LARQ LARQ Manuel utilisateur

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Welcome to the digital age of water purification.
Pure water from a clean bottle, every time.
Bienvenue dans l’ère digitale de la purification
de l’eau. De l’eau pure dans une bouteille propre,
à tout moment.
Just add water
Il suffit d’ajouter de leau
We are LARQ
No chemicals, no scrubbing, no compromises
was started with a simple vision where innovative technology can be
combined with inspirational design to help people access pristine drinking
water easily and sustainably. We harness the power of the sun to bring
that stinky water bottle to the digital age.
You are what you drink. So Drink Brilliantly
Our products look as good as they make you feel. We are confident that
these are the most beautiful hydration products in the world that make it
easy to make the healthier and sustainable choice, anytime and anywhere.
I love that
musty bottle smell!
No One Ever
The LARQ Bottle: Beautiful from the
inside out
Patented UV-C LED
The LARQ Bottle contains a 280nm UV-C LED light that neutralizes up
to 99.9999%* of harmful and odor-causing germs. It’s the world’s only
mercury-free portable UV-C water purification technology.
USB rechargeable
The LARQ Bottle is powered by a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery.
One charge lasts 1-2 months** and conveniently recharges via USB.
Convenient, reliable, and simple - why can’t everything be this easy?
Vacuum insulated stainless steel
Double-walled, electropolished stainless steel keeps your water cold
for 24 hours.
Intelligent activation
The LARQ Bottle purifies at a touch and intelligently turns on automatically
every 2 hours. Did you forget to clean again? Your LARQ Bottle didn’t!
*in Adventure Mode
**Estimated usage based on 3-4 cycles a day. Normal Mode lasts up to 4-8 weeks of
use and Adventure Mode lasts up to 10-12 days of use.
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Getting started
Unlock LARQ, unlock pure water
Press and hold the button down for 5 seconds to unlock the bottle for
the first time. A white color light will flash telling you it is unlocked and
ready for purifying action
Charge up for purifying power
Time to power up! Take the cap off your bottle and insert the LARQ USB
cord into the cap. Then plug the USB into any USB wall charger or laptop
USB socket until the battery is fully charged.
DO NOT charge with any other USB cable other than the USB cable
provided with your LARQ Bottle.
Breathing green light
I’m charging!
Steady green light
I’m fully charged!
Flashing green light
Low on battery. I will flash twice before a cleansing mode.
Red pulsing light
Oh no! Something is wrong. Go to
*Water should be clear with no sediments. Filter murky water before purifying with
the LARQ Bottle.
You’re just a few steps away from pure
water. Get excited.
Step 1
Fill with clear water* up to the indicator line shown on the bottle illustration.
Step 2
Screw on cap and press the button to get purifying - once for Normal
Mode, twice for Adventure Mode. (Do not interrupt the purification cycle
by removing the cap or pressing the button!)
Normal Mode
Breathing sky blue light.
Adventure Mode
Pulsing blue light.
Safety Mode (Light Sensor)
Steady orange light will turn on when activated outside the bottle.
Safety Mode (Temperature)
Pulsing orange light will flash when liquid is too hot inside the bottle.
Step 3
While you wait, give the bottle a gentle shake or do your best water dance
to spread the purifying UV light evenly. And voila! Enjoy pure water from a
clean bottle. #DrinkBrilliantly
What mode should I use?
Normal Mode
Drinking water from a trusted, potable source? Then press once to activate
Normal Mode (60-second cycle with a breathing sky blue light).
Adventure Mode
Need an extra dose of purification power? Press twice to activate Adventure
Mode (3-minute cycle with a pulsing blue light).
Self-Cleaning Mode
Your LARQ Bottle loves to stay clean. That’s why every 2 hours, it will
intelligently activate Self-Cleaning Mode (10-second cycle with breathing
sky blue light).
Travel Lock
Hopping across the world on your next adventure? Hold down for 5 seconds
to activate the Travel Lock. (Travel Lock disables Self-Cleaning Mode for travel
or storage.)
LARQ: Part of the solution
1% for good
A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute. Only
7% of those collected were turned into new bottles. Instead, most plastic
bottles end up in landfills or in the ocean.
That’s a statistic that you don’t want to be a part of. LARQ believes
technology and design have the ability to transform our planet for the
better. A portion of proceeds go to our charity partner, 1% for the Planet,
to benefit the environment and bring safe drinking water to billions.
We’re here to help
Have questions about the LARQ Bottle? Head over to
for FAQs or contact our customer support team at
Love LARQ?
Us too. Share a photo of your LARQ Bottle with us and we’ll post it!
@livelarq #DrinkBrilliantly
LARQ. All rights reserved.
Designed in California. Manufactured in China.
Headquarters in Hayward, California.
It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with all product instructions and
warnings, including, without limitation, product packaging instructions and warnings,
and the online user manual.
follow all user instructions in the online instruction manual, and always use LARQ
the “product”) properly in accordance with the instructions and warnings. Please see
our website at for complete instructions, warnings and warranty
Warnings & cautions
Use the LARQ Bottle and Bottle cap according to instructions only. Improper
operation of the LARQ Bottle may cause injury. Please read and understand all
Warnings & Cautions prior to operating this Product. Do not use the LARQ Bottle in
any manner other than instructed on the Product packaging or in the User Manual.
IMPORTANT: This Product is not suitable or intended for use by children. This
Product contains small parts and may otherwise be hazardous to small children,
especially children under 3 years old. Keep Product and any dangerous equipment,
including those using batteries, out of the reach of small children!
Caution: Ultraviolet radiation. Do not look directly at light. Direct Ultraviolet light can
irritate eyes and skin or may otherwise be potentially harmful.
The LARQ Bottle cap should be used exclusively with the LARQ Bottle. Do not turn
on or operate the LARQ Bottle cap while it is not screwed on to the LARQ Bottle.
For complete safety and efficacy, you should not attempt use of the UV purification
system with bottles other than the LARQ Bottle. The efficacy of the UV water
purification has only been tested with the LARQ Bottle. LARQ cannot guarantee
the UV’s effectiveness when used with alternative bottle designs that have not
been fully tested or evaluated.
Never tamper with, open or alter the LARQ Bottle or Bottle cap. If the LARQ or any
component of it malfunctions or fails to perform as expected, stop use immediately.
Do not open or attempt to repair the LARQ or its components.
The UV-C light is a high voltage device. Do not open, expose, modify or touch
internal circuitry as this can lead to high voltage shock. Removal or tampering with
the electronic circuit board of UV-C light assembly may cause injury or damage to
the user or Product, and will void all warranties.
To prevent danger or shock hazard, keep and store this Product away from rain or
liquid. Do not use the charger near water: for example, near a bathtub, washbowl,
kitchen sink, laundry tub, or swimming pool.
Clean the outside of the Product with a clean, moist cloth. Never use any strong
cleaning sprays or fluids, or similar chemicals on the Product.
When recharging, only connect the adaptor as described in the Product instructions
or User Manual. Battery recharging should be performed by an adult. Do not charge
with any other USB cable other than the USB cable provided with your LARQ Bottle.
Do not remove the Bottle cap while a purifying cycle is in progress. If the cap is
removed during a purifying cycle without first canceling, the LARQ Bottle’s
automatic safety protocols will cancel the cycle and turn off the UV-C light to
avoid any harm from contact with UV light to eyes or skin.
To cancel a purifying cycle, first press the button on top of the cap, then safely
remove the cap.
Do not use as a light source.
Do not expose the Product to temperatures below freezing or above 90°F.
Do not operate the cap in containers such as laboratory beakers.
The cap’s UV-C light is not intended to disinfect water on the lip or exterior surfaces
of the Bottle where the light does not reach. It is not intended to disinfect outer
surfaces of a drinking container, i.e., those that typically contact the mouth when
drinking. Be certain that the Bottle and cap have been properly cleaned prior to use.
As with any water treatment system, you should always have a backup method
Do not allow impact to the UV-C light. If the cap or UV-C light assembly is cracked,
chipped or damaged, do not operate. Contact LARQ customer service or visit for more information regarding proper disposal, or to return.
While carefully controlled microbiological testing has been conducted, the use of
the cap’s UV-C light by consumers in the field may produce results that vary from
laboratory test data.
Disposal (for United States based customer only)
The LARQ Bottle cap contains a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery, and the cap
containing the battery must be disposed of properly. Do not remove the battery.
Dispose of the Product containing the battery in accordance with applicable law.
Do not dispose of the Product or battery in fire or allow any contact with fire.
Contact your local town or city officials for information regarding the disposal of the
Product containing the battery.
Disposal (for EU based customer only)
Removing the rechargeable battery only for disposal where required by law in Europe.
The LARQ Bottle cap contains a rechargeable lithium-polymer battery that must be
disposed of properly. Do not remove the battery from the Product until you intend to
discard of the Product. Ensure the battery is completely empty of charge before
removing it from the Product for disposal. Dispose of the battery in accordance with
applicable law.
Cut a cross on the silicone cover.
Remove the top plastic cover.
Pry PCB loose.
Cut the wires from PCB.
Remove battery. DO NOT puncture the battery.
Tape over ends of the battery.
Removing the rechargeable battery
Make sure the battery is completely empty when you remove it. Observe safety
precautions when following the procedure below.
Your use of the product is at your own risk. It is understood that you are voluntarily
using it with full knowledge that there are inherent and/or associated risks in doing
so, and you assume and accept any and all risks that may be associated with or that
arise out of possession or use of the product, including, but not limited to, the risk of
property damage or loss, and/or serious injury (including shock or death).
Neither LARQ nor its retailers assume any responsibility or liability for any injuries or
damages, physical or otherwise, resulting, directly or indirectly, from the use or
possession of this product. LARQ reserves the right to revise this publication and to
make changes from time to time in the contents thereof without obligation to notify
any person of such revision or changes. The product model may be changed for
improvements without notice at any time at the discretion of LARQ.
For complete information on limited product warranties, disclaimer of warranties,
limitation of liability, release and indemnity, please see the LARQ website at
LARQ. All rights reserved.
Designed in California. Manufactured in China.
Headquarters in Hayward, California.
Sans produits chimiques, sans frotter, sans compromis
a été développé à partir du constat simple que la technologie
innovante peut être associée à un design inspirant pour permettre à tous
d’avoir accès à de l’eau potable pure, facilement et durablement. Nous
utilisons la puissance du soleil pour que la bouteille d’eau nauséabonde
passe enfin à l’ère digitale.
Vous êtes ce que vous buvez. Drink Brilliantly
La beauté de nos produits est à la hauteur du bien-être qu’ils procurent.
C’est un fait, ces produits d’hydratation sont non seulement les plus beaux
du marché, mais ils sont également durables et bons pour la santé. Le
choix parfait pour une utilisation où et quand vous voulez.
La Bouteille LARQ: Belle à l’intérieur
comme à l’extérieur
LED UV-C Brevetée
La Bouteille LARQ contient une LED UV-C 280 nm qui neutralise jusqu’à
99.9999%* des bactéries nocives et sources de mauvaises odeurs. C’est
la seule technologie UV-C portative de purification de l’eau sans mercure
au monde.
Rechargeable via USB
La Bouteille LARQ est alimentée grâce à une batterie au lithium polymère
rechargeable. La batterie se recharge facilement via USB et offre une
autonomie de 1-2 mois**. Pratique, fiable et simple – Pourquoi tout n’est
pas aussi facile ?
Acier inoxydable à double paroi sous vide
La double paroi en acier inoxydable électropoli laisse votre eau
fraîche pendant 24 heures.
Activation intelligente
La Bouteille LARQ purifie l’eau en une pression de doigt et s’allume
automatiquement toutes les 2 heures. Vous avez encore oublié de la
nettoyer ? Votre Bouteille LARQ l’a fait pour vous !
*en Mode Aventure
**Sur la base d’un usage estimé à 3-4 cycles par jour. L’autonomie est de 4 à 8
semaines en Mode Normal et de 10 à 12 jours en Mode Aventure.
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Pour commencer
Déverrouillez LARQ et accédez à l’eau pure
Lors de la première utilisation, maintenez appuyé le bouton pendant 5
secondes pour déverrouiller la bouteille. Une lumière blanche va apparaître
progressivement et clignoter deux fois vous avertissant que la bouteille est
déverrouillée et prête à l’action purifiante.
Rechargez pour profiter de l’énergie purifiante
Il est temps de passer à la mise en route! Dévissez le bouchon et insérez le
câble USB de LARQ à l’intérieur de celui-ci. Branchez ensuite le câble USB
dans un chargeur mural adapté ou dans le port USB d’un ordinateur jusqu’à
ce que la batterie soit complètement rechargée. Ne la rechargez PAS à
l’aide d’un autre câble USB que celui fourni avec votre Bouteille LARQ.
Lumière verte oscillante
Je suis en train de recharger !
Lumière verte continue
Je suis complètement chargée !
Lumière verte clignotante
Batterie faible. Je clignoterai deux fois avant chaque
mode nettoyant.
Lumière rouge clignotante
Oh non! Quelque chose ne va pas. Aller à
Plus que quelques étapes avant d’avoir
votre eau pure. On y est presque!
Étape 1
Remplissez avec de l’eau claire* jusqu’à la ligne visible sur l’illustration de la bouteille.
Étape 2
Vissez le bouchon et appuyez sur le bouton pour lancer la purification - une
fois pour le Mode Normal, deux fois pour le Mode Aventure. (N’interrompez pas le
cycle de purification en enlevant le bouchon ou en appuyant sur le bouton !)
*L’eau doit être claire, sans dépôts. L’eau trouble doit être filtrée avant d’être
purifiée dans la Bouteille LARQ.
Étape 3
Secouez doucement la bouteille ou exécutez votre plus belle danse de l’eau
pour que la lumière UV purifiante se propage uniformément. Et voilà ! Profitez
maintenant d’une eau pure dans une bouteille propre. #DrinkBrilliantly
Mode Normal
Lumière bleu ciel oscillante.
Mode Aventure
Lumière bleu foncé clignotante.
Mode Sécurité (Capteur de lumière)
La lumière orange constante sera allumée lorsque le bouchon
est activé en dehors de la bouteille.
Mode Sécurité (Température)
La lumière orange clignotera si le liquide est trop chaud à
l'intérieur de la bouteille.