PLT SOLUTIONS Selectable LED Track Lighting Manuel utilisateur

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972-535-0926 | | ver 052122
Before installing, servicing, or performing routine maintenance upon this equipment, follow these
general precautions.
To reduce the risk of death, personal injury, or property damage from fire, electric shock, falling parts,
cuts/abrasions, and other hazards, read all warnings and instructions included with and on the fixture
box and all fixture labels.
Proper grounding is required to ensure safety.
Power must be turned off at the breaker before installation or maintenance.
Installation, service, and maintenance of luminaires should be performed by a qualified licensed
Wear gloves and eye protection at all times while installing, servicing, or performing maintenance
on the luminaire, and avoid direct eye exposure to the light source while it is on.
Do not install damaged product. Inspect luminaire for damage that may have occurred during
transit. If damaged, contact the manufacturer immediately.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide every
possible contingency to meet in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser’s or owner’s purposes, contact the manufacturer.
Antes de instalar, reparar o realizar el mantenimiento de rutina de este equipo, siga estas
precauciones generales.
Para reducir el riesgo de muerte, lesiones personales o daños a la propiedad por fuego, descarga
eléctrica, caída de piezas, cortes / abrasiones y otros peligros, lea todas las advertencias y
instrucciones incluidas con y en la caja del dispositivo y todas las etiquetas del dispositivo.
Se requiere una conexión a tierra adecuada para garantizar la seguridad.
Se debe apagar la energía en el disyuntor antes de la instalación o el mantenimiento.
La instalación, el servicio y el mantenimiento de las luminarias deben ser realizados por un
electricista autorizado y calificado.
Utilice guantes y protección para los ojos en todo momento durante la instalación, el servicio o el
mantenimiento de la luminaria, y evite la exposición directa de los ojos a la fuente de luz mientras
está encendida.
No instale un producto dañado. Inspeccione la luminaria en busca de daños que puedan haber
ocurrido durante el tránsito. Si está dañado, comuníquese con el fabricante de inmediato.
Estas instrucciones no pretenden cubrir todos los detalles o variaciones en el equipo ni proporcionar
todas las posibles contingencias a cumplir en relación con la instalación, operación o mantenimiento.
Si desea obtener más información o si surgen problemas particulares que no están suficientemente
cubiertos para los propósitos del comprador o propietario, comuníquese con el fabricante.
Avant d'installer, d'entretenir ou d'effectuer une maintenance de routine sur cet équipement,
veuillez suivre ces précautions nérales.
972-535-0926 | | ver 052122
Pour réduire le risque de décès, de blessures corporelles ou de dommages matériels dus à un
incendie, un choc électrique, des chutes de pièces, des coupures/abrasions et d'autres dangers, lisez
tous les avertissements et les instructions inclus avec et sur la boîte du luminaire et toutes les
étiquettes des luminaires.
Une mise à la terre appropriée est requise pour assurer la sécurité.
L'alimentation doit être coupée au niveau du disjoncteur avant l'installation ou l'entretien de cet
L'installation, l'entretien et la maintenance des luminaires doivent être effectués par un électricien
qualifié et agréé.
Portez des gants et des lunettes de protection à tout moment lors de l'installation, de l'entretien ou
de la maintenance du luminaire, et évitez de regarder directement la source lumineuse lorsqu'elle
est allumée.
N'installez pas de produit endommagé. Inspectez le luminaire pour vérifier s’il présente des
dommages qui ont pu se produire pendant le transport. S'il est endommagé, contactez
immédiatement le fabricant.
Ces instructions ne prétendent pas couvrir tous les détails ou variations de l'équipement ni fournir
toutes les éventualités possibles que vous pourriez rencontrer en rapport avec l'installation,
l'exploitation ou la maintenance. Si vous souhaitez des informations supplémentaires ou si des
problèmes particuliers surviennent et qu’ils ne sont pas suffisamment couverts pour les besoins de
l'acheteur ou du propriétaire, contactez le fabricant.
If the track is suspended from the ceiling, a Pendant Assembly Kit is required.
If the track is joined with other tracks, they must be reinforced where the track and connector join.
To avoid the risk of fire or short, do not use the connectors and end cap without busbar stoppers.
Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect
Do not install this track in damp or wet locations.
Do not cut any track sections unless you have the proper tool for that purpose.
Do not install any part of a track system less than 5 feet above the floor.
Do not install any fixture assembly closer than 6 inches from curtains, drapes or other combustible materials.
Switch off the power at the electrical panel before adding to or changing the configuration of the track.
Do not attempt to energize anything other than the track heads on the track, including power tools, extension
cords or appliances.
972-535-0926 | | ver 052122
Do not connect a one-circuit track to more than one branch circuit. Use two-circuit track to independently
control different track heads on the same track.
Before installing the track heads, make sure the copper conductors are in the desired position.
To use the track heads on a one-circuit track, the copper conductor on the top of the track head must be in the
lower position. For two-circuit lighting, the copper conductor should be in the lower position for one-circuit and
raised for the second circuit. To position the conductor, gently push down or pull up.
Two-circuit track systems are designed for use when two separately controlled circuits are needed on one
section of track. Each circuit is rated for 2400 watts and will allow you to control two individual sets of fixtures.
When mounted on a two-circuit track, some track head conductors can be positioned up while others are
positioned down to achieve use of both circuits.
Two-circuit track systems are designed for use when two separately controlled circuits are needed on one
section of track. Each circuit is rated for 2400 watts and will allow you to control two individual sets of fixtures.
Installation Instructions Track
1. Place the track over the outlet box and mark the position of the track’s mounting holes on the mounting surface.
2. Drill 5/8” mounting holes. Refer to the Installation InstructionsCutting the Track for more details.
3. The underside of the track faces the mounting surface and the slotted side of the track faces out to accept the
track heads.
4. Install the track to the mounting surface using the provided toggle bolts. If mounting to a wood surface, use #10
wood screws (not included).
972-535-0926 | | ver 052122
Installation Instructions Drilling the Track
1. Track must be drilled prior to installation to the mounting surface. Do not attempt to drill any track section while
mounted and connected to power.
2. Make sure the track is firmly secured before drilling.
3. Use a maximum 1/4” drill bit and drill at locations as follows:
a. A single section of track that is 4 feet or less in length is to be provided with one mounting opening
spaced a maximum of 6 inches from each end of track section. Additional openings may be provided.
b. A single section of track that is greater than 4 feet in length is to be provided with one mounting opening
spaced a maximum of 12 inches from each end of track section with additional with additional openings
being provided a minimum of every 4 feet along the length of the track section.
4. Remove all burrs after drilling.
5. Any standard bolt may be inserted to secure the track to any drywall foldout locking nut or hardware locking the
track to a Pendant Rod.
Installation Instructions Cutting the Track
1. Track must be cut prior to installation to the mounting surface. Do not attempt to cut any track section while
mounted and connected to power.
2. Make sure the track is firmly secured before cutting.
3. Use a circular saw or hand saw with fine teeth to cut the track. If any burrs develop, remove the burrs using a
metal file.
4. Pull all copper conductors 1/4” out of the cut end of the track. Cut the conductors using wire cutters or shears.
5. Slide the conductors back into the track leaving a minimum of 1/4” space between the end of the track and the
start of the copper conductors.
6. Cut back a maximum of 1/3” or minimum of 1/5” of busbar insulation.
7. Install a power connector or end cap to the cut end of the track.
Installation InstructionsTrack Heads
Turn power off from the electrical panel before starting installation.
Pull down the conductor cowling and insert the copper conductor into the track.
Rotate 90° and lock into place.
o NOTE: The polarity line on the track head must align with polarity line on the track.
To remove the track head, pull the conductor cowling down and rotate the track head 90°.
972-535-0926 | | ver 052122