_at This V/arranO* (7ove_:_'
"_\_m E_tieka cleaner is warranted to be fiee fiom all defects m material and woikmansbip m nom_al household use fbr a peliod of one ?era The wananty is g_amed only to the
o*iginal p*tichase_ and membms of his ol bei immediate bousebokt The wm_anty is subject to the following p*ovisions
V_'7_atThis VYdrmnty Does Not (bver
Parts of the cleanel that reqmre replacement under nom_al use, s_tch as disposable &_st bags, filtels, d*i',e belts, light bulbs, brush 1oll bristles, impellexs and cleaning
Damages or malfimctions caused by ziegligence, abuse, or use ziot m accordm_ce with the Ownel s Grade
Defbcts or damages caused by mmutborized sel_,,ice o*the use of otbex than Genuine Eureka parts
_hat _%e Eureka Company Will Do
The Emeka ( ompany will. at its option lepair oi leplace a defbctive c[eanex o_ cleanex pait that is cove_ed by this wmranty As a mattel ofwarranty policy the Euleka ( ompany
will 11otlefimd the consm_er's pmchase price
Warra,_O, Registration
Please fill out and *etmn the warranty legistxation card accompanying yore cleaner
Obta#_#_g V/arran O,Se_q,ice
_b obtain warramy seIvice you m_st reoun the defective cleaner or deanei part alol_g with proof of pmcba se to any Emeka Autboxized xX,aiianty Station
You will filed the l_earest locatiol_ in d_e Yellow Pages, *mdeI 'Vacmm* Cleanels Sexvice and Repaii" Be cextail_ that the W_r_anty Statio_ is ' Euieka Authorized"
Foi die location of the nemest E_tieka Autboxized _\hi*aiity Station ol foi sexvice intbimation, telepboi_e toll free:
USA: 1-800-282-2886
Mexico: 8670-6169
Canada: 1-800-282-2886
If you prefbr, you can write to The Eureka Company. Service Division, 807 N Mare Street. Bloomington. Illinois 61701. USA In Ca*lade write to The Fmeka Company.
866 Langs Drive, (ambridge Ontario N3H 2N7
If it is necessm T to ship the elem_er outside yore community to obtain wm*anty repam you must pay the shipping charges to the Eureka Atltborized Wananty Station
Reims shipping cbaiges will be paid by the _\_x_anty Station When rermmng parts fbr repair, please bmlude the model, type. and serial mm_ber from the data plate on the cleanex
Further Limitations and E:vchcsions
Any warianty the t may be implied m connection widt your purchase oi use of the clea_ler, including any wa_ianty of Merchamability or m_ywaIla sty %r Fir*tess For A Particula r
Ptlrpose is limited to the duration of this wai_anty Some states do _ot allow limitatio_s o_lhow long an implied warramy lasts, so the above limitations may _ot apply to you
"_\_t_rrelief fbr/he breach of this warranty is limited to the relief expiessly provided above hi no event shall Fureka be liable fbr any consequential or incidental damages you
may inc_t* b_ eon*lection wirb your ptlrchase or use of the cleanex Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental ox consequential damages, so the above
limitation oI exclusion may _lot apply to ym_
This warranty g_ves you specific legal rights "_\m may also have other rights which vmy by state
Questions & Answers about Genuine _ureka Products
;> 9 9 9 9
O: Why should I use only Genuine Emeka paper bags belts and parts in m? Emeka vactmm cleanex?
A: Using Genuine Eureka Products, which are made to our exacting specifications and engineered with emphasis on quality, performance, and customer satisfaction,
ensures the long life and cleaning efficiency of your vacuum cleaner. Overall, this saves you money and helps to keep your home clean.
Q: How can I be sine Iam using only geimine Eureka product, m my vacmtm cleaner:
A: Typically, packaged products and paper bags can be identified by a "Genuine Eureka Product" symbol (see illustration above). For further identification assistance,
you may call our toll4ree number, 1-80g-gg2-2886, for the location of a nearby Eureka Authoriaed Warranty Station.
Q: Ale tbeIe any ditf'elences between 'made to fit" oi 'imitation" and Gem_ine Emeka paper bags belts, and parts?
A: Yes, there are some very important differences in materials, quality, and reliability. Nasy customers have mistakenly purchased "imitation" paper bags and parts
while thinking they purchased genuine. Unfortunately, many of these customers discovered the differences after they experienced related difficulties.
For Genuine Eureka Value, Accept No knitations!
Bloomingtol_. Illinois 61701
Household Wa*ra*lty
abe 190