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ϵϬϬͬϱϵϬ ̥̥͘ ʪ̛̣̦̌ ̛ ̛̛̹̬̦̌ ̥̯̬̭̌̌̌ ̨̣̙̦̼̔ ̼̯̍̽ ̡̛̛̯̥͕̌ ̸̨̯̼̍ ̡̨̛̥̭̥̣̦̖̌̌̽
x ʪ̵̵̸̨̨̡̨̨̨̨̡̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̖̬̙̯̖̖̣̖̣̯̙̙̖̦̦̼̭̬̖̯͕̯̬̼̯̦̬̱̭̯̦̔̏̔̌̌̐̌̐̐́̔̐̏̚̚
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x ʻʫ ̨̛̭̪̣̱̜̯̖̽̚ ̡̨̡̬̯̱͕̏̌ ̛̖̭̣ ̡̡̛̖̌-̨̛̣̍ ̛̖̯̣̔̌ ̨̯̭̱̯̭̯̱̯͕̏̀ ̨̪̬̖̙̖̦̼̏̔ ̛̛̣
̨̭̣̥̦̼̌͘ ʿ̛̬ ̵̨̨̨̛̛̦̖̥̭̯̍̔ ̨̬̺̜̯̖̭̍̌̌̽ ̏ ʺʽʻʰ ˃ˀʫʱʪ ʽʽʪ ̌̚ ̸̛̪̭̯̥̌̌́̚ ̛
x ʰ̚-̌̚ ̴̶̡̛̛̱̦ ̸̡̛̦̌̌́ ̡̨̡̬̯̱̏̌ ̭̣̖̱̖̯̔ ̨̬̭̪̣̯̌̌̐̌̽ ̡̛̯̥̌ ̨̨̬̥͕̍̌̚ ̸̨̯̼̍
x ʰ̨̨̛̭̪̣̦̖̽̏̌̚ ̡̨̖̯̭̜̔ ̡̨̡̛̬̯̏̌ ̭ ̴̶̡̛̱̦̖̜ ̴̶̡̛̛̭ͨ̌́ ̡ ̨̡̨̛̬̯̖̣̭̜̔̽ ̡̨̛̬̯̏̌ͩ
̨̡̪̱̭̖̯̭̔̌́ ̨̡̨̯̣̽ ̨̭ ̭̯̦̬̯̦̼̥̌̔̌ ̨̛̯̪̥ ̡̨̛̬̯̏̌ ̛̛̛̣ͬ ̨̥̯̬̭̥̌̌ ̭ ̛̪̬̥̼̥́
̡̛̭̯̖̦̥̌͘ ʰ̨̨̛̭̪̣̦̖̽̏̌̚ ̛̛̖̣̔́̚ ̭ ̡̛̬̱̣̼̥̐ ̡̨̛̬̯̥̏̌́ ̛̛̛̣ͬ ̛̥̯̬̭̥͕̌̌̌
x ʦʻʰʺʤʻʰʫ͊ ʻ̖ ̨̛̭̪̣̱̜̯̖̽̚ ̴̶̡̛̱̦̀ ̨̡̨̡̛̛̣̬̍̏ ̡̨̡̛̬̯͕̏̌ ̛̖̭̣ ̨̼̭̯̏̌ ̹̖̜̏̌
x ʪ̡̡̨̡̨̡̨̨̡̨̨̨̛̛̛̛̖̯̭̱̬̯̱͕̭̖̦̖̦̦̱̭̬̯̬̯̖̣̖̜͕̦̦̖̣̭̪̣̯̀̏̌̔̀̏̌̽̀̔̐̔̌̽́̽̏̌̽̚̚
x ʻ̵̨̨̡̨̨̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̖̬̖̱̣̬̱̜̯̖̖̣̖̦̖̪̖̬̖̥̖̺̜̯̖̖͕̪̦̱̯̬̦̯̭̬̖̖̦̐̔̌̐̌̏̌̔́̍̚͘
x ʿ̴̶̨̨̡̨̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̬̭̪̣̦̱̦̪̬̱̯̽̏̌̔̌ͨ̚ʶ̸̡̨̡̨̡̨̨̛̛̛̬̖̪̣̖̦̖̬̯̖̣̭̜̬̯͕̯̼̔̽̏̌ͩ̍
̨̛̪̬̖̯̬̯̯̔̏̌̽ ̡̛̬̭ ̱̱̹̔̽́ ̛̚-̌̚ ̛̺̖̥̣̖̦͕̌́̚ ̡̨̡̬̯̏̌̌ ̨̣̙̦̔̌ ̼̯̍̽ ̨̛̪̬̣̦̌̏̽
x ʦ̨̨̡̨̡̨̨̡̨̛̛̛̛̭̖̭̪̣̱̜̯̖̯̣̭̭̯̖̥̱̬̖̪̣̖̦͕̪̭̯̣̖̥̱̭̯̥̪̬̱̯̥̐̔̌̽̽́̌̏́̀̾̔̚͘
x ʿ̖̬̖̔ ̡̙̼̥̌̔ ̨̨̛̛̭̪̣̦̖̥̽̏̌̚ ̨̪̬̖̬̜̯̖̏́ ̨̦̖̙̦̭̯̌̔̽ ̛̭̭̯̖̥̼ ̡̛̬̖̪̣̖̦͕́
x ʻ̨̡̨̡̨̡̨̡̨̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̖̭̪̣̱̜̯̖̖̣̖͕̖̭̣̥̖̙̱̖̯̭̜̬̯̜̬̯̬̯̖̣̖̜̖̭̯̽̔̔̔̏̌̏̌̽̀̔̽̚̚
x ʯ̨̨̨̡̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̬̼̦̖̭̣̖̱̖̯̪̣̦̯̪̱̹̥͕̖̣̥̣̬̱̥̪̬̖̥̖̯̥̌̔̌́̽̔̌̔́̌̔̐̔̌̚̚͘
x ʦʻʰʺʤʻʰʫ - ˋ̨̯̼̍ ̛̖̙̯̍̌̽̚ ̡̛̬̭̌ ̛̺̖̥̣̖̦̌́̚ ̛̹̖ ̡̬̖̖̦̍̌ ̵̖̬̦̖̜̏ ̨̬̥̜̌
x ʿˀʫʪ˄ʿˀʫʮʪʫʻʰʫ͘ʦ̴̶̨̡̨̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̖̙̦̖̬̭̱̱̹̖̦̹̖̬̖̖̦̭̭̯̖̥̱̭̍̌̌̔́̏̌̐̍̌̌̚
x ʽʿʤˁʻʽˁ˃ː͊ʦ̶̨̨̨̡̨̡̨̡̛̛̭̖̪̣̦̭̯̪̦̥̜̯̖̼̪̺̱̭̯̬̦̱͕̬̯̐̔̌̽̀̔̌̏̌̔̌̀̀̌̐̔̌̏̌̌
x ˁ̨̡̬̱͕̍ ̡̛̬̭̣̼̦̖̌̌̔̏̌ ̛ ̡̛̭̣̼̦̖̌̔̏̌ ̛̛̖̣̔́̚ ̨̣̙̖̦̔ ̨̨̛̛̪̬̯̏̔̽̚ ˃ʽʸːʶʽ
x ʻ̨̨̖̪̣̜̯̖̖̯̥̥̣̹̖̏́̔́̌̔̚ϯ̨̨̨̨̡̨̨̛̛̛̣̖̯̪̬̭̱̯̭̯̯̪̖̬̖̪̣̦̜̭̬̜̖̣̏̏̌̽̔̍̔́̏̚
x ʸ̀̍̌́ ̡̨̛̪̣̭̯̌̏̌́ ̡̨̡̱̪̌̏̌ ̨̣̙̦̔̌ ̼̯̍̽ ̱̣̖̦͕̔̌̌ ̸̨̛̱̦̯̙̖̦̌ ̛̛̣ ̵̛̬̦̯̭̌̽́ ̏
x ʻ̖ ̨̛̦̭̯̖̏ ̵̡̡̛̛̦̌ ̛̛̥̖̦̖̦̜̚ ̛ ̸̛̱̣̱̹̖̦̜ ̏ ̶̡̨̡̛̦̭̯̬̱̀ ̡̨̡̛̬̯͕̏̌ ̡̯̌ ̡̡̌ ̨̯̾
ʦʤʮʻʽ͊ ʪ̛̬̥̥̼̌̐̌ ̡̛̛̛̬̭̱̦̏ ̶̨̡̨̡̨̛̛̛̯̜̦̭̯̬̱̣̯̭̯̣̾́̏́̀́̽ ̛̛̛̛̣̣̭̯̬̯̦̼̥̀̌̏
ʶ̨̨̥̪̦̖̦̯̼- ̶̛̛̣̣̭̯̬̀̌́
̨̭̯̱̪̦̼̔: ˃̨̡̨̡̛̖̣̬̯͖̏̌Ϯ͘ʺ̯̬̭̌̌ϯ͘ˁ̡̨̡̛̱̥̣̪̖̬̖̦̭͖̌̔́ϰ͘ʥ̨̡̨̨̡̪̭̯͖̏̌́̔̌̏̌ϱ͘
ʦʻʰʺʤʻʰʫ͊ ˁ̨̨̯̬̐ ̨̭̣̜̯̖̍̀̔̌ ̶̡̛̛̛̛̦̭̯̬̱ ̨̨̨̪̭̣̖̯̖̣̦̭̯̔̏̌̽̽ ̨̡̛̭̬̍ ̛̛̖̣͕̔́̚ ̡̡̌
ʰʻˁ˃ˀ˄ʶˉʰ˔ʿʽ ˁʥʽˀʶʫ ʰ ˑʶˁʿʸ˄ʤ˃ʤˉʰʰ
x When using the product at “Co-sleeping function”, to prevent a suffocation hazard from
entrapment, the bedside sleeper shall be properly secured to the adult bed using the
attachment system.
x Always use the attachment system provided with this product.
x Check the tightness of the attachment system before each use by pulling the bedside
sleeper in a direction away from adult bed.
x If there is any gap between the bedside sleeper and adult bed DO NOT use the product.
x Gaps should not be filled with pillows, blankets or other items.
x WARNING – To avoid hazards from the child’s neck being caught on the top rail on the side
that is next to the adult bed, the top rail must not be higher than the adult bed mattress.
x WARNING – To avoid the risk of your child being strangled the attachment system to the
adult’s bed shall always be kept away from and out of the crib.
x DANGER! Always completely raise the drop side when not attached to the adult’s bed!
x Assemble, unfold and fold the product ONLY by an adult.
x Do not allow children under 3 years of age till fully assemble the product to avoid access to
small and disassembled parts.
x Any plastic cover should be removed , destroyed or kept away from children to avoid
x Do not make any changes or improvements to the design of the crib, as this may damage
the crib and risk injury to the child.
IMPORTANT! The diagrams and figures in this instruction are illustrative and indicative only.
Follow exactly the instructions and sequence for assembling and operating with the product.
Check the securing of the fixation after each operation.
Components - illustration A
After unpacking, make sure that all elements of illustration A are available: Crib basket; Crib
mattress; Carry bag, Side frames (legs); Main support frame; Belts; 4 pcs bolts; 1 tool.
Assembly and operation
ATTENTION! Follow exactly the instructions and sequence for assembling and using the product,
described in the text and illustrations attached to the instructions.
Figure B - Assemble the bed stand by placing the main support frame "C" in the connecting
parts (holes) of the two side frames (legs) "A" and "B" in the direction of the arrows as showed
in the illustration. Each side frame is equipped with two bolts to secure the main support frame
to the bed. Use a hexagon to tighten the bolts clockwise. ATTENTION! Make sure the frame is
tight and stable. This is the supporting part of the crib and ensures the safety of your child.
Figure C - Attach the crib basket to the mounted stand by fixing the connecting part of the
basket frame to the top of the two side frames "A" and "B". The spring pin will snap into place
once it is securely fastened on both sides. CAUTION! Make sure the bolts are tight and the bin
is firmly attached to the crib stand.
Figures D, E - Lowering and lifting the drop side. Open the zipper, which is located under the
padded upper rail. Lift the drop side of the crib so that it detaches from the base, and attach the
falling side to the bottom of the crib. Close the side panel until you hear a clicking sound and
close the zipper on both sides. If you want to lift the drop side of the crib, detach it and reattach
it to the base of the crib on both sides. Use the side zippers to close completely. Use the metal
ring to connect the two zippers together so that they cannot open. The cot is ready to use as a
separate bed.
Figure F - Moving the crib. To move the crib, lift the back of the bed, then move it to the desired
location using the factory-fitted two-legged fixtures. The legs of the crib are equipped with a
braking device (stoppers) that stop the movement of the crib and keep it firmly locked.
Figure G - Height adjustment and antireflux function. The height can be adjusted in 5 positions.
To adjust the height, press the adjustment button and release it when the desired position is
reached. The base of the basket can be used with an inclination of up to 30 ° to prevent
discomfort and danger of suffocation of the child. The baby cot can be tilted with a difference
of maximum 2 positions in height. (Example: the right foot is in a position 3 and the left is in a
position 1). ATTENTION! The anti-reflux function can be applied only when the crib is used as a
separate bed. The child's head should always be on the highest side.
Figure H - Attaching the crib to the adult's bed. Remove the drop side by unbuttoning the
zippers on both sides and securing it to the bottom of the crib. Use the two seat belts provided
in the kit to secure the crib to the parent's bed. Lock the buckles under the crib on both sides,
then secure the belts around the structure of the parent's bed, starting at the bottom and going
up, and finally tightening the buckles under the bed. To secure the crib when it is next to the
parent's bed, pull the straps once more to make sure the crib is securely attached to the parent's
Clean the plastic or metal parts of the product with a soft cotton cloth or sponge moistened with
water or a mild detergent. Do not use bleach, agressive detergents or abrasive products to clean
the product. All textile parts and fabrics should be washed only by hand, following the
instructions on the label. After cleaning, allow the crib to dry well before using it. Do not fold or
remove the crib before it is completely dry. Do not expose the product to direct sunlight for
extended periods of time and to extreme temperatures that may change color and damage
exposed parts. After prolonged exposure to high temperatures, wait a few minutes before
placing the child in it. Do not place objects in or on the product to avoid damaging the structure
and / or upholstery. Store the product in a clean and dry place.
Manufactured for Cangaroo in PRC
Manufacturer and Importer: Moni Trade Ltd.
Address: Bulgaria, Sofia, Trebich, 1 Dolo Str.,
Phone number: 003592/936 07 90
Website: www.cangaroo-bg.com