Emac NLMX7812, NLMX7312, NLMX7512, NLMX9512 Manuel utilisateur

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Novolistel® Maxi
Prole with squared section highly versatile, suitable to its
installation as a listello, oor separator, edge protector, stair nosing,
etc. This prole is made of Maxi, exclusive Emac® material, which
belongs to the range of WPC (Wood Plastic Composites) products.
Maxi integrates vegetable bers in its composition and contributes,
this way, to preserve the Environment. It is available in a wide range
of trendy colors.
General Features
Material: Maxi
Length: 8ft2in / 2.5 lm
Dimensions: h: 10, 12 mm. (3/8”,1/2”)
a: 12.4, 15 mm. (1/2”, 9/16”)
Packaging: 50 u/box
Technical Features and Tests
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Resistance to chemical
Very good except acetone, chromic acid and sulfu-
ric acid.
Water absorption
Very small absorption, high dimensional stability.
Retains its weight after dry.
Fire reaction M1 Classication
UNE 23.727-90 1R
Abrasion resistance Up to 2200 cycles without variation
UNE EN 438-2:2005
Aptdo. 23
Surface resistance to
Resistance to acetone, coffee 176ºF/80ºC, bitumen,
hydrogen peroxyde 30%, sodium hydroxide 25%.
Acetone: surface degradation and blisters.
Rest: without changing.
Impact resistance
Spring: 34 N
Ball drop: 3,93ft/120 cm. maximum drop /
0,38 in./9,9 mm mark diameter
Cigarette burns Surface degradation
Resistance to humidity-
> 20 cycles
UNE EN 14428
Novolistel® Maxi is a versatile prole which can be installed for different applications such as:
- As a decorative listello or medium height nish.
- As an edge protector
- As a ooring separator or framer
The installation of Maxi outdoors, could result in a variation in its original color, being signicant in the
range of redish colors. To avoid color variations due to the continuous sun exposure, we recommend
the installation of the Maxi range indoors.
Novolistel® Maxi
As a listello or
medium height nish
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1. First, tile one of the two walls. Then, spread a big amount of thin-set mortar on the other wall to be
2. Place the Novolistel® on the corner and press it so the thin-set mortar could pass through the holes
of the anchoring wing.
3. Place tiles along the anchoring wing and continue pressing to get an optimal adhesion.
4. Continue tiling until the installation is nished.
5. Clean the remaining material and let dry.
As an edge protector
Maxi is a composite material made of PVC and vegetable bers. Those bers proceed from the recycling
of organic waste from agriculture. The waste reduction and the recycling of materials, help Maxi to fulll
with the Emac®’s commitment with the Environment and the sustainable construction.
Maxi has an original nish, similar to wood and natural elements, which adapts to different decorative
environments. The main advantage of this composite is that has the best qualities of PVC and vegetable
bers such as good mechanic strenght, abrasion resistance and dimensional stability among others.
1. Spread a big amount of thin-set mortar on the surface to be tiled and tile it up to the approximated
height where you’ll place the listello.
2. Place the tiles in the end of the next row, aligning them with previous tiles. Then place the prole
aligned to them, embedding the anchoring wing between the wall and the tiles. Press softly so the thin-
set mortar could pass through the holes of the anchoring wing.
3. Place the remaining tiles, pressing softly to achieve an optimal adhesion.
4. Then, continue tiling the wall up to the desired height.
5. Finally, clean the remaining material and let dry.
* If you want to install this prole as a medium height nish, spread thin-set mortar only in the area to be tiled and follow the
instructions until step 3.
To see the video, capture this
image with your mobile phone
(QR code reader software is
necessary) or click on it.
Novolistel® Maxi
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1. Spread a big amount of thin-set mortar on the surface to be tiled.
2. Then, install the prole and press it so the thin-set mortar could pass through the holes of the
anchoring wing.
3. Place one tile on the anchoring wing of the prole and press to get an optimal adhesion.
4. Repeat the last step placing tiles along the prole until the installation is nished. Before setting
occurs, hit softly with a rubber hammer to align the prole with the ooring.
5. Finally clean the leftover material and let dry.
* If you want to install the prole as a framer, spread thin-set mortar just in the area to tile and follow the instructions
until the third step.
* If you are going to polish the oor, install the prole slightly below the tile to avoid possible damage.
As a oor separator or
Cleaning and maintenance
To see the video, capture this
image with your mobile phone
(QR code reader software is
necessary) or click on it.
You can clean Maxi with a cloth dampened just with water or in a solution with a neutral detergent 5%.
The correct use of bleach does not affect the material.
It is not recommended the use of chromic or sulphuric acids or polar solvents as toluene or acetone
for its cleaning.
Part of the composition of Maxi and Maxikenya is natural, so it may have differences in tone that
can not be considered as manufacturing defects.
It is recommended to take the prole by its central part, avoiding taking it by its tops to prevent
bending stresses which could cause scratches or breaks.
Do not bend excessively the material. Store it always horizontally in dry places.
It can not be sanded due to the possible damage on the appearance of its surface.
It stands well in damp environments but it is not recommended to install it in submerged places.
Take into account that the installation of Maxi products outdoors, could result in a natural variation
of its original color, being signicantly higher in redish colors. We recommend installing Maxi indoors.
The ranges MaxiKenya, MaxiDakar, MaxiSahara and MaxiSoho are especially recommended for
installations outdoors because it has an excellent weatherability and remains unalterable to sun
Emac Complementos S.L. (Spain) info@emac.es // Emac America L.L.C. (FL,USA) info@emac-america.com // Emac Italia S.R.L. (Italy) info@emac-italia.it
The data provided are for information only and have been obtained by our supplier or Emac®.
Does not constitute legal guarantee in terms of properties and / or functionality of the application of material
You can nd out more information about the technical features of Emac®’s products by downloading
its Technical File in www.emac.es.
If you have any query, please contact our Technical Department in tecnico@emac.es.
Technical information
Novolistel® Maxi
Indoors Wall tiling Flooring
Sustainable commitment
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Ecology Pack by Nerghal
In Emac® we are aware about the value of moving towards a sustainable and respectful commitment
with the Environment. Therefore, in our commitment with nature, quality and service, in Emac® we
work with the following principles:
As result of this commitment and the strong investment in R&D, arises Maxi. Our material has the
best mechanical properties and functional requirements certied through different tests in specialized
Institutions of each sector. The use of bers proceding from the recycling of organic waste of the
Agriculture, shows that it’s posible to obtain high-performance materials minimizing the environmental
In the continuous search of excellence, Emac® continues betting every day on the innovation and
quality of their products and the strict fullling of their Environmental and Quality policies.
- We collaborate with companies that use harmless products and raw materials in their production
processes. They avoid so environmental risks in their processes and in the posterior transport.
- We develope innovative products that, plus solve the market requirements and fulll the standards
in the sector, doesn’t damage the Environment and help to its conservation and care.
- We continue investigating new processes and materials which allow us to continue fullling our