Waterdrop F701R Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour ! J'ai examiné le manuel du filtre à eau sous évier 3US-AF01, EWF-8001S et je suis prêt à répondre à vos questions. Ce document fournit des instructions d'installation, des consignes de stockage et des informations sur l'entretien, ainsi que les fonctionnalités du filtre à eau. N'hésitez pas à demander !
  • Dois-je retirer le filtre avant de détartrer l'équipement ?
    Pourquoi y a-t-il des taches noires dans l'eau ou pourquoi mon eau a-t-elle un goût bizarre ?
    Si je ne change pas mon filtre tous les 6 mois, cela peut-il endommager le système ?
Performance data sheet
System Model No.: EWF-8001S
Operating specifications:
Operating Temperature: 35 -100°F/2 - 38°C
Working Pressure: 10 -100 psi/0.7 - 6.8 bar
Rated Capacity: 6,000 gallons/22,712 litres
Flow Rate: 0.75 gpm/2.84 Ipm
Substance reduction:
The system has been tested and certified by WQA according to NSF/ANSI Standard 42 and NSF/ANSI Standards 372.
The concentration of the indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced to a concentration less
than or equal to the permissible limit for the water leaving the system, as specified by NSF/ANSI Standard 42. While
testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual performance may vary.
System to be used with municipal or well water sources treated and tested on regular basis to ensure
bacteriologically safe quality. Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without
adequate disinfection before or after the system.
Note: Testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual performance may vary.
Frequently asked questions:
Q: Do I need to remove the filter prior to descaling equipment?
A: Yes, remove filter prior to descaling and inspect for integrity if needed replace with a new filter.
Q: Why are there black specks in the water or why does my water taste funny?
A: Water filters are made from the purest carbon blocks. When the filter ships, it bounces around and
knocks carbon granules loose from the block. These little carbon granules are called fines. All of the quality filters in
the market place require a preliminary flushing to remove the carbon fines.
Some systems may need to be flushed more than once. This is especially true if you have scale or lime water. If
you go on vacation and do not use your filtered water for several days, flush the systems again to remove any
stagnant water.
Q: If I do not change my filter every 6 months, can this damage the system?
A: Yes, you must replace the filter every 6 months or sooner if water flow is reduced or if there is heavy
sediment/rust present. Filters left in longer will fatigue, degrading filter performance.
To reduce the risk of property damage due to water leakage, this filter MUST be installed in accordance with the
manufacturers specifications and instructions. This filter unit must be replaced every 6,000 gallons or 6 months.
Failure to follow instructions and operating specifications will void your warranty. Further, manufacturer assumes no
responsibility or liability for damages arising out of misuse of the product.
Filtrete® is a registered trademark of 3M Company.
Filtrete® is used for reference purposes only.
*The service life mentioned above is subject to chlorine reduction.
*Actual result varies according to the local water quality.
*The system and installation shall comply with applicable state and local regulations.
Substance Inf.Average
Ave. %
Product Water
Max Permissible Product
Water Concentration
Chlorine Taste
and Odor 2.0 mg/L 2.0 mg/L ± 10% 92.70% 0.05 mg/L N/A ≥50%
A replacement for the following water filter:
Filtrete® filter
Filter life: 6 months or 6
0 gallons, whichever comes first will vary based on water condition.
Installation instructions
Undersink water filter
Certified by WQA against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 in model EWF-8001S for the
reduction of the claims specified on the Performance Data Sheet, and to
NSF/ANSI 372 (≤0.25% lead).
Filter features:
• Economical alternative to expensive substitutes.
• Easy installation and operation.
• Provides cleaner, fresher water by reducing impurities.
• Designed to provide up to 6 months of life or 6,000 gallons.
• Does not remove minerals which may be beneficial to health.
Installation instructions
1. Place pan under filter to collect any residual water during cartridge change-out.
2. Grasp cartridge and turn to the left (counterclockwise) until cartridge comes to a complete stop (water
automatically turns off). Gently pull cartridge downward to remove.
3. Ensure that o-rings are present on the cartridge and are seated into grooves; moisten o-rings with water. DO
NOT use any petroleum products to lubricate the o-rings.
4. Align tabs of new filter cartridge with existing filter head and insert new filter cartridge into head. Turn cartridge
to the right (clockwise) until cartridge stops.
5. Flush new cartridge for 5 minutes.
Storage and maintenance:
• Replace your filter every 6 months or 6,000 gallons to prevent bacteria and fungus growth in your filter, supply
lines, and storage tank.
• Stored filters do not expire. Keep your unused filters in a cool, dark, and dry place until you need them.
• If you do not use your water dispenser for more than four days, run two gallons of water before using it to
prevent bad tasting water.
1. Stellen Sie eine Pfanne unter den Filter, um während des Kartuschenwechsels eventuell verbleibendes Wasser
2. Greifen Sie die Kartusche und drehen Sie sie nach links (gegen den Uhrzeigersinn), bis die Kartusche vollständig
zum Stillstand kommt (Wasser wird automatisch abgestellt). Ziehen Sie die Kartusche vorsichtig nach unten, um sie
zu entfernen.
3. Stellen Sie sicher, dass O-Ringe auf der Kartusche vorhanden sind und in den Rillen sitzen; befeuchten Sie die
O-Ringe mit Wasser. Verwenden Sie KEINE Erdölprodukte zur Schmierung der O-Ringe.
4. Richten Sie die Laschen der neuen Filterkartusche mit dem vorhandenen Filterkopf aus und setzen Sie die neue
Filterkartusche in den Kopf ein. Drehen Sie die Kartusche nach rechts (im Uhrzeigersinn), bis die Kartusche stoppt.
5. Spülen Sie die neue Kartusche 5 Minuten lang aus.
Instructions d'installation
1. Placez une poêle sous le filtre pour recueillir toute l'eau résiduelle lors du changement de cartouche.
2. Saisissez la cartouche et tournez-la vers la gauche (dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d'une montre) jusqu'à ce qu'elle
s'arrête complètement (l'eau s'arrête automatiquement). Tirez doucement la cartouche vers le bas pour la retirer.
3. Assurez-vous que les joints toriques sont présents sur la cartouche et sont assis dans les rainures ; humidifiez les
joints toriques avec de l'eau. N'utilisez AUCUN produit pétrolier pour lubrifier les joints toriques.
4. Alignez les languettes de la nouvelle cartouche de filtre avec la tête de filtre existante et insérez la nouvelle
cartouche de filtre dans la tête. Tournez la cartouche vers la droite (dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre) jusqu'à ce
que la cartouche s'arrête.
5. Rincez la nouvelle cartouche pendant 5 minutes.
Istruzioni per l'installazione
1. Posizionare una padella sotto il filtro per raccogliere qualsiasi acqua residua durante la sostituzione della cartuccia.
2. Afferrare la cartuccia e girare verso sinistra (in senso antiorario) fino a quando la cartuccia si ferma completamente
(l'acqua si interrompe automaticamente). Tirare delicatamente la cartuccia verso il basso per rimuoverla.
3. Assicurarsi che gli anelli di tenuta siano presenti sulla cartuccia e siano seduti nelle scanalature; bagnare gli anelli di
tenuta con acqua. NON utilizzare prodotti petroliferi per lubrificare gli anelli di tenuta.
4. Allineare le linguette della nuova cartuccia del filtro con la testa del filtro esistente e inserire la nuova cartuccia del
filtro nella testa. Girare la cartuccia verso destra (in senso orario) fino a quando la cartuccia si ferma.
5. Sciacquare la nuova cartuccia per 5 minuti.
Instrucciones de instalación
1. Coloque una sartén debajo del filtro para recoger cualquier agua residual durante el cambio de cartucho.
2. Agarre el cartucho y gírelo hacia la izquierda (en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj) hasta que el cartucho se
detenga por completo (el agua se detiene automáticamente). Tire suavemente hacia abajo del cartucho para
3. Asegúrese de que los anillos tóricos estén presentes en el cartucho y estén asentados en las ranuras; humedezca
los anillos tóricos con agua. NO use productos derivados del petróleo para lubricar los anillos tóricos.
4. Alinee las pestañas del nuevo cartucho de filtro con la cabeza del filtro existente e inserte el nuevo cartucho de
filtro en la cabeza. Gire el cartucho hacia la derecha (en sentido horario) hasta que el cartucho se detenga.
5. Enjuague el nuevo cartucho durante 5 minutos.
1. Plaats een pan onder het filter om eventueel resterend water op te vangen tijdens het vervangen van de cartridge.
2. Pak de cartridge vast en draai naar links (tegen de klok in) totdat de cartridge volledig stopt (water stopt automa-
tisch). Trek voorzichtig de cartridge naar beneden om te verwijderen.
3. Zorg ervoor dat O-ringen aanwezig zijn op de cartridge en in de groeven zitten; bevochtig de O-ringen met water.
Gebruik GEEN aardolieproducten om de O-ringen te smeren.
4. Lijn de tabs van de nieuwe filtercartridge uit met de bestaande filterkop en plaats de nieuwe filtercartridge in de
kop. Draai de cartridge naar rechts (met de klok mee) totdat de cartridge stopt.
5. Spoel de nieuwe cartridge gedurende 5 minuten.
1. Placera en stekpanna under filtret för att samla upp eventuellt kvarvarande vatten under byte av kassett.
2. Greppa kassetten och vrid till vänster (moturs) tills kassetten stannar helt (vattnet stängs av automatiskt). Dra
försiktigt ner kassetten för att ta bort den.
3. Se till att O-ringar finns på kassetten och sitter i spåren; fukta O-ringarna med vatten. Använd INGA petroleumpro-
dukter för att smörja O-ringarna.
4. Linjera flikarna på den nya filterpatronen med den befintliga filterhuvudet och sätt in den nya filterpatronen i
huvudet. Vrid patronen till höger (medurs) tills patronen stannar.
5. Spola den nya patronen i 5 minuter.
Manufacturer Technical Support
1-888-352-3558 (U.S.)
service@water-filter.com Made in China V040
Qingdao Ecopure Filter Co., Ltd.
Instrukcje instalacji
1. Umieść patelnię pod filtrem, aby zebrać ewentualnie pozostałą wodę podczas wymiany wkładu.
2. Chwyć wkład i obróć w lewo (przeciwnie do ruchu wskazówek zegara), aż wkład całkowicie się zatrzyma (woda
automatycznie wyłączy się). Delikatnie pociągnij wkład w dół, aby go usunąć.
3. Upewnij się, że pierścienie uszczelniające są obecne na wkładzie i są osadzone w rowkach; zwilż pierścienie
uszczelniające wodą. NIE używaj żadnych produktów naftowych do smarowania pierścieni uszczelniających.
4. Wyrównaj zakładki nowego wkładu filtra z istniejącą głowicą filtra i włóż nowy wkład filtra do głowicy. Obróć
wkład w prawo (zgodnie z ruchem wskazówek zegara), aż wkład się zatrzyma.
5. Spłucz nowy wkład przez 5 minut.
Kurulum talimatları
1. Kartuş değiştirme sırasında kalan herhangi bir kalıntı suyu toplamak için filtrenin altına tava yerleştirin.
2. Kartuşu tutun ve sola (saat yönünün tersine) çevirin ve kartuş tamamen durana kadar çevirin (su otomatik olarak
kapanır). Kartuşu çıkarmak için nazikçe aşağı doğru çekin.
3. O-ringlerin kartuşta mevcut olduğundan ve yuvalara yerleştirildiğinden emin olun; O-ringleri suyla nemlendirin.
O-ringleri yağlamak için HERHANGİ bir petrol ürünü KULLANMAYIN.
4. Yeni filtre kartuşunun sekme ve çıkıntılarını mevcut filtre başı ile hizalayın ve yeni filtre kartuşunu başa yerleştirin.
Kartuşu sağa (saat yönünde) çevirin ve kartuş durana kadar çevirin.
5. Yeni kartuşu 5 dakika boyunca yıkayın.