universal douglas WL-TR40W22-A-D-AB-50 TRK Retrofit Kit Manuel utilisateur

  • Bonjour, je suis votre assistant. J'ai examiné les instructions d'installation du kit de modernisation LED TRK 14049400 de Universal Douglas. Ce document détaille les étapes de l'installation, les avertissements de sécurité, et la liste des composants inclus. J'ai noté que le kit est adapté aux emplacements humides et est compatible avec les luminaires existants. Je suis prêt à répondre à vos questions concernant ce kit d'éclairage.
  • Dois-je déconnecter l'alimentation avant l'installation ?
    Ce kit est-il compatible avec les gradateurs à coupure de phase ?
    Quels sont les éléments inclus dans ce kit ?
    Où puis-je installer ce kit ?
Universal Lighting Technologies
Disconnectpower before installation.
attempt installation. Product must be installed in accordance with NEC
or your local electrical code. If you are not familiarwith these codes and
ATTENTION-Risque d’incendie ou de choc électrique. L’installation du kit upgrade
LEDexige Ia connaissancedes systèmes électriques pour luminaires. Sinon qualif,
ne tentez pasd’installation. Ce produit doit être installé conformément àNECouvotre
code électrique local. Si vous n’êtes pas familier avec ces codes et ces exigences,
veuillezcontacter unélectricienqualifié.
Checktheexistingwiring for damage
before Installing upgrade kit.Do not installif existing wires are damaged.
ATTENTION-Risqued’incendie oude choc électrique.rifier sileblageexistant
n’est pas endommagéavant l’installation du kit upgrade LED.Ne pas installersi des
filssont endommas.
Luminairewiring and electrical partsmay
be damagedwhen drilling for installation of the LEDupgrade kit.Check
for enclosed wiring and components.
To prevent wiring damage or abrasion, do
not expose wires to theedge of sheet metalor any other sharpobjects.
ATTENTION-Pouréviter lests de blagepar l’abrasion, ne pas mettre en contact
lesfilsélectriques avecdes bords de tôle ou d’autres objets pointus.
14049400 Rev. 4
Installthis kit onlyinluminairesthat have
the construction features and dimensions shown in the photographs and/
ATTENTION-Risque d’incendie ou de choc électrique. lnstallez ce kit seulementdans
les luminaires qui ont les caractéristiques de construction et les dimensions dans les
photographies ou lesdessins de Ia page suivante.
Seulementlestrous indiquésdans lesphotographies ou lesdessinspeuvent être faits
oualtés pour l’installation du kit upgrade LED.Ne laissezaucun trou ouvertdans le
ATTENTION-Risque d’incendie ou de choc électrique. Câblage électriques peuvent
être endommas Iors du peage pour l’installation du kit upgrade LED.rifier les
filset composants.
(1) Reflector housingwith installeddriver and module
(1)Fixturecontrollersif applicable
(2) Lens
(3) Suspensioncableswith mounting scr ews
(2) Leveler brackets
(2)Gap Bracketsforoptionaluse
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www.universaldouglas.com 12/01/21
Universal Lighting Technologies
14049400 Rev. 4
:Disconnectpower to thefixture. Removeexisting
components frominsidethe fixture, includingtheballast,
lampholders,and lampholder leads.
:Drill2holes for#8 screw into inside pan of thefixture.
Holesshouldbe on thecenter axis 2” from theouter
edge of thehousingto mount thesuspensioncable.
:Mount thetwo suspensioncableswith the 90°Eyelets
crimpedon asteel cable atinside of thefixture.
:Pull the steel cablesdown by holding the reflector so that
thekit is flushwith the fixture.
: Insert the steel cables through the cable grips that are
installedon thereflector(driver side)and thentighten the
cables,sothe reflectorisin positionto connect power.
Thereflectorpanel is grounded to thefixturehousingby
the steel cable assemblies.
:Connect the power leads.
:Tucktheremainingsteelcablethrough holesprovided so
:Install the two leveler brackets at each end between the
grid and thefixture to ensurethat thefixture remains level.
Optional: Install gap brackets between the grid and the
fixtureinthelong directionto covertheopenings.
:Bendthe flat lensinto positiontofitthelenschannel.
:Poweron the fixture
To lower thereflectorforany maintenance pull
down the tiny knob on the wire grips so the steel cable
willreleasethe reflector
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Universal Lighting Technologies
14049400 Rev. 4
Usethe wiring diagramto connectthe emergencydriver to the driver and modules.Makesureall
connections are in accordance with the NationalElectrical Codeand any localregulations.
After installation is complete,supplyAC power to the emergencydriver and join the
converter connector.
Atthis point,power shouldbe connectedto both the AC driver and theemergencydriver, and
the ChargingIndicator Light shouldilluminateindicatingthe battery ischarging.
Ashort-term dischargetestmaybe conducted afterthe emergencydriver has been charged for
one hour. Chargefor 24 hours before conductingalong-termdischargetest.
IfNO switchis used (circuitbreaker control only), Jumperthe White/Redand Orange/Black Leads
together and connectto HOT.
Failure to connecttheWHITE/REDLead will prevent normal operation of the Luminaire
During normal operation AC power is applied and the converter connector is closed, the charging indicator
light is illuminated, indicating that the battery is being charged. When power fails, the emergency LED
driver automatically switches to emergency power (internal battery), operating the LED load for a
minimum of 90 minutes.WhenAC power isrestored, theemergencydriver returnsto thechargingmode.
Although no routinemaintenance is requiredto keep the emergencydriver functional, it shouldbe
checked periodicallyto ensurethat it isworking.The following schedule isrecommended:
1. Visually inspect the chargingindicatorlight monthly.It should be illuminated.
2. Testthe emergency operation of the fixture at 30-day intervals for aminimumof 30 seconds.The
LED loadshouldoperateat reducedillumination.
3. Conduct a90-minute dischargetestonceayear.The LEDload shouldoperateat reduced
illumination for at least 90 minutes.
Retrofit Kitwith 0-10V Dimming connection
Retrofit Kit with Bluetooth Controls
0-10V Dimmer
(if equipped)
Hot (Line)to BlackLead
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Switched Hot to White/RedLead
Converter Connector Leads Connected
www.universaldouglas.com 12/01/21