Disposal of your old appliance (as per e-waste Rules)
1. When this crossed out wheeled bin symbol is depicted on the product and its operator's
manual, it means the product is covered by the e-waste Management and Handling
Rules, 2011 and are meant to be recycled, dismantled, refurbished or disposed off.
2. Do's
a. The product is required be handed over only to the authorized recycler for
b. Keep the product in isolated area, after it becomes non-functional/un-repairable so as to
prevent its accidental breakage.
a. The product should not be opened by the suer himself/herself, but only by authorized service
b. The product is not meant for re-sale to any unauthorized agencies/scrap dealer/kabariwalah.
c. The product is not meant for mixing into household waste stream.
d. Do not keep any replaced spare part(s) from the product in exposed area.
3. Any disposal through unauthorized agencies/person will attract action under Environment
(Protection) Act 1986.
4. Hazards of improper handling or accidental breakage :
a. The refrigerant (R134a) used, if overexposed, might cause dizziness and loss of concentration.
Liquid contact can cause irritation and frostbite. The refrigerant (R600a), squirting out of the
pipes could ignite or cause eye injury.
b. The blowing agent cyclopentane is highly flammable liquid and vapor, harmful to aquatic life.
Contact with liquid may cause cold burns/frost bites. Repeated exposure cause skin dryness.
5. “This product is complied with the requirement of Hazardous Substances as specified under
Rule 13 (1) & (2) of the E-Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2011”.
6. To locate a nearest collection centre or call for pick-up (limited area only) for disposal of this
appliance, please contact Toll Free No. 1800-315-9999 / 1800-180-9999 for details. All collection
centre and pick up facilities are done by third parties with LG electronics India Pvt. Ltd. merely as a
For more detailed information, please visit : http://www.lg.com/in
1. O~ Bg H$mQ>o JE n{h¶o dmbo {~Z H$m {M• {H$gr CnH$aU Am¡a BgHo$ Am°naoQ>a nwpñVH$m Ho$ gmW g§b½Z hmoVm h¢ Vmo BgH$m AW© h¡ {H$ Bgo B©-An{eîQ>
(à~§YZ Am¡a hWmbZ) {Z`_ 2011 Ho$ AÝVJ©V gpå_{bV {H$`m J`m h¡, Am¡a Bgo ZdrZrH$aU, {dKQ>Z Am¡a {ZnQ>mZ Ho$ {bE ~Zm`m J`m h¡ &
2. H$a| -
H$ - CnH$aU H$mo {g\©$ A{YH¥$V nwZ: ZdrZrH$aUH$Vm© H$mo hr {ZnQ>maU H$aUo hoVw hñVm§ÝV[aV H$a| &
I - O~ CnH$aU H$m`©aV Z hmo Vmo Bgo AbJ joÌ _| aI| Vm{H$ CnH$aU go hmoZo dmbr XþK©Q>ZmAm| go ~Mm Om gHo$ &
AnZo nwamZo CnH$aU H$m {ZnQ>mZ (CËnmX B©-An{eîQ> Ho$ AZwgma)
Zm H$a| -
H$ - Bg CnH$aU H$mo ñd`§/IwX Zhr ImobZm Mm{hE & CnH$aU H$mo Ho$db A{YH¥$V A{YH$mar Ho$ Ûmam hr Imobm OmZm Mm{hE &
I - Bg CnH$aU H$mo nwZ: {~H«$s Ho$ {bE {H$gr ^r H$~m‹S>rdbm/^§Jma-dmbm/AZm{YH¥$V g§ñWm H$mo Z X| &
J - Bg CnH$aU H$mo {H$gr Kaoby An{eîQ> gm_mZ Ho$ gmW {_bmH$a Z aI| &
K - CnH$aU Ho$ ~Xbo hþE `m Am§V[aH$ nwaOm| H$mo Iwbo joÌ _| Z aI| &
3. `{X {H$gr AZm{YH¥$V {d^mJ `m ì`pŠV Ho$ Ûmam {ZnQ>maU {H$`m OmVm h¡ Vmo `h n`m©daU (gwajm) Ymam 1986 Ho$ A§VJ©V AmVm h¡ &
4. XþK©Q>ZmJ«ñV Qy>Q> \y$Q> Vwm Aì`d{ñWV aI-aImd go ~Mmd &
H$ - ao\«$sOaoÝQ> (R134a) `{X gånH©$ _| A{YH$ AmVm h¡ Vm|, MŠH$a AmZm d EH$mJ«Vm _| ~mYm CËnÝZ hmo gH$Vr h¡, Vab nXmW© H$m grYm gånH©$, erVX§e d ObZ
H$m H$maU hmo gH$Vm h¡ & Bgr àH$ma ao\«$sOaoÝQ> (R600a) H$m nmB©nm| go [agmd hmoZo go AmJ bJ gH$Vr h¡ Vwm Am±Io ^r Iam~ hmo gH$Vr h¡ &
I - gmBŠbmonoÝQ>oZ AË`ÝV ÁdbZerb Vab d ~mînr` hmoZo Ho$ H$maU C{ÕV OrdZ Ho$ {bE H$m\$s ZwŠgmZ Xoh hmo gH$Vm h¡ & Vab nXmW© Ho$ gånH©$ _| AmZo na
R>ÊS>r ObZ VWm ~ma ~ma gånH©$ _| AmZo go ËdMm ewîH$ hmo gH$Vr h¡ &
5. `h CËnmX B©-An{eîQ> (à~§YZ Am¡a hWmbZ) {Z`_ 2011 Ho$ AÝVJ©V 13(1) Ed§ (2) Ho$ VhV {Z{X©îQ> IVaZmH$ nXmWm] H$s Amdí`H$Vm H$m nmbZ H$aVm h¡ &
6. CnamoŠV nXmWm] Ho$ {ZnQ>maU Ho$ {bE ZOXrH$s {ZnQ>maU g§ñWmZ (g§H$sU© joÌ) _| H$m°b H$a| & A{YH$ OmZH$mar Ho$ {bE h_mao Q>mob \«$s Z§~a 1800-315-9999 /
1800-180-9999 na H$m°b H$a|, g^r g§J«hU Ho$ÝÐ d {nH$-An H$s gw{dYmE± {H$gr WS>©-nmQ>u Omo LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. H$mo AnZr godmE§ àXmZ
H$a ahr hm|, go H$admE§ &
Á`mXm OmZH$mar Ho$ {bE XoI| do~gmBQ> : http://www.lg.com/in