The wearing of safety glasses and gloves is recommended since a few diagnosis procedures may require the
unit to be in operation while proceeding. Be careful with moving and live parts to prevent any risk of injury.
E01 Supply damper range STEP 1: Unplug unit, inspect the damper system, remove any undesirable
obstacle or dirt (fi lters and core may have to be removed to access the
damper system). Plug unit.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E02 Supply damper timeout
E03 Supply damper
E05 Exhaust damper range
E06 Exhaust damper timeout
E07 Exhaust damper
E09 Recirculation damper range
E10 Recirculation damper timeout
E11 Recirculation damper
E22 Supply (fresh) airfl ow STEP 1: Unplug the unit. Perform a visual inspection of the supply damper
system. Clean fi lters, distribution registers and outside supply hood. Inspect
ducting to ensure it is not squeezed or bent. Plug the unit.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, perform STEP 2: Unplug unit and remove
ducting of the supply path. Replug the unit. On the wall control, select MAX
to check if the error code disappeared. If so, review the ducting path.
If STEP 2 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E23 Supply motor (drive over current) STEP 1: Unplug/plug unit.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, perform STEP 2: Unplug the unit. Remove
core and clear the ventilation wheel from any dirt or obstacles. Place back
the core, close the door and plug the unit.
If STEP 2 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E27 Supply motor (drive foc duration)
E28 Supply motor (drive speed feedback)
E29 Supply motor (startup)
E24 Supply motor (drive over voltage) STEP 1: Unplug/plug unit. Under and over voltage may be detected with
severe in-house power supply fl uctuation and stop the motor for protection.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E25 Supply motor (drive under voltage)
E26 Supply motor (drive over temp) STEP 1: Validate if the air exchanger is exposed to ambient temperatures
within the operating limits (see section 2.3)
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E32 Exhaust (stale) airfl ow STEP 1: Unplug the unit. Perform a visual inspection of the exhaust damper
system. Clean fi lters, distribution registers and outside supply hood. Inspect
ducting to ensure it is not squeezed or bent. Plug the unit.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, perform STEP 2: Unplug unit and remove
ducting of the supply path. Replug the unit. On the wall control, select MAX
to check if the error code disappeared. If so, review the ducting path.
If STEP 2 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E33 Exhaust motor (drive over current) STEP 1: Unplug/plug unit.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, perform STEP 2: Unplug the unit. Remove
core and clear the ventilation wheel from any dirt or obstacles. Place back
the core, close the door and plug the unit.
If STEP 2 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E37 Exhaust motor (drive foc duration)
E38 Exhaust motor (drive speed
E39 Exhaust motor (startup)
E34 Exhaust motor (drive over voltage) STEP 1: Unplug/plug unit. Under and over voltage may be detected with
severe in-house power supply fl uctuation and stop the motor for protection.
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
E35 Exhaust motor (drive under voltage)
E36 Exhaust motor (drive over temp) STEP 1: Validate if the air exchanger is exposed to ambiant temperatures
within the operating limits (see section 2.3)
If STEP 1 did not fi x the problem, contact customer service.
When the unit detects an error, the corresponding error code displays on the LCD screen.