SIS™ (Simple Instruction Set) Commands
This section describes the SIS commands that can be issued from the computer or control system to the USB Plus Matrix Controller via
RS-232 or LAN connection (Default Telnet port is 22123). You can also enter commands using an application such as the Extron DataViewer,
available at www.extron.com (see the DataViewer Help File to use this program). The RS-232 port uses a protocol of 9600 baud, 8 data
bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no ow control. SIS commands consist of one or more characters per eld. No special characters are required
to begin or end a command sequence. When the USB Plus Matrix Controller determines that a command is valid, it executes the command
and sends a response to the host device. All responses from the controller to the host end with a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF = ]),
indicating the end of the response character string (one or more characters).
Error Responses
When the controller receives a valid command, it executes the command and sends a response to the host device. If the unit is unable to
execute the command because the command contains invalid parameters, it returns an error response to the host.
E01 — Invalid input number
E10 — Invalid command
E12 — Invalid output number
E13 — Invalid value
E14 — Invalid command for this conguration
E95 — Conguration le does not exist.
E96 — Transmitter is oine.
E97 — Receiver is oine.
E98 — Maximum number of receivers are tied to the transmitter.
E99 — No conguration loaded
Using the Command and Response Table
The Command and Response Table for SIS Commands, beginning on
the next page, lists the commands that the controller recognizes as
valid, the responses that are returned to the host, a description of the
command function or the results of executing the command, and some
examples of the command syntax in ASCII.
NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, upper- and lowercase text
can be used interchangeably in the commands.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
• = Space
] = Carriage return with line feed
} or | = Carriage return with no line feed
E or W = Escape
95 = Superscripts indicate the error message displayed
if the command is entered incorrectly or with invalid
parameters (see Error Responses above).
X! = Input (transmitter) number
X@ = Output (receiver) number
X# = Starting output tie number when viewing all ties
X$ = Firmware version number (
X% = Connection status of USB Extender Plus
0 = oine
1 = online
(-) = not congured
X^ = Extender connection status
0 = oine
1 = online
2 = unknown device
X* = Healing behavior (after extender replacement)
0 = untie (ties to replaced extender remain broken)
1 = maintain ties (ties to extender are recreated)
X( = Endpoint number where healing occurred
X1) = Results of saving a conguration to le
0 = failed (error in writing the conguration le)
1 = successful (conguration saved to le)
X1! = Number of TCP connections
Response is three digits, padded with zeros.
X1@ - X1% Serial connection parameters: X1@ = baud rate,
X1# = Parity, X1$ = Data bits, X1% = Stop bits
X1^ = IP address (
X1& = MAC address (
X1* = Hostname of the host device
X1( = Port timeout in seconds
X2) = Conguration reloading result code
0 = error reloading CSV (system conguration) les
1 = reload successful
2 = error restarting matrix
3 = error stopping matrix
4 = CSV le not found
X2! = Extender endpoint name assigned in the conguration
le. If no name is assigned, the response is None.
X2@ = Clear ties at startup setting
0 = do not clear ties at startup
1 = clear ties at startup
X2# = Matrix input size
X2$ = Matrix output size
X2% = Time on host device:
= day of the week,
= month)