Cleaning and maintenance
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As edge protector
1. Spread a big amount of thin-set mortar on the surface to be tiled.
2. Align the prole with the corner and press it to make the thin-set mortar pass through the holes of
the xing wing.
3. Place tiles on the xing wing and press them to get an optimal adhesion.
4. Continue tiling the wall.
5. Finally, clean the leftover material, remove the protective lm if necessary and let dry.
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In all cases the steel wool, abrasive cleaners, souring products as well as strong acids (hydrochloric
and perchloric),strong bases (caustic soda or ammonia) or carbonated solutions are not recommen-
ded. Citric acid is not recommended because disolves the protective layer of the surface of aluminium.
Waxes, petrolatum, lanolin or similar substances are not appropriate. Solvents containing haloalkanes
(hydrouoroether and chlorinated solvents) and curing accelerators containing chlorides should not be
used (use special accelerators free of chlorides).
The proles should be cleaned periodically with a soft cloth. If you use a neutral liquid cleaner, you must
rinse the prole with cold water and dry to remove excess moisture.
You can clean the anodized nishes, if dirtiness persists, with a suitable slightly abrasive cleaning pro-
ducts or with specic metal cleaners. The lacquered nishes are more delicate and must be cleaned
with neutral detergents using soft cloths with no abrasive particles that could damage the surface
treatment. You can obtain a polished nish in natural nishes by using specic metal cleaners such as
magic cotton or generic polishers.
Novobisel is a prole made by extrusion of aluminum. Anodizing improves the corrosion resistance,
mechanical resistance and appearance of proles. It has the quality seal Qualanod, which guarantees
the quality of the process and the resulting proles. This seal regulates several tests: appearance and
color, thickness measurements, sealing and impregnation control, abrasion resistance, lightfastness,
acetic saline chamber and nitric acid immersion.
The lacquered nish has a high quality and homogeneus surface. The lacquering has the quality seal
Qualicoat, which guarantees the quality of the process and the nal products.
Aluminum has excellent chemical, physical and mechanical properties. It is lightweight, tough, ductile,
malleable and highly durable