Logan 424-1, 440-1 Le manuel du propriétaire

  • J'ai lu le manuel d'instructions du Couteau à passe-partout LOGAN. Je suis prêt à répondre à vos questions sur ce couteau et ses fonctionnalités. Le manuel explique comment utiliser le couteau à passe-partout pour couper le carton de passe-partout et le carton mousse de manière appropriée en utilisant ses réglages et en expliquant les problèmes courants pouvant survenir lors de la coupe.
  • Comment puis-je ajuster la profondeur de la lame sur le couteau à biseau ?
    Que dois-je utiliser pour empêcher les bords bruts lors d'une coupe en biseau ?
    Que dois-je faire si je ne coupe pas complètement le carton de passe-partout ?
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
L405N rev 1 3-12
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Trouble Shooting
Bevel Cut has a Rough Edge
1. You may need to change your blade more often. Dull blades drag
through the mat instead of cut.
2. Change your Slip Sheet. Cutting over the same area on the Slip
Sheet repeatedly can cause rough cuts.
Not Cutting Through the Mat
1. Keep even downward pressure on the Chrome Blade Holder
throughout the cut. Letting pressure off will allow the blade to
come out of the mat.
2. Check your blade depth. Insufficient blade depth can result in un-
dercut mats.To adjust the blade depth on the Bevel Cutter, turn the
screw on the underside of the cutting head clockwise to decrease
or counter-clockwise to increase the amount of the exposed blade.
Overcuts In Corners
1. Check your blade depth. Extra blade depth can cause the blade
tip to cut past the marked lines producing an overcut. Using the
recessed screw on the bottom of the Bevel Cutter, adjust the blade
tip to allow for 1/8” exposure. The blade should just score into the
surface of the Slip Sheet.
To adjust the blade depth on the Bevel Cutter, turn the screw on
the underside of the cutting head clockwise to decrease or coun-
ter-clockwise to increase the amount of the exposed blade.
Hooks or Curves in Cut
1. Check your blade depth. Extra blade depth can cause the blade tip
to flare out producing a hook or curve. Using the recessed screw
on the bottom of the Bevel Cutter, adjust the blade tip to allow for
1/8” exposure. The blade should just score into the surface of the
Slip Sheet. To adjust the blade depth on the Bevel Cutter, turn the
screw on the underside of the cutting head clockwise to decrease or
counter-clockwise to increase the amount of the exposed blade.
2. Change the blade. A dull blade willare out causing a hook or curve.
A NOTE ON BLADES: No two blades will have the same lifespan. Al-
ways start with a new blade before each project to ensure best results.
Fig. 3
Insertion des lames
1. Couteau à passe-partout
Retirer une lame du paquet de 5, Retirer l’écrou et la plaque
du couvercle. Aligner le trou de la lame sur les filetages.
S’assurer que le côté coupant est sur la courbe du manche.
Ré-assembler la plaque du couvercle. Régler la lame sur l’un
de ces trois réglages : passe-partout/planche de mousse à
double épaisseur (complètement déployé), standard (réglage
intermédiaire) ou réglage de sécurité (complètement rétracté).
Serrer l’écrou pour verrouiller en place.
2. Couteau à biseau
Retirer la vis maintenant la lame de l’avant du couteau à
biseau. Retirer une lame du paquet de 5. Faire glisser la lame
vers le bas sur l’AVANT du support de lame chromé (bord
tranchant vers le bas) jusqu’à ce que l’angle inférieur droit de
la lame entre dans la fente à lame et que le trou de la lame
s’aligne avec celui du support de lame chromé. Remettre la
vis maintenant la lame dans le trou et la resserrer.
Mode D’emploi Modèle 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Planche díappui
3. Pré-découpage
Maintenir le rail fermement en place avec votre main gauche.
Maintenir le couteau verticalement de la main droite de
sorte que la poignée soit à 45° en plaçant l’extrémité contre
la règle. Fig 2. Lors de la découpe à travers une feuille de
passe-partout, engager simplement la lame au-delà du bord
supérieur de la planche et tirer le couteau à passe-partout
complètement à travers.
4. Découpe
Tirer le couteau à passe-partout vers soi le long de la règle en
maintenant une pression de contact sur la règle et une pres-
sion descendante sur le couteau à passe-partout Fig. 3
AVERTISSEMENT ! Faire attention à éviter que le passe-
partout ne «saute» pas vers l’utilisateur lorsque le couteau
atteint l’extrémité du passe-partout.
Fig. 4
Attention !! Les lames du couteau à passe partout
sont tranchantes
Couteau à passe-partout
Découpe d’une planche à la dimension souhaitée
Le couteau à passe-partout est utilisé pour tailler un
passe-partout ou une planche de mousse aux dimensions
extérieures souhaitées. Le couteau est pourvu de trois
réglages comme précédemment mentionné : sécurité, simple
épaisseur et double épaisseur ou planche de mousse.
1. Utiliser une feuille d’appui
Avant la découpe, s’assurer de placer une feuille d’appui,
faite d’une chute de passe-partout de la même taille ou plus
grande que le morceau à découper, sous le passe-partout
à découper. Pour le moment, utiliser un des 10 morceaux
fournis dans la boîte. La feuille d’appui assure l’espace
nécessaire à la lame pour éviter qu’elle ne coupe la surface
sur laquelle la découpe est effectuée et contribue aussi à
stabiliser la lame pour obtenir des coupes droites et nettes.
2. Mesure
Tracer des lignes au crayon au verso du passe-partout aux
dimensions souhaitées. Placer le côté profilé du bord du rail
le long du côté gauche de la ligne au crayon. Fig. 1
Couteau à biseau
Découpe d’un passe-partout simple
1. En utilisant le côté gradué de la règle, marquer le verso du
passe-partout pour le bord exact souhaité.
2. Placer le passe-partout face vers le bas sur la feuille d’appui.
Placer la règle EXACTEMENT sur la bordure gauche de sorte
que le bord extérieur du profilé soit aligné le long de la ligne au
crayon. Fig. 4. S’assurer que le plus gros du passe-partout est
du côté droit de la règle. Le fait d’avoir le passe-partout du côté
gauche de la règle provoque l’inversion de la coupe en biseau.
Fixer le couteau à biseau 302 sur la règle en ajustant les guides
de nylon noir sur le bord relevé du profilé. Positionner le couteau
à passe-partout de sorte que la ligne argentée soit alignée avec
la ligne inférieure d’intersection tracée au crayon. Fig. 5
3. Maintenir de la main gauche une pression descendante sur la
règle. Placer le pouce de la main droite sur l’emplacement prévu
à cet effet sur le support de lame rétractable et insérer la lame
dans le passe-partout.
4. Tout en maintenant une pression descendante sur le support de
la lame, faire glisser le couteau à biseau à l’écart de soi jusqu’à
ce que sa ligne argentée croise la ligne au crayon supérieure.
S’assurer de maintenir une pression descendante constante.
Fig. 6
5. Utiliser le pouce pour ramener le support de lame en position
relevée afin de retirer la lame du passe-partout. Répéter ces
étapes pour les trois côtés restants. Félicitations! Le premier
passe-partout est coupé.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Problèmes et Solutions
La découpe en biseau présente un bord brut
1. Il peut être nécessaire de remplacer la lame plus fréquemment.
Les lames émoussées arrachent le passe-partout au lieu de le
2. Remplacer la feuille d’appui. Le fait de couper sur la même sur-
face de feuille d’appui de façon répétée peut rendre la découpe
Ne coupe pas au travers le passe-partout
1. Maintenir une pression descendante constante sur le support
de lame chromé tout au long de la coupe. Le fait de relâcher la
pression permet à la lame de sortir du passe-partout.
Coupes excessives dans les coins
1. Vérifier la profondeur de la lame. Une profondeur de lame
supplémentaire peut provoquer le dépassement des lignes de
repère par l’extrémité de la lame, entraînant une coupe exces-
sive. En utilisant la vis dans le renfoncement au bas du couteau
à biseau, régler l’extrémide la lame pour que 1/8 de pouce en
soit visible. La lame doit juste entailler la surface de la feuille
Entailles ou courbes dans la coupe
1. Vérifier la profondeur de la lame. Une profondeur de lame ex-
cessive peut provoquer un arrondi de la lame produisant une
entaille ou une courbe. En utilisant la vis dans le renfoncement
au bas du couteau à biseau, régler l’extrémité de la lame pour
que 1/8 de pouce en soit visible. La lame doit juste entailler la
surface de la feuille d’appui.
2. Remplacer la lame. Une lame émoussée cause un arrondi pro-
voquant une entaille ou une courbe.
Deux lames n’auront jamais la même durée de vie. Toujours com-
mencer avec une lame neuve avant chaque projet pour garantir les
meilleurs résultats.
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Insertar las Cuchillas
1. Cuchilla para láminas perimétricas
Quite una cuchilla del paquete de 5. Quite la tuerca y la placa
de la cubierta. Alinee el orificio de la cuchilla sobre la rosca.
Asegúrese de que el borde afilado de la cuchilla esté sobre la
curva en la manija. Vuelva a montar la placa de la cubierta.
Ajuste la cuchilla a uno de tres ajustes: Tablero de lámina
perimétrica de doble grosor / tablero de espuma (completa-
mente extendido), estándar (ajuste del centro) o ajuste de
seguridad (completamente contraído). Apriete la tuerca para
asegurar en su lugar.
2. Cortador de Bisel
Quite el Tornillo de Sujeción de la Cuchilla del frente del Cor-
tador de Bisel. Quite una cuchilla del paquete de 5 cuchillas.
Deslice la cuchilla hacia el FRENTE del sujetador cromado de
la cuchilla. (El borde filudo hacia abajo) hasta que la esquina
de la mano derecha de la cuchilla entre en la ranura de la
cuchilla y el orificio en la cuchilla se alinee con el orificio en
el sujetador cromado de la cuchilla. Reemplace el Tornillo
Sujetador de la Cuchilla en el orificio y vuélvalo a apretar.
Manual de Instrucción y Operación Modelo 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
L405N 1/10
3. Zuschnitt
Halten Sie die Schiene mit Ihrer linken Hand fest und halten
Sie mit der rechten Hand das Messer vertikal, dass der Griff
in einem 45 Grad Winkel ist und die Spitze an der geraden
Kante anliegt. Abb. 2. Wenn sie einen Passepartoutkarton
schneiden, setzen Sie die Klinge einfach an der Kante des
Passepartouts an und ziehen das Messer vollkommen durch
den Karton.
4. Schneiden
Ziehen Sie das Passepartoutmesser geradlinig auf Sie zu und
üben Sie dabei Druck aus. Abb. 3.
WARNUNG! Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie ans Ende des
Passepartouts kommen, damit das Messer nicht auf Sie
Cuchilla para láminas perimétricas
Corte de un Tablero a Medida
La cuchilla para láminas perimétricas se utiliza para recortar
tableros de lámina perimétrica o tableros de espuma a
medida para las dimensiones exteriores. El cuchillo tiene tres
ajustes según lo mencionado arriba: seguridad, simple grosor
y doble grosor o tablero de espuma.
1. Utilice una Hoja de Respaldo
Antes de cortar, asegúrese de utilizar una hoja de respaldo de
tablero de lámina perimétrica de desecho del mismo tamaño
o más grande que la pieza que va a cortar, debajo del tablero
de lámina perimétrica que va a cortar. Por ahora utilice una
de las 10 piezas provistas en la caja. La Hoja de respaldo pro-
vee un lugar para que vaya la punta de la cuchilla de modo de
no cortar la superficie donde está cortando y también ayuda a
estabilizar la cuchilla para conseguir cortes rectos nítidos.
2. Medición
Dibuje líneas del lápiz en el dorso del tablero de lámina
perimétrica al tamaño deseado. Ponga el lado del canal del
borde del carril a lo largo del lado izquierdo de la línea de
lápiz. Fig. 1
Cortador de Bisel
Corte de una Sola Lámina Perimétrica
1. Utilizando el lado del borde recto de la escala, marque el dorso
de la lámina perimétrica para el borde exacto que usted desea.
2. Coloque la lámina perimétrica cara abajo sobre la Hoja de
respaldo. Ponga el Borde Recto EXACTAMENTE sobre la franja
de la mano izquierda para alinear el borde exterior del canal a
lo largo de la línea de lápiz. Fig 4. Asegúrese que el bulto de la
lámina perimétrica esté al lado de la mano derecha del borde
recto. Tener la lámina perimétrica al lado izquierdo del borde
recto daría lugar a un corte invertido del cartabón. Enganche el
Cortador de Bisel 302 sobre el borde recto encajando las guías
de nylon negro sobre el borde levantado del canal. Coloque
el cortador de lámina perimétrica de modo que la línea del
indicador de plata se alinee con la línea a lápiz de abajo que
interseca. Fig. 5
3. Mantenga la presión hacia abajo en el Borde Recto con su
mano izquierda. Coloque el pulgar de su mano derecha en el
rebaje para el pulgar del Sujetador de la Cuchilla retractable y
hunda la cuchilla en la lámina perimétrica.
4. Manteniendo la presión hacia abajo en el Sujetador de la
cuchilla, deslice el Cortador de Bisel lejos de usted hasta que
la línea de plata en ella se intercepte con la línea de lápiz su-
perior. Asegúrese de mantener la presión uniforme hacia abajo.
Fig. 6
5. Utilice su pulgar para tirar del sujetador de la cuchilla de vuelta
a la posición alta de modo que se extraiga la cuchilla de la
lámina perimétrica. Repita estos pasos para los tres lados
restantes. ¡Felicitaciones! Usted acaba de cortar su primera
lámina perimétrica.
¡¡Precaución!! Las Cuchillas de Corte de Lámina
Perimétrica son Filudas
Tablero de Respaldo
Tablero de lámina perimétrica
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Abb. 4
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Solución de Fallas
El corte de Bisel tiene un Borde Áspero
1. Puede necesitar cambiar su cuchilla más a menudo. Las cuchillas
romas arrastran a través la lámina perimétrica en vez de cortarla.
2. Cambie su Hoja de Respaldo. Cortar en varias ocasiones sobre la
misma área en la Hoja de Respaldo puede causar cortes desiguales.
No Cortar a Través la Lámina perimétrica
1. Mantenga presión uniforme hacia abajo sobre el Sujetador
Cromado de la Cuchilla a través del corte. Disminuir la presión
permitirá que la cuchilla se salga de la lámina perimétrica.
Cortes Excesivos en las Esquinas
1. Compruebe la profundidad de su cuchilla. La profundidad adi-
cional de la cuchilla puede causar que la punta de la cuchilla
corte más allá de las líneas marcadas produciendo un corte
excesivo. Utilizando al tornillo hundido en la parte baja del Cor-
tador de Bisel, ajuste la punta de la cuchilla para permitir 1/8
expuesta. La cuchilla debe apenas marcar la superficie de la
Hoja de respaldo.
Ganchos o Curvas en el Corte
1. Compruebe la profundidad de su cuchilla. La profundidad adi-
cional de la cuchilla puede hacer que la punta de la cuchilla
se expanda produciendo un gancho o una curva. Utilizando al
tornillo a ras en la parte baja del Cortador de Bisel, ajuste la
punta de la cuchilla para dejarla expuesta 1/8”. La cuchilla
debe apenas marcar la superficie de la Hoja de respaldo.
2. Cambie la Cuchilla. Una cuchilla roma se expandirá causando
un gancho o una curva.
No hay dos cuchillas que tengan la misma duración de vida útil.
Comience siempre con una cuchilla nueva antes de cada proyecto
para asegurar los mejores resultados.
Fig. 3
Fig. 2
Einlegen der Klingen
1. Passepartoutmesser
Nehmen Sie eine Klinge aus dem 5er-Pack. Entfernen Sie die
Mutter und Abdeckplatte. Legen Sie das Klingenloch über das
Gewinde. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass sich die scharfe Kante
der Klinge über der Krümmung im Griff befindet. Bringen Sie
die Abdeckplatte wieder an. Bringen Sie die Klinge in eine der
drei Einstellungen: Doppeldickes Passepartout/Foamboard
(voll gestreckt), Standard (mittlere Einstellung) oder Sicher-
heitseinstellung (voll eingezogen). Ziehen Sie die Mutter fest.
2. Schneider für Schrägschnitte
Entfernen Sie die Klingenschraube von der Vorderseite des
Schneiders für Schrägschnitte. Nehmen Sie eine Klinge
aus dem 5er Pack. Schieben Sie die Klinge nach unten zur
VORDERSEITE des Chrom-Klingenmagazins (scharfe Kante
nach unten), bis die untere rechte Ecke der Klinge im Klingen-
schlitz ist und das Loch in der Klinge an derselben Stelle ist
wie das Loch im Klingenmagazin. Stecken Sie die Schraube
wieder ein und ziehen Sie sie fest.
Bedienungsanleitung Modell 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Zuschneiden eines Kartons
Das Passepartoutmesser wird zum Zuschneiden von Passepar-
toutkarton oder Foamboard auf die Außenmaße verwendet.
Das Messer hat, wie bereits oben erwähnt, drei Einstel-
lungen: Sicherheitseinstellung, einfache Dicke und doppelte
Dicke, oder Foamboard.
1. Verwenden Sie einen Unterlagekarton
Vergewissern Sie sich vor dem Schneiden, dass Sie ein Stück
Unterlagekarton unter das Passepartout legen, das mindesens
so groß ist wie das Passepartout. Verwenden Sie einfach
einen der 10 Kartons aus der Schachtel. Der Unterlagekarton
sorgt dafür, dass die Klingenspitze nicht in die Oberfläche sch-
neidet, auf der Sie schneiden und dass die Klinge für gerade
Schnitte stabilisiert wird.
2. Messen
Ziehen Sie auf der Rückseite des Passepartoutkartons Linien
in der gewünschten Größe. Legen Sie die Kanalseite der Füh-
rungsschiene an der linken Seite der Bleistiftlinie an. Abb.1
3. Zuschnitt
Halten Sie die Schiene mit Ihrer linken Hand fest und halten
Sie mit der rechten Hand das Messer vertikal, dass der Griff
in einem 45 Grad Winkel ist und die Spitze an der geraden
Kante anliegt. Abb. 2. Wenn sie einen Passepartoutkarton
schneiden, setzen Sie die Klinge einfach an der Kante des
Passepartouts an und ziehen das Messer vollkommen durch
den Karton.
4. Schneiden
Ziehen Sie das Passepartoutmesser geradlinig auf Sie zu und
üben Sie dabei Druck aus. Abb. 3.
WARNUNG! Seien Sie vorsichtig, wenn Sie ans Ende des
Passepartouts kommen, damit das Messer nicht auf Sie
Schneider für Schrägschnitte
Schneiden eines einzelnen Passepartouts
1. Markieren Sie das Passepartout mit der Skalenseite der
geraden Kante für den von Ihnen gewünschten Rand.
2. Legen Sie das Passepartout mit der Vorderseite nach unten
auf den Unterlagekarton. Legen Sie das Lineal GENAU auf
den linken Rand, damit die äußere Kante des Kanals auf
der Bleistiftlinie liegt. Abb.4. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass
der größte Teil des Passepartouts auf der rechten Seite des
Lineals ist. Wenn der größte Teil des Passepartouts auf der
linken Seite ist, erhalten Sie einen umgekehrten Schräg-
schnitt. Bringen Sie den Schneider 302 am Lineal an, indem,
Sie die schwarzen Nylon-Führungen über die gehobene Kante
des Kanals legen. Positionieren Sie den Schneider so, dass
die silberfarbene Linie an der unteren Schnittlinie anliegt.
3. Drücken Sie mit Ihrer linken Hand auf das Lineal. Legen Sie
den Daumen Ihrer rechten Hand auf die Daumeneinkerbung
auf dem einziehbaren Klingenmagazin und stecken Sie die
Klinge in das Passepartout.
4. Drücken Sie auf das Magazin und schieben Sie den Sch-
neider von sich weg, bis die silberfarbene Linie die obere
Bleistiftlinie schneidet. Üben Sie weiterhin Druck aus. Abb. 6
5. Ziehen Sie mit dem Daumen das Magazin zurück, damit die
Klinge aus dem Passepartout gezogen wird. Wiederholen
Sie diese Schritte für die restlichen drei Seiten. Herzlichen
Glückwunsch! Sie haben gerade Ihr erstes Passepartout
Vorsicht!! Passepartout-Schneideklingen sind scharf!
Abb. 2
Abb. 3
Abb. 6
Abb. 4
Abb. 5
Abb. 1
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
Inserting Blades
1. Mat Knife
Remove one blade from pack of 5. Remove nut and Cover
Plate. Align blade hole over thread. Be sure sharp edge of
blade is facing downward. Reassemble Cover Plate. Adjust
blade to double thick, standard or safety setting. Tighten nut
to lock in place.
2. Bevel Cutter
Remove the Blade Holding Screw from the front of the Bevel
Cutter. Remove one blade from the package of 5. Slide the
blade down onto the FRONT of the chrome Blade Holder,
sharp edge down, until the bottom right hand corner of the
blade enters into the Blade Slot and the hole in the blade
lines up with the hole in the chrome Blade Holder. Replace
Blade Holding Screw in hole and re-tighten.
Instruction Manual Model 424-1 | 440-1
Team System Plus
Logan Graphic Products Inc., 1100 Brown Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 847-526-5515 www.logangraphic.com
Slip Sheet
Mat Knife
Cutting a Board to Size
The Mat Knife is used for trimming matboard or foamboard
to size for the outside dimensions. The Mat Knife has three
settings: Double thick mat board/foam board (fully extended),
standard (middle setting) or safety setting (fully retracted).
1. Use a Slip Sheet
Before cutting, be sure to use a slip sheet of scrap matboard
the same size or larger than the piece you are going to cut
underneath the matboard you will be cutting. The slip sheet
provides a place for the blade tip to go so it won’t cut into the
surface you are cutting on and also helps stabilize the blade
to get nice straight cuts.
2. Measuring
Draw pencil lines on back of matboard at desired size. Place
the channel side of the rail edge along the left side of the
pencil line. Fig. 1
Caution!! Mat Cutting Blades are Sharp
3. Precut
Hold the rail firmly in place with your left hand. With your right
hand hold the Mat Knife vertical so that the handle is at a 45
degree angle putting the tip against the Straight Edge. Fig. 2
If you are cutting across a sheet of matboard, simply start the
blade beyond the top edge of the board and pull the Mat Knife
completely through.
4. Cutting
Draw the Mat Knife toward you along the Straight Edge
keeping constant pressure on the Straight Edge and downward
pressure on the Mat Knife. Fig. 2
WARNING! Be careful when knife reaches the end of the
mat so that it does not ”jump” toward you.
Bevel Cutter
Cutting a Single Mat
1. Using the scale side of Straight Edge, mark the back of the
mat for the exact border you want.
2. Place the mat face down on the Slip Sheet. Place the Straight
Edge EXACTLY on the left hand border so that the outside
edge of the channel is lined up along the pencil line. Fig. 4
Make sure that the bulk of the mat is to the right hand side
of the Straight Edge. Having the mat on the left side of the
Straight Edge will result in a reversed bevel cut. Attach the
302 Bevel Cutter to the straight edge by fitting the black
nylon guides over the raised edge of the channel. Position the
Mat Cutter so that the silver indicator line lines up with the
bottom intersecting pencil line. Fig. 5
3. Hold downward pressure on the Straight Edge with your left
hand. Place the thumb of your right hand on the thumb divot
on the retractable Blade Holder and plunge the blade into the
4. Keeping downward pressure on the Blade Holder, slide
the Bevel Cutter away from you until the silver line on it
intersects with the upper pencil line. Be sure to keep even
downward pressure. Fig. 6
5. Use your thumb to pull the Blade Holder back into the up
position so the blade is removed from the mat. Repeat these
steps for the remaining three sides. Congratulations! You
have just cut your first mat.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 1
gliche Fehlerquellen und ihre Behebungt
Schrägschnitt weist eine rauhe Kante auf
1. Sie müssen möglicherweise die Klinge häufiger auswech-
seln. Stumpfe Klingen reißen durch das Passepartout
anstatt es zu durchschneiden.
2. Verwenden Sie einen neuen Unterlagekarton. Wenn Sie immer
mit demselben Unterlagekarton schneiden, können die Schnitte
unsauber werden.
Kein Schnitt durch das Passepartout
1. Drücken Sie auf das Chrom-Klingenmagazin beim Scheniden.
Wenn Sie weniger Druck ausüben, kann die Klinge aus dem
Karton rutschen.
Überschnitt an Ecken
1. Prüfen Sie Ihre Klingentiefe. Wenn die Klinge zu tief eindringt,
kann das dazu führen, dass die Klingenspitze über die Linien
hinausschneiden und einen Überschnitt erzeugen. Stellen Sie
die Klingenspitze mit der Senkschraube an der Unterseite des
Schneiders ein, damit ca. 3 mm hervorstehen. Die Klinge darf die
Oberfläche des Unterlagekartons nur berühren.
Haken oder Krümmungen im Schnitt
1. Prüfen Sie Ihre Klingentiefe. Wenn die Klinge zu sehr hervor-
steht, kann die Klingenspitze verbogen werden und Haken oder
Krümmungen schneiden. Stellen Sie die Klingenspitze mit der
Senkschraube an der Unterseite des Schneiders ein, damit ca.
3 mm hervorstehen. Die Klinge darf die Oberfläche des Unter-
lagekartons nur berühren.
2. Wechseln Sie die Klinge. Eine stumpfe Klinge vebiegt sich und
führt zu Haken und Krümmungen.
Keine zwei Klingen haben dieselbe Lebens dauer. Verwenden Sie
für jedes Projekt eine neue Klinge, um beste Ergebnisse zu erzielen.