7User manual
Fuse grade
ln any power system, fuses are used to protect the electronic device from over-
current damage, otherwise, this current may cause the electronic device to be
out of work, overheat, or even fire risk.
If the fuse grade is too large, the fuse can not provide protection or f it is too
small the device will not work normally. Therefore, selecting the right fuse is
needed based on the rating of PV modules and the requirements of relevant
The minimum grade of a fuse can be calculated by the short-circuiting of
photovoltaic components. If there are no special requirements of local
standards, we suggest the ratings of the fuse and wiring used in the system
need to meet no less than 1.56 times the Isc value.
According to the above description, the rating of the fuse in the DC Combiner
Box is 1000V 15A, so we can get the maximum short-circuit of each PV string
is 15/1.56=9.62A.
Because the fuse is optional according to user needs, so the above situation is
just an example. lf want to match fuse in other grade, users need to check the
instruction above to make sure whether the fuse meets the requirement.
Technical data
Number of DC inputs 2
Number of DC outputs 1
Max. rated voltage 1000V DC
DC isolator switch 32A 1000V
DC surge protection In=20kA, Imax=40kA, 1000V DC
DC fuse holder Imax=30A,1000V DC
DC fuse link 15A
Monitoring /
Power supply /