To focus your TravelScope turn the focus knob located near the rear of the telescope while looking through the telescope’s
eyepiece. If you wear glasses, you may want to remove them when observing with an eyepiece attached to the telescope.
However, if you have astigmatism, corrective lenses should be worn at all times. You will need to refocus the telescope each
time you change eyepieces or view targets at different distances from you.
In order to use your finderscope, you need to ensure it is pointing in the same direction as your main telescope. It is
recommended that you do this during the day. To do this:
1. Take the scope outside, remove the lens cap, and locate a distant daytime object such as a signpost, light pole, radio
antenna, etc. We recommend an object at least a quarter of a mile away but if this is not possible, use an object as far
away as you can.
2. Center this object in the main telescope using a low power (20 mm) eyepiece in the main telescope.
3. Look through the eyepiece of the finderscope and take notice of the position of the same object.
4. Without moving the main telescope, turn the adjustment thumbscrews located around the finderscope bracket until the
crosshairs of the finderscope are centered on the object chosen with the main telescope.
Your telescope and finderscope are now aligned. To aim the main telescope, grab the mount’s pan handle and loosen the
altitude lock. Look through your finderscope until the crosshairs are on the target you want to view and lock the altitude
lock to hold the scope in place. Now look through your low power eyepiece in the main telescope and the target should be
visible. To zoom in on the target, change to your higher power eyepiece and refocus the telescope using the focus knobs.
Note: Objects viewed through a finderscope are upside down and backwards, which is normal.