especicados
14. Utilize apenas com
o carrinho, estrutura,
tripé, suporte, ou mesa
especicados pelo
fabricante ou vendidos
com o dispositivo.
Quandoutilizar um
carrinho, tenha cuidado ao
mover o conjunto carrinho/dispositivo para evitar danos
provocados pela terpidação.
15. Desligue este dispositivo durante as trovoadas
ou quando não for utilizado durante longos períodos
16. Qualquer tipo de reparação deve ser sempre
efectuado por pessoal qualicado. É necessária uma
reparação sempre que a unidade tiver sido de alguma
forma danicada, como por exemplo: no caso do cabo
de alimentação ou cha se encontrarem danicados;
naeventualidade de líquido ter sido derramado ou
objectos terem caído para dentro do dispositivo; no caso
da unidade ter estado exposta à chuva ou à humidade;
seesta não funcionar normalmente, ou se tiver caído.
17. Correcta eliminação deste
produto: este símbolo indica que
o produto não deve ser eliminado
juntamente com os resíduos
domésticos, segundo a Directiva
REEE (2012/19/EU) e a legislação
nacional. Este produto deverá
ser levado para um centro de recolha licenciado para a
reciclagem de resíduos de equipamentos eléctricos e
electrónicos (EEE). O tratamento incorrecto deste tipo
de resíduos pode ter um eventual impacto negativo
no ambiente e na saúde humana devido a substâncias
potencialmente perigosas que estão geralmente
associadas aos EEE. Ao mesmo tempo, a sua colaboração
para a eliminação correcta deste produto irá contribuir
para a utilização eciente dos recursos naturais. Paramais
informação acerca dos locais onde poderá deixar o seu
equipamento usado para reciclagem, é favor contactar
os serviços municipais locais, a entidade de gestão de
resíduos ou os serviços de recolha de resíduosdomésticos.
18. Não instale em lugares connados, tais como
estantes ou unidades similares.
19. Não coloque fontes de chama, tais como velas
acesas, sobre o aparelho.
20. Favor, obedecer os aspectos ambientais de descarte
de bateria. Baterias devem ser descartadas em um ponto
de coletas de baterias.
21. Esse aparelho pode ser usado em climas tropicais e
moderados até 45°C.
O Music Tribe não se responsabiliza por perda alguma
que possa ser sofrida por qualquer pessoa que dependa,
seja de maneira completa ou parcial, de qualquer
descrição, fotograa, ou declaração aqui contidas.
Dados técnicos, aparências e outras informações estão
sujeitas a modicações sem aviso prévio. Todas as
marcas são propriedade de seus respectivos donos.
Midas, Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy,
Turbosound, TC Electronic, TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera,
Auratone e Coolaudio são marcas ou marcas registradas
do Music Tribe Global Brands Ltd. © Music Tribe Global
Brands Ltd. 2020 Todos direitos reservados.
Para obter os termos de garantia aplicáveis e condições e
informações adicionais a respeito da garantia limitada do
Music Tribe, favor vericar detalhes na íntegra através do
website musictribe.com/warranty.
Instruções de Segurança
8 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 9
The VQ full range products utilize a unique driver technology to radiate a coherent single point source for superior dispersion control when coupled to our single horn.
This advanced design aligns the acoustical centres of the transducers providing a single coherent wavefront emanating from the throat.
The driver uses two concentric annular ring diaphragms. The larger of the two has a 3.5” voice coil and reproduces frequencies from 400 Hz to 7 kHz. Another major
advantage here is that there is no crossover anywhere near the vocal region ensuring the most natural and phase coherent reproduction at this critical area. The 2” HF
diaphragm takes over at 7 kHz to 22 kHz by way of a passive or an active crossover. The external casting features extensive heatsinking ensuring good heat transfer for
high power handling and very low power compression.
Input Connector Panels
Note : The VQ 60 and VQ 100 are congured as standard for Bi-Amp operation.
Tri-Amp operation is possible using the Barrier strip input terminals.
The VQ DF is congured as standard for single amp operation. Bi-Amp operation is possible using the Barrier strip input terminals.
The VQ MB is congured for single amp operation.
VQ 60 / 100 VQ DF
The VQ 60, VQ 100 and VQ DF are tted with 4-pole Neutrik Speakon´ connectors and barrier strip for xed installations.
Speakon Connections -
Speakon has the following advantages over EP and XLR type connectors:
All terminations are solderless; this makes life easier at the time of installation or when eld servicing is required. Contacts will accept 6 sq. mm wire with an outside
diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 Amps. The pins of the 2 Speakon sockets identied input/output on the rear of the input panel are paralleled within
the enclosure to facilitate the connection to additional VQ loudspeakers (except the VQ MB). Tannoy has adopted the standard professional audio wiring convention for
the VQ product.
Barrier Strip Connections
The barrier strip accommodates bare wire, tinned leads or spade connectors. The barrier strips are specically designed for utilization in xed/permanent installations.
The VQ 60 and VQ 100 are congured for Bi-amp operation; by removing the 4 link wires between the two barrier strips on the termination panel tri-amp operation is
possible. The VQ DF is congured for single amp operation; by removing the 4 link wires between the two barrier strips on the termination panel bi-amp operation is
VQ 60/100 Bi-amp – Connect LF amplier to LF +/- on top row of barrier strip.
Connect MF/HF amplier to MF/HF +/- on bottom row of barrier strip.
VQ 60/100 Tri-amp - Connect LF amplier to LF +/- on top row of barrier strip.
Connect MF amplier to MF +/- on top row of barrier strip.
Connect HF amplier to HF +/- on top row of barrier strip.
VQ DF Single Amp - Connect MF/HF amplier to MF/HF +/- on bottom row of barrier strip.
VQ DF Bi-amp - Connect MF amplier to MF +/- on top row of barrier strip.
Connect HF amplier to HF +/- on top row of barrier strip.
VQ MB - Connect amplier to LF +/- terminals.
Note that looping out to additional loudspeakers will have the eect of reducing the load on the amplier. Avoid loading ampliers too low. If the amplier is rated for
4 ohms minimum, don't give it a 2 ohm load. Even when the amplier is rated down to 2 ohms remember that in order to keep up with the power the circuit will have
much higher current than before and the wiring will have to handle it. Not only will the wiring losses grow but the damping factor of the system will be degraded. It
might be better to run separate cables from the amp to the speakers or divide the load across two amplier channels.
Cable choice consists mainly of selecting the correct cross sectional area in relation to the cable length and the load impedance. A small cross sectional area would
increase the cables series resistance, inducing power loss, and response variations (damping factor).
Connectors should be wired with a minimum of 2.5 sq. mm (12 gauge) cable. This will be perfectly satisfactory under normal conditions. In the case of very long cable
runs the wire size should exceed this. The following table shows the change in resistance, sensitivity loss and damping factor due to the eects of cable diameter and
length for two nominal impedance loads (4 ohms & 8 ohms). Use this table to determine a suitable cable diameter for the length of run you require. For resultant
damping factor, values greater than 20 are generally considered adequate for high quality sound reinforcement systems.
VQ 60 and VQ 100
Speakon Connections
LF Negative (-ve)
LF Positive (+ve)
MF/HF Positive (+ve)
MF/HF Negative (-ve)
VQ DF Speakon
No connections on pins
1+ and 1-
MF/HF Negative (-ve)
MF/HF Positive (+ve)
VQ MB Speakon
LF Negative (-ve)
LF Positive (+ve)
No connections on pins
2+ and 2-
10 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 11
Polarity Checking
It is most important to check the polarity of the wiring before the speaker system is own. A simple method of doing this without a pulse based polarity checker for
LF units is as follows: Connect two wires to the +ve and -ve terminals of a PP3 battery. Apply the wire which is connected to the +ve terminal of the battery to the
speaker cable leg which you believe to be connected to pin 1+ of the speaker connector and likewise the -ve leg of the battery to pin 1-.
If you have wired it correctly the LF drive unit will move forward, indicating the wiring is correct. All that remains now is to connect the +ve speaker lead to the +ve
terminal on the amplier and the -ve lead to the -ve terminal on the amplier. If however the LF driver moves backwards, the input connections need to be inverted.
There are also commercially available polarity checkers that can be used (IviePAL, NTI™). If you are commissioning a system using a spectrum analyzer such as
SMAART, SYSTUNE™, CLIO™, MLSSA™ by checking the impulse response for the rst positive swing. Be sure that EQ and crossover ltering has been removed before
If problems are encountered, inspect the cable wiring in the rst instance. If you are using ampliers from more than one manufacturer, check the polarity at the
ampliers as well as the loudspeakers.
Amplication & Power Handling
As with all professional loudspeaker systems, the power handling is a function of voice coil thermal capacity. Care should be taken to avoid running the amplier into
clip (clipping is the end result of overdriving any amplier). Damage to the loudspeaker will be sustained if the amplier is driven into clip for any extended period
of time. Headroom of at least 3dB should be allowed. When evaluating an amplier, it is important to take into account its behavior under low impedance load
conditions. A loudspeaker system is highly reactive and with transient signals it can require more current than the nominal impedance would indicate.
Generally a higher power amplier running free of distortion will do less damage to the loudspeaker than a lower power amplier continually clipping. It is also worth
remembering that a high powered amplier running at less than 90% of output power generally sounds a lot better than a lower power amplier running at 100%.
An amplier with insucient drive capability will not allow the full performance or the loudspeaker to be realized.
It is important when using dierent manufacturers ampliers in a single installation that the have very closely matched gains, the variation should be less
than +/- 0.5 dB. This precaution is important to the overall system balance when only a single active crossover is being used with multiple cabinets; it is therefore
recommended that the same ampliers be used throughout.
On the specications pages you will nd the VQ loudspeakers power handling capacity quoted in three categories:-
Average (RMS), Programme, & Peak
We recommend using the programme power listed in the loudspeaker specications to choose the correct amplier. To realize the VQ loudspeakers full potential, the
ampliers rated continuous power should be equal to the loudspeakers programme power at its nominal impedance.
Loudspeaker Management Systems
Tannoy VQ series loudspeakers are designed to be used with an electronic signal processor which provides crossover, equalization, delay and dynamic functions. We
strongly recommend Lab Gruppen PLM+ or D Series with factory presets from LAKE load library. LAKE LM26/44 DSP using the same factory presets from LAKE load
library coupled with Lab Gruppen C series or FP+ series using models with appropriate output power for the VQ cabinets selected is also recommended. Lab Gruppen
CAFE software provides a comprehensive solution for selecting the best possible combination of PLM+ or D series products to all Tannoy loudspeaker products,
allowing users to have precise technical data of power delivery, power draw, thermal output, cable infrastructure requirements and BOM calculator. For more
information about LAKE and Lab Gruppen products, please go to www.lakeprocessing.com or www.labgruppen.com.
Rigging & Suspension
The VQ hardware covered in this guide has been designed to oer quick, simple, and secure solutions for mounting specic VQ loudspeakers. This hardware has been
designed and manufactured with a high safety load factor for its specic role. To ensure the safest possible use of the hardware covered in this guide, it must be
assembled in strict accordance with the instructions specied. The information in these manuals relating to the assembly and the safe use of these accessories must be
understood and followed.
The installation of VQ loudspeakers using the dedicated hardware should only ever be carried out by fully qualied installers, in accordance with all the required safety
codes and standards that are applied at the place of installation.
WARNING: As the legal requirements for ying change from country to country, please consult your local safety standards oce before installing any product. We also
recommend that you thoroughly check any laws and bylaws prior to commencing work.
VQ hardware has been designed for use with VQ series loudspeakers only, and is not designed or intended for use with any other Tannoy Commercial products, or any
other devices from other manufacturers. Using Tannoy Professional hardware for any purpose other than that indicated in this guide is considered to be improper use.
Such use can be very dangerous as overloading, modifying; assembling in anyway other than that clearly stated in the manual, or damaging the VQ hardware will
compromise safety. The component parts of any VQ hardware device must only be assembled using the accessory kits supplied and in strict compliance with the user
manual. The use of other accessories or non-approved methods of assembly may result in an unsafe hardware system by reducing the load safety factor. Welding, or
any other method of permanently xing hardware components together or to the integral xing points in the cabinet should never be used.
Whenever a VQ loudspeaker is xed to a surface using a VQ hardware device, the installer must ensure that the surface is capable of safely and securely supporting the
load. The hardware employed must be safely, securely, and in accordance with the manual, attached both to the loudspeaker and also to the surface in question, using
only the xing holes provided as standard and covered in the manual. Secure xings to the building structure are vital. Seek help from architects, structural engineers
or other specialists if in any doubt.
All loudspeakers own must, be provided with an independent, correctly rated and securely attached secondary safety – in addition to the principle hardware device.
This secondary safety must prevent the loudspeaker from dropping more than 150 mm (6") should the principle hardware device fail.
WARNING: Do not under any circumstances use a loudspeaker's handles to support the weight of the loudspeaker except for their intended use: hand carrying. The
handles are not rated to support the load of the loudspeaker for temporary or permanent installation.
The VQ range of loudspeakers is intended to be suspended or ground-stacked. This section details how to physically congure VQ yware and arrays. The following are
the recommended methods for most situations. Specic situations may require other methods. It is the user's responsibility to determine the viability and safety for
alternate methods and implement them accordingly.
Cable Run
Diameter of
Wire Loss (dB) Damping Factor*
m ft mm awg ohm
5 16 1.5 mm
2.5 mm
4 mm
6 mm
10 33 1.5 mm
2.5 mm
4 mm
6 mm
25 82 1.5 mm
2.5 mm
4 mm
6 mm
50 164 1.5 mm
2.5 mm
4 mm
6 mm
100 328 1.5 mm
2.5 mm
4 mm
6 mm
*The resulting damping factor gures are derived using a good quality professional amplier
VQ Series Recommended Amplier Power
VQ60/100 Power Requirement
Low Frequency
Passive MF/HF
Mid Frequency
High Frequency
2000 W into 4 ohms
400 W into 8 ohms
400 W into 8 ohms
200 W into 8 ohms
Passive MF/HF
Mid Frequency
High Frequency
400 W into 8 ohms
400 W into 8 ohms
200 W into 8 ohms
VQ MB 2000 W into 4 ohms
12 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 13
Flying A Single VQ Cabinet Using Eyebolts
The simplest method of ying a single VQ cabinet is with a pair of M10 shoulder eyebolts on the top, using a third eyebolt on the rear of the cabinet to tilt the cabinet.
VQ Flying Bracket (Single Point Hang Flying Bracket)
For safe, exible and simple ying, the VQ Flying bracket is designed to suspend the VQ cabinet from a single pivot point. This allows precise adjustment of aiming
angles with the cabinet in situ. The own VQ loudspeaker must be provided with an independent, correctly rated and securely attached secondary safety – in addition
to the principle hardware device. This secondary safety must prevent the loudspeaker from dropping more than 150mm (6) should the principle hardware device fail.
Note: All xings should be thread-locked and torqued to 25 Nm.
VQ loudspeakers can be own with high quality VEB M10 eyebolts with collar to BS4278:1984. The loudspeakers are equipped
with internal steel braces, which also double as the ying points, and accept VEB M10 eyebolts.
To install the VEB M10 eyebolts remove the original M10 counter sunk screws from the locations you wish to install the VEB M10
eyebolts. Then replace these counter sunk M10 screws with the VEB M10 eyebolts. The M10 insert on the rear of the cabinet also
accepts a VEB M10 eyebolt and should be used for tilting the loudspeaker to the desired angle.
IMPORTANT: It is imperative for safety reasons that a minimum of two eyebolts linked to two independently xed straps are used
per cabinet. Never suspend one enclosure from the other using eyebolts.
Never attempt to use formed eyebolts i.e. formed from a steel rod and bent into an eye.
Flying a single VQ cabinet in a landscape orientation using EBS forged Eyebolts
The rod end is used in conjunction with the VQ ying bracket. Two types of rod end are available. One is designed to accept ½” UNC threaded rod, and the other accepts
12 mm threaded rod. (Threaded rod supplied by user).
Item No. Description Quantity
1 M10 Plain Washer 3
2 M10 Spring Washer 3
3 Screw M10 x 50mm 3
4 Bracket Flying - VQ 1
Item No. Description Quantity
1 Rod End – VQ _" UNC or 12mm 3
2 Screw M12x45 Cap Head 3
3 M12 Nyloc Nut 3
14 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 15
Remove the front two countersunk M10 screws located on the top of the cabinet and the top M10 countersunk screw on the top rear of the cabinet. Assemble the
ying bracket as shown. (See g. 1)
IMPORTANT: Only the screws, fasteners, shake proof and plain washers supplied should be used to assemble the VQ ying bracket. Note: All xings should be
thread-locked and torqued to 25 Nm.
When xed in position the rod end can be moved along any of the ve serrated edges within each slot to ne tune the loudspeakers tilt angle. (See g. 2) Threaded rod
used should be no more than 300 mm (12") in length. The user is responsible for supplying the correct threaded rod. The minimum specications for the threaded rod
USA - Grade B7 (1438 lbs, 650 kgs for ½" rod based on a safety factor of 10:1)
Metric - Grade 10.9 (1459 lbs, 660 kgs for 12 mm rod based on a safety factor 10:1)
Use the appropriate nuts to lock the rod end to the threaded rod (supplied by user). Use a Nyloc nut at the top of the threaded rod to secure the pole clamp
(supplied by user).
The threaded rod can be attached to a suitably rated Uni-Strut accessory.
Always use Nyloc nuts to secure the threaded rod to the pole clamp or Uni-Strut.
The rigging of a own sound system may be dangerous unless undertaken by qualied personnel with the required experience and certication to perform the
necessary tasks.
Fixing of hanging points in a roof should always be carried out by a professional rigger and in accordance with the local rules of the venue.
A maximum of VQ 60 + VQ MB + VQ DF (350 lbs, 160 kg) can be own from a single threaded rod. This combination carries a safety factor of 8:1. (See g. 3)
(g. 1)
(g. 2)
(g. 3)
VQ Link Plate
The VQ link plate is used to join a VQ DF or VQ MB to a VQ 60 or VQ 100 cabinet. Three link plates are used to connect each cabinet. The Link plates are supplied as
standard with each VQ DF and VQ MB.
Remove the M10 countersunk screws as shown in the diagram opposite. Use the same screws to x the link plate in place. The link plate will sit ush in the cabinet
indentations. Two longer M10 bolts are supplied with the link plates. These bolts should be used to x the rear link plate in position.
Note: All xings should be thread-locked and torqued to 25 Nm
Using The VQ MB For Additional Pattern Control
The VQ link plate is used to join a VQ DF or VQ MB to a VQ 60 or VQ 100 cabinet. Three link plates are used to connect each cabinet. The Link plates are supplied as
standard with each VQ DF and VQ MB.
Remove the M10 countersunk screws as shown in the diagram opposite. Use the same screws to x the link plate in place. The link plate will sit ush in the cabinet
indentations. Two longer M10 bolts are supplied with the link plates. These bolts should be used to x the rear link plate in position.
16 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 17
Arraying VQ 60
A single VQ 100 can produce more power and clarity over its 100 degree beamwidth area than many arrayed solutions using multiple cabinets, a great advantage when
considering your building aesthetics. A VQ 100 is not designed to be arrayed.
Two VQ 60s can be arrayed to produce a well dened horizontal coverage angle of 120 degrees.
The VQ array plate is designed to optimally array two VQ 60 cabinets. To t the plate, set the boxes on the ground with the rear edge of the cabinets touching. Remove
the two M10 countersunk bolts and replace with either the M10 screw or the supplied eyebolts. Locate the four M10 eyebolts from the xings kit supplied and insert
these through the array plate into the rigging points in the cabinet. These will be used to pick up the array.Repeat the same procedure at the bottom of the cabinets,
use the M10 screw. If ying in a landscape orientation the M10 screw can be used on both array plates.
Note: All xings should be thread-locked and torqued to 25 Nm
Two independent pick-up points are recommended for suspending the array. The main pickup points are the two rear eyebolts. The two front eyebolts may be used as
safety points.
Item No. Description Quantity
1 M10 Plain Washer 8
2 M10 Spring Washer 8
3 Screw M10 x 50 mm 8
4 Eyebolt M10 4
5 Array Bracket 2
18 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 19
VQ 100 VQ 60 VQ 85DF
Frequency response (-3 dB) 115 Hz - 23 kHz 115 Hz - 23 kHz 400 Hz - 23 kHz
Frequency range (-10 dB) 90 Hz - 27 kHz 90 Hz - 27 kHz 350 Hz - 27 kHz
Sensitivity (1 W @ 1 m) 111 dB 115 dB 111 dB
Dispersion (-6 dB) 100 degrees conical 60 degrees conical 80 x 50 degrees
Driver components LF - 2 x 300 mm (12") low frequency
transducers, semi horn loaded
LF - 2 x 300 mm (12") low frequency
transducers, semi horn loaded
MF/HF - dual concentric compression
driver loaded into single PSW
MF/HF - dual concentric compression
driver loaded into single PSW
MF/HF - dual concentric compression
driver loaded into single PSW
Crossover N/A Biamp - 450 Hz (active),
7 kHz (passive)
Triamp - 450 Hz, 7 kHz (active)
Single amplied - 7 kHz (passive)
Bi-amp - 7 kHz (active)
Directivity factor (Q) 8.5 21.2 13.3
Directivity index (DI) 9.3 13.3 11.2
Maximum SPL 135 dB averaged, 141 peak 138 dB averaged, 144 dB peak 134 dB averaged, 140 peak
Power handling
LF @ 4 Ω 1000 W cont, 2000 W peak 1000 W cont, 2000 W peak N/A
MF @ 8 Ω 200 W cont, 400 W peak 200 W cont, 400 W peak 200 W cont, 400 W peak
HF @ 8 Ω 90 W cont, 180 W peak 90 W cont, 180 W peak 90 W cont, 180 W peak
Passive MF/HF @ 8 Ω 200 W cont, 400 W peak 200 W cont, 400 W peak 200 W cont, 400 W peak
Nominal impedance LF - 4 Ω, MF - 8 Ω, HF - 8 Ω LF - 4 Ω, MF - 8 Ω, HF - 8 Ω MF - 8 Ω, HF - 8 Ω
Construction 18 mm (0.71") birch plywood, internally braced
Grille Powder coated perforated steel grille
Finish Textured black or white paint
Connectors Barrier strip and speakon connector
Fittings 8 x recessed carrying handles, 12 x M10 ying inserts 2 x recessed carrying handles,
12 x M10 ying inserts
Dimensions 925 x 694 x 515 mm
(36.4 x 27.3 x 20.3")
925 x 694 x 515 mm
(36.4 x 27.3 x 20.3")
500 x 694 x 515 mm
(19.7 x 27.3 x 20.3")
Weight 65 kg (143 lbs) 77 kg (169 lbs) 27.0 kg (59.4 lbs)
Frequency response (-3 dB) 400 Hz - 23 kHz 400 Hz - 23 kHz 115 Hz - 500 Hz
Frequency range (-10 dB) 350 Hz - 27 kHz 350 Hz - 27 kHz 90 Hz - 600 Hz
Sensitivity (1 W @ 1 m) 114 dB 115 dB 105 dB
Dispersion (-6 dB) 60 x 40 degrees 60 x 40 degrees N/A
Driver components N/A N/A LF - 2 x 300 mm (12") low frequency
transducers, semi horn loaded
MF/HF - dual concentric compression
driver loaded into single PSW
MF/HF - dual concentric compression
driver loaded into single PSW
Crossover Single amplied - 7 kHz (passive)
Bi-amp - 7 kHz (active)
Single amplied - 7 kHz (passive)
Bi-amp - 7 kHz (active)
Directivity factor (Q) 19.3 21.3 N/A
Directivity index (DI) 12.9 13.3 N/A
Maximum SPL 137 dB averaged, 143 peak 138 dB averaged, 144 peak 135 dB averaged, 141 peak
Power handling
LF @ 4 Ω N/A N/A 1000 W cont, 2000 W peak
MF @ 8 Ω 200 W cont, 400 W peak 200 W cont, 400 W peak N/A
HF @ 8 Ω 90 W cont, 180 W peak 90 W cont, 180 W peak N/A
Passive MF/HF @ 8 Ω 200 W cont, 400 W peak 200 W cont, 400 W peak N/A
Nominal impedance MF - 8 Ω, HF - 8 Ω MF - 8 Ω, HF - 8 Ω LF - 4 Ω
Construction 18 mm (0.71") birch plywood, internally braced
Grille Powder coated perforated steel grille
Finish Textured black or white paint
Connectors Barrier strip and speakon connector
Fittings 2 x recessed carrying handles, 12 x M10 ying inserts
Dimensions 500 x 694 x 515 mm
(19.7 x 27.3 x 20.3")
510 x 694 x 515 mm
(20.1 x 27.3 x 20.3")
433 x 694 x 515 mm
(17.1 x 27.3 x 20.3")
Weight 29.5 kg (64.9 lbs) 45.5 kg (100.1 lbs) 37 kg (81.6 lbs)
20 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 21
Other important information Other important information
1. Register online. Please register your new
Music Tribe equipment right after you purchase it by
visiting musictribe.com. Registering your purchase using
our simple online form helps us to process your repair
claims more quickly and eciently. Also, read the terms
and conditions of our warranty, if applicable.
2. Malfunction. Should your Music Tribe
Authorized Reseller not be located in your vicinity,
you may contact the Music Tribe Authorized Fulller for
your country listed under “Support” at musictribe.com.
Should your country not be listed, please check if your
problem can be dealt with by our “Online Support” which
may also be found under “Support” at musictribe.com.
Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at
musictribe.com BEFORE returning the product.
3. Power Connections. Before plugging the
unit into a power socket, please make sure you are using
the correct mains voltage for your particular model.
Faulty fuses must be replaced with fuses of the same type
and rating without exception.
1. Registro online. Le recomendamos que
registre su nuevo aparato Music Tribe justo después de
su compra accediendo a la página web musictribe.com.
El registro de su compra a través de nuestro sencillo
sistema online nos ayudará a resolver cualquier
incidencia que se presente a la mayor brevedad posible.
Además, aproveche para leer los términos y condiciones de
nuestra garantía, si es aplicable en su caso.
2. Averías. En el caso de que no exista un distribuidor
Tribe en las inmediaciones, puede ponerse en
contacto con el distribuidor
Tribe de su país,
que encontrará dentro del apartado “Support” de nuestra
página web musictribe.com. En caso de que su país no
aparezca en ese listado, acceda a la sección “Online Support”
(que también encontrará dentro del apartado “Support”
de nuestra página web) y compruebe si su problema aparece
descrito y solucionado allí. De forma alternativa, envíenos a
través de la página web una solicitud online de soporte en
periodo de garantía ANTES de devolvernos el aparato.
3. Conexiones de corriente. Antes de enchufar
este aparato a una salida de corriente, asegúrese de que dicha
salida sea del voltaje adecuado para su modelo concreto.
En caso de que deba sustituir un fusible quemado, deberá
hacerlo por otro de idénticas especicaciones, sin excepción.
1. Enregistrez-vous en ligne. Prenez le
temps d’enregistrer votre produit Music Tribe aussi vite
que possible sur le site Internet musictribe.com. Le fait
d’enregistrer le produit en ligne nous permet de gérer
les réparations plus rapidement et plus ecacement.
Prenez également le temps de lire les termes et conditions
de notre garantie.
2. Dysfonctionnement. Si vous n’avez pas
de revendeur Music Tribe près de chez vous, contactez le
distributeur Music Tribe de votre pays : consultez la liste
des distributeurs de votre pays dans la page “Support”
de notre site Internet musictribe.com. Si votre pays n’est
pas dans la liste, essayez de résoudre votre problème avec
notre “aide en ligne” que vous trouverez également dans
la section “Support” du site musictribe.com. Vous pouvez
également nous faire parvenir directement votre demande
de réparation sous garantie par Internet sur le site
musictribe.com AVANT de nous renvoyer le produit.
3. Raccordement au secteur. Avant de relier
cet équipement au secteur, assurez-vous que la tension
secteur de votre région soit compatible avec l’appareil.
Veillez à remplacer les fusibles uniquement par des
modèles exactement de même taille et de même valeur
électrique — sans aucune exception.
1. Online registrieren. Bitte registrieren Sie
Ihr neues Music Tribe-Gerät direkt nach dem Kauf auf der
Website musictribe.com. Wenn Sie Ihren Kauf mit unserem
einfachen online Formular registrieren, können wir Ihre
Reparaturansprüche schneller und ezienter bearbeiten.
Lesen Sie bitte auch unsere Garantiebedingungen,
falls zutreend.
2. Funktionsfehler. Sollte sich kein Music Tribe
Händler in Ihrer Nähe benden, können Sie den
Music Tribe Vertrieb Ihres Landes kontaktieren, der auf
musictribe.com unter „Support“ aufgeführt ist. Sollte Ihr
Land nicht aufgelistet sein, prüfen Sie bitte, ob Ihr Problem
von unserem „Online Support“ gelöst werden kann, den
Sie ebenfalls auf musictribe.com unter „Support“ nden.
Alternativ reichen Sie bitte Ihren Garantieanspruch
online auf musictribe.com ein, BEVOR Sie das
Produkt zurücksenden.
3. Stromanschluss. Bevor Sie das Gerät an
eine Netzsteckdose anschließen, prüfen Sie bitte, ob Sie
die korrekte Netzspannung für Ihr spezielles Modell
verwenden. Fehlerhafte Sicherungen müssen ausnahmslos
durch Sicherungen des gleichen Typs und Nennwerts
ersetzt werden.
1. Registre-se online. Por favor, registre seu
novo equipamento Music Tribe logo após a compra
visitando o site musictribe.com Registrar sua compra
usando nosso simples formulário online nos ajuda a
processar seus pedidos de reparos com maior rapidez e
eciência. Além disso, leia nossos termos e condições de
garantia, caso seja necessário.
2. Funcionamento Defeituoso.
Caso seu fornecedor Music Tribe não esteja localizado
nas proximidades, você pode contatar um distribuidor
Music Tribe para o seu país listado abaixo de “Suporte”
em musictribe.com. Se seu país não estiver na lista,
favor checar se seu problema pode ser resolvido com o
nosso “Suporte Online” que também pode ser achado
abaixo de “Suporte”em musictribe.com. Alternativamente,
favor enviar uma solicitação de garantia online em
musictribe.com ANTES da devolução do produto.
3. Ligações. Antes de ligar a unidade à tomada,
assegure-se de que está a utilizar a voltagem correcta para
o modelo em questão. Os fusíveis com defeito terão de
ser substituídos, sem qualquer excepção, por fusíveis do
mesmo tipo e corrente nominal.
1. Registratevi online. Vi invitiamo a registrare
il nuovo apparecchio Music Tribe subito dopo averlo
acquistato visitando musictribe.com. La registrazione
dell'acquisto tramite il nostro semplice modulo online ci
consente di elaborare le richieste di riparazione in modo
più rapido ed eciente. Leggete anche i termini e le
condizioni della nostra garanzia, qualora applicabile.
2. Malfunzionamento. Nel caso in cui il
rivenditore autorizzato Music Tribe non si trovi nelle vostre
vicinanze, potete contattare il Music Tribe Authorized
Fulller per il vostro paese, elencato in “Support”
@ musictribe.com. Se la vostra nazione non è elencata,
controllate se il problema può essere risolto tramite il
nostro “Online Support”che può anche essere trovato sotto
“Support” @ musictribe.com. In alternativa, inviate una
richiesta di garanzia online su musictribe.com PRIMA di
restituire il prodotto.
3. Collegamento all’alimentazione.
Prima di collegare l'unità a una presa di corrente,
assicuratevi di utilizzare la tensione di rete corretta
per il modello specico. I fusibili guasti devono essere
sostituiti, senza eccezioni, con fusibili dello stesso tipo e
valore nominale.
Important information
Aspectos importantes
Informations importantes
Weitere wichtige
Outras Informações
Informazioni importanti
1. Register online. Please register your new
Music Tribe equipment right after you purchase it by
visiting musictribe.com. Registering your purchase using
our simple online form helps us to process your repair
claims more quickly and eciently. Also, read the terms
and conditions of our warranty, if applicable.
2. Malfunction. Should your Music Tribe
Authorized Reseller not be located in your vicinity,
you may contact the Music Tribe Authorized Fulller for
your country listed under “Support” at musictribe.com.
Should your country not be listed, please check if your
problem can be dealt with by our “Online Support” which
may also be found under “Support” at musictribe.com.
Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at
musictribe.com BEFORE returning the product.
3. Power Connections. Before plugging the
unit into a power socket, please make sure you are using
the correct mains voltage for your particular model.
Faulty fuses must be replaced with fuses of the same type
and rating without exception.
1. Registro online. Le recomendamos que
registre su nuevo aparato Music Tribe justo después de
su compra accediendo a la página web musictribe.com.
El registro de su compra a través de nuestro sencillo
sistema online nos ayudará a resolver cualquier
incidencia que se presente a la mayor brevedad posible.
Además, aproveche para leer los términos y condiciones de
nuestra garantía, si es aplicable en su caso.
2. Averías. En el caso de que no exista un distribuidor
Tribe en las inmediaciones, puede ponerse en
contacto con el distribuidor
Tribe de su país,
que encontrará dentro del apartado “Support” de nuestra
página web musictribe.com. En caso de que su país no
aparezca en ese listado, acceda a la sección “Online Support”
(que también encontrará dentro del apartado “Support”
de nuestra página web) y compruebe si su problema aparece
descrito y solucionado allí. De forma alternativa, envíenos a
través de la página web una solicitud online de soporte en
periodo de garantía ANTES de devolvernos el aparato.
3. Conexiones de corriente. Antes de enchufar
este aparato a una salida de corriente, asegúrese de que dicha
salida sea del voltaje adecuado para su modelo concreto.
En caso de que deba sustituir un fusible quemado, deberá
hacerlo por otro de idénticas especicaciones, sin excepción.
1. Enregistrez-vous en ligne. Prenez le
temps d’enregistrer votre produit Music Tribe aussi vite
que possible sur le site Internet musictribe.com. Le fait
d’enregistrer le produit en ligne nous permet de gérer
les réparations plus rapidement et plus ecacement.
Prenez également le temps de lire les termes et conditions
de notre garantie.
2. Dysfonctionnement. Si vous n’avez pas
de revendeur Music Tribe près de chez vous, contactez le
distributeur Music Tribe de votre pays : consultez la liste
des distributeurs de votre pays dans la page “Support”
de notre site Internet musictribe.com. Si votre pays n’est
pas dans la liste, essayez de résoudre votre problème avec
notre “aide en ligne” que vous trouverez également dans
la section “Support” du site musictribe.com. Vous pouvez
également nous faire parvenir directement votre demande
de réparation sous garantie par Internet sur le site
musictribe.com AVANT de nous renvoyer le produit.
3. Raccordement au secteur. Avant de relier
cet équipement au secteur, assurez-vous que la tension
secteur de votre région soit compatible avec l’appareil.
Veillez à remplacer les fusibles uniquement par des
modèles exactement de même taille et de même valeur
électrique — sans aucune exception.
1. Online registrieren. Bitte registrieren Sie
Ihr neues Music Tribe-Gerät direkt nach dem Kauf auf der
Website musictribe.com. Wenn Sie Ihren Kauf mit unserem
einfachen online Formular registrieren, können wir Ihre
Reparaturansprüche schneller und ezienter bearbeiten.
Lesen Sie bitte auch unsere Garantiebedingungen,
falls zutreend.
2. Funktionsfehler. Sollte sich kein Music Tribe
Händler in Ihrer Nähe benden, können Sie den
Music Tribe Vertrieb Ihres Landes kontaktieren, der auf
musictribe.com unter „Support“ aufgeführt ist. Sollte Ihr
Land nicht aufgelistet sein, prüfen Sie bitte, ob Ihr Problem
von unserem „Online Support“ gelöst werden kann, den
Sie ebenfalls auf musictribe.com unter „Support“ nden.
Alternativ reichen Sie bitte Ihren Garantieanspruch
online auf musictribe.com ein, BEVOR Sie das
Produkt zurücksenden.
3. Stromanschluss. Bevor Sie das Gerät an
eine Netzsteckdose anschließen, prüfen Sie bitte, ob Sie
die korrekte Netzspannung für Ihr spezielles Modell
verwenden. Fehlerhafte Sicherungen müssen ausnahmslos
durch Sicherungen des gleichen Typs und Nennwerts
ersetzt werden.
1. Registre-se online. Por favor, registre seu
novo equipamento Music Tribe logo após a compra
visitando o site musictribe.com Registrar sua compra
usando nosso simples formulário online nos ajuda a
processar seus pedidos de reparos com maior rapidez e
eciência. Além disso, leia nossos termos e condições de
garantia, caso seja necessário.
2. Funcionamento Defeituoso.
Caso seu fornecedor Music Tribe não esteja localizado
nas proximidades, você pode contatar um distribuidor
Music Tribe para o seu país listado abaixo de “Suporte”
em musictribe.com. Se seu país não estiver na lista,
favor checar se seu problema pode ser resolvido com o
nosso “Suporte Online” que também pode ser achado
abaixo de “Suporte”em musictribe.com. Alternativamente,
favor enviar uma solicitação de garantia online em
musictribe.com ANTES da devolução do produto.
3. Ligações. Antes de ligar a unidade à tomada,
assegure-se de que está a utilizar a voltagem correcta para
o modelo em questão. Os fusíveis com defeito terão de
ser substituídos, sem qualquer excepção, por fusíveis do
mesmo tipo e corrente nominal.
1. Registratevi online. Vi invitiamo a registrare
il nuovo apparecchio Music Tribe subito dopo averlo
acquistato visitando musictribe.com. La registrazione
dell'acquisto tramite il nostro semplice modulo online ci
consente di elaborare le richieste di riparazione in modo
più rapido ed eciente. Leggete anche i termini e le
condizioni della nostra garanzia, qualora applicabile.
2. Malfunzionamento. Nel caso in cui il
rivenditore autorizzato Music Tribe non si trovi nelle vostre
vicinanze, potete contattare il Music Tribe Authorized
Fulller per il vostro paese, elencato in “Support”
@ musictribe.com. Se la vostra nazione non è elencata,
controllate se il problema può essere risolto tramite il
nostro “Online Support”che può anche essere trovato sotto
“Support” @ musictribe.com. In alternativa, inviate una
richiesta di garanzia online su musictribe.com PRIMA di
restituire il prodotto.
3. Collegamento all’alimentazione.
Prima di collegare l'unità a una presa di corrente,
assicuratevi di utilizzare la tensione di rete corretta
per il modello specico. I fusibili guasti devono essere
sostituiti, senza eccezioni, con fusibili dello stesso tipo e
valore nominale.
Important information
Aspectos importantes
Informations importantes
Weitere wichtige
Outras Informações
Informazioni importanti
22 VQ Series Quick Start Guide 23
Responsible Party Name: Music Tribe Commercial NV Inc.
Address: 901 Grier Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89118
Phone Number: +1 702 800 8290
VQ Series
complies with the FCC rules as mentioned in the followingparagraph:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the
receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
Important information:
Changes or modications to the equipment not expressly approved by Music Tribe
can void the user’s authority to use the equipment.
VQ Series
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Tannoy VQ 85DF Guide de démarrage rapide

Équipement musical supplémentaire
Guide de démarrage rapide